34:24 Remember this during the Three Days of Darkness; Many will also hear relatives, friends and neighbours crying, screaming and knocking at their doors when fire will fall from the heavens, just as Noah and his family heard their friends, relatives, etc crying and knocking on the Ark's doors when the flood began. Only, those will not be men, but demons trying to fool us into opening the doors, disobeying to God's warnings not to do so; *NOBODY* outside will have survived, and we will have to remind this to ourselves throughout the ordeal. Remember to pray, light a blessed candle, and have faith in God's mercy.
@@larsonc97 you should never test an evil spirit or demon. Demons know the bible and prayers backwards and forwards and can even appear to be an angel or loved ones.
The supposed end of the 'year of mercy' is quite ominous, a sign by the Vatican, for good or bad, over the 100th anniversay of the Miracle of Fatima. We should use this as a great incentive to repent and stay in grace. May God bless you all.
Can anyone name this Priest? I think he is one I saw on EWTN (based on voice and speaking style) but I can't remember the title of the show. How can we look up more of his sermons? Thank you for this excellent resource!
I have not heard from this priest in a while. This must be a recent homily as it references the end of the year of mercy, but the latest sermon found on romans10seventeen is from 2014. Does anyone know where his recent sermons can be found? Thanks you.
Glad to hear him call out the bishops and priests for how they downplay Fatima. I dont remember ever learning about it in church, especially the photographic and eyewitness evidence. Its very compelling, especially since it was foretold by the young children.
I am writing this on February 6, 2020 and what he says around the 21:00 mark is why we should be very careful about applying prophecies to what we see on the news. It is a temptation for all of us because we live in such unstable and chaotic times and we wish to see them resolved. Something big is obviously coming but when and where and how we do not know. In the meantime we need to live the message of Fatima and dedicate our lives to making reparation to the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of our Mother and this will help mitigate what is surely headed our way. And just for the record the Mother of God did not actually relay God's request for the Holy Father and all the Bishops to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart until the summer of 1929, so we are not at the hundred year mark for that yet at this moment but we shall see...
@@intedominesperavi6036 All sins are first and foremost against God because God is the absolute source of everything, of all life and of all law. Mary is a creature wholly dependent on God who does nothing apart from God. I just want to make that clear if you are new to this. That being said God willed that the Eternal Word should take his flesh from the Virgin Mary in the Person of Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary is the flesh and the human nature of Jesus Christ. So I would say, and this is my opinion since I am not certain that any of this has ever been solemnly defined by the Church in any form or fashion, that sins that particularly affect the flesh i.e. the sexual sins are particularly offensive to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But more than that all of the blasphemies against the Incarnation in our time i.e. the almost universal false contemporary belief that the Gospel account of the Life of Jesus Christ is historical fiction or some sort of pious fairy tale and therefore that her divine Son is not a real Person and the almost universal even among traditionalists refusal of the Catholic hierarchy and clergy in our time to do anything to attack the foundations of this false belief is a major blasphemy against her Immaculate Heart which, as Saint Leo the Great preached long ago, is the source of her 'fiat' the consent of her will that God required for Jesus Christ our Redeemer and our Savior to come into the world. These are my opinions. Be well and please say a Hail Mary for me.
@@erics7992 Thank you. Yeah, I also think that all sins go against God, and while writing I was thinking something like "One can't sin against a creature." But this is clearly wrong. :D So while writing this, I also remembered the Parable of the Lost Son, and how he says that he has sinned against his Father and against God - even if none of his past sins where aimed at his father directly. I could see how sexual sins would be especially offensive to Mary. God bless!
The prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima do echo out to us all in the modern 21st century and what are the prophecies telling us? I think the prophecies are telling us that we need to clean up our act and make sincere repentance for our sins and put a stop to our wars and fighting. And try to make peace with each other. If we don't, there's going to be dire repercussions.
I think he spoke against Medjugordje but I am a firm believer in the miracles happening there and the messages our Blessed Mother is giving us. The Church has not declared one way or the other. It has to wait till there are no more happenings or maybe till one of the secrets comes to fruition. I do not see anything that goes against Church teaching, in fact, visitors are stronger and more faithful and tend to appreciate all the Sacraments, especially Holy Communion and Confession.
Fatima is officially approved by church....medjugorie is still NOT.. priest shd NOT b publicly preaching on what the church has not approved....we must always yield to mother church to guide us in truth.
See my post above from today, Feb 10th 2017. I corrected some of the priest anti-Medjugorje statements. He is a good priest but fails to understand Medjugorje.
I totally disagree with his statement about Medjagorje!!! It’s a séance??? It’s of the devil/ Satan?? There have been too many testimonies and too many conversion stories that I don’t believe Satan would want to be a part of! That was very disappointing to hear ….
Some websites say the photograph of the globe was taken a few years after 1917 and was a reconstruction of what occurred. The photo was not published in any newspaper in 1917.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness, Fr Wolf. You are a breath of fresh air! FINALLY! Pray for our Church, that God will save us from Francis, the Destroyer of the Faith. I fear that he is the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation.
Steven Dalpe Don't let your emotions get in the way of a sound judgment. Keep using the sacramentals of the rosary,brown Scapular. Ignore what is beyond your control. Pray for pope Francis
No that is not what " the priest" said. First and foremost, the office of a priest is not mentioned in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth is that the catholic church doctrine of priests as intercessors betweem man and God is antichrist. Jesus Christ is our intercessor and His obedient sheep are all priests unto God. The catholic church is indeed the great harlot for placing herself between God and man thereby attempting to place herself as an intercessor which diminishes the effect of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
Jesus Himself prophesied the end of the world. The catholic church follows another spirit when seeking Mary for their answers. An evil spirit ! Trust Jesus ! Not a human woman.
And that's what this priest has just said unless you weren't watching the video plus which among your 30,000 bible alone sects each preaching different gospels that are at most 500 years old with no trace to Jesus and his apostles???
How can anyone be so naive to believe in what some others had 'seen' without verifying if indeed they seen demonic👽, even Satanic 👺 manifestations.😲 Please read 2 Thess2:7-11.
' to say that demons and angels don't exist merely because you don't see them is to say you don't sleep because you don't see yourself sleeping St Thomas Aquinas So Billy, do you sleep?..
Lol, only to the ignorant and unlearned. Also, Catholic doctrine isn’t based on man made English translations of scripture, written hundreds of years after Jesus died on the cross, unlike all of Protestant doctrine. It’s based on an understanding of the original language and the teachings of the apostles that wrote half of it, the new half that is. Tell me how it is that you believe that the KJV is somehow superior, being it is a version of the Bible that only exists because of adultery.
It's simply not, there are many many inaccuracies and inconsistencies with the KJV, just google it, any rational, objective look at the facts about the KJV proves it's not accurate or shall we say the most accurate.
Kjv is based on a 13th century bysantine text. Rather late in terms of available texts from the 4th n 5th century. The 1st edition of the kjv contained ALL of the books of th OT. It became a truly protestant bible with the 2nd edition printed by presbyterian printers in switzerland.
Fatima was only seen by one person in their imagination, the rest have seen it by looking at the sun, this is what happens when you look directly at the sun. Even the priests tried to stop these superstitious people to no avail. Now the superstition prevails, they should go and read what the apostle Paul had to say about superstition. Greek for superstition means "paying reverence to demons"
vivacristo rey All you need to do for that result is to look at the SUN. No Mary nothing just the SUN. Go and read the Bible for your own sake and stop letting Lucifer deceive you or you will find yourself in hell.
The sun does not normally look like it is spinning round or as though it is falling from the sky - nor do the coats of thousands of people suddenly become dry like that. HOWEVER. .since the Bible unambiguously states Mary had Sex after she gave birth to Jesus - this entity seen in Fatima was not the "virgin" Mary. .It was a demonic spirit masquerading as 'Mary'. This event was the most spectacular display of Satanic power in modern times.
bud ekins ...you have no idea what you are doing by making comments like this. Mary was a temple of the New Covenant. She was undefiled and remained that way, just like the Ark of the Covenant. I suggest you stay off Catholic videos seeking information and trolling.
Remember this during the Three Days of Darkness; Many will also hear relatives, friends and neighbours crying, screaming and knocking at their doors when fire will fall from the heavens, just as Noah and his family heard their friends, relatives, etc crying and knocking on the Ark's doors when the flood began. Only, those will not be men, but demons trying to fool us into opening the doors, disobeying to God's warnings not to do so; *NOBODY* outside will have survived, and we will have to remind this to ourselves throughout the ordeal.
Remember to pray, light a blessed candle, and have faith in God's mercy.
One way to test this would be to have them say "Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary" or something similar
@@larsonc97 you should never test an evil spirit or demon. Demons know the bible and prayers backwards and forwards and can even appear to be an angel or loved ones.
This talk is so relevant for our time right now!!!!
I wish I could meet this holy priest.
The photos of the Miracle of the sun are fantastic! I've never seen most of them before! Thank you, God bless you!
Where did thIs priest go? I haven't heard his voice for quite sometime, I sure miss him.
Our Lady of Fatima - PLEASE PRAY FOR US!!!
He was silenced by his Bishop
@@jeffkeenan5059I don't think so. I heard he voluntarily wanted to live out the rest of his time in holy silence.
Speaking from 2022 spring.
....Father's words about entering into God"s justice are prophetic and being born out.
The supposed end of the 'year of mercy' is quite ominous, a sign by the Vatican, for good or bad, over the 100th anniversay of the Miracle of Fatima. We should use this as a great incentive to repent and stay in grace. May God bless you all.
Can anyone name this Priest? I think he is one I saw on EWTN (based on voice and speaking style) but I can't remember the title of the show. How can we look up more of his sermons? Thank you for this excellent resource!
Does anyone know who the priest is? So inspiring 💙
I have not heard from this priest in a while. This must be a recent homily as it references the end of the year of mercy, but the latest sermon found on romans10seventeen is from 2014. Does anyone know where his recent sermons can be found? Thanks you.
Epic Michael SoundCloud Fatima Portugal page
Thanks for the quick response:)
Epic Michael I would have typed the same response...so blessed to hear this priest again!!!
Sensus Fidelium if someone were to have sold their soul is it possible to get it back?
Who is this priest?
"And then it started raining..." (37:00): brilliant and terrifying.
Glad to hear him call out the bishops and priests for how they downplay Fatima. I dont remember ever learning about it in church, especially the photographic and eyewitness evidence. Its very compelling, especially since it was foretold by the young children.
Can anyone tell me who is this priest? the name OR where can I find more sermons Of him
Thank you very much
God bless you
(+ We adore Thee O Lord as our first beginning and aspire after Thee as our last end..........)
So important and sadly, so few views.I am considering consecrating myself to Our Blessed Lady.
My dear friend, there is nothing to consider. Do it now. Our Lady is a loving mother - there is nothing to lose.
There is plenty to consider. It is a vow to Heaven. I will continue to pray for guidance in this regard. It is a big big commitment.
Also, do the consecration to Saint Joseph! Father callaway has a book with a formula to do so. It is excellent!
I am writing this on February 6, 2020 and what he says around the 21:00 mark is why we should be very careful about applying prophecies to what we see on the news. It is a temptation for all of us because we live in such unstable and chaotic times and we wish to see them resolved. Something big is obviously coming but when and where and how we do not know. In the meantime we need to live the message of Fatima and dedicate our lives to making reparation to the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of our Mother and this will help mitigate what is surely headed our way. And just for the record the Mother of God did not actually relay God's request for the Holy Father and all the Bishops to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart until the summer of 1929, so we are not at the hundred year mark for that yet at this moment but we shall see...
Hi, I'm someone who is quite new to Catholicism.
What are Sins against Mary?
@@intedominesperavi6036 All sins are first and foremost against God because God is the absolute source of everything, of all life and of all law. Mary is a creature wholly dependent on God who does nothing apart from God. I just want to make that clear if you are new to this.
That being said God willed that the Eternal Word should take his flesh from the Virgin Mary in the Person of Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary is the flesh and the human nature of Jesus Christ. So I would say, and this is my opinion since I am not certain that any of this has ever been solemnly defined by the Church in any form or fashion, that sins that particularly affect the flesh i.e. the sexual sins are particularly offensive to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But more than that all of the blasphemies against the Incarnation in our time i.e. the almost universal false contemporary belief that the Gospel account of the Life of Jesus Christ is historical fiction or some sort of pious fairy tale and therefore that her divine Son is not a real Person and the almost universal even among traditionalists refusal of the Catholic hierarchy and clergy in our time to do anything to attack the foundations of this false belief is a major blasphemy against her Immaculate Heart which, as Saint Leo the Great preached long ago, is the source of her 'fiat' the consent of her will that God required for Jesus Christ our Redeemer and our Savior to come into the world. These are my opinions. Be well and please say a Hail Mary for me.
@@erics7992 Thank you.
Yeah, I also think that all sins go against God, and while writing I was thinking something like "One can't sin against a creature." But this is clearly wrong. :D
So while writing this, I also remembered the Parable of the Lost Son, and how he says that he has sinned against his Father and against God - even if none of his past sins where aimed at his father directly.
I could see how sexual sins would be especially offensive to Mary.
God bless!
what's this Catholic priest name? where's he from?
miss girl M Father Chad Ripperger he is a very good teacher.
miss girl M Thank you David for clarifying my mistake!
miss girl M You can also go to reginaprophetarum.org for additional sermons
i believe they want to b anonymous
@@edwardbowers7273 idk who this is but is not fr Ripperger. I wanna know his name too
The prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima do echo out to us all in the modern 21st century and what are the prophecies telling us? I think the prophecies are telling us that we need to clean up our act and make sincere repentance for our sins and put a stop to our wars and fighting. And try to make peace with each other. If we don't, there's going to be dire repercussions.
AMEN ❤✝️🙏✝️
⚜️Sao Nuno de Santa Maria ⚜️The First Miracle of Fatima 1385
Forgive me if I missed it but I didn't catch anything about Medjugordje?
I think he spoke against Medjugordje but I am a firm believer in the miracles happening there and the messages our Blessed Mother is giving us. The Church has not declared one way or the other. It has to wait till there are no more happenings or maybe till one of the secrets comes to fruition. I do not see anything that goes against Church teaching, in fact, visitors are stronger and more faithful and tend to appreciate all the Sacraments, especially Holy Communion and Confession.
Fatima is officially approved by church....medjugorie is still NOT.. priest shd NOT b publicly preaching on what the church has not approved....we must always yield to mother church to guide us in truth.
See my post above from today, Feb 10th 2017. I corrected some of the priest anti-Medjugorje statements. He is a good priest but fails to understand Medjugorje.
@@ourladyofmedjugorje-queeno2904 false apparition
@@melmckenna4599 ?
It is rather difficult to follow as Father speaks too fast. It is obvious he is trying to fit in so much.
It's happening in our lifetime
Historical Event!
Shame on those who ignore the evidences on purpose, preferring to keep their lives of sin.
Day of mercy ends today ,is a wrong statement to make only God can give or take away his mercy and graces ,
I totally disagree with his statement about Medjagorje!!! It’s a séance??? It’s of the devil/ Satan?? There have been too many testimonies and too many conversion stories that I don’t believe Satan would want to be a part of! That was very disappointing to hear ….
Some websites say the photograph of the globe was taken a few years after 1917 and was a reconstruction of what occurred. The photo was not published in any newspaper in 1917.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness, Fr Wolf. You are a breath of fresh air! FINALLY! Pray for our Church, that God will save us from Francis, the Destroyer of the Faith. I fear that he is the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation.
Steven Dalpe
Don't let your emotions get in the way of a sound judgment. Keep using the sacramentals of the rosary,brown Scapular. Ignore what is beyond your control. Pray for pope Francis
No that is not what " the priest" said. First and foremost, the office of a priest is not mentioned in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth is that the catholic church doctrine of priests as intercessors betweem man and God is antichrist. Jesus Christ is our intercessor and His obedient sheep are all priests unto God. The catholic church is indeed the great harlot for placing herself between God and man thereby attempting to place herself as an intercessor which diminishes the effect of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
Jesus Himself prophesied the end of the world. The catholic church follows another spirit when seeking Mary for their answers. An evil spirit ! Trust Jesus ! Not a human woman.
And that's what this priest has just said unless you weren't watching the video plus which among your 30,000 bible alone sects each preaching different gospels that are at most 500 years old with no trace to Jesus and his apostles???
why do you all masjugorje a seounce
How can anyone be so naive to believe in what some others had 'seen' without verifying if indeed they seen demonic👽, even Satanic 👺 manifestations.😲 Please read 2 Thess2:7-11.
you are silly
' to say that demons and angels don't exist merely because you don't see them is to say you don't sleep because you don't see yourself sleeping
St Thomas Aquinas
So Billy, do you sleep?..
Infinite Wisdom The K.J. version is a much more accurate Bible.
Not at all.
Lol, only to the ignorant and unlearned. Also, Catholic doctrine isn’t based on man made English translations of scripture, written hundreds of years after Jesus died on the cross, unlike all of Protestant doctrine. It’s based on an understanding of the original language and the teachings of the apostles that wrote half of it, the new half that is.
Tell me how it is that you believe that the KJV is somehow superior, being it is a version of the Bible that only exists because of adultery.
It's simply not, there are many many inaccuracies and inconsistencies with the KJV, just google it, any rational, objective look at the facts about the KJV proves it's not accurate or shall we say the most accurate.
Kjv is based on a 13th century bysantine text. Rather late in terms of available texts from the 4th n 5th century. The 1st edition of the kjv contained ALL of the books of th OT. It became a truly protestant bible with the 2nd edition printed by presbyterian printers in switzerland.
Fatima was only seen by one person in their imagination, the rest have seen it by looking at the sun, this is what happens when you look directly at the sun. Even the priests tried to stop these superstitious people to no avail. Now the superstition prevails, they should go and read what the apostle Paul had to say about superstition. Greek for superstition means "paying reverence to demons"
lies....if u don't believe it...something similar just happened THIS MAY.....google it...sun fatima may 2016 on youtube
vivacristo rey All you need to do for that result is to look at the SUN. No Mary nothing just the SUN. Go and read the Bible for your own sake and stop letting Lucifer deceive you or you will find yourself in hell.
The sun does not normally look like it is spinning round or as though it is falling from the sky - nor do the coats of thousands of people suddenly become dry like that. HOWEVER. .since the Bible unambiguously states Mary had Sex after she gave birth to Jesus - this entity seen in Fatima was not the "virgin" Mary. .It was a demonic spirit masquerading as 'Mary'. This event was the most spectacular display of Satanic power in modern times.
bud ekins ...you have no idea what you are doing by making comments like this. Mary was a temple of the New Covenant. She was undefiled and remained that way, just like the Ark of the Covenant. I suggest you stay off Catholic videos seeking information and trolling.
Captain G ...stay off Catholic videos. Your comments will be tagged.