Stockhausen rejected this piece immediately after completion because he found it was oriented on an obvious musical theme. Two decades later, in 1970 he composed "Mantra", which brought this thematicism back, and from then on, most of his works followed the "formula" technique of composition. The name "Formel" is from 1971, when he noticed that this piece (originally called "Studie") contained the elements of his new style. (Personally, I like his athematicist works of the fifties better).
Withdrawn without performance at the time on grounds of its being "much too thematic" for those abstract days. Only after composing Mantra in 1970 "did it become clear to me that all the features of MANTRA had already announced themselves in FORMEL for orchestra" and the work get resurrected.
Who's the artist that painted the running horse? Love this piece. Amazing it took so long before it was premiered. Stockhausen was a stickler for detail.
Stockhausen rejected this piece immediately after completion because he found it was oriented on an obvious musical theme. Two decades later, in 1970 he composed "Mantra", which brought this thematicism back, and from then on, most of his works followed the "formula" technique of composition. The name "Formel" is from 1971, when he noticed that this piece (originally called "Studie") contained the elements of his new style.
(Personally, I like his athematicist works of the fifties better).
Might as well say you like the amusical work better.
The reoccurring theme reminds me of Zappa, oddly enough but there are many Messiaen and Webernisms in this. Great early piece!
Right on point. I could feel Zappa's "The Perfect Stranger".
Definitely Zappa!
Nice piece, quite traditional. Reminds me a little of Schönberg's op. 16.
Thanks !
Best composer
What technique is used to compose this? It is so beautiful.
Hope this Will help
Aren't we all projectors at our core? Always blaming everyone for our own misfortunes.
We roll, as film.
Too bad he didn't keep making music like this.
Штокхаузен умеет делать приятно.
Withdrawn without performance at the time on grounds of its being "much too thematic" for those abstract days. Only after composing Mantra in 1970 "did it become clear to me that all the features of MANTRA had already announced themselves in FORMEL for orchestra" and the work get resurrected.
Sections of sections.
The Picture is from Carlo Carrà not from Luigi De Giudici(?), of the top right is the signature. Thy
Who's the artist that painted the running horse? Love this piece. Amazing it took so long before it was premiered. Stockhausen was a stickler for detail.
C. D. Cuzza. A Spanísh geezer.
That comment about the picture is like seeing a brilliant film at the cinema and then asking "Who's the projectionist?"
Luigi De Giudici from the Italian movement of Futurists
As insane as Kreuzspiel lol