For who font know that it a abonded church from 1300s you can hear noises of yelling and crying and at night u will see a baby pig 🐷 who ill try to kill you just kidding not a baby pig but a human baby because in 1300s Denmark got a big fight here for rich and poor plots which made so many death and the last a new born baby got the baddest death ss he was the last one people chopped him in peices and placed the part in every part of house if ur going to denmark make sure to visit it and explore the horrific backstory of it 😢😢
For who font know that it a abonded church from 1300s you can hear noises of yelling and crying and at night u will see a baby pig 🐷 who ill try to kill you just kidding not a baby pig but a human baby because in 1300s Denmark got a big fight here for rich and poor plots which made so many death and the last a new born baby got the baddest death ss he was the last one people chopped him in peices and placed the part in every part of house if ur going to denmark make sure to visit it and explore the horrific backstory of it 😢😢