지성이는 팬들이 효자돌이라고 하는 말에 이렇게 말했죠.. “효자? 제가 왜 효자예요 저는 이기적인 애죠 왜냐면 저는 (브이앱) 켜고 싶을 때만 켜잖아요” 또 다른 곳에서는... 팬분이 반말해줘 라는 말에.. “약간 반말하면 예의 없어보이지 않아요? 괜찮아?” 빼앰~~!~!~!~!!
진짜 너무ㅜㅜㅡㅜㅜㅜ 말을 너무 예쁘게 해서.. 보그 인터뷰에서 한 말들도 다 너무 감동이고 그리고 그저께 브이앱에 제가 단단한 사람인건 시즈니라는 벽이 있어서 단단할 수 있다였나 그런 말도 했었는데 진짜 눈물 줄줄 흐름,,, 지성이 어머님 아버님 지성이 낳아주셔서 감사합니다 정말
수능이 끝나고 두유람 엔시티 편 영상을 하나하나 챙겨보고 있는데, 제 최애, 지성이를 소개해 주시다니!! 정말 탁월한 선택이십니다. 제 청소년 시기 때부터 지금까지 힘들 때 힘을 주고 15살 때부터 함께해 온 지성이라 그런지 더욱 특별하고 뭉클하게 느껴지는 것 같아요. 면접 보러 가기 전에도 이 영상 꼭 다시 보고 힘을 얻어 가야겠어요. 지성이는 카드 결제 후 싸인 할 때 점 하나만 찍는다고 해요. 치약은 중간부터 짜고요! 눈을 맞는 것보단 눈을 구경하는 걸 좋아하는 우리 지성이! 요거트 뚜껑에 묻은 요거트도 안 먹고요, 샤워하면서 춤을 춘다고 해요! 지성이는 코도 오똑하니 예뻐서 날카로운 콧대에 손을 가져다 대면 베일 것 같지 않나요?? 드림 형들과는 정말 친형제처럼 친한 사이지만 다른 멤버들과는 어사인 우리 지성이~ 팥붕을 슈붕보다 좋아하지만 슈붕을 좋아하는 시즈니들도 이해한다고 하네요,,,, 박지성 덕질하면 나재민이지요! 우리 나나는 지성이를 너무 좋아해서 새벽에 지성이가 만두 먹고 싶다는 말에 군만두와 물만두를 해 주었다고 하네요. 팬들이 연애하자 결혼하자고 하면 항상 시즈니들 팔에 수갑을 채우는 지성이! 벌써 커서 성인이 되다니,,, 박지성 절대 고4해! 사실 진짜 팬 사랑은 박지성이라고 할 정도로 팬에 대한 사랑이 특별한 우리 지성이! 지성이랑 같은 나이지만 지성이가 열심히 하는 모습 보고 힘도 많이 얻었고, 동기부여도 되었던 것 같아요. 많이 힘들고 지칠 때도 있었겠지만 버텨준 우리 지성이 너무 대견하다. 우리 지성이 영상 만들어 주셔서 정말 감사합니다~ 어디 계신지 모르지만 절 받으세요! 그리고 엔시티 박지성 많이 사랑해주세요! 감사합니다~(항상 댓글에 좋아요 꼭 눌러주시는데 감동 먹었잖아요,,,ㅎㅎ 즐거운 연말 보내세요!
Fun facts about Jisung: *He never did his own laundry *He once woke up Jaemin just to say he's hungry and demand for a baguette at 3 am *He loves Jaemin's bed so much *He was afraid by cockroaches but not now *He doesn't have a favorite hyung. Whenever he was asked, he'll answer someone who did something for him the day before. Example: Chenle who cooked for him yesterday *He isn't sure if he's supposed to wash vegetables using detergent or not *He was the one who suggest Chenle to not use proper talk because he's just a few months younger than Chenle *Jisung and Chenle has their own show called "Chenji this and that" and they're coming to 2 seasons now *Jisung said he won't show his abs until he's 25 *Jaemin adore Jisung so much *Jisung always woke up his hyungs because he wanted to eat but he doesn't want to eat alone *Jisung is afraid of cuteness *He's an introvert *He once went to Shanghai with Chenle in an Chenji this and that episode *He was scolded by his choreo teacher because they were doing suprise birthday *Jisung once danced with Wendy in idol room *Jisung's really look up to Taemin Shinee That's all I can say~
@@ladoodoo8033 even though you didn't know his MBTI you can tell he really is because of how he acts when there's so many people around him aside from his members....he drop out of his school because the school can't protect him from noonas who's bothering him...
지성이는 팬들을 챙기는 만큼 많은 고민을 하는 멤버에요, 팬들과 자주 소통을 하면서 웃은 모습을 보이곤 하지만 지성이를 볼때면 마음 한구석이 찡하게 아파오곤 해요..ㅠㅠ 형들보다 많게는 8살 빨리 사회생활을 시작했음에도 불구하고 눈치도 많이보고 조심성이 몸에 묻어있어요. 그리고 201208 지성이의 브이앱에서 자신의 얼굴을 한번도 잘생겼다고 생각해본적이 없다는 망언을 하기도 했어요(올해 최고의 망언.) 자신이 감당할 수 없는 일들이 있었던 것 같아요... 그러나 지성이는 그 자체로 완벽한데 말이죠...웃겨 증말...ㅡㅡ^... 내년이면 지성이가 성인이되는 해인데 올해도 잘 마무리하고 무릎도 건강해졌으면 좋겠어요 ... 지성이는 존재자체로 시즈니들의 자부심이고 행복이에요💚 언젠가 지성이를 지금보다 더 멀리서 지켜볼 날이 오더라도 항상 지성이를 응원할 것 같아요. 누구보다 단단하고 노력하는 아이니까요. 지성아 너를 좋아하는 사람은 너가 생각하는 것 이상으로 많을 거야. 지금까지 너가 우리에게 보여준 만큼 사랑과 응원으로 보답할게, 너무 힘들때 우리 서로 얘기하기로 약속했잖아, 고마워~💚 P.S. 박지성 군대 안 갈 방법 찾았다 2024 파리 올림픽 ‘브레이크 댄스’종목 채택됐어... 무릎나으면 연습하자 울 햄쮜 사랑해🖤🤍🖤🤍
(추가 수정) 지성이는 윈윈, 루카스, 재현 등등 23명의 멤버수 답게 어색한 사이인 형들이 많아요! 지성이는 햄스터를 닮아서 햄찌성라는 별명이 있고, 같은 막내라인 천러와 반대되게 조용한 성격이고 묵묵히 자신의 일을 해내는 스타일이에요! (천러때문에 소리를 줄이면 지성이 목소리가 아에 안들린 다는 말도 있어요 ㅋㅋ) 눈물도 많고 감성이 풍부해서 울때마다 할미들 심장을 ㅠㅠ 그리고 예전에 천러가 한국말을 잘 못할때, 지성이가 항상 옆에서 천러를 도와주어서 한때 천러의 통역사, 선생님이기도 했어요!(어렸을때 지성이가 천러에게 "안녕하세요" 인사말을 알려주었다고해요!) 그리고 23명의 엔시티 멤버 중에서도 재민이에게 많은 사랑을 독차지 하고 있답니다!! + 영어이름은 Andy 이고, 소통할 때 해시태그를 많이 사용해요!
Jisung is so loved by his hyungs especially in NCT Dream members. Also he loves his hyungs as well. There's a time when they have their concert The Dream Show which Mark is not with the Dream members anymore. In their ment, Haechan suddenly mentioned he misses Mark. Just few seconds after Haechan said those words, Jisung turned his back and began to cry that makes him knelt down on the stage floor. He was crying so much. Well, maybe because he realizes that he is the youngest and the one that would probably graduates last than his hyungs. He can't stand watching all his hyungs graduate from being an Nct dream member. (that time when SM still pertains to have NCT Dream a graduation for members who's 20 years old above) Ofcourse he was the maknae and probably he was really attached to his hyungs. He have spent most of his time with his hyungs even before debuting as NCT Dream member. It took him a couple of minutes to stop crying. You can see he really loves and values his hyungs. When he stood up, he can't continue what he wants to say to the fans because everytime he started talking it would make him cry again. He just said he will just post his ment on SNS because he really can't do it that time. He was such a cutie. But thanks to SM for having the decision to get rid of the graduation thing. Now, Jisung could have more days and years together with his hyungs whom he loves so much.
i was scrolling comment section when i came accross w/ ur comment... thanks for sharing this .. it's makes me cry 🥺🤧 and make me love him more ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ anyway I'm a new czennie
@@Anj-rn6zw you can watch it if you search "nct dream the dream show day 3" or simply "nct dream crying on stage", it's very heartbreaking to see him like that, poor baby
@@Anj-rn6zw it's my pleasure you noticed my comment. Well, welcome to the fam ♡♡♡ please love them more cause they are all great. Try watching on yt just search Nct dream crying. it really makes me cry but they are altogether now 7Dreamies. Watch also how Jisung dances so well (search on Yt Dancing High Jisung, there were cut clips of Jisung there). When he appears on Dancing High, Jisung showcased more of talent in dancing. Everyone in the show was really amazed how great he was. Watch more contents of Jisung and you'll even fall for him more. ♡♡♡
@@kuko5334 me too, I cried a lot when Jisung started crying and also the fans were crying. I watched it how many times and it still makes me cry. But 7dreamies is back. ♡ let's all show them more love ♡
팥과 크림 붕어빵을 주제로 브이앱을 한 시간동안 혼자 진행했어요 물론 버블이름을 팥으로 바꿀 정도로 팥을 좋아합니다 아기신기 멤버 중 한 명으로 메인댄서로 활동하고 있습니다 최근엔 무릎부상으로 인해 잠시 음방을 쉬고 있지만 얼른 나아서 시즈니 앞에 나타나줘 지성팍.. 신들 중에 에로스 역할을 맡았답니당
@@iamgorgeous we might or might not because he once said he doesn’t like the taste of alcohol lmao jaemin asked him how did he know that he doesn’t like the the taste of it and he said when he was a kid his parents made him taste alcohol hahahahah so that’s why he might not
the dreamies also said that when jisung turn 20, all of them are going to wear suit and go to rooftop and have a fight on rainy day. which nctzen look forward to it. a lot 😗
i mean i would love to see that bit i dont think they would show it but I hope there will be a vlive after where they will tell us what happened HAHAHA
Jisung is a multitalented person, not only talented as an actor, he is also skilled at dancing and has a deep voice. He is a very hardworking person, since childhood he started his career. I am very proud of him. Jisung is so adorable, he has a cheerful nature, cares for everyone, he is also a motivator for his fans.jisung forever maknae, jisung is still a baby for NCT & NCTzen. Hopefully Jisung will recover soon from his injury.
A fact about Jisung: He is actually a kid with so much emotional intelligence. Everytime he goes on Vlive, it feels like a conversation between friends. He makes his fans feel connected and resonate with him. Jisung is growing up well.
JISUNG is a mature now.his Hyungs are impressed with him at his ment on the final episode of nct world 2.0.all ears to him when Heachan ask NCT members to give JISUNG their maknae the time to give his message..
In my opinion, JISUNG is the most patienct member in NCT team. Especially when it comes to face Chenle and Haechan' antiques. He is also so humble. He helps and welcomes the new members in great way. During his video message to Taeyong (nct life) before they debuted, he said he would like to be like Taeyong who always took care his junior well. I can see Jisung really take cares the new members well. He is also smart in his own way and the most interested in everything about NCT. You can ask literally anything about NCT and Jisung will explain it nicely. He is full of ideas, Mark even said that Sungchan and Jungwoo need to battle with Jisung in giving ideas. He really likes his dad's cooking. Often brags about it.
When jisung was a trainee, he thought he is going to have a stage name. He wanted it to be "peter" because he thinks it matches his persona but now he thinks otherwise. He also dreams to be 180 cm tall someday. He's the crybaby in NCT Dream, the members always tease him. Hahahaha
jisung is a good boy he couldn't even be angry. he always spoke in a gentle tone. sometimes he gets naughty to his hyung but in hyung's eyes he's always cute. he's scared. but now he's started to dare to try a little bit. when he comes home to the family he always makes food for him. in the dorm. there are hyungs looking after him. jisung can't cut his own nails. he still likes to be helped. jisung can't go up yet two-wheeled bicycle. he can only ride a bicycle four or three. he is always curious about new things. she will be embarrassed by people. he sometimes likes to talk to himself in his world and the hyungs only pay attention to him. because it's used to it. he's random. but funny. always the hyungs' favorite. whatever he wants always obeyed. and that's nct's favorite maknae and nctzen
Jisung is always helped by the hyungs when he does something. Even using a bag, he sometimes still has to be helped. he can't cook. he had almost burned the dorm. when sick he will ask jaemin to hug him till he gets there. sometimes if the room is hot and uncomfortable he will sleep on the sofa or under the carpet. he always tells random things on lysn even bubble and vlive. he never nearly got splashed on Han River along with mountains due to unbalanced bicycle loads. of course because jisung sat at the back he will be cute when there is He wants. at the airport he will hold a member's bag or shirt in front of him. if not with the members. he will be held by the manager. because there is very crowded
Jisung is such a sweet boy towards us NCTzens. He is the one who always post something on Lysn. He loves to communicate with the fans and loves to tease us. One time he posted on Lysn about something like if he was to choose between Tangerine or NCTzens, he would pick Tangerines ㅋㅋㅋㅋ but afterwards he commented he would choose NCTzens. See, he has this unique way of communicating with the fans. He was also replying to the fans commemts and one time he even commented on a fan's post on Lysn. The fan said she is a joyful person but on that day on her birthday she felt less happy, she needs nct to boost her mood by greeting her happy birthday. And Jisung reallu greeted her on the comment section. How lucky she is. Jisung is also affectionate to the fans and wants them to ne happy. This young boy is so precious and so sweet. Jisung deserves much love.
-Jisung always lost his thing like a bag, airpod and he lost his new years money too. -Jisung love to talk informally to his member and renjun once said jisung got taller because he always talk informally to them -Jisung love eating very much. He's not picky when it comes to food - He loves watching drama and readung webtoon -Jisung loves to play games very much -Jisung roomate is renjun
중3 때 애들이랑 다 같이 we young 무대를 반에서 큰 티비로 보던 게 엊그제 같은데 ㅠㅠ 그 땐 귀엽네 하고 넘겼지만 지금은 go때부터 간 보다가 라이딩때 팬이 되어 버렸습니다,,, 지성이랑 동갑이에요 ㅠㅠ 오빠라고 부르지 못해 아쉽고 동생이라(?) 부르지 못해 아쉬운 마음,,, 항상 시즈니 생각해줘서 고마워 지성아♥️ 지성이의 말하는 언행과 행동들을 보면 저렇게 순수한 사람이 있을까..? 생각하게 되는데 지성이 볼때 마다 너무 사랑스럽고 행복해 시즈니 분들도 같은 마음이시겠죠..? 공부하면서 지칠 때마다 지성이 직캠 보고 그러다 한 시간 훌쩍 가고 그래도 지성이로 인해 힘내서 수능까지 잘 치게 된 것 같아 너무 좋아ㅠㅠ 진짜 항상 지성이가 행복했으면 좋겠어요ㅠㅠ 정말 진심10000%!!!!무대로 세계 정복한다는 말 이루어졌으면 좋겠어♥️ 여러분 저 평생 시즈니로 남을 게요 같이 힘내봐요~
Fun facts: Jisung used to hide in the bathroom after eating so that he doesn’t get to wash the dishes He understands Chinese and English well but not confident enough to speak He is born on February 5, 2002 during World Cup held in South Korea He loves soccer His hand is 20 cm (Chenle measured) Jisung started treating Chenle as a same-aged friend less than a year after their debut He trained for about 3 years He has a tic or habit of touching his hair and sideburns and scrunching his nose He feels kind of insecure that his eyes are small but Chenle tells him that it’s his charm He thought of the idea of having a dance break on The Dream Show He is NCT Dream’s main dancer, maknae, lead/sub vocalist, and sub leader He had an ipod that was exactly the same as Chenle’s during trainee period He used to wear scarves when he was younger because his mom told him to take care of his neck Kind of savage but really caring He is in charge of showing off within Dream (according to the members and himself) He is the youngest male idol in SM as of now He went to Shanghai and was able to visit Chenle’s home and meet the older’s nephew He is known as Jisung Pwark He was part of the show Why Not Dancer which was shot in LA and got to be with Eunhyuk, Gikwang, and Taemin Famous SoKor dancer Lia Kim said that he was good at dancing As he is still a teen, his voice usually cracks when he speaks He led his 12 hyungs when they performed on MAMA 2016 He normally watches his members’ vlives and he monitors them He is always protective of his and his members’ images He is dubbed as “little Taemin” and Taemin himself sees it in Jisung His fans are called asteroids He loves astronomy and he usually discusses about it with Renjun He hates aegyo He asked (twice) if vegetables should be washed with dishwashing liquid Very clumsy He said that he used to be good at origami He did not notice that it rains even if it’s winter He got to understand Mandarin mostly because of hearing Chenle and Renjun talk in their native language He said that there is no hard choreography for him ever since they debuted His cheeks can really stretch that’s why his hyungs like pinching it Usually throws some jokes at random times He has a great singing voice but he is usually shy singing acapella When he becomes an adult (2021) he and the Dreamies planned to have a rooftop fight wearing suits under the rain He is also nicknames as Mochisung because of his soft cheeks He said that joining SM is the best decision’s he had ever made so far He cannot wink His English name is Peter He easily cries, he cried when they had their first win, when their We Go Up comeback was a hit, when Ridin’ topped the charts, and during the concert where the 00 liners were supposed to graduate that year He is really mature mentally even if he is still a teen He has a beauty mark on the lower right side of his lips He also writes songs, and he participated in writing during We Boom era He usually spoils the upcoming events with NCT He had a Stephen Curry phone case given by Chenle on his birthday which he used for a year until it got worn down He asked for a mug as a birthday gift last year (2019) He can sleep anywhere He finds it tiring to sleep on the upper bunk bed sometimes so he sleeps in the living room floor He once slept underneath the carpet since it’s warm
Jisung english name is Andy Park not Peter.peter is name stage but not yet.Peter is english name of Haechan if i am nit wrong or its just fun joke in NCT Dream.
When he is playing games he inflates his cheeks when he is trying really hard. How he covers his face when he is shy and says, "stop it" (hajima) to his hyungs. I love this man soo muuch
지성이는 진짜 속이 깊고 생각이 깊은 사람이에요. 자신의 직업에 대한 고민도 많고 더 성장하려고 항상 노력하는 모습을 보여줘요. 항상 시즈니에게 해주는 말 한마디 한마디를 엄청 신중하게 하고, 그 말들을 들어보면 진짜 나도 저런 사람이 되어야지 할정도로 속 깊은 말들이에요💚 사랑해 지성아
Jisung usually asks his Jaemin hyung to cook for him in the dorms when he is hungry, even at 3am in the morning he wants to eat baguette bread! He also keeps a box of ramen in his closet for when he gets hungry late at night
-A fun fact about Jisung is that Dream members told him that when he comes of age, they'll all fight on the rooftop wearing suits in the rain, haha. -Also, Jaemin adores him the most! They're roommates and Jaemin always cooks for him, talks about how cute he is, and said that when he sees Jisung getting frustrated playing video games he can't help but blurt out "I love you". -When he was on "Why Not? The Dancer" everyone there was much older than him and SM seniors like Taemin and Eunhyuk talked about how they knew him ever since he was a baby. Since he was the only minor, there were funny moments like when everyone toasted with beer but he toasted with his strawberry milk instead. He also had to go to sleep at 10 every night because of Korean child labor laws. -When someone goes to shake his hand, it looks like the symbol for paper in rock-paper-scissors so he plays scissors to beat them. Ahh, it was all stuff I already know so I don't know why I got so emotional watching this video. We really watched Jisung grow up right in front of our eyes. For NCT and NCTzens, he will always be precious 🥺💚
He debuted 2 years before Kun, Jungwoo and Lucas; 3 years before Xiaojun, Hendery and Yangyang; 4 years before Shotaro and Sungchan, and yet he's still the youngest
cute infos about baby jisung: - he's a baby that needs to be taken care of, basically Jaemin is his mother - jaemin does his laundry, cooks for him at 3am when he's hungry, scolds him and takes care of him - this baby is also a good dancer - his bff is Chenle bcs they are destined for each other ( fact: when they were young, they met at a chinese program, they dont know each other back then but they played with their hands, and now they are together in nct.) - sleeps everywhere, in the sofa or under the rug 😂 - is inlove with anna from frozen, when he goes vlives, anna is always mentioned plus nctzens ft. nctzens getting jealous - a scaredy baby, everything scares him - listens well to chenle, a brat to his hyungs - almost 20 now (cries) rooftop fight is happening in a month y'all be ready 😂 - says his fav member is winwin ( in a interview) but honestly very awkward with him (they were on awsaz) - when asked who is the cutest nct member he answered taeyong (can't see himself i guess) - treats and thinks his members are his friends - no friends outside (BUT NOW HAS 21 hyungs plus chenle BFF!!) - is very soft and loves nctzens so much, he always sends updates, heartwarming mssgs, and asks abt nctzens on bubble from time to time - frienemy (friend and enemy) is haechan - gummy smile + eyesmile THIS IS ALL I GUESS!! PLS LOVE THIS BABY MORE!
지성이는요..... 일단 생김새부터 왕크고 왕귀엽구요... 웃을 때 빵싯 올라가는 볼부터 와방 접히는 눈이 너무너무 깨물어주고싶어요 뭐든지 조심스럽게 행동하는 것도 소듕해요 지성이는 팬들이 아기라고 부르면 이제 곧 성인이라면서 아니라고 하면서도 팬싸인회에서 멤버들 이름 적힌 포스트잇에 애기라고 적혀있는 게 본인이 아니라 실망하구요 “애기가 누구죠? 내가 애긴 줄 알았는데..”라는 명언을 남기기도 했어효 지성이는 호기심이 많아서 음악방송 출근길에 물웅덩이를 발로 찔러보기도 하고 레드카펫에서는 옆에 동글동글 수정체같은 모형을 톡 건드리고 가보기도 하는등 아가같은 습관을 지녔구요 글씨체도 삐뚤빼뚤 귀여워요.. 그리고 심성이 곱고 착해서 공감력이 뛰어나서 팬들 고민상담도 같이 진지하게 해주고요 눈물이 많은만큼 꺄르르 웃음도 많아요 지성이는 공항에서 발견한 누가 잃어버린 모자를 걱정스러운 표정으로 손잡이에 걸어두기도 하고 남의 슬픔에 크게 공감하고 같이 슬퍼할 줄 알아요 그리고 지성이는 사소한것도 팬들이랑 공유하고 싶어서 떡볶이와 피자 사진도 보내고, 자신의 꿈에 등장한 하트머리를 가진 (?) 캐릭터를 두루마리 휴지에 그려 보여주기도 했어요 우주를 궁금해하고 현실에 없는 미지의 것들을 더 알아가고 싶어하는 호기심을 지닌 지성이는 그 귀여움과 배려심으로 외계인들의 마음까지 홀랑 가져가버릴 것 같아요~
또 우리 지성이까지 올려주셔서 너무 감사해요ㅜㅜ 지성최애인 즈니로서 영상에 없는 몇가지 적어보자면 우리 지성이는 같은 팀 런쥔이와 우주얘기를 자주 하는 우주메이트구요 제일 좋아하는 과자는 썬칩이구요 스텝들한테까지도 사랑받는 만인의 손주고요 또 민트초코는 좋아하지만 그냥 민트는 싫어하구요 본인의 부족한 점을 말해주는 사람에게 감사하고 받아들일 줄 아는 귀욤햄찌구요 매일매일 버블도 꼭 안 까먹고 보내주는 효자구요 혹시라도 바빠서 못 오는 날은 전날에 못 올 것 같다고 미리 말해주고요 엠비티아이는 infj로 같은 정우 마크와 함께 인프제플 장사 경력이 있구요 또 과일을 엄청 좋아하는데 귤 먹으면 얼굴 노래진다는 말 듣고 심슨될까봐 무서워하구요 바나나우유랑 팥붕어빵 좋아해서 한 때 에어팥 케이스가 붕어빵이었구요 버블 결제 못 한 즈니들을 위해 게시판도 가장 많이 오는 멤버구요 중학교 때 소속사를 드나드느라 공부를 못해서 수학 16점 맞은 귀요미구요 자존감이 부족하다는 팬 댓글을 보고 위로글까지 써서 올려주고요 무대위 가장 갭차이가 큰 멤버라고 생각했는데 볼터치보이즈 직캠 보신 분들은 알테지만 웃으면서 끼부리는 것도 레알 진심 장난아니고요 배워도 배워도 모자랄 만큼 생각도 깊고 착해요.. 진심 너무 착함 전설의 아디다스 지성으로 여러즈니들 울린 전적있구요 공차픽은 청포도그린티에이드에 코코넛 추가 당도 70이구요 꼭 지같이 상큼한 거 먹어요 윙크도 잘 못해서 사랑스러워 죽겠구요 웃을 때 잇몸만개라 볼 때 마다 대가리 깨고 싶은 거 참느라 힘들어요 또 게임 툰블라스트 쌉고인물 장인이구요 노래추천도 자주해주는데 꼭 지같은 노래만 들어요 그래서 더 좋음 저메추에 누구보다 진심이구요 안나 좋아하는데 안나보다 시즈니 더 좋아해요 팬들한테 애정표현 자주 해줘서 너무 고맙고 시즈니의 자부심 지성아!! 3000은 너무 적으니까 30000만큼 사랑해 오래오래 함께하자💚
Cute Moments - In Chenle and Jisung This or That (all episodes tbh) specifically Season 2 Episode 2 were Jisung displays his adorable, innocent self (with criticism from Chenle of course). As well as Season 2 Episode 3 Behind Scenes where he gives the members the mask necklaces. You can tell how cute he is around them, how much they will always baby him.
Jisung has been working in the industry starting at such a young age that he’s never knew how to ride a bike since he never learned up until recently. It’s such a saddening fact that many idols don’t have such “normal” childhood
fun fact about Jisung He once cried during the WE GO UP promotion with mark because NCT DREAM- We Go Up was high ranking in chart. Jisung who was shocked after hearing the news because tearful as he is hearing DEAR DREAM. Because DEAR DREAM is such a emotional song that tell about what their want to say to Mark who at that time must graduated from NCT DREAM. He also once almost cried and couldn't believe when NCT DREAM-Ridin was highly rank in chart too. This show that Jisung is always not believe that he was able to experience things like this despite his young age that's why he always feel thankful to his fan and work even harder to give his gratitude back to the fans.
02년생이지만 생일이 2월로 빠른 편이라서 01년생인 천러형과 성찬형이랑 친구를 먹었다!!!!! 누구보다 사려깊고 나긋나긋한 태도를 보이지만 친한 형들과 함께 있으면 캐미가 장난이 아니다. 그리고 터무니없는 밸런스 게임, 드립을 좋아하고 잘 웃어서 웃는 그 모습 자체가 주변 사람들을 행복하게 한다. 그래서 브이앱을 하면 시즈니들을 개그맨으로 만드는 재주가 있다.
이렇게 대단하고 노력하고 실력있는 멋있는 지성 입니다. 그러니 많은 분들이 아이돌 이라는 이미지가 너무 날로먹는다 실력없다 얼굴만 믿는다 그런 선입견 으로 nct 등 모든 아이돌들을 그렇게 안보셨으면 좋겠습니다. 또 무조건 사랑해라 좋아해라 그런 강요는 안합니다. 그리고 이유없는 비난은 안했으면 좋겠어요 싫으면 관심가지지말고 그냥 무시하고 넘어가면 좋겠어요 잘못을 해서 비판을 하면 몰라도..그저 nct를 응원하는 팬입니다 총총..
When Jisung was still a kid, he used to catch insects like cockroaches and bugs. He experienced lots of things on his way to the river where he usually catches insects. Mark even joked that if something bad happened that time, Jisung might not be here now as an idol.
Despite his cutie and squishy looks, Jisung is one of the talented children I have ever seen. Back in the smrookies era he was so tiny and innocent but could pull up the table over his talent in so many things he did even before his debut or even trainee. His charms make anyone who sees him gonna be happy. But also not forgot to mention, his mindset is another next level on his age, he had those spotlight even when he was little but he already matures in the way he think and thoughts. All I want to say, please love this precious boy, deserves it. He's cute, talented, squishy, innocents, clumsy, hardworking, and lovely. Park Jisung online mom :)
지성이는요. 02년생이지만 01년생 천러랑 동갑이니까 03년생까지 친구라고 해줬어요. 윙크를 못해서 손으로 눈을 잡아야 윙크를 할 수 있어요. 지성이는 춤은 잘 추지만 요리를 못해서 주방세제로 채소랑 떡을 씻으려고 했어요. 지성이는 우주 이야기를 좋아해서 런쥔이랑 우주 메이트를 하고 있어요. 그리고 지성이는 시즈니들의 드립을 가장 좋아해요. 수학을 16점 맞은적이 있는데 지성이를 사랑해서 점수를 닮아버렸어요.^^ 지성이는 팥붕파랍니다. 참고로 저는 슈붕파입니다.
Jisung likes to sleep at warm places, when he couldn't sleep before the dream show, he found a comfortable and warm place under their carpet in the living room, and Renjun even said he looks so cute when he saw him in the morning as you can only see his head poking out from underneath the carpet
지성이 아이돌은 수명이 짧으니까 아이돌 그만두게되면 붕어빵장사를 하고싶다고했숩니다,,!! 지성이는 강경팥붕파지만 슈붕파들도 챙겨주는 아주 배려심깊은 아이라구요ㅠㅠㅜㅠ박지성사랑해!!!!
제이름도 지성인데요?
손님 하도 많아서 붕어빵으로 회사 세우는 거 아니냐며... 포장마차가 200평 넘는 거 아니냐며...
포슬포슬한 목도리두르고 손 호호 불면서 며..몇개여..? 그금방 만들어드릴게여;; 하는 박지성 생각하니까 개귀엽다 미쳤나봄
@지성이귀여워 그전에 제가 다 사 갈 거예요 ㄹㅇ 삼시세끼 붕어빵만 먹을 자신 있음
@@sidnslqpqy35 와 근데 말투 재현 잘 하신다 바로 음성지원 돼여
우리아이 눈물도 많아서 드림쇼 3일하는데 한번하고 끝날때마다 펑펑울었어요.........지성이 팥붕파구요..
본인입으로 자기 최애가 동스청이라고 말했답니다....
엔도시에서 드림빼고 다 어색할정도로 어사즈 많구요..
맨날 하루끝나면 버블보내주는 착한애에요....
우리지성이 많이들 좋아해주세요...
아ㅠㅠ진짜 눈물나옴ㅋㅋ
아직도 버블 자주 보내고 라이브 자주 켜주는 효자 of 효자
지성이는 .. 형들이 지성이 과거 언급하면 흑역사라고 스스로 지칭하는게 너무 슬픔 🚰·̫🚰
지송이 당장 칭찬감옥에 넣어서 넌 최고야 사랑해 주입식 교육을 시키고 싶음
손가락이 가늘고 길어서 섬섬옥수라고 불리기도 하구요, 복근을 공개하진 않았지만, 천러가 멤버들 중 제일 선명하다고 했대요ㅠ 그리고 공차 픽은 청포도그린티에이드에 코코넛에 당도70이라고 합니다❤ 하지만... 팥붕이라고 하네요... 아무튼 그렇답니다!
팥붕파 소리질러어 ~~٩( >ω~ )و!!!!
지성이가 공항에서 제노형 가방끈을 잡고가는데 그이유가 사람이 많은데 발을 밟을까봐.. 라고해요.. 너무 귀엽지 않나요?? 배려로 가득찬 애기... 귀여워ㅠㅠ
지성이 별명은 되게 귀여운 별명이 많아요 햄찌성,모찌성,지쏭이 등등 있어요
지성이는 데뷔하자마자 최연소 아이돌에 올랐어요! 붕어빵은 무조건 팥붕어빵만을 먹는 강경팥붕파 입니당
팥지성 나같은 슈람들은 어떡하라고..너무하네8__8
지성이는 팬들이 효자돌이라고 하는 말에 이렇게 말했죠..
“효자? 제가 왜 효자예요 저는 이기적인 애죠 왜냐면 저는 (브이앱) 켜고 싶을 때만 켜잖아요”
또 다른 곳에서는... 팬분이 반말해줘 라는 말에..
“약간 반말하면 예의 없어보이지 않아요? 괜찮아?”
역시.... 엔씨티에서 태용마크가 아무리 스포트라이트를 가져간다고 하지만 난 진짜 처음부터 지성이가 끌렸음.. 지성이가 진짜 👍
할미 운다 울어..... 효자돌 아님 뭔데 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
지성이는 마음을 울리는 무언가가 있어...
진짜 너무ㅜㅜㅡㅜㅜㅜ 말을 너무 예쁘게 해서.. 보그 인터뷰에서 한 말들도 다 너무 감동이고 그리고 그저께 브이앱에 제가 단단한 사람인건 시즈니라는 벽이 있어서 단단할 수 있다였나 그런 말도 했었는데 진짜 눈물 줄줄 흐름,,, 지성이 어머님 아버님 지성이 낳아주셔서 감사합니다 정말
우리 지성이는요... 뭔가 뭐든지 약속한 건 잘 지키는 타입 같아요 그래서 그런지 이 귀요미 다른 멤버가 스포 하면 그걸 판별하는 데는 지성이 반응이라고 할 정도로... 우리 아기 고등학교 4학년 해 평생 고등학교 다녀줘 사랑해 지성아...
대한민국 02년생중에 제일 열심히 살았지 우리 지성이ㅠㅠ
울지성이는 살아있는 울 햄쮜 겁도많고 맘도 여러서 상처받을까봐 걱정되지만 울찌성이는 착하고 귀엽고 사랑스러운 울햄쮜 무릎아픈거걱정되지만
이할미가 응원한다 누가 널 괴롭히는 사람들 다 혼내줄게(사생팬들) 그니까 힘내 멀리서 응원할게 이시국에 응원못해서 미안해 끝나면 꼭 널 응원하려 갈게 보고싶어 건강조심하고 사랑한다💚💚💚🐹🐹
수능이 끝나고 두유람 엔시티 편 영상을 하나하나 챙겨보고 있는데,
제 최애, 지성이를 소개해 주시다니!! 정말 탁월한 선택이십니다.
제 청소년 시기 때부터 지금까지 힘들 때 힘을 주고 15살 때부터 함께해 온 지성이라 그런지 더욱 특별하고 뭉클하게 느껴지는 것 같아요.
면접 보러 가기 전에도 이 영상 꼭 다시 보고 힘을 얻어 가야겠어요.
지성이는 카드 결제 후 싸인 할 때 점 하나만 찍는다고 해요.
치약은 중간부터 짜고요! 눈을 맞는 것보단 눈을 구경하는 걸 좋아하는 우리 지성이!
요거트 뚜껑에 묻은 요거트도 안 먹고요, 샤워하면서 춤을 춘다고 해요!
지성이는 코도 오똑하니 예뻐서 날카로운 콧대에 손을 가져다 대면 베일 것 같지 않나요??
드림 형들과는 정말 친형제처럼 친한 사이지만
다른 멤버들과는 어사인 우리 지성이~
팥붕을 슈붕보다 좋아하지만 슈붕을 좋아하는 시즈니들도 이해한다고 하네요,,,,
박지성 덕질하면 나재민이지요!
우리 나나는 지성이를 너무 좋아해서 새벽에 지성이가 만두 먹고 싶다는 말에 군만두와 물만두를 해 주었다고 하네요. 팬들이 연애하자 결혼하자고 하면 항상 시즈니들 팔에 수갑을 채우는 지성이!
벌써 커서 성인이 되다니,,, 박지성 절대 고4해!
사실 진짜 팬 사랑은 박지성이라고 할 정도로 팬에 대한 사랑이 특별한 우리 지성이!
지성이랑 같은 나이지만 지성이가 열심히 하는 모습 보고 힘도 많이 얻었고, 동기부여도 되었던 것 같아요. 많이 힘들고 지칠 때도 있었겠지만 버텨준 우리 지성이 너무 대견하다.
우리 지성이 영상 만들어 주셔서 정말 감사합니다~
어디 계신지 모르지만 절 받으세요! 그리고 엔시티 박지성 많이 사랑해주세요!
감사합니다~(항상 댓글에 좋아요 꼭 눌러주시는데 감동 먹었잖아요,,,ㅎㅎ 즐거운 연말 보내세요!
@@doyouram-everydayk-culture6490 끄억 답까지 달아주시다니,,, 진짜 감사해요ㅜㅜ 감동 먹었잖아여,,, 너무너무 고생많으시구 언제나 두람이로써 두유람 응원할게요❤
Fun facts about Jisung:
*He never did his own laundry
*He once woke up Jaemin just to say he's hungry and demand for a baguette at 3 am
*He loves Jaemin's bed so much
*He was afraid by cockroaches but not now
*He doesn't have a favorite hyung. Whenever he was asked, he'll answer someone who did something for him the day before. Example: Chenle who cooked for him yesterday
*He isn't sure if he's supposed to wash vegetables using detergent or not
*He was the one who suggest Chenle to not use proper talk because he's just a few months younger than Chenle
*Jisung and Chenle has their own show called "Chenji this and that" and they're coming to 2 seasons now
*Jisung said he won't show his abs until he's 25
*Jaemin adore Jisung so much
*Jisung always woke up his hyungs because he wanted to eat but he doesn't want to eat alone
*Jisung is afraid of cuteness
*He's an introvert
*He once went to Shanghai with Chenle in an Chenji this and that episode
*He was scolded by his choreo teacher because they were doing suprise birthday
*Jisung once danced with Wendy in idol room
*Jisung's really look up to Taemin Shinee
That's all I can say~
*Introvert? How do u know that?~*
@@ladoodoo8033 he mentioned his mbti during relay vlive
@@ladoodoo8033 They made a test, so they know what type of people are.
@@ladoodoo8033 even though you didn't know his MBTI you can tell he really is because of how he acts when there's so many people around him aside from his members....he drop out of his school because the school can't protect him from noonas who's bothering him...
@@doyouram-everydayk-culture6490 Thanks for noticing me~ 😊
지성이는 팬들을 챙기는 만큼 많은 고민을 하는 멤버에요, 팬들과 자주 소통을 하면서 웃은 모습을 보이곤 하지만 지성이를 볼때면 마음 한구석이 찡하게 아파오곤 해요..ㅠㅠ 형들보다 많게는 8살 빨리 사회생활을 시작했음에도 불구하고 눈치도 많이보고 조심성이 몸에 묻어있어요. 그리고 201208 지성이의 브이앱에서 자신의 얼굴을 한번도 잘생겼다고 생각해본적이 없다는 망언을 하기도 했어요(올해 최고의 망언.) 자신이 감당할 수 없는 일들이 있었던 것 같아요... 그러나 지성이는 그 자체로 완벽한데 말이죠...웃겨 증말...ㅡㅡ^...
내년이면 지성이가 성인이되는 해인데 올해도 잘 마무리하고 무릎도 건강해졌으면 좋겠어요 ... 지성이는 존재자체로 시즈니들의 자부심이고 행복이에요💚
언젠가 지성이를 지금보다 더 멀리서 지켜볼 날이 오더라도 항상 지성이를 응원할 것 같아요. 누구보다 단단하고 노력하는 아이니까요. 지성아 너를 좋아하는 사람은 너가 생각하는 것 이상으로 많을 거야. 지금까지 너가 우리에게 보여준 만큼 사랑과 응원으로 보답할게, 너무 힘들때 우리 서로 얘기하기로 약속했잖아, 고마워~💚
P.S. 박지성 군대 안 갈 방법 찾았다
2024 파리 올림픽 ‘브레이크 댄스’종목 채택됐어... 무릎나으면 연습하자 울 햄쮜 사랑해🖤🤍🖤🤍
와...p.s. 천재다...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 댑악...💚
그니까요 브이앱 듣다가 본인얼굴을 한번도 잘생겼다고 생각해본 적 없다는 말 듣고 눈물부터 주르륵 났어요.. 칭찬감옥에 가두고 싶다.. 지성아 넌 매력있게 생긴 것도 맞지만 잘생겼어ㅜㅜ 엄청 잘생겼어ㅜㅜ 너무 진짜 정말 많이 심각하게 잘생겼어..ㅠㅠ
그리고 슈크림파 vs 팥파 논쟁하면서 엔시티는 슈스니까 슈크림파를 해야한다 라고 했을 때 음 슈스는 아니지만 이라고 한 것도.. 참 맴찢.... 자기가 잘나단 걸 알아줬으면ㅜㅡㅜㅠㅡㅜㅜㅜ
(추가 수정)
지성이는 윈윈, 루카스, 재현 등등 23명의 멤버수 답게 어색한 사이인 형들이 많아요! 지성이는 햄스터를 닮아서 햄찌성라는 별명이 있고, 같은 막내라인 천러와 반대되게 조용한 성격이고 묵묵히 자신의 일을 해내는 스타일이에요! (천러때문에 소리를 줄이면 지성이 목소리가 아에 안들린 다는 말도 있어요 ㅋㅋ) 눈물도 많고 감성이 풍부해서 울때마다 할미들 심장을 ㅠㅠ 그리고 예전에 천러가 한국말을 잘 못할때, 지성이가 항상 옆에서 천러를 도와주어서 한때 천러의 통역사, 선생님이기도 했어요!(어렸을때 지성이가 천러에게 "안녕하세요" 인사말을 알려주었다고해요!) 그리고 23명의 엔시티 멤버 중에서도 재민이에게 많은 사랑을 독차지 하고 있답니다!!
+ 영어이름은 Andy 이고, 소통할 때 해시태그를 많이 사용해요!
퇴근후 팬싸에 온 팬 사원증 보고 어? 우리 아빠도 거기 다니는데! 한거 진짜 웃겼는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
+ 지성이랑 천러는 전에 만난 기억이 없었는데 팬이 찾은걸 보고 알게되었다고 해요!!
Jisung is so loved by his hyungs especially in NCT Dream members. Also he loves his hyungs as well. There's a time when they have their concert The Dream Show which Mark is not with the Dream members anymore. In their ment, Haechan suddenly mentioned he misses Mark. Just few seconds after Haechan said those words, Jisung turned his back and began to cry that makes him knelt down on the stage floor. He was crying so much. Well, maybe because he realizes that he is the youngest and the one that would probably graduates last than his hyungs. He can't stand watching all his hyungs graduate from being an Nct dream member. (that time when SM still pertains to have NCT Dream a graduation for members who's 20 years old above) Ofcourse he was the maknae and probably he was really attached to his hyungs. He have spent most of his time with his hyungs even before debuting as NCT Dream member. It took him a couple of minutes to stop crying. You can see he really loves and values his hyungs. When he stood up, he can't continue what he wants to say to the fans because everytime he started talking it would make him cry again. He just said he will just post his ment on SNS because he really can't do it that time. He was such a cutie. But thanks to SM for having the decision to get rid of the graduation thing. Now, Jisung could have more days and years together with his hyungs whom he loves so much.
i was scrolling comment section when i came accross w/ ur comment...
thanks for sharing this .. it's makes me cry 🥺🤧 and make me love him more ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
anyway I'm a new czennie
@@Anj-rn6zw you can watch it if you search "nct dream the dream show day 3" or simply "nct dream crying on stage", it's very heartbreaking to see him like that, poor baby
@@Anj-rn6zw it's my pleasure you noticed my comment. Well, welcome to the fam ♡♡♡ please love them more cause they are all great. Try watching on yt just search Nct dream crying. it really makes me cry but they are altogether now 7Dreamies. Watch also how Jisung dances so well (search on Yt Dancing High Jisung, there were cut clips of Jisung there). When he appears on Dancing High, Jisung showcased more of talent in dancing. Everyone in the show was really amazed how great he was. Watch more contents of Jisung and you'll even fall for him more. ♡♡♡
@@kuko5334 me too, I cried a lot when Jisung started crying and also the fans were crying. I watched it how many times and it still makes me cry. But 7dreamies is back. ♡ let's all show them more love ♡
I still remember how he cried for each concert date in Seoul... for 3 days... he cried and it really broke me to see the fancams (T-T)
솔직히 윈윈이사랑갑이 문태일이라고하면 지성이사랑갑은 나재민임 왜냐하면 22명모두 윈프시티이고 22명모두 지성이를아끼고 (쥔쥔이가 마스크줄 만약 천러가만들었다고하면 안이쁘다고 한다거하더니 지성이가 만들었다니깐 이쁘다고했다)
우리 지성오빠는 모든게 다 사랑스럽고 귀여운데 제일 귀여운걸 고르자면 브이라이브 할때마다 팬들이 결혼하자 연애하자 이런 댓글들이 보이면 시즈니들 수갑채우는모습...이미 익숙하지만 볼때마다 너무 귀여워요 ㅠㅠㅠ
팥과 크림 붕어빵을 주제로 브이앱을 한 시간동안 혼자 진행했어요 물론 버블이름을 팥으로 바꿀 정도로 팥을 좋아합니다 아기신기 멤버 중 한 명으로 메인댄서로 활동하고 있습니다 최근엔 무릎부상으로 인해 잠시 음방을 쉬고 있지만 얼른 나아서 시즈니 앞에 나타나줘 지성팍.. 신들 중에 에로스 역할을 맡았답니당
마자여 진짜 브이앱 너무 귀여웠어요ㅠㅠㅠ 팥지성🐹
살면서 저래 솜사탕같고 뽀시래기같은 02년생을 본 적이 없음 박지성은 인류의 기적이다
the fact that he’s almost adult still hasn’t hit me, he’s just a cutie baby to us huhu but age is just age he’s still our baby
He's still 18 now, enjoy until he hits 20 (He'll be 20 next year by Korean age)
@@xu4nn346 i know :>
@@aintnicole4756 yeah well for me 2 yrs is alot :l
Yes, in less than a month he would be an adult in Korean omg😳 will we see a drunk jisung? Ah, my heart😭😌
@@iamgorgeous we might or might not because he once said he doesn’t like the taste of alcohol lmao jaemin asked him how did he know that he doesn’t like the the taste of it and he said when he was a kid his parents made him taste alcohol hahahahah so that’s why he might not
Jisung will always remain as NCT's Number 1 Baby
the dreamies also said that when jisung turn 20, all of them are going to wear suit and go to rooftop and have a fight on rainy day. which nctzen look forward to it. a lot 😗
I'm looking forward to it..hope sm capture tht moment enough to share with us..
I hope they're make content with this😌, yeah I'm curious but not pushy. At least please do a vlive💁
i mean i would love to see that bit i dont think they would show it but I hope there will be a vlive after where they will tell us what happened HAHAHA
Jisung is really shy even when with his own member especially outside dreamies
@@doyouram-everydayk-culture6490 I find it charming.
1.지성이는 커피를 싫어하다가 '천지의 이것저것'에서 아포카토를 먹어보고 커피를 좋아하게 되었다고 합니다.
2.지성이는 천러, 마크와 함께 왕머리즈라고 불립니다.
3.지성이가 제일 싫어했던 헤어스타일은 츄잉껌 때 라고 합니다.
4.지성이가 리슨 상태 메세지에 '영원한 ㅁㄴ'라고 적어서 시준희들 감동..ㅠㅠ
5.지성이의 과거 최애는 윈윈이라고해요.
6.지성이가 입었던 아디다스 옷은 시즈니들 손민수템으로 유명합니다!
7.과거 지성이의 소개말은 "축구보다 춤을 더 좋아하는 13살 박지성입니다!"입니다.
8.지성이의 손크기20cm입니다.
9.포토카드 드래곤볼이라는 것을 안다고해요.(귀여운것💚)
10.지성이의 수학점수는 16점이라고해요..(괜찮아 나보다 잘봤어)
11.지성이 누나들 수갑 채우는 것을 좋아합니다 큭큭
Jisung will be forever the maknae and next to Sehun being a spoiled maknae.
@@doyouram-everydayk-culture6490 yes! Forever baby chick. 🐥
@@doyouram-everydayk-culture6490 Jaemin once said "Jisung, I think you'll be cute until you're 40" "No, I think you'll be cute until you die"
@@dysngji Doyouram mentioned that in the vid ._.
@@dysngji no jeno said that
@@dysngji the one jaemin said it even if jisung is old he's still cute
Jisung is a multitalented person, not only talented as an actor, he is also skilled at dancing and has a deep voice. He is a very hardworking person, since childhood he started his career. I am very proud of him. Jisung is so adorable, he has a cheerful nature, cares for everyone, he is also a motivator for his fans.jisung forever maknae, jisung is still a baby for NCT & NCTzen. Hopefully Jisung will recover soon from his injury.
He did already, so check out Resonance part 1 and 2 cuz IT'S BOOTIFUL
@@xu4nn346 really? He has recover from his injury?
@@xu4nn346 yeah
@@yumichan7448 yep, he has went back to promotions already
@@xu4nn346 but he can't dance right now
A fact about Jisung:
He is actually a kid with so much emotional intelligence. Everytime he goes on Vlive, it feels like a conversation between friends. He makes his fans feel connected and resonate with him. Jisung is growing up well.
우리 지성이는요 버블에 자주 와주고 브이앱도 (멤버들 중에서도) 정말 많이 켜주는데 미안하대요.. 왜냐면 자기가 오고싶을 때만 온다고..🥺 진짜 따뜻한 마음을 가진 우리 지성이에요 항상 사랑해 줘야해요💚
JISUNG is a mature now.his Hyungs are impressed with him at his ment on the final episode of nct world 2.0.all ears to him when Heachan ask NCT members to give JISUNG their maknae the time to give his message..
What makes Jisung adorable is his innocence and personality.
Agree, agree, agree!!!!
In my opinion, JISUNG is the most patienct member in NCT team. Especially when it comes to face Chenle and Haechan' antiques.
He is also so humble.
He helps and welcomes the new members in great way. During his video message to Taeyong (nct life) before they debuted, he said he would like to be like Taeyong who always took care his junior well. I can see Jisung really take cares the new members well.
He is also smart in his own way and the most interested in everything about NCT. You can ask literally anything about NCT and Jisung will explain it nicely.
He is full of ideas, Mark even said that Sungchan and Jungwoo need to battle with Jisung in giving ideas.
He really likes his dad's cooking. Often brags about it.
jisung is all the sweet and cute things in the world personified. The way his 22 hyungs love and adore him is so wholesome
When jisung was a trainee, he thought he is going to have a stage name. He wanted it to be "peter" because he thinks it matches his persona but now he thinks otherwise. He also dreams to be 180 cm tall someday. He's the crybaby in NCT Dream, the members always tease him. Hahahaha
우리 지성이는 어릴때부터 사회생활을 한지라 친구들과 있는시간이 부족해 또래의 언어 표현을 몰라서 심한말도 이녀석아죠... 지송아.. 이할미는 광광 울고있어ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 입에넣어서 와랄랄라 하고싶다.. 지성 내년 고4 잊지 않고 있지?? 그리고 엔시티 막내..오래오래 했으면 좋겠어 항상 아프지말고 건강하지 지성팍
jisung is a good boy he couldn't even be angry. he always spoke in a gentle tone. sometimes he gets naughty to his hyung but in hyung's eyes he's always cute. he's scared. but now he's started to dare to try a little bit. when he comes home to the family he always makes food for him. in the dorm. there are hyungs looking after him. jisung can't cut his own nails. he still likes to be helped. jisung can't go up yet two-wheeled bicycle. he can only ride a bicycle four or three. he is always curious about new things. she will be embarrassed by people. he sometimes likes to talk to himself in his world and the hyungs only pay attention to him. because it's used to it. he's random. but funny. always the hyungs' favorite. whatever he wants always obeyed. and that's nct's favorite maknae and nctzen
Jisung is always helped by the hyungs when he does something. Even using a bag, he sometimes still has to be helped. he can't cook. he had almost burned the dorm. when sick he will ask jaemin to hug him till he gets there. sometimes if the room is hot and uncomfortable he will sleep on the sofa or under the carpet. he always tells random things on lysn even bubble and vlive. he never nearly got splashed on Han River along with mountains due to unbalanced bicycle loads. of course because jisung sat at the back he will be cute when there is He wants. at the airport he will hold a member's bag or shirt in front of him. if not with the members. he will be held by the manager. because there is very crowded
jisung doesn't know how to use the washing machine and always needs help from jeno and jaemin 😅 our cutie maknae 🥺
"fans are proud but really sad at the same time"
Jisung is such a sweet boy towards us NCTzens. He is the one who always post something on Lysn. He loves to communicate with the fans and loves to tease us. One time he posted on Lysn about something like if he was to choose between Tangerine or NCTzens, he would pick Tangerines ㅋㅋㅋㅋ but afterwards he commented he would choose NCTzens. See, he has this unique way of communicating with the fans. He was also replying to the fans commemts and one time he even commented on a fan's post on Lysn. The fan said she is a joyful person but on that day on her birthday she felt less happy, she needs nct to boost her mood by greeting her happy birthday. And Jisung reallu greeted her on the comment section. How lucky she is. Jisung is also affectionate to the fans and wants them to ne happy. This young boy is so precious and so sweet. Jisung deserves much love.
-Jisung always lost his thing like a bag, airpod and he lost his new years money too.
-Jisung love to talk informally to his member and renjun once said jisung got taller because he always talk informally to them
-Jisung love eating very much. He's not picky when it comes to food
- He loves watching drama and readung webtoon
-Jisung loves to play games very much
-Jisung roomate is renjun
In a fact all nctzen love him so much. Jisung its the cuteness member ㅠㅠ
Jisung tends to puff his cheeks out when he's focus on something.. like when playing games :)
AND his hyungs love to pinch his cheeks lolllll😂
중3 때 애들이랑 다 같이 we young 무대를 반에서 큰 티비로 보던 게 엊그제 같은데 ㅠㅠ 그 땐 귀엽네 하고 넘겼지만 지금은 go때부터 간 보다가 라이딩때 팬이 되어 버렸습니다,,, 지성이랑 동갑이에요 ㅠㅠ 오빠라고 부르지 못해 아쉽고 동생이라(?) 부르지 못해 아쉬운 마음,,, 항상 시즈니 생각해줘서 고마워 지성아♥️ 지성이의 말하는 언행과 행동들을 보면 저렇게 순수한 사람이 있을까..? 생각하게 되는데 지성이 볼때 마다 너무 사랑스럽고 행복해 시즈니 분들도 같은 마음이시겠죠..? 공부하면서 지칠 때마다 지성이 직캠 보고 그러다 한 시간 훌쩍 가고 그래도 지성이로 인해 힘내서 수능까지 잘 치게 된 것 같아 너무 좋아ㅠㅠ 진짜 항상 지성이가 행복했으면 좋겠어요ㅠㅠ 정말 진심10000%!!!!무대로 세계 정복한다는 말 이루어졌으면 좋겠어♥️ 여러분 저 평생 시즈니로 남을 게요 같이 힘내봐요~
*Our jisung is a rapper, but when you hear his singing voice it's deep yet gentle I hope I can listen to it more♡*
지성아 너랑 나랑 같은 나이라는게 참... 넌 사랑스럽다...ㅠ
His smiles leave me dead every time. He's just so adorable. Plus, his favorite color is green which I find very cute of him.
"they say i'm the prettiest when i'm eating. Yum yum~"
That's right uri jisungiee.
Stay safe and get well soon, our babyy! 💚
Fun facts:
Jisung used to hide in the bathroom after eating so that he doesn’t get to wash the dishes
He understands Chinese and English well but not confident enough to speak
He is born on February 5, 2002 during World Cup held in South Korea
He loves soccer
His hand is 20 cm (Chenle measured)
Jisung started treating Chenle as a same-aged friend less than a year after their debut
He trained for about 3 years
He has a tic or habit of touching his hair and sideburns and scrunching his nose
He feels kind of insecure that his eyes are small but Chenle tells him that it’s his charm
He thought of the idea of having a dance break on The Dream Show
He is NCT Dream’s main dancer, maknae, lead/sub vocalist, and sub leader
He had an ipod that was exactly the same as Chenle’s during trainee period
He used to wear scarves when he was younger because his mom told him to take care of his neck
Kind of savage but really caring
He is in charge of showing off within Dream (according to the members and himself)
He is the youngest male idol in SM as of now
He went to Shanghai and was able to visit Chenle’s home and meet the older’s nephew
He is known as Jisung Pwark
He was part of the show Why Not Dancer which was shot in LA and got to be with Eunhyuk, Gikwang, and Taemin
Famous SoKor dancer Lia Kim said that he was good at dancing
As he is still a teen, his voice usually cracks when he speaks
He led his 12 hyungs when they performed on MAMA 2016
He normally watches his members’ vlives and he monitors them
He is always protective of his and his members’ images
He is dubbed as “little Taemin” and Taemin himself sees it in Jisung
His fans are called asteroids
He loves astronomy and he usually discusses about it with Renjun
He hates aegyo
He asked (twice) if vegetables should be washed with dishwashing liquid
Very clumsy
He said that he used to be good at origami
He did not notice that it rains even if it’s winter
He got to understand Mandarin mostly because of hearing Chenle and Renjun talk in their native language
He said that there is no hard choreography for him ever since they debuted
His cheeks can really stretch that’s why his hyungs like pinching it
Usually throws some jokes at random times
He has a great singing voice but he is usually shy singing acapella
When he becomes an adult (2021) he and the Dreamies planned to have a rooftop fight wearing suits under the rain
He is also nicknames as Mochisung because of his soft cheeks
He said that joining SM is the best decision’s he had ever made so far
He cannot wink
His English name is Peter
He easily cries, he cried when they had their first win, when their We Go Up comeback was a hit, when Ridin’ topped the charts, and during the concert where the 00 liners were supposed to graduate that year
He is really mature mentally even if he is still a teen
He has a beauty mark on the lower right side of his lips
He also writes songs, and he participated in writing during We Boom era
He usually spoils the upcoming events with NCT
He had a Stephen Curry phone case given by Chenle on his birthday which he used for a year until it got worn down
He asked for a mug as a birthday gift last year (2019)
He can sleep anywhere
He finds it tiring to sleep on the upper bunk bed sometimes so he sleeps in the living room floor
He once slept underneath the carpet since it’s warm
Jisung english name is Andy Park not Peter.peter is name stage but not yet.Peter is english name of Haechan if i am nit wrong or its just fun joke in NCT Dream.
When he is playing games he inflates his cheeks when he is trying really hard.
How he covers his face when he is shy and says, "stop it" (hajima) to his hyungs. I love this man soo muuch
쪼꼬미 초딩때부터봐오고 엉아들 무릎에서 둥가둥가하던아가가
이젠 그엉아들보다커서 스무살이 다가온다니...
마냥 귀여운 손주보는기분이 이런건가?ㅎ
뭘해도 건강하게 아프지않고 행복하면 더이상 뭘더바라겠니~지성아~
단하나 지성이에게 정말 좋은친구가 많이 생기면 너무 좋을것같아..
Jisung is such a small child in everyone's hearts... I still can't accept that he's almost an adult :(
지성이는 진짜 속이 깊고 생각이 깊은 사람이에요. 자신의 직업에 대한 고민도 많고 더 성장하려고 항상 노력하는 모습을 보여줘요. 항상 시즈니에게 해주는 말 한마디 한마디를 엄청 신중하게 하고, 그 말들을 들어보면 진짜 나도 저런 사람이 되어야지 할정도로 속 깊은 말들이에요💚 사랑해 지성아
4:01 that clip when Chenle caress softly Jisungs knee is so heart warming.
I love how jisung is shy in the backstage and on stage he is on fire.. PARK JISUNG DUALITY
btw he is awkward with every nct members except dreamies 😂
Jisung usually asks his Jaemin hyung to cook for him in the dorms when he is hungry, even at 3am in the morning he wants to eat baguette bread! He also keeps a box of ramen in his closet for when he gets hungry late at night
Let’s face it, even if sm puts a new member younger than jisung, he will remain nct’s maknae forever. even though not by age, he will stay that way.
"My fans raised me." I cried on that line!
me too😭
-A fun fact about Jisung is that Dream members told him that when he comes of age, they'll all fight on the rooftop wearing suits in the rain, haha.
-Also, Jaemin adores him the most! They're roommates and Jaemin always cooks for him, talks about how cute he is, and said that when he sees Jisung getting frustrated playing video games he can't help but blurt out "I love you".
-When he was on "Why Not? The Dancer" everyone there was much older than him and SM seniors like Taemin and Eunhyuk talked about how they knew him ever since he was a baby. Since he was the only minor, there were funny moments like when everyone toasted with beer but he toasted with his strawberry milk instead. He also had to go to sleep at 10 every night because of Korean child labor laws.
-When someone goes to shake his hand, it looks like the symbol for paper in rock-paper-scissors so he plays scissors to beat them.
Ahh, it was all stuff I already know so I don't know why I got so emotional watching this video. We really watched Jisung grow up right in front of our eyes. For NCT and NCTzens, he will always be precious 🥺💚
진짜 햄쮜송이를 안사랑할수가 없다니꼐..잘 커줘서 이 할미가..눈물이...
He debuted 2 years before Kun, Jungwoo and Lucas; 3 years before Xiaojun, Hendery and Yangyang; 4 years before Shotaro and Sungchan, and yet he's still the youngest
Jisung always scrunched his nose and puffs his cheek when he's nervous/competitive/sad 🥺
Park Jisung, forever baby, forever maknae. 💚
cute infos about baby jisung:
- he's a baby that needs to be taken care of, basically Jaemin is his mother
- jaemin does his laundry, cooks for him at 3am when he's hungry, scolds him and takes care of him
- this baby is also a good dancer
- his bff is Chenle bcs they are destined for each other ( fact: when they were young, they met at a chinese program, they dont know each other back then but they played with their hands, and now they are together in nct.)
- sleeps everywhere, in the sofa or under the rug 😂
- is inlove with anna from frozen, when he goes vlives, anna is always mentioned plus nctzens ft. nctzens getting jealous
- a scaredy baby, everything scares him
- listens well to chenle, a brat to his hyungs
- almost 20 now (cries) rooftop fight is happening in a month y'all be ready 😂
- says his fav member is winwin ( in a interview) but honestly very awkward with him (they were on awsaz)
- when asked who is the cutest nct member he answered taeyong (can't see himself i guess)
- treats and thinks his members are his friends
- no friends outside (BUT NOW HAS 21 hyungs plus chenle BFF!!)
- is very soft and loves nctzens so much, he always sends updates, heartwarming mssgs, and asks abt nctzens on bubble from time to time
- frienemy (friend and enemy) is haechan
- gummy smile + eyesmile
지성이는요..... 일단 생김새부터 왕크고 왕귀엽구요... 웃을 때 빵싯 올라가는 볼부터 와방 접히는 눈이 너무너무 깨물어주고싶어요 뭐든지 조심스럽게 행동하는 것도 소듕해요 지성이는 팬들이 아기라고 부르면 이제 곧 성인이라면서 아니라고 하면서도 팬싸인회에서 멤버들 이름 적힌 포스트잇에 애기라고 적혀있는 게 본인이 아니라 실망하구요 “애기가 누구죠? 내가 애긴 줄 알았는데..”라는 명언을 남기기도 했어효 지성이는 호기심이 많아서 음악방송 출근길에 물웅덩이를 발로 찔러보기도 하고 레드카펫에서는 옆에 동글동글 수정체같은 모형을 톡 건드리고 가보기도 하는등 아가같은 습관을 지녔구요 글씨체도 삐뚤빼뚤 귀여워요.. 그리고 심성이 곱고 착해서 공감력이 뛰어나서 팬들 고민상담도 같이 진지하게 해주고요 눈물이 많은만큼 꺄르르 웃음도 많아요 지성이는 공항에서 발견한 누가 잃어버린 모자를 걱정스러운 표정으로 손잡이에 걸어두기도 하고 남의 슬픔에 크게 공감하고 같이 슬퍼할 줄 알아요 그리고 지성이는 사소한것도 팬들이랑 공유하고 싶어서 떡볶이와 피자 사진도 보내고, 자신의 꿈에 등장한 하트머리를 가진 (?) 캐릭터를 두루마리 휴지에 그려 보여주기도 했어요 우주를 궁금해하고 현실에 없는 미지의 것들을 더 알아가고 싶어하는 호기심을 지닌 지성이는 그 귀여움과 배려심으로 외계인들의 마음까지 홀랑 가져가버릴 것 같아요~
Fun fact: he the forever maknae of nct....
Hopefully no one will change this... I will cry a bucket if sm add member that younger than him...
He's still the youngest trainee/idol in SM I think ._.
Chenji love you 💚💚 cute friend ship
울 지성이... 겨울왕국 안나 좋아하는데 팬들이 맨날 안나vs시즈니 물어보면 당연히 시즈니라고 대답하는 사랑둥이ㅠㅜ 그리고 귤 많이 먹으면 얼굴 노랗게 되냐구 시즈니들한테 물어보는 깜찍이... ㅠㅜㅜㅜ
Jisung is the sweetest. He regularly communicates with fans whenever he has free time.
또 우리 지성이까지 올려주셔서 너무 감사해요ㅜㅜ 지성최애인 즈니로서 영상에 없는 몇가지 적어보자면
우리 지성이는 같은 팀 런쥔이와 우주얘기를 자주 하는 우주메이트구요 제일 좋아하는 과자는 썬칩이구요 스텝들한테까지도 사랑받는 만인의 손주고요 또 민트초코는 좋아하지만 그냥 민트는 싫어하구요 본인의 부족한 점을 말해주는 사람에게 감사하고 받아들일 줄 아는 귀욤햄찌구요 매일매일 버블도 꼭 안 까먹고 보내주는 효자구요 혹시라도 바빠서 못 오는 날은 전날에 못 올 것 같다고 미리 말해주고요 엠비티아이는 infj로 같은 정우 마크와 함께 인프제플 장사 경력이 있구요 또 과일을 엄청 좋아하는데 귤 먹으면 얼굴 노래진다는 말 듣고 심슨될까봐 무서워하구요 바나나우유랑 팥붕어빵 좋아해서 한 때 에어팥 케이스가 붕어빵이었구요 버블 결제 못 한 즈니들을 위해 게시판도 가장 많이 오는 멤버구요 중학교 때 소속사를 드나드느라 공부를 못해서 수학 16점 맞은 귀요미구요 자존감이 부족하다는 팬 댓글을 보고 위로글까지 써서 올려주고요 무대위 가장 갭차이가 큰 멤버라고 생각했는데 볼터치보이즈 직캠 보신 분들은 알테지만 웃으면서 끼부리는 것도 레알 진심 장난아니고요 배워도 배워도 모자랄 만큼 생각도 깊고 착해요.. 진심 너무 착함 전설의 아디다스 지성으로 여러즈니들 울린 전적있구요 공차픽은 청포도그린티에이드에 코코넛 추가 당도 70이구요 꼭 지같이 상큼한 거 먹어요 윙크도 잘 못해서 사랑스러워 죽겠구요 웃을 때 잇몸만개라 볼 때 마다 대가리 깨고 싶은 거 참느라 힘들어요 또 게임 툰블라스트 쌉고인물 장인이구요 노래추천도 자주해주는데 꼭 지같은 노래만 들어요 그래서 더 좋음 저메추에 누구보다 진심이구요 안나 좋아하는데 안나보다 시즈니 더 좋아해요 팬들한테 애정표현 자주 해줘서 너무 고맙고 시즈니의 자부심 지성아!! 3000은 너무 적으니까 30000만큼 사랑해 오래오래 함께하자💚
어째 어렸을 때가 지금보다 박력있는 느낌 ㅋㄱㄱㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠ 벤자민 쮜송의 시간은 거꾸로 간다
Jisung will always be our baby. Can’t imagine when NCT will have newer, younger members.
우리 지성이 눈물도 많고 마크형 마지막 드림때도 펑펑 울었습니다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 그리고 멍때리거나 할때 입에 공기를 가득 넣고 우물우물 거리는 습관도 있어요 우리 막둥이 너무 많이 사랑해❤️❤️❤️❤️
지성아...내가 많이 사랑해...우리 애기 진짜 사랑해 흑흡ㄱㄱ귿흡규규규규규귱.ㅇ유ㅠㅠㅠ
jisung i love you!!!
jisung literally scared of everything and that's why i can't believe he's gonna be 20 soon 🥺💚
Jisung likes carp bread so much to the point that his airpods case look like one.
Cute Moments -
In Chenle and Jisung This or That (all episodes tbh) specifically Season 2 Episode 2 were Jisung displays his adorable, innocent self (with criticism from Chenle of course). As well as Season 2 Episode 3 Behind Scenes where he gives the members the mask necklaces. You can tell how cute he is around them, how much they will always baby him.
no matter what happen, no matter how many members will add in nct, he will always be our forever maknae!!! ♡
Even he is youngest in NCT he has most deepest and manly voice.
Jisung has been working in the industry starting at such a young age that he’s never knew how to ride a bike since he never learned up until recently. It’s such a saddening fact that many idols don’t have such “normal” childhood
fun fact about Jisung
He once cried during the WE GO UP promotion with mark because NCT DREAM- We Go Up was high ranking in chart. Jisung who was shocked after hearing the news because tearful as he is hearing DEAR DREAM. Because DEAR DREAM is such a emotional song that tell about what their want to say to Mark who at that time must graduated from NCT DREAM. He also once almost cried and couldn't believe when NCT DREAM-Ridin was highly rank in chart too. This show that Jisung is always not believe that he was able to experience things like this despite his young age that's why he always feel thankful to his fan and work even harder to give his gratitude back to the fans.
He's the sweetest💚
@@doyouram-everydayk-culture6490 you are welcome 💚 I am really enjoying your content about Idol's facts and their history
이때 감기 걸려셨었나부다...ㅠㅠ 몸 건강 챙기면서 하세요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 건강이 제일입니다 ㅠㅠ
4:03 ㅠㅠ천러 걱정해주는것봐ㅠㅠ...
02년생이지만 생일이 2월로 빠른 편이라서 01년생인 천러형과 성찬형이랑 친구를 먹었다!!!!! 누구보다 사려깊고 나긋나긋한 태도를 보이지만 친한 형들과 함께 있으면 캐미가 장난이 아니다. 그리고 터무니없는 밸런스 게임, 드립을 좋아하고 잘 웃어서 웃는 그 모습 자체가 주변 사람들을 행복하게 한다. 그래서 브이앱을 하면 시즈니들을 개그맨으로 만드는 재주가 있다.
이렇게 대단하고 노력하고 실력있는
멋있는 지성 입니다.
그러니 많은 분들이 아이돌 이라는 이미지가
너무 날로먹는다 실력없다 얼굴만 믿는다
그런 선입견 으로 nct 등 모든 아이돌들을
그렇게 안보셨으면 좋겠습니다.
또 무조건 사랑해라 좋아해라 그런 강요는 안합니다. 그리고 이유없는 비난은 안했으면
좋겠어요 싫으면 관심가지지말고 그냥 무시하고 넘어가면 좋겠어요 잘못을 해서 비판을
하면 몰라도..그저 nct를 응원하는 팬입니다 총총..
지성이는 시즈니들을 친한 사촌누나 정도로 생각하고 대하는 느낌이에요ㅎㅎ 말투도 솜사탕같다고들 그러는데 특히 리슨 상메글을 맨날 바꿔서 그날 기분이나 하고싶은 말을 남기거든요! 그건 알림도 안 떠서 수시로 들어가서 지성이가 바꿨는지 확인하는 재미도 있어요🐹💚
울 지성이 목소리는 또 얼마나 좋게요ㅠㅠ 지성이만의 중저음 보컬이 너무 제 취향이에요ㅠㅠ 특히 업투유에 있는 지성이 파트!!! 진짜 추천!!
When Jisung was still a kid, he used to catch insects like cockroaches and bugs. He experienced lots of things on his way to the river where he usually catches insects. Mark even joked that if something bad happened that time, Jisung might not be here now as an idol.
Despite his cutie and squishy looks, Jisung is one of the talented children I have ever seen. Back in the smrookies era he was so tiny and innocent but could pull up the table over his talent in so many things he did even before his debut or even trainee.
His charms make anyone who sees him gonna be happy. But also not forgot to mention, his mindset is another next level on his age, he had those spotlight even when he was little but he already matures in the way he think and thoughts.
All I want to say, please love this precious boy, deserves it. He's cute, talented, squishy, innocents, clumsy, hardworking, and lovely.
Park Jisung online mom :)
맨날 울어서 리로드 앨범 멜론 음원차트 4위 진입했을때 팬들이 지성아 울자 지성아 울어줘 했는데 결국에는 안 울어서 지성이의 성장한 모습을 보여줬... 크흡... 지성아 많이 컸다...
Add-on cute fact about Jisung:
The youngest idol/singer to receive Daesang
지성이는 저와 같은 민트초코단입니다..! 너무 귀여워ㅠㅠㅠ
지성이는요. 02년생이지만 01년생 천러랑 동갑이니까 03년생까지 친구라고 해줬어요. 윙크를 못해서 손으로 눈을 잡아야 윙크를 할 수 있어요. 지성이는 춤은 잘 추지만 요리를 못해서 주방세제로 채소랑 떡을 씻으려고 했어요. 지성이는 우주 이야기를 좋아해서 런쥔이랑 우주 메이트를 하고 있어요. 그리고 지성이는 시즈니들의 드립을 가장 좋아해요. 수학을 16점 맞은적이 있는데 지성이를 사랑해서 점수를 닮아버렸어요.^^ 지성이는 팥붕파랍니다. 참고로 저는 슈붕파입니다.
우리 아가는 평생 행복해야하고 절대 나쁜말 듣지도 보지도 않으면 좋겠다 우리 지성이 상처 주는 사람들은 진짜 가만 안둘거야.... 시즈니가 지켜줄게 지성이는 건강만 해 우리 빨리 나아서 무대 위에서 만나자 기다리고 있을게 조급해하지 마 충분히 잘하고 있어ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Jisung likes to sleep at warm places, when he couldn't sleep before the dream show, he found a comfortable and warm place under their carpet in the living room, and Renjun even said he looks so cute when he saw him in the morning as you can only see his head poking out from underneath the carpet
Every and any fan meeting = cute Jisung (also a very shy and confused Jisung)
사랑해.. 사랑해...사랑해.........
그냥 존재 자체가 깜찍하다는게 빠져있네요