i appreciate your videos! But i think the best strategy for teaching english is to explain in simple english what we need to learn, not in cantonese explain, please consider, thanks
Agree. Modern English is just a skill but not knowledge. However, if one knows nothing about English literature, linguistics, phonetics and phonology, one cannot be regarded as good at English. Very few people are genuinely good at English, modern English is just a skill for communication.
It’s not a passage written by me. I was just using this passage as an example. Whether equipment can be pluralised is not the focus on this video. Anyway, I understand that you’re right in the sense that most of the time, equipment is not a noun that gets pluralised.
@@TiffanyTeachesEnglish I get that the passage is not from you and your video is not about grammar but as a teacher, i just thought one should ensure the correctness of the materials because you never know what your viewers/students might take away from them.
@@TiffanyTeachesEnglish I subscribed to your channel quite some time ago. i have watched many of your videos (sorry for being one of those freeloaders) and they are all very interesting and enligtening. Keep up the good work!
@@TiffanyTeachesEnglish Intentionally finding people to argue, what a horrible behaviour yet as a so called "teacher" or "tutor" you are encouraging this disgusting act.
Tiffany's English is good enough to teach here on TH-cam. I don't understand why some haters are trolling on her just because she hasn't got a white face? smh.
We won’t say, “ We eat dinner”! Should be corrected as” We had our dinner at our friend’s house at 7pm last night.” “We usually have our dinner at 7:30pm every night.” “ We have just had our dinner with friends at the Chinese restaurant downstairs.” Never say to eat dinner, eat lunch, eat breakfast!
蕭叔叔 can read and translate English, but when he tries to speak English, he sounds like an amateur and often mispronounce words. Hope he sticks to Chinese.
我都覺得教得好好,適合local 學英語。Chunk 的部份,背的方法,英文係skill instead of knowledge 係好大的提醒🙏🏻👍🏻
It is not easy to feel at home with the second language. Tiffany❤️❤️❤️
You teach really well! Very clear !
Learnt a lot from you
I agree that treating English as a physical exercise, we have to really say it out loud in order to improve our oral English.
教得真係好好 ! 👍
多年後我問我爸知唔知我背咩,佢話其實佢唔識英文,只係坐係度聽我背 😅
very good 👍
Thank you Teacher, it's very helpful to me. 🙏🙏🙏
今集特別有用 ! 原來真係要背嘅 !
Hi Tiffany, 睇片後認識如何背誦,獲益不少👍
好有啟發,thank you very much
Thx Tiffany, 呢條片好有用. 我終於明白到英文尤其Oral, 係skil而l唔係knowledge.
我平時返工(email etc)或者生活既時間(睇Netflix, 睇戲, 睇新聞etc),見到外國同事用左一啲我覺得好,或者我覺得岩用既英文phase或者vocab, 我都有寫低, 但係過左幾日就唔記得晒~~!!
我不斷儲低呢啲knowledge, 但轉化唔到做skill, 你覺得點樣做會有效啲?
My reflection:
將學英文變學drama (or 唱歌)
Read aloud
Setup recurring alert定時睇番之前自己寫低既既英文note
搵人練習 (搵機會用返出嚟)
繼續睇芬尼學英語嘅youtube (開左鐘仔)
繼續睇芬尼學英語嘅其它material (Facebook, MeWe)
繼續上芬尼學英語嘅Patreon / TG.
Thanks a lot. Very practical !
i appreciate your videos! But i think the best strategy for teaching english is to explain in simple english what we need to learn, not in cantonese explain, please consider, thanks
Watch my IG livestreams :) I speak English there!
我練英語就睇電影而 Subtitle用英文字幕, Tiffany,你講嘢好多懶音噃!
thanks Tiffany
There's no easy way to learn English. Thanks for those really good tips, but also need great perseverance for learners
Agree. Modern English is just a skill but not knowledge. However, if one knows nothing about English literature, linguistics, phonetics and phonology, one cannot be regarded as good at English. Very few people are genuinely good at English, modern English is just a skill for communication.
For the passage you read aloud at 14:59, the word equipment is an uncountable noun and should not be used in the plural?
It’s not a passage written by me. I was just using this passage as an example. Whether equipment can be pluralised is not the focus on this video.
Anyway, I understand that you’re right in the sense that most of the time, equipment is not a noun that gets pluralised.
@@TiffanyTeachesEnglish I get that the passage is not from you and your video is not about grammar but as a teacher, i just thought one should ensure the correctness of the materials because you never know what your viewers/students might take away from them.
@@tonytsang5091 thank you, Tony, for your very valuable advice. 😄 I hope to see your constructive comments under more of our future videos!
Keep up that sharp eye of yours!
@@TiffanyTeachesEnglish I subscribed to your channel quite some time ago. i have watched many of your videos (sorry for being one of those freeloaders) and they are all very interesting and enligtening. Keep up the good work!
我少時老師介紹我哋去尖沙咀搵鬼佬傾偈,傾得多就會順。我就「唔覺意」搵到個加速方法,就係揾鬼佬/婆嗌交,發現可以將先用廣東話形成句子然後英文化變成直接用英文成句,不過呢個方法係唔會學「好」英文,只會學到「壞」英文 😅。
原來嗌交就係另一個「唔覺意」達到咗 Read aloud 嘅要求 🤗
@@TiffanyTeachesEnglish Intentionally finding people to argue, what a horrible behaviour yet as a so called "teacher" or "tutor" you are encouraging this disgusting act.
@@conelapun9767 邊有叫人專登搵人拗交?!?!傻的嗎
蕭叔叔他的英文如何好不重要, 英文比他更好的很多,但是, 蕭叔叔 Queen English accent 令我佩服的.
他的不是Queen's English啊,他自己也有澄清過的😊
背誦句子chunk,drama, read aloud, cut apart
Tiffany's English is good enough to teach here on TH-cam. I don't understand why some haters are trolling on her just because she hasn't got a white face?
@@user-me3cl8nd7w 查查字典
請問在那兒sign up Patreon ?
請問有無片介紹Patreon 學d 乜?
Tier 1 試睇:bit.ly/3tXFkeS
Tier 2 試睇:bit.ly/3nqgba8
Tier 3 試睇:bit.ly/33kFIZ9
Tier 4 試睇:bit.ly/2S9ptfh
我發覺你讀 "順便" 個 "便" 係讀 pin2
上次殿下個 video 講 "隨便" 又係讀 pin2
我想問下呢個 pin2 究竟係點黎?
因為我自己從來都係讀 bin2
我問過身邊好多人都唔會讀 pin2
我唔係話 pin2 係啱定錯
"便" 係有 pin4 呢個音,但只用於 "便宜"
"隨便" 同 "順便" 個 "便" 照道理係同 "方便" "便利" 一樣意思
所以我唔明個 "便" 本來係 b 音點解會變成 p 音
P 或 b 音,重要嗎?
@@saltyegg3325 非常重要!廣東話點解有咁多懶音就係因為太多人覺得發音唔重要!
Fanny I admire you. You got LLB HKU
I want LLB London degree 📜
Not Fanny :) it’s Tiffany
請問年纪40 几歲學英文,發音咬字的時候,有D 音係咪會读來读去都發唔正個音?有冇方法可以改善呢?
@@fionsitu9532 Don't believe anything she say, she is just trying to get your money.
@@conelapun9767 咁又唔好咁講,咁補習老師補習收唔收錢吖?鋼琴老師教琴係唔係免費吖?你覺得佢教得好就畀錢上堂,有乜問題?而且我feel到佢好有心,咁patreon可以隨時停㗎,覺得好就繼續.人哋都要付出時間㗎,你試吓返工唔出糧吖,你得唔得?
@@conelapun9767她教得咁好亦好有心、 收錢有乜問題呢 ? 免費午餐 ? ? ?
我只識背,I go to school by 🚌😭
We won’t say, “ We eat dinner”! Should be corrected as” We had our dinner at our friend’s house at 7pm last night.” “We usually have our dinner at 7:30pm every night.” “ We have just had our dinner with friends at the Chinese restaurant downstairs.” Never say to eat dinner, eat lunch, eat breakfast!
sorry,唔明,喺呢條片裡面我有講we eat dinner?
真係 無錯, 好似 undergo, 單字叫 經歷, 學左單字未咩用,因為中文經歷 同英文係唔同, 你一定要背 undergo an difficulty
讀戈部分好似考PTE試第一part咁 哈哈
May be you want to improve your pronunciation. Specifically, the second syllable of ,
and the last syllable of
11:29 跟住drake啲歌嚟Rap好過啦 讀乜鬼啊😂
@@TiffanyTeachesEnglish 我已經識行 再唔走我就冇進步 何況Drake啲歌根本唔難Rap...
@@matthewcheng3010 咁你勁囉~好多人唔係咁
@@matthewcheng3010 Good for you
其實背呢係冇辦法既辦法,實際係幫唔到你既Oral Eng. 除左多講別無他法,但唯一可以自己糾正既係accent問題,我係美式口音,我係做科技公司既Technical Support. 我係美籍香港人黎,有時喺電話入面聽啲香港人講英文硬係覺得好怪,最明顯就係個O音好嚴重,e.g police / today / tonight咁個O音係發pәˊli:s既,但香港人好似聽唔明咁喔,咁我就話係警察呀!佢就話係poˊli:s呀咁
有無教寫作文。 eo程度果種
維基話距出家了 系少林寺
蕭叔叔 can read and translate English, but when he tries to speak English, he sounds like an amateur and often mispronounce words. Hope he sticks to Chinese.
This person is just a woman who is NOT qualified but still want to earn money in the industry. Shame on you.
you need to add s after want here, that is wants.
@@xyz-pf1yz 唔好咁低B捉錯處啦
@@TiffanyTeachesEnglish 從你由 14:45 開始讀嗰段嘢就可以聽得出。
@@gupsphoo interesting :)
@@TiffanyTeachesEnglish What @gupsphoo said was right tho. STOP SCAMMING!
@@TiffanyTeachesEnglish 唔好理人哋點睇