30 Minutes of Comprehensible Input German | Learn German Vocabulary

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 เม.ย. 2024
  • Welcome to GN Language School, where learning languages is made super fun! In this video, we're diving into a cool way to learn new words through awesome videos.
    Tired of boring ways to learn languages? We've got you covered! Our way of teaching mixes cool pictures, sound, and real-life situations to make learning new words fun and easy.
    Come along as we explore all sorts of topics, like everyday talk and cool stuff you love, all to help you learn words better. Each video is made just for you to understand words easily, so you can remember them without any trouble.
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ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @Winterrain12
    @Winterrain12 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    it is my first day to learn geman. thanks for the video. these are the words with the articles according to AI:
    | Artikel + Deutsches Wort | Englische Übersetzung |
    | der Apfel | apple |
    | die Traube | grape |
    | die Ananas | pineapple |
    | die Orange | orange |
    | die Zitrone | lemon |
    | die Limette | lime |
    | die Banane | banana |
    | die Erdbeere | strawberry |
    | die Heidelbeere | blueberry |
    | die Kirsche | cherry |
    | die Melone | melon |
    | die Wassermelone | watermelon |
    | die Karotte | carrot |
    | die Sellerie | celery |
    | der Kopfsalat | lettuce |
    | der Kohl | cabbage |
    | die Tomate | tomato |
    | die Zwiebel | onion |
    | die Kartoffeln | potatoes |
    | der Brokkoli | broccoli |
    | die Paprika | pepper |
    | die Bohne | bean |
    | der Erbse | pea |
    | der Mais | corn |
    | das Rindfleisch | beef |
    | das Schweinefleisch | pork |
    | der Schinken | ham |
    | die Wurst | sausage |
    | das Ei | egg |
    | der Fisch | fish |
    | der Hummer | lobster |
    | die Krabbe | crab |
    | der Oktopus | octopus |
    | der Hering | herring |
    | der Brot | bread |
    | die Kebbe | kebbe |
    | die Pizza | pizza |
    | das Wasser | water |
    | der Tee | tea |
    | die Milch | milk |
    | der Käse | cheese |
    | der Joghurt | yogurt |
    | das Eis | ice cream |
    | der Saft | juice |
    | der Orangensaft | orange juice |
    | die Limonade | lemonade |
    | die Soda | soda |
    | der Alkohol | alcohol |
    | der Wein | wine |
    | das Bier | beer |
    | die Sojasoße | soy sauce |
    | das Öl | oil |
    | der Essig | vinegar |
    | das Salz | salt |
    | der Pfeffer | pepper |
    | der Zucker | sugar |
    | die Sesamsamen | sesame seeds |
    | die Butter | butter |
    | die Chips | chips |
    | die Schokolade | chocolate |
    | die Kekse | cookies |
    | das Brathähnchen | fried chicken |
    | die Pommes Frites | french fries |
    | der Hamburger | hamburger |
    | die Gelee | jelly |
    | der Ketchup | ketchup |
    | der Kuchen | cake |
    | das Popcorn | popcorn |
    | der Salat | salad |
    | das Sandwich | sandwich |
    | die Suppe | soup |
    | die Spaghetti | spaghetti |
    | das Steak | steak |
    | das Gesicht | face |
    | das Auge | eye |
    | der Mund | mouth |
    | die Zunge | tongue |
    | das Ohr | ear |
    | die Nase | nose |
    | die Zähne | teeth |
    | die Kehle | throat |
    | die Brust | chest |
    | die Brücke | bridge |
    | der Bauch | stomach |
    | der Finger | finger |
    | der Fuß | foot |
    | das Blut | blood |
    | die Haare | hair |
    | die Stirn | forehead |
    | die Augenbraue | eyebrow |
    | die Lippen | lips |
    | die Wange | cheek |
    | der Po | butt |
    | der Ellbogen | elbow |
    | das Bein | leg |
    | der Muskel | muscle |
    | die Haut | skin |
    | der Knochen | bone |
    | der Wimper | eyelash |
    | das Kinn | chin |
    | das Gesäß | buttocks |
    | das Handgelenk | wrist |
    | der Nagel | nail |
    | die Kasche | purse |
    | der Zeh | toe |
    | das Gehirn | brain |
    | das Herz | heart |
    | die Gedärme | intestines |
    | der Magen | stomach |
    | das Zahnfleisch | gums |
    | der Bauchnabel | belly button |
    | der Daumen | thumb |
    | der Zeigefinger | index finger |
    | der Mittelfinger | middle finger |
    | der Ringfinger | ring finger |
    | der kleine Finger | pinky finger |
    | die Fingerspitze | fingertip |
    | die Niere | kidney |
    | die Leber | liver |
    | die Lunge | lung |
    | die Achselhöhle | armpit |

    • @ComprehensibleInputSchool
      @ComprehensibleInputSchool  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Great✅ We wanted to make focus on the comprehensive aspect of the learning so we chose to make as simpler as possible for beginners. As a beginner, would have you enjoyed the video more with the articles?

  • @guang-wen
    @guang-wen หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    why why WHY would you not include the article and the gender with the nouns? Totally dropped the ball on this one

    • @ComprehensibleInputSchool
      @ComprehensibleInputSchool  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      This video was produced with the intention to focus on comprehensible vocabulary. We believe this type of content will encourage beginners to continue studying. We will produce videos with articles too so wait for future videos!