There is no time to be lost. Battle Brothers! Space Marines - today the enemy is at our door. We know our duty, and we will do it. We fight for our honor as Blood Ravens, as Space Marines ... and we fight in the name of the Emprah! And if we die this day we die in glory. We die heroes deaths ... but we shall not die. No! It is the enemy who will taste death and defeat. As you know... Most of our Battle Brothers are stationed in space, prepared to deep strike. Our perimeter has been prepared in the event that our enemies should be so bold and so foolish. We have placed numerous beacons, allowing fpr multiple, simultaneous, and devastating defensive deep strikes. The Codex Astartes names this maneuver Steel Rehn. We will descend upon the foe, we will overwhelm them ... we will leave none alive. Meanwhile, our ground forces will ensure the full defense of our headquaters. We are the Space Marines! We are the Emprah's Fury!
Spoko materiały. Tylko proszę wstawiaj je częściej bo czuję niedosyt :D
Ciekawy filmik, chętnie dowiedział bym się więcej o tej anatomii. Leci subek :)
Film jest w trakcie montażu,jak mi nic nie wypadnie to w ten weekend lub na początku przyszłego tygodnia będzie właśnie anatomia!
There is no time to be lost. Battle Brothers!
Space Marines - today the enemy is at our door.
We know our duty, and we will do it. We fight for our honor as Blood Ravens, as Space Marines ... and we fight in the name of the Emprah!
And if we die this day we die in glory. We die heroes deaths ... but we shall not die.
No! It is the enemy who will taste death and defeat. As you know...
Most of our Battle Brothers are stationed in space, prepared to deep strike.
Our perimeter has been prepared in the event that our enemies should be so bold and so foolish.
We have placed numerous beacons, allowing fpr multiple, simultaneous, and devastating defensive deep strikes.
The Codex Astartes names this maneuver Steel Rehn.
We will descend upon the foe, we will overwhelm them ... we will leave none alive.
Meanwhile, our ground forces will ensure the full defense of our headquaters.
We are the Space Marines! We are the Emprah's Fury!
Fajna ta gra Tomb Raider.Lapka na zachęte, ale zrób videoporadnik.
sporo jest tu starego txt
Można sobie wymyślić własny zakon ;)
Taki kanal to zloto tyle informacji z w40k w jednym miejscu
Mów wolniej, bo trochę ciężko zrozumieć czasem.
To co słyszę: wrra uła ble bal szym prym prum pim pamwziua trakaem itd....
Ale nowe filmiki bardzo fajnie brzmią
Bo nabrałem doświadczenia przy edycji audio i wyposażyłem się w lepszy mikrofon.Jakość poszła w góre
Nie czepiam się, ale słabo. Dużo błędów, opowiadanie z użyciem wyrazów typu bla bla bla..