@@LisaBevere I read that scripture about a tellbearer that you spoke about it's like food like a chocolate and so that makes me want to pray more so I can know what to do when someone is gossiping I won't eat it like you said you don't have to be the one saying it but you can be eating it tho when someone else bring it to you so I need a lot of fear of God and discernment and more intimacy with God so I can know what to do when things like that happen
I really needed this today there was a situation at my day program today this guy accused my music teacher of something that he didn’t do. And he got really angry and he was hurt and I felt humiliated by it because I do the right thing most of the time and it makes me feel crazy. My teacher said it’s because of his. “Disability” that he’s being mean. I didn’t just let the kid get to my teacher and let him get to me too. And I immediately felt guilty after seeing this post why? because I let people get to me at my “day program” all the time i’ve been looking to people for validation and fear when I really should be looking to the Lord for validation. I didn’t wanna go to my day program because I felt like an outsider. But I should be looking to the fear of God, not the fear of man. People always ask me. How do you not care what other people think? How are you so confident it’s because I have the fear of the Lord not the fear of man but lately I have been struggling with confidence. I’ve been struggling with fearing the Lord like I said instead i’ve been fearing people those of you watching this online if me and Lisa leave you with anything it’s this people are gonna disappoint. You underestimate you step on you make you feel inferior, but there’s only one person that I love you enough and will never disappoint you and you can fear him anytime you are feeling unconfident and anytime that haters come your way. His name is Jesus. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy one is understanding Proverbs 9:10
When you taught that even just LISTENING to other people gossip is still actively engaging in gossip, I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. That has always been me, even though I’ve always tried to stay away from it. It’s challenging to find female friends who refuse to go there. We all want to do our own ‘research’, to be in the know and to know what’s going on. We need to rely more on the power of the Holy Ghost to reveal the pertinent info we need to know and to chill out with the rest of it.
Yes, I have seen especially with Pastors and their Wives in many churches, the wicked people get close to them and manipulate them and control them so that Jesus’ true people cannot get involved in certain Church activities, especially when it comes to getting a spot on the stage to do Jesus’s Music!!!
@@faithfulwhispersASMR3 Yes there are times to be silent AND times to speak up. The wicked rule when good men do nothing. Light, the Truth, dispels the darkness. Gossip, darkness hates light, Truth.
Unfollowing someone from church was such a horrible choice I made just because I didn’t like her posts, she confronted me and now there’s tensions between us, and of course I fell into gossiping about her because of it. It’s been eating me up so this video is very timely.
I listened to someone talk about someone whom I respect & did not at the time stand up in defense. I regretted that ever sense. I stand up now for my friends & pray for them too. ❤
"I allowed the words of strangers to have more weight in my life than the Word of God." That really convicted me. As someone who has made content online & done a bit of independent journalism, I really relate to this. I let both the negative & positive comments affect me & my soul WAY too much. And it affected my walk with God as well as the relationships with those God has provided in my life. I even have at times chosen not to say what I know God is calling me to say, all to avoid the hurt I felt from stranger's views. Thank you, Lisa.
My family and I used to see you, John, and your little boys at many churches in Florida when you would come and share. Loved you then and love you now. I am in NC at BGEA. A blessing.
Lisa Bevere, I admire you so much. Thank you for saying there is something wrong about using the rubble of someone else’s destruction to build your own platform. You are such a beacon of light. I admire you ❤
Currently suffering this season and I put a stop to it once God opened me up to Obadiah last night. I will trust in Jesus, for He is my great defender. ❤
Oh yeah! I’ve been praying for Rusell for years🙏🏼. I very much enjoyed watching him come to the truth🙌🏼. He is such a bright light for Jesus now, i’m so proud of him.
I love you so much in Christ, Lisa Bevere! Im grateful to God for your life, wisdom and not afraid to own up to anything. And not afraid to call out anything that needs to be said. God is truly using you and your husband for such a time as this! Im so edified by your teachings and wisdom. To God, to GOD- be the Glory!!!
I can't tell you how much this message means to me. Last year was so painful and filled with regret for me. It left me feeling worthless and hopeless. It's felt impossible to pick myself up. This really helped renew my hope in the plan the Lord still has for my life.
I really appreciate it this is what was transpiring todays ago, however I just retain SILENCE as a tool in my life so as to dismantle gossips and so on.The priority object here is to maintain silent.❤❤
I loved this video especially the wonderful advice followed by scripture. I'm in a Woman's study Bible at my church and we're reading your book "The Fight for Female" it's amazing and empowering to hear you speak. Isaiah is one of my favorite books in Bible, too. God Bless you and thank you for realistic and optimistic approach on how to handle and approach life as a woman and walking in authority that the LORD gave us, women. You demonstrate a beautiful way to walk holy but boldly which empowers women.
Thank you for this video, Lisa. I’m dealing with ALL OF THIS & what you said about time out, leaving some things sacred to God, this year being a year of AUTHORITY and so much more really resonated with me and I believe I’m one of the people God wanted to watch this video and take inventory to improve as an individual woman of God. Thank you thank you thank you 🙏🏻
It really is true how once someone has their mind up, there is nothing you can do about it. I really struggle with this, because sometimes God asks me to write or speak things that aren't always comfortable. Because I feel that people are rolling their eyes at me, I will usually delete what I write out of fear. I've made a lot of steps concerning the fear of man, but this is an area I still struggle with. The words "false prophet" are generally the hardest for me, especially since I don't want a platform as one. I just want to write/say what God says. I've been asking God for a word in season for me, even though I usually just read the word. He gave one Scripture to me, but this podcast has definitely been timely. Thank you for being obedient in preaching it. The gossip and false accusations have been way out of control as well. Again, thank you.
It sucks when the people gossiping is my GMA (also my last living grandparent), mom, aunt and dad... I've had to completely step away. I was literally going crazy. Thank the Lord for his strength through us
I’ve been kicked out of friend groups & hated by people since childhood for calling out gossip. it’s such a common norm, people don’t realize how horrible it is, not just to the target but everyone involved. thank you for an edifying convo, ladies 🌸🍃🤍🍃🌸 much Love
Thank you for sharing this word. What impresses me is how the devil tried to destroy your heart and maybe you felt bad and confused for a little while but then you came back roaring like a lion defending your identity and authority in Jesus Christ. We can always stand to be corrected but not defeated and beaten down to nothing. I believe our Lord wants us to stand up for Him! You are a good example of doing this. Thank you for sharing your testimony and being an example of standing up for our Lord and Savior. Keep it up! May God guard your heart ❤🙏🏻 Thank you Jesus ❤️
That you Lord for this message and thank you Lisa and Christian for sharing. I needed to hear this, so timely. Praise God! we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us! Thank you Lord.
Congratulations Christian! Welcome to this world Tatum, she is born into a wonderful family ❤ I pray that you have the most healing and magical post partum all wrapped in the love of a newborn. It's the toughest and best season at the same time :)
Awww thank you! This was so encouraging! So many things you said I had in my spirit and tried to walk it out, but I had no words for it. You put it into words for us! Thank you so much! ❤️🔥
hi Lisa, i am so thankful for your insight and sharing, i totally need these advises of principles and practicality in 2025. God bless you ! greeting from Malaysia!!
Praise the Lord for Christian and Tatum's health! May the newest addition be cheerful of spirit, just as her name means! Thank you, ladies, for this timely word. Haven't finished watching the video, but I am excited to be built up! Praying soundness of mind over my church and family today.
Seeing the amount of negative comments on the interview you did with Allie Beth Stuckney made me so upset. I tried to defend you in those comments, Lisa! This might be what you're talking about. I wonder 🤔 Regardless, so glad you're speaking out about it! What a strong woman in Christ you are!
I need to comment again! I'm nearly done the video (mom life, lol) and I'm thanking the Holy Spirit for his authority in my life! I won't be arguing with demons who bring up my past. My life was what people gossiped about. I won't listen to them, but to what Jesus says. Thank you, ladies.
We had a pastor who taught us the walk of honesty when the enemy attacked us concerning our past. What we did is true, but we don't live there anymore. It is forgiven and under the blood of Jesus.
Right, we are not to get into "it" with fools. This is the area that I need to lean on God's discernment because they are strangers luring you in to smack you around. I believe it is a demon (a satan) to hurt your walk and get your eyes off of God's truths about you and His plans for you. I love this message and know it is God's Spirit leading you. Amen!
Mrs. Bevere, you have the rock of ages in you and women like me have been fortunate to be able to learn Godly wisdom we are searching for from a gifted, seasoned wife to teach us, you who have walked the walked, you are what we need to hear God’s word in our life and mentoring of how to be a wife, and regarding our spiritual stewardships and stewardships with our families, please don’t leave or be discouraged the enemy wants to take out our families and that’s all the point of trying to discourage you and take you out, take out women and take out families, and take out our kids, fight! They are liers, you never believe a lie and a lier!❤🛡️🗡️📖🙏
Is it possible for you to extend this teaching when concerning pastors and leadership. My situation is not exactly the same though I have experienced cruel gossip in ministry. Yes, there is a time to be silent and God will fight those battles. In the past 2 years, I prayerfully held my situation and choose to forgive them and continue to pray for them. In the past year, 3 other similar situations have been brought across my path that I did not seek out. Pastors tellling people to go back into physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive situations at the risk of harm and even death is not okay! I have requested a meeting with all involved. Light expels darkness. This is all out of love, protection, and hope for this pattern of respectfully, ignorance, control, manipulation, fear….to stop in this part of the body of Christ. My heart is burdened for all affected including myself and I am part of this ministry. I have not felt released and am walking in obedience for God’s light, healing, and restoration. All I can do is my part. Praying for open, humble hearts.
It’s not gossip if it’s truth, or about unrepentant sin or biblical error. Otherwise Jesus wouldn’t have called believers to reprove those in error. He wouldn’t have called us to overly sin. He would’ve just said to keep our heads in the sand. The “spirit of accusation” has been misused to silence what needs to be voiced & is more about pastors and ministries controlling their narrative. Not exposing darkness of public ministries just allows sin to metastasize in the whole body of Christ. If you’re ministering to the public, receiving donations from the public, then you’re accountable to the public. It’s disingenuous & arrogant to want to speak to the masses on public platforms (who are people you don’t know) but say you aren’t accountable to those people whom you don’t know. You’re speaking through social media yet telling everyone else to get out from under the authority of social media, implying it’s a one-way relationship. We speak, you listen. No comments unless it’s positive. No reproof. No accountability. Because that’s how you want to define gossip. It’s also not right to use passages about correcting error & sin within the local church, such as Matthew 18, yet apply that to a global platform where people have no way to confront you privately & walk that process out.
Beautifully said. The church is in a crisis,it needs to get healed. All the coverups are needing to unveil and bring everything into the light. Truth and grace are being presented in the platforms of honesty by people who love the LORD,yet no holy sorrow,only more complexities FROM THOSE WHO ARE ON NETWORKS THAT HAVE INFLUENCED IN THE PAST. Well said I agree with you.👩🏻🎨
Witches use the love of gossip against Christians all the time. You have to go to people before making a decision and call meetings with the gossiper and those gossipped about. This usually clarifies misperceptions or ends the problem.
This!!! I have come under so much fire because I love to teach and I’m a woman and shouldn’t be teaching! You just have to settle the matter in your own heart! This is one of my favorite Bible verses about the inability to please people: “For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”” Matthew 11:18-19 NIV
Did you know, that All men naming themselves Christian’s, are supposed to be being the Priest’s of their homes, under the High Priest Jesus? So many are not doing that responsibility and entertaining themselves with the worlds social media or television instead, so of course Women need to pick up the baton and go forward with the Gospel and spread it for King Jesus, lest THE ROCKS CRY OUT! You Go Girl….!!! 👏 ❤️✝️❤️ 👏
I've been struggling with this lately. I was in a toxic environment, where I was surrounded by people who had higher titles, more authority, higher positions than me[work]. And their criticisms were so loud & in so much unison, and so negative that it drowned the strength of His word. Pray for me.
Lisa, Is there a way I may reach you through email? I have been struggling through some things, and every time I listen to one of your podcasts I find another similarity with your journey. I was first introduced to you and your husband when a friend of mine sent me John’s book, The Bait of Satan, which really hit home and has been very enlightening. So thank you, John. But I was wondering, if you and I may chat some time, some way? I understand you are probably very busy, and there is a chance you might not have the time to correspond. Thank you, nonetheless, for all the content you put out there for everyone. Much appreciation to you and your family, dear sister. 🙏🏼
Thank you sooo much for saying this!! It was clear, it was concise and filled with wisdom. What took you so long to say this 😂. Just kidding - appreciate it
agreed. let's not desire to control each other because we're all people. people control animals so they won't bite. when people start acting like animals though it's a different story that they clearly don't understand what the consequences are of their actions. may we all come to that realization that that position of preeminence over us all belongs to JESUS CHRIST alone. GOD-position is His alone, JESUS :) 3 John 1:9 “I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.” let's keep our eyes on JESUS CHRIST, The WORD of GOD and HE will certainly lead us to His purposes for us to lead many souls back to GOD too. Colossians 1:18 “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” love your podcast! Thank You, JESUS CHRIST for your calling! :)
Is it possible for you to extend this teaching when concerning pastors and leadership. My situation is not exactly the same though I have experienced cruel gossip in ministry. Yes, there is a time to be silent and God will fight those battles. In the past 2 years, I prayerfully held my situation and choose to forgive them and continue to pray for them. In the past year, 3 other similar situations have been brought across my path that I did not seek out. Pastors tellling people to go back into physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive situations at the risk of harm and even death is not okay! I have requested a meeting with all involved. Light expels darkness. This is all out of love, protection, and hope for this pattern of respectfully, ignorance, control, manipulation, fear….to stop in this part of the body of Christ. My heart is burdened for all affected including myself and I am part of this ministry. I have not felt released and am walking in obedience for God’s light, healing, and restoration. All I can do is my part. Praying for open, humble hearts.
What are some ways you've participated in gossip in the past, and how would you like to approach those situations differently in the future?
@@LisaBevere I read that scripture about a tellbearer that you spoke about it's like food like a chocolate and so that makes me want to pray more so I can know what to do when someone is gossiping I won't eat it like you said you don't have to be the one saying it but you can be eating it tho when someone else bring it to you so I need a lot of fear of God and discernment and more intimacy with God so I can know what to do when things like that happen
I really needed this today there was a situation at my day program today this guy accused my music teacher of something that he didn’t do. And he got really angry and he was hurt and I felt humiliated by it because I do the right thing most of the time and it makes me feel crazy. My teacher said it’s because of his. “Disability” that he’s being mean. I didn’t just let the kid get to my teacher and let him get to me too. And I immediately felt guilty after seeing this post why? because I let people get to me at my “day program” all the time i’ve been looking to people for validation and fear when I really should be looking to the Lord for validation. I didn’t wanna go to my day program because I felt like an outsider. But I should be looking to the fear of God, not the fear of man. People always ask me. How do you not care what other people think? How are you so confident it’s because I have the fear of the Lord not the fear of man but lately I have been struggling with confidence. I’ve been struggling with fearing the Lord like I said instead i’ve been fearing people those of you watching this online if me and Lisa leave you with anything it’s this people are gonna disappoint. You underestimate you step on you make you feel inferior, but there’s only one person that I love you enough and will never disappoint you and you can fear him anytime you are feeling unconfident and anytime that haters come your way. His name is Jesus.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy one is understanding
Proverbs 9:10
The fight for female should be a devotional the fight for female 100 devotions to help you fear the Lord
When you taught that even just LISTENING to other people gossip is still actively engaging in gossip, I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. That has always been me, even though I’ve always tried to stay away from it. It’s challenging to find female friends who refuse to go there. We all want to do our own ‘research’, to be in the know and to know what’s going on. We need to rely more on the power of the Holy Ghost to reveal the pertinent info we need to know and to chill out with the rest of it.
Yes, I have seen especially with Pastors and their Wives in many churches, the wicked people get close to them and manipulate them and control them so that Jesus’ true people cannot get involved in certain Church activities, especially when it comes to getting a spot on the stage to do Jesus’s Music!!!
“Have strong convictions but gentle opinions “ this is good!
Gossip is like a knife to the heart the best thing is to ignore it.
So true !!
@@faithfulwhispersASMR3 Yes there are times to be silent AND times to speak up. The wicked rule when good men do nothing. Light, the Truth, dispels the darkness. Gossip, darkness hates light, Truth.
I appreciate your honesty, I wish those being exposed would be so open. Prayer for all involved!
Unfollowing someone from church was such a horrible choice I made just because I didn’t like her posts, she confronted me and now there’s tensions between us, and of course I fell into gossiping about her because of it. It’s been eating me up so this video is very timely.
We've all come short of the glory of God. His grace is enough, Jesus doesn't need to go to the cross again. Pick up where you left off following Him ❤
I listened to someone talk about someone whom I respect & did not at the time stand up in defense. I regretted that ever sense. I stand up now for my friends & pray for them too. ❤
"I allowed the words of strangers to have more weight in my life than the Word of God." That really convicted me. As someone who has made content online & done a bit of independent journalism, I really relate to this. I let both the negative & positive comments affect me & my soul WAY too much. And it affected my walk with God as well as the relationships with those God has provided in my life. I even have at times chosen not to say what I know God is calling me to say, all to avoid the hurt I felt from stranger's views. Thank you, Lisa.
I didnt even know i was doing it but your examples are bringing it to light 😮 Lord God forgive me
You can be forgiven when you repent! He LOVES you!
My family and I used to see you, John, and your little boys at many churches in Florida when you would come and share. Loved you then and love you now. I am in NC at BGEA. A blessing.
Lisa Bevere, I admire you so much. Thank you for saying there is something wrong about using the rubble of someone else’s destruction to build your own platform. You are such a beacon of light. I admire you ❤
Good morning...need a whole lotta prayer today
Currently suffering this season and I put a stop to it once God opened me up to Obadiah last night. I will trust in Jesus, for He is my great defender. ❤
This was such a great episode!!
Oh yeah! I’ve been praying for Rusell for years🙏🏼. I very much enjoyed watching him come to the truth🙌🏼. He is such a bright light for Jesus now, i’m so proud of him.
Thank you Lisa !!
I love you so much in Christ, Lisa Bevere! Im grateful to God for your life, wisdom and not afraid to own up to anything. And not afraid to call out anything that needs to be said. God is truly using you and your husband for such a time as this! Im so edified by your teachings and wisdom. To God, to GOD- be the Glory!!!
I didn't even know I needed to hear this, but I'm so thankful that it was in front of me.😊.
I can't tell you how much this message means to me. Last year was so painful and filled with regret for me. It left me feeling worthless and hopeless. It's felt impossible to pick myself up. This really helped renew my hope in the plan the Lord still has for my life.
I really appreciate it this is what was transpiring todays ago, however I just retain SILENCE as a tool in my life so as to dismantle gossips and so on.The priority object here is to maintain silent.❤❤
Thank You Dear Jesus! Amen!
Thank you, Lisa! You are such a blessing!
Wonderful video! So practical and authentic. God bless you, women of God 🤍
I loved this video especially the wonderful advice followed by scripture. I'm in a Woman's study Bible at my church and we're reading your book "The Fight for Female" it's amazing and empowering to hear you speak. Isaiah is one of my favorite books in Bible, too. God Bless you and thank you for realistic and optimistic approach on how to handle and approach life as a woman and walking in authority that the LORD gave us, women. You demonstrate a beautiful way to walk holy but boldly which empowers women.
I really needed to hear this 🙌🏻 thank you
Thank you for this video, Lisa. I’m dealing with ALL OF THIS & what you said about time out, leaving some things sacred to God, this year being a year of AUTHORITY and so much more really resonated with me and I believe I’m one of the people God wanted to watch this video and take inventory to improve as an individual woman of God. Thank you thank you thank you 🙏🏻
I love lisa, shes a mighty woman of God. Shes genuine .
Very good! Thank you !
So good Lisa!!! Thank you for choosing to be under The Authority of God❤
It really is true how once someone has their mind up, there is nothing you can do about it. I really struggle with this, because sometimes God asks me to write or speak things that aren't always comfortable. Because I feel that people are rolling their eyes at me, I will usually delete what I write out of fear. I've made a lot of steps concerning the fear of man, but this is an area I still struggle with. The words "false prophet" are generally the hardest for me, especially since I don't want a platform as one. I just want to write/say what God says. I've been asking God for a word in season for me, even though I usually just read the word. He gave one Scripture to me, but this podcast has definitely been timely. Thank you for being obedient in preaching it. The gossip and false accusations have been way out of control as well. Again, thank you.
It sucks when the people gossiping is my GMA (also my last living grandparent), mom, aunt and dad... I've had to completely step away. I was literally going crazy.
Thank the Lord for his strength through us
This is such a good word, Lisa!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I took down so many notes and am going to be praying over this in the weeks to come.
Thank you ladies!! Bless the wisdom and experience our Great God and King has given you both. The Fear of the Lord looks beautiful on you!
What a blessing you guys are! That explanation of if you should call someone out or not was excellent. 🏆
Thank you for addressing this!
The offense planted in the spirit of a man from gossip defiles many!
Love compels a conversation ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you Lisa!!! From NYC
I’ve been kicked out of friend groups & hated by people since childhood for calling out gossip. it’s such a common norm, people don’t realize how horrible it is, not just to the target but everyone involved. thank you for an edifying convo, ladies 🌸🍃🤍🍃🌸 much Love
A Friend leading you to the word…❤️❤️❤️
Your amazing Lisa! Thank you for your obedience and courage!
Thank you for this!!! You are a blessing in my life moving forward!!! 2025 I need you.. So am committing to learning from you Lisa!!! Thank you!!!
I love Lisa. She has a sincere heart and speaks truth! ❤
Thank you for sharing this word. What impresses me is how the devil tried to destroy your heart and maybe you felt bad and confused for a little while but then you came back roaring like a lion defending your identity and authority in Jesus Christ. We can always stand to be corrected but not defeated and beaten down to nothing. I believe our Lord wants us to stand up for Him! You are a good example of doing this. Thank you for sharing your testimony and being an example of standing up for our Lord and Savior. Keep it up! May God guard your heart ❤🙏🏻 Thank you Jesus ❤️
That you Lord for this message and thank you Lisa and Christian for sharing. I needed to hear this, so timely. Praise God! we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us! Thank you Lord.
You and your book have helped me to step into my warring pray life.
Thank you for this message!
Congratulations Christian! Welcome to this world Tatum, she is born into a wonderful family ❤
I pray that you have the most healing and magical post partum all wrapped in the love of a newborn. It's the toughest and best season at the same time :)
Oh my.. the lord been talking to me about the authority Jesus has given me !!
Oooh! I'm feeling such conviction! It doesn't feel good. But it was necessary. Thank you for speaking the truth.
I needed this. Thank you for talking about this. 💗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Awww thank you! This was so encouraging! So many things you said I had in my spirit and tried to walk it out, but I had no words for it. You put it into words for us! Thank you so much! ❤️🔥
I love Russel, he is very kind and very smart. Love his journey
This was a great correction. Thank you!!
hi Lisa, i am so thankful for your insight and sharing, i totally need these advises of principles and practicality in 2025. God bless you ! greeting from Malaysia!!
Praise the Lord for Christian and Tatum's health! May the newest addition be cheerful of spirit, just as her name means!
Thank you, ladies, for this timely word. Haven't finished watching the video, but I am excited to be built up! Praying soundness of mind over my church and family today.
Praise 🙌 JESUS CHRIST 🙌 I definitely need this!!! 🙌 😄💐
5:20 I was too ! Forgive me father and renew in me a right spirit in Jesus name amen 🙏 🙌
So many golden nuggets in this talk that I had to listen twice ❤
Excellent message ❤
Such a wonderful video , I watched it on you tube with my phone . 🥰🥰Abba Father Bless you, & your family& your Ministry InJesus Name
Seeing the amount of negative comments on the interview you did with Allie Beth Stuckney made me so upset. I tried to defend you in those comments, Lisa!
This might be what you're talking about. I wonder 🤔
Regardless, so glad you're speaking out about it! What a strong woman in Christ you are!
I need to comment again! I'm nearly done the video (mom life, lol) and I'm thanking the Holy Spirit for his authority in my life! I won't be arguing with demons who bring up my past. My life was what people gossiped about. I won't listen to them, but to what Jesus says. Thank you, ladies.
We had a pastor who taught us the walk of honesty when the enemy attacked us concerning our past. What we did is true, but we don't live there anymore. It is forgiven and under the blood of Jesus.
So good!!
Right, we are not to get into "it" with fools. This is the area that I need to lean on God's discernment because they are strangers luring you in to smack you around. I believe it is a demon (a satan) to hurt your walk and get your eyes off of God's truths about you and His plans for you. I love this message and know it is God's Spirit leading you. Amen!
You should read “the Bait of Satan”.
Mrs. Bevere, you have the rock of ages in you and women like me have been fortunate to be able to learn Godly wisdom we are searching for from a gifted, seasoned wife to teach us, you who have walked the walked, you are what we need to hear God’s word in our life and mentoring of how to be a wife, and regarding our spiritual stewardships and stewardships with our families, please don’t leave or be discouraged the enemy wants to take out our families and that’s all the point of trying to discourage you and take you out, take out women and take out families, and take out our kids, fight! They are liers, you never believe a lie and a lier!❤🛡️🗡️📖🙏
Amen. Thank you
Keep your eyes on the Lord God Almighty! Thank you Lisa for this word. No one can tame the tongue it is a restless evil. James 3:8
Good and timely word. And by the way, this is completely off topic, but you’re just as pretty now as you were thirty years ago.
J.A.D E: don't justify, argue, defend or explain. Let your yes be yes and no be no...and that's it.
Hallelujah 🙌 yesss
Is it possible for you to extend this teaching when concerning pastors and leadership.
My situation is not exactly the same though I have experienced cruel gossip in ministry. Yes, there is a time to be silent and God will fight those battles. In the past 2 years, I prayerfully held my situation and choose to forgive them and continue to pray for them. In the past year, 3 other similar situations have been brought across my path that I did not seek out. Pastors tellling people to go back into physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive situations at the risk of harm and even death is not okay! I have requested a meeting with all involved. Light expels darkness. This is all out of love, protection, and hope for this pattern of respectfully, ignorance, control, manipulation, fear….to stop in this part of the body of Christ. My heart is burdened for all affected including myself and I am part of this ministry. I have not felt released and am walking in obedience for God’s light, healing, and restoration. All I can do is my part. Praying for open, humble hearts.
It’s not gossip if it’s truth, or about unrepentant sin or biblical error. Otherwise Jesus wouldn’t have called believers to reprove those in error. He wouldn’t have called us to overly sin. He would’ve just said to keep our heads in the sand. The “spirit of accusation” has been misused to silence what needs to be voiced & is more about pastors and ministries controlling their narrative. Not exposing darkness of public ministries just allows sin to metastasize in the whole body of Christ. If you’re ministering to the public, receiving donations from the public, then you’re accountable to the public. It’s disingenuous & arrogant to want to speak to the masses on public platforms (who are people you don’t know) but say you aren’t accountable to those people whom you don’t know. You’re speaking through social media yet telling everyone else to get out from under the authority of social media, implying it’s a one-way relationship. We speak, you listen. No comments unless it’s positive. No reproof. No accountability. Because that’s how you want to define gossip. It’s also not right to use passages about correcting error & sin within the local church, such as Matthew 18, yet apply that to a global platform where people have no way to confront you privately & walk that process out.
Beautifully said. The church is in a crisis,it needs to get healed. All the coverups are needing to unveil and bring everything into the light.
Truth and grace are being presented in the platforms of honesty by people who love the LORD,yet no holy sorrow,only more complexities FROM
Well said I agree with you.👩🏻🎨
Amen! ❤
Amen ❤
The comments in the thumbnail remind me that Jesus was hated & criticized, too.
God has blessed you above and beyond. Stop with nonstop commercials.
Is it gossip if you say no names?
Think of the spirit and intent behind it
Ah! I’m a small town Alabama girl too!🥹🩷
Witches use the love of gossip against Christians all the time. You have to go to people before making a decision and call meetings with the gossiper and those gossipped about. This usually clarifies misperceptions or ends the problem.
This!!! I have come under so much fire because I love to teach and I’m a woman and shouldn’t be teaching!
You just have to settle the matter in your own heart! This is one of my favorite Bible verses about the inability to please people:
“For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.””
Matthew 11:18-19 NIV
Did you know, that All men naming themselves Christian’s, are supposed to be being the Priest’s of their homes, under the High Priest Jesus?
So many are not doing that responsibility and entertaining themselves with the worlds social media or television instead, so of course Women need to pick up the baton and go forward with the Gospel and spread it for King Jesus, lest THE ROCKS CRY OUT!
You Go Girl….!!!
👏 ❤️✝️❤️ 👏
I've been struggling with this lately. I was in a toxic environment, where I was surrounded by people who had higher titles, more authority, higher positions than me[work]. And their criticisms were so loud & in so much unison, and so negative that it drowned the strength of His word. Pray for me.
@ praying for you!
Is there a way I may reach you through email? I have been struggling through some things, and every time I listen to one of your podcasts I find another similarity with your journey. I was first introduced to you and your husband when a friend of mine sent me John’s book, The Bait of Satan, which really hit home and has been very enlightening. So thank you, John. But I was wondering, if you and I may chat some time, some way? I understand you are probably very busy, and there is a chance you might not have the time to correspond. Thank you, nonetheless, for all the content you put out there for everyone. Much appreciation to you and your family, dear sister. 🙏🏼
Thank you sooo much for saying this!! It was clear, it was concise and filled with wisdom. What took you so long to say this 😂. Just kidding - appreciate it
Agreed. You have anything on Jude?
agreed. let's not desire to control each other because we're all people. people control animals so they won't bite. when people start acting like animals though it's a different story that they clearly don't understand what the consequences are of their actions. may we all come to that realization that that position of preeminence over us all belongs to JESUS CHRIST alone. GOD-position is His alone, JESUS :)
3 John 1:9
“I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.”
let's keep our eyes on JESUS CHRIST, The WORD of GOD and HE will certainly lead us to His purposes for us to lead many souls back to GOD too.
Colossians 1:18
“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.”
love your podcast! Thank You, JESUS CHRIST for your calling! :)
Well you'll notice if you are quiet and just listen without engaging. It becomes apparent that you're not part of the psychosis.
Goodness i thought a thatric movie was about to start..😊
Thank you for tuning in :)
😮💨guilty of being jaded.
You are a HIRLINGS. You made my Father's house a house of merchandise.
Get your money😅
You still talking about me with a white boy in your mind.. And I'm on TH-cam.😅😅😅
You got busted white woman without the truth
Is it possible for you to extend this teaching when concerning pastors and leadership.
My situation is not exactly the same though I have experienced cruel gossip in ministry. Yes, there is a time to be silent and God will fight those battles. In the past 2 years, I prayerfully held my situation and choose to forgive them and continue to pray for them. In the past year, 3 other similar situations have been brought across my path that I did not seek out. Pastors tellling people to go back into physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive situations at the risk of harm and even death is not okay! I have requested a meeting with all involved. Light expels darkness. This is all out of love, protection, and hope for this pattern of respectfully, ignorance, control, manipulation, fear….to stop in this part of the body of Christ. My heart is burdened for all affected including myself and I am part of this ministry. I have not felt released and am walking in obedience for God’s light, healing, and restoration. All I can do is my part. Praying for open, humble hearts.
Open Humble Hearts are a rarity these days, but I pray Jesus helps you bring Correction and His Divine Love to the situation! ❤️🙏❤️