Another way to check whether a slip is sufficiently fluid is to pour a thin stream into a container with slip and when the stream enters the surface of the slip as if cutting into it rather than spreading over the surface, the composition is ready for use
tambah slip baru lagi, biasanya sih mending buat campuran baru,. Yang sudah kebanyakan waterglass dibiarkan jadi leather hard untuk di gemblong dan buat hand-building atau throwing.
Hey 🌸 Could I make slip with air dry clay? My mom doesn’t have an kiln and she has some plaster slip doll making molds that she would like to use because we don’t get air dry clay slip here 😭 Alternatively- is there any other medium that she could use to make her dolls with plaster slip casting molds? Thank you so much 😘
I never tried making slip from air dry clay. But it might be interesting to try, probably don't need to add sodium silicate/water glass and soda ash. You might not even need to make the air dry clay into a slip, just press the platic air dry clay into the mold really well, let it dry, and you should get a good cast imho. 👍🏻😁
Aren’t you supposed to mix the sodium silicate 50% water and then add it!? Also is there a reason the marveling happens and is that ok? I can’t mix mine enough to make the marveling go away so I’m afraid it will not work well in the molds.
as long as you can make the thick slip into a smooth flowy consistency, is good enough. Where I am at the sodium silicate is sold already pre mixed. if the consistency is too thick, I add a little warm water and mix it up to get it less thick first (the sodium silicate).
@@micheledickey4066 this is a white clay when fired, no problem with the marbling. I have purposely made different color slip by adding stain, and purposely cast marbled slip, with good result, no problem.
@@micheledickey4066 I watched another video about slip casting recently that mention about hot spot, if you pour the casting slip into one spot, it create a thin spot in the casting that will show up in the final glazed product as a slightly different color. you can avoid this by pouring the casting slip into the mold by moving it around and not just into one spot.
@@PopongW Rough investments should be stronger than plaster of Paris to avoid cracking due to the temperature of molten bronze. Many sculptors recommend mixing plaster and sand, but the sand often interferes with the plaster's ability to set up properly. Instead, try mixing equal parts plaster, sand and clay powder, which you can generally find at or order through art supply stores. The addition of the silicates in clay creates a stronger investment that holds up to heat. Mix an experimental batch with equal parts of the plaster, sand, clay and water. Check the texture of the investment when it dries, and add more water if it cracks or less water if it doesn't fully set.
waktu di panasin investmentnya ke sekitar 800-900 derajat Celsius, harus pelan2, sekitar 9 jam total, dari room temperature ke 102 Celsius mesti sangat pelan, sekitar 2-3 jam an. setelah itu boleh skitar 100 derajat per jam
I am not sure how exactly they works, except that they somehow changes the positive, negative charge of the clay molecules ( defloculate) . Making the particles of the slip repel each other, thus making it seemed thinner and more like liquid without adding water ( dilute). I have successfully made casting slip with just sodium silicate/water glass. I have not tried just using soda ash/sodium carbonate. In my experience the best casting slip is when I added both.
another name for it is waterglass, if you are making casting slip, you definitely need some kind of a defloculant " (Casting slips are pre-made ready to use for pouring and making casts in plaster molds. Liquid casting slips are available in low fire, midrange stoneware, high fire stoneware, and porcelain. We also have dry mix casting slips available in 50 lb. bags that require mixing with water and a deflocculant such as soda ash, sodium silicate, darvan 7 or darvan 811." (
Hi, can you tell me how you make this liquid clay! I want to buy this liquid what is the real name of it? It’s a “cast clay?” The rest of the ingredients are easy, but how does the clay get creamy?
I made some casting slip from reclaim clay and used Darvan 7 as my defloculant. I poured it into a plaster mold and after 4 days it is still wet! What did I do wrong? Too much defloculant?
Was the slip at a very thick consistency when you add the Darvan 7? You need to start with a very thick slip ( small amount of water). And secondly, is the plaster mold completely dry? A water saturated plaster mold will not absorb the water from the clay.
The point for using the defloculant is to make a clay slip that can be poured into the dry plaster mold but the slip must only contain very small amount of water.
@@anandaerzet6452 tanah liat dalam bentuk tepung 100, tambah air 30. Aduk sampe rata, jadi lumpur yg sangat kental, tambahkan 0.1% Sodium Silicate dan Soda Ash. Aduk yang rata, kalau benar takaran nya, yang tadinya lumpur sangat kental akan berubah menjadi lebih cair, bisa dituang, seperti di video ini. Digunakan untuk teknik cetak tuang (slip casting) dengan menggunakan cetakan dari bahan plaster/gypsum seperti di pabrik2 keramik pada umumnya.
Yes, if you are doing slip casting ceramics. You can buy them online, Amazon, shopee, or ceramics supplier stores like Laguna clay, Aardvark, etc. Maybe some pharmacy might sell them too.
halo pak, terima kasih videonya. sebelumnya saya pernah coba casting tanah liat cair, tapi ketika kering hasilnya retak2, bahkan patah2... apakah itu disebabkan karena terlalu cair ya ? setelah menonton video ini ada beberapa asumsi yg terlintas dipikiran saya, jika berkenan, mohon dikoreksi jika salah ya pak, bahwa tanah liat sistem casting, tidak boleh terlalu cair, utk mengujinya cukup dengan mencelupkan lidi pengaduk, jika diangkat tidak menetes, itu menandakan sudah Ok. lalu proses selanjutnya menambahkan soda as dan water glass, yg bertujuan untuk mengencerkan cairan tanah liat tadi, dan itu encernya bukan krn air, krn klo kebanyakan air bisa gagal castingnya sewaktu kering. jadi encernya adalah krn water glass dan soda as, sehingga nanti ketika kering hasilnya tidak retak ataupun patah2... kira2, betul demikian ya pak ? ada pertanyaan lg dr saya pak, biasanya klo beli water glass itu kan sangat kental sekali, apakah harus diencerkan dgn air ya ? berapa takaran perbandingannya ya ? dan soda as, apakah jg sama ? terima kasih banyak.
Iya, betul. Hal2 yang penting diperhatikan, waterglass dan soda ash nya tidak boleh kebanyakan. Sodium Silicate/waterglass yg kental biasanya saya buat lebih encer dengan dicampur air panas, mulai dengan sekitar 3/4 water glass 1/4 air panas, aduk sampai rata. Maunya consistensi sirup, bisa di tetes. Terus gipsum/plaster mold yg digunakan harus cukup tebal dan dalam keadaan kering ( jangan lembab) ini diperlukan untuk supaya plaster mould nya bisa meresap kandungan air yang ada di casting slip nya. Biasanya sih semua saya lakukan dengan cara trial and error sampai dapet feelnya yang pas dan bisa berhasil. Seperti banyak hal di keramik, harus banyak percobaan dan experiment, observasi, analisa, terus menerus baru jadi bisa/ngerti. Semoga membantu! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@@EpiCai terima kasih informasinya pak. pencampuran air panas pada water glass fungsinya agar reaksinya lebih cepat membaur ya ? dan apakah bisa, jika tempat cetaknya dari silicon karet, supaya mudah dilepas...
@@ajpran silicon tidak absorb air dari slipnya, tidak akan kering2. Slip casting harus dengan mould gipsum yang kering, (casting slip dituang penuh kedalam plaster mould, dibiarkan beberapa menit sampai ketebelan diding yang diinginkan. (Kira2 5-10 menit) Lalu casting slip sisanya dituang keluar ke wadah lain, casting slip sisa bisa digunakan kembali. Pas casting slip yang nempel ke dinding dalam mould sudah kering ke leather hard stage ( biasanya setelah kira2 24 jam) akan lepas sendiri dari mouldnya, paling bisa dibantu dengan dIsembur compressed air di celah antara clay dan plasternya. Tinggal dirapihkan, dan dibiarkan kering total siap untuk dibakar bisque di kiln.
@@EpiCai oh jadi harus nyerap air ya dinding moldnya,, makasih ilmunya, skrg baru paham... memang wktu nyoba dicetak disilicon gak kering2, lama banget... 3 harian baru kering, dan pas kering retak2 dan patah2 atau pecah2... sya tidak begitu familiar dgn gipsum, apakah bisa dengan cetakan semen putih sebagai pengganti gipsum ?
Air nya cuma sedikit, kalau di balik tidak tumpah, dibuat cair dengan tambahan 0.1 % sodium silicate dam soda ash, tapi tetap mengandung sangat sedikit air/H2o
Hallo mas terimakasih untuk ilmunya .... saya sedang belajar membuats slip clay untuk pembuatan pot terracota, apakah slip pada video diatas dapat diaplikasikan untuk pembuatan pot terracota dengan cara slip casting ?? 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@@rizkyramadhan-qi3mg persentasi penyusutannya rendah tambah bagus. casting slip yg di gunakan pabrik2 ceramic biasanya cuma susut 3% setelah pembakaran akhir.
cara ngetes persentasi penyusutan, giling lempengan tanah liat (pas dalam keadaan masih liat tapi agak kering, jangan basah lengket) yg mau di test, pake penggaris di tandai 10 cm, setelah itu keringkan dan bakar ke suhu yg biasa di bakar, di ukur lagi lempengan nya lihat kurang berapa. Kalau setelah dibakar jadi 9 cm, artinya tanah liat tersebut susut 10 %.
you need to add the sodium silicate or a similar deflocculant to the slip in order to make it more fluid so it can be poured. You do this for casting with molds.
Yes, to change the charge between the molecules to repel each other. So you end up with a liquid clay that contains very little water, help to dry up in the mold without cracking.
Another way to check whether a slip is sufficiently fluid is to pour a thin stream into a container with slip and when the stream enters the surface of the slip as if cutting into it rather than spreading over the surface, the composition is ready for use
Great video
you are welcome :) All the best!
Why does 2 drops always end up being 5 drops?
Thank you very helpful
Glad it helped
May I ask what is the ratio of water to clay in making slip cast?
around 2:1, powder clay : water, and add about 0.2% Sodium Silicate, 0.2%soda ash
@@EpiCai Wow, thank you for the fast response! This really helps
Bang. Kalau kebanyakan waterglass clay jadi lebih mengental ya?
Trus bagaimana cara menetralkan kandungan waterglass utk menjadi clay normal.
tambah slip baru lagi, biasanya sih mending buat campuran baru,. Yang sudah kebanyakan waterglass dibiarkan jadi leather hard untuk di gemblong dan buat hand-building atau throwing.
Hello Dear
How much sodium slicate and soda ash should be mixed in one kg of casting slip or ceramic clay. Please reply. Thanks
about 0.5%, 5 to 10 drops of sodium silicate solution.and the same amount of soda ash solution.
What will happen if we don't use these two components to the slip?
hello how To make sodium silicatées please
Hey 🌸 Could I make slip with air dry clay? My mom doesn’t have an kiln and she has some plaster slip doll making molds that she would like to use because we don’t get air dry clay slip here 😭 Alternatively- is there any other medium that she could use to make her dolls with plaster slip casting molds? Thank you so much 😘
I never tried making slip from air dry clay. But it might be interesting to try, probably don't need to add sodium silicate/water glass and soda ash. You might not even need to make the air dry clay into a slip, just press the platic air dry clay into the mold really well, let it dry, and you should get a good cast imho. 👍🏻😁
Aren’t you supposed to mix the sodium silicate 50% water and then add it!? Also is there a reason the marveling happens and is that ok? I can’t mix mine enough to make the marveling go away so I’m afraid it will not work well in the molds.
as long as you can make the thick slip into a smooth flowy consistency, is good enough. Where I am at the sodium silicate is sold already pre mixed. if the consistency is too thick, I add a little warm water and mix it up to get it less thick first (the sodium silicate).
Geo Tjakra thanks!! Have you ever had the slip marble? Some of it looks dark gray and some looks light brown.
@@micheledickey4066 this is a white clay when fired, no problem with the marbling. I have purposely made different color slip by adding stain, and purposely cast marbled slip, with good result, no problem.
@@micheledickey4066 I watched another video about slip casting recently that mention about hot spot, if you pour the casting slip into one spot, it create a thin spot in the casting that will show up in the final glazed product as a slightly different color. you can avoid this by pouring the casting slip into the mold by moving it around and not just into one spot.
is it possible to use speckled clay? im afraid if i strain it, it will strain out all the speckles
Maybe use a bigger strain/ bigger mesh.
Untuk Investment casting aluminium bisa GK kalau pakai bahan ini mas?
gypsum tambah pasir silica rasanya.
@@EpiCai sudah pernah saya coba mas masih sja retak
@@EpiCai gypsum campur water glas gimana menurut mas nya?
@@PopongW Rough investments should be stronger than plaster of Paris to avoid cracking due to the temperature of molten bronze. Many sculptors recommend mixing plaster and sand, but the sand often interferes with the plaster's ability to set up properly. Instead, try mixing equal parts plaster, sand and clay powder, which you can generally find at or order through art supply stores. The addition of the silicates in clay creates a stronger investment that holds up to heat. Mix an experimental batch with equal parts of the plaster, sand, clay and water. Check the texture of the investment when it dries, and add more water if it cracks or less water if it doesn't fully set.
waktu di panasin investmentnya ke sekitar 800-900 derajat Celsius, harus pelan2, sekitar 9 jam total, dari room temperature ke 102 Celsius mesti sangat pelan, sekitar 2-3 jam an. setelah itu boleh skitar 100 derajat per jam
Does the carbonate do something different than silicate? Do they both will thin the clay?
I am not sure how exactly they works, except that they somehow changes the positive, negative charge of the clay molecules ( defloculate) . Making the particles of the slip repel each other, thus making it seemed thinner and more like liquid without adding water ( dilute). I have successfully made casting slip with just sodium silicate/water glass. I have not tried just using soda ash/sodium carbonate. In my experience the best casting slip is when I added both.
Sodium silicate is not available in my country. Is there any way i can make slip of clay without using it?
another name for it is waterglass, if you are making casting slip, you definitely need some kind of a defloculant " (Casting slips are pre-made ready to use for pouring and making casts in plaster molds. Liquid casting slips are available in low fire, midrange stoneware, high fire stoneware, and porcelain. We also have dry mix casting slips available in 50 lb. bags that require mixing with water and a deflocculant such as soda ash, sodium silicate, darvan 7 or darvan 811." (
Hi, can you tell me how you make this liquid clay! I want to buy this liquid what is the real name of it? It’s a “cast clay?” The rest of the ingredients are easy, but how does the clay get creamy?
chemical reaction that alter the charge particles of the clay. research, read, learn about : flocullant, deflocullant.
I made some casting slip from reclaim clay and used Darvan 7 as my defloculant. I poured it into a plaster mold and after 4 days it is still wet! What did I do wrong? Too much defloculant?
Was the slip at a very thick consistency when you add the Darvan 7? You need to start with a very thick slip ( small amount of water). And secondly, is the plaster mold completely dry? A water saturated plaster mold will not absorb the water from the clay.
The point for using the defloculant is to make a clay slip that can be poured into the dry plaster mold but the slip must only contain very small amount of water.
Can we use fiberglass mould for casting any idea sir
not for slip casting, but is possible for press molding plastic clay.
Itu cara bikinya gimana mas?
@@anandaerzet6452 tanah liat dalam bentuk tepung 100, tambah air 30. Aduk sampe rata, jadi lumpur yg sangat kental, tambahkan 0.1% Sodium Silicate dan Soda Ash. Aduk yang rata, kalau benar takaran nya, yang tadinya lumpur sangat kental akan berubah menjadi lebih cair, bisa dituang, seperti di video ini. Digunakan untuk teknik cetak tuang (slip casting) dengan menggunakan cetakan dari bahan plaster/gypsum seperti di pabrik2 keramik pada umumnya.
@@EpiCai kalo untuk pelapis resistor wirewound bisa mas?
@@anandaerzet6452 ngak pernah saya coba. coba aja. mungkin perlu ditambahkan banyak Alumina Oxide (50-60%}(Tahan Panas/refractory)
@@EpiCai oh ya mas, sama untuk pembakaran nya nanti di suhu brp biar kering sperti kapur mas?
@@anandaerzet6452 keramik biasa sih perlu sampe sekitar 800C - 1200C baru jadi permanent, keras dan water-proof.
Is it a must adding these chemical.. if so where to buy them?
Yes, if you are doing slip casting ceramics. You can buy them online, Amazon, shopee, or ceramics supplier stores like Laguna clay, Aardvark, etc. Maybe some pharmacy might sell them too.
halo pak, terima kasih videonya.
sebelumnya saya pernah coba casting tanah liat cair, tapi ketika kering hasilnya retak2, bahkan patah2...
apakah itu disebabkan karena terlalu cair ya ?
setelah menonton video ini ada beberapa asumsi yg terlintas dipikiran saya, jika berkenan, mohon dikoreksi jika salah ya pak,
bahwa tanah liat sistem casting, tidak boleh terlalu cair,
utk mengujinya cukup dengan mencelupkan lidi pengaduk, jika diangkat tidak menetes, itu menandakan sudah Ok.
lalu proses selanjutnya menambahkan soda as dan water glass, yg bertujuan untuk mengencerkan cairan tanah liat tadi, dan itu encernya bukan krn air, krn klo kebanyakan air bisa gagal castingnya sewaktu kering.
jadi encernya adalah krn water glass dan soda as, sehingga nanti ketika kering hasilnya tidak retak ataupun patah2...
kira2, betul demikian ya pak ?
ada pertanyaan lg dr saya pak, biasanya klo beli water glass itu kan sangat kental sekali, apakah harus diencerkan dgn air ya ?
berapa takaran perbandingannya ya ?
dan soda as, apakah jg sama ?
terima kasih banyak.
Iya, betul. Hal2 yang penting diperhatikan, waterglass dan soda ash nya tidak boleh kebanyakan. Sodium Silicate/waterglass yg kental biasanya saya buat lebih encer dengan dicampur air panas, mulai dengan sekitar 3/4 water glass 1/4 air panas, aduk sampai rata. Maunya consistensi sirup, bisa di tetes. Terus gipsum/plaster mold yg digunakan harus cukup tebal dan dalam keadaan kering ( jangan lembab) ini diperlukan untuk supaya plaster mould nya bisa meresap kandungan air yang ada di casting slip nya. Biasanya sih semua saya lakukan dengan cara trial and error sampai dapet feelnya yang pas dan bisa berhasil. Seperti banyak hal di keramik, harus banyak percobaan dan experiment, observasi, analisa, terus menerus baru jadi bisa/ngerti. Semoga membantu! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@@EpiCai terima kasih informasinya pak.
pencampuran air panas pada water glass fungsinya agar reaksinya lebih cepat membaur ya ?
dan apakah bisa, jika tempat cetaknya dari silicon karet, supaya mudah dilepas...
@@ajpran silicon tidak absorb air dari slipnya, tidak akan kering2. Slip casting harus dengan mould gipsum yang kering, (casting slip dituang penuh kedalam plaster mould, dibiarkan beberapa menit sampai ketebelan diding yang diinginkan. (Kira2 5-10 menit) Lalu casting slip sisanya dituang keluar ke wadah lain, casting slip sisa bisa digunakan kembali. Pas casting slip yang nempel ke dinding dalam mould sudah kering ke leather hard stage ( biasanya setelah kira2 24 jam) akan lepas sendiri dari mouldnya, paling bisa dibantu dengan dIsembur compressed air di celah antara clay dan plasternya. Tinggal dirapihkan, dan dibiarkan kering total siap untuk dibakar bisque di kiln.
@@ajpran iya air panas untuk bantu mempercepat pelarutan aja.
@@EpiCai oh jadi harus nyerap air ya dinding moldnya,, makasih ilmunya, skrg baru paham...
memang wktu nyoba dicetak disilicon gak kering2, lama banget... 3 harian baru kering, dan pas kering retak2 dan patah2 atau pecah2...
sya tidak begitu familiar dgn gipsum, apakah bisa dengan cetakan semen putih sebagai pengganti gipsum ?
is it safe for food after adding silica sodium?
Yes, after the firing.
What is the recipe for the soda ash solution? Thanks so much in advance. 😊
It is basically just Sodium Carbonate diluted in water to help mixing it evenly and completely into the slip.
@@EpiCai Thank you so much!
Itu tanah liat di campur air?
Iya, cara bikin slip untuk casting
Air nya cuma sedikit, kalau di balik tidak tumpah, dibuat cair dengan tambahan 0.1 % sodium silicate dam soda ash, tapi tetap mengandung sangat sedikit air/H2o
Can some one help me understand this process from the beginning I don’t know how to make the clay
What do you do if you put too much sodium silicate?
Either make a new batch of fresh slip, or add more clay slip. I Usually start over.
Hallo mas terimakasih untuk ilmunya .... saya sedang belajar membuats slip clay untuk pembuatan pot terracota, apakah slip pada video diatas dapat diaplikasikan untuk pembuatan pot terracota dengan cara slip casting ?? 🙏🏻🙏🏻
bisa mas :)
@@EpiCai terima kasih banyak atas ilmunya mas, untuk pemilihan tanah liat yg bagus untuk terracota yang sperti apa mas?
@@rizkyramadhan-qi3mg persentasi penyusutannya rendah tambah bagus. casting slip yg di gunakan pabrik2 ceramic biasanya cuma susut 3% setelah pembakaran akhir.
cara ngetes persentasi penyusutan, giling lempengan tanah liat (pas dalam keadaan masih liat tapi agak kering, jangan basah lengket) yg mau di test, pake penggaris di tandai 10 cm, setelah itu keringkan dan bakar ke suhu yg biasa di bakar, di ukur lagi lempengan nya lihat kurang berapa. Kalau setelah dibakar jadi 9 cm, artinya tanah liat tersebut susut 10 %.
Geo Tjakra terima kasih banyak ilmunya mas 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 semoga menjadi berkah 😘
how to make soda ash solution ?
mixed soda ash powder with water.
What is the ratio?
How to make slip....
First step is....make slip.
dry clay plus water = slip. Thick slip plus a little waterglass = casting slip
possible with terracotta?
usually better with clay body that has low shrinkage rate, but I don't see why not. Just try it.
@@EpiCai shrinkage i do not care that much
After using this liquid
After dry clay going craking
Maybe you need to find clay that has a lower shrinkage percantage to begin with.
why do you add silicate sodium to clay?
you need to add the sodium silicate or a similar deflocculant to the slip in order to make it more fluid so it can be poured. You do this for casting with molds.
Yes, to change the charge between the molecules to repel each other. So you end up with a liquid clay that contains very little water, help to dry up in the mold without cracking.