The song at point 12:54 is incredibly fitting, and a feeling I think we fall short on encouraging new parents to really exercise. There is strength in community and leaning on people who have been there, but then there is the rude dismissal of new parents wishes for their new family. And when they are told they are overstepping boundaries, they cry "WELL I WAS JUST BEING HELPFUL!" I haven't even given birth yet (due in late April) and am already butting heads with family members who feel the need to tell my partner and I how our choices are wrong and selfish. Things like we will fail cloth diapering, gotten it from both sides how we are choosing to feed out baby is wrong, how our choice to not have family come down to visit (we live over a 1,000+ miles away, so there is no such thing as a quick pop in visit) for the first month is "outlandishly selfish and cruel", and fighting with them over vaccine choices (because apparently now it's controversial to get your baby vaccinated and to "trust money hungry doctors"?). True everyone will have something to say, but I feel new parents really can get the raw deal of people offering unsolicited advice and backlash when they try to navigate how to set boundaries while keeping some semblance of peace. "Your the parent. The end." is helpful to hear, so thank you for touching on this.
Hahaha. Kurt almost cut that part cause I was being rather sassy--but it's the truth. :D You are the parent and you know what is best for you and your family. It can be SO tricky to navigate but you make decisions based on the information you have at the time and just try to do your best. There are many many right ways to do things, but the beauty of parenting is you get to pick what your family does and makes sense for you. Might not be right for everyone and that's okay. I think being a mom has empowered me a little bit actually. Once you have a kiddo you really do go all mama-bear-mode and would do anything to do what's right for them. Also--do not feel selfish for wanting some time to yourself in those first weeks. You've earned all that snuggle time and figuring out your "new normal" without having to entertain or have guests--even if they are loving and well-meaning. Also, Congratulations on your pregnancy--I can't wait for your little one to be here and these last few weeks fly and crawl by all at once. Sending wishes for a smooth labor and birth!!
Hope you had a safe delivering. Cloth diapering is wonderful I truly loved it and found it easier than disposables. Glad you know you’re the parent and get the final say.
“We’re gonna go do life and you’re coming with.” I love that and that has always been our motto (we have a 4 year old and I’m pregnant now). We’ve done vacations with infants, hiking, etc. even just around the house. Your child wants to be with you, so let them “help” do the laundry or cook or plant the garden. My 4 year old is an amazing helper, if he spills something he cleans it up with the little hand broom or grabs a towel to soak it up. He can get his own cup and get water from the fridge water filter (I have it on a lower shelf for easier access for him). He has his “own” special vegetable plants that he can harvest himself from the porch. So he will walk out when we walk the dog and pluck a few things, and come in and help wash them and enjoy a snack. I have really loved raising him this way and will absolutely do it with all the rest of our kids!
When you talked about Kurt feeding you while you fed your daughter it just brought back warm memories for me because my husband every time would help me get situated in those early days to breastfeed, I’d get our son to latch and grit my teeth for like 10 seconds then it was okay, and he would hold my drink out for me so I could drink it and would feed me snacks because in the first two weeks I wasn’t comfortable enough to move much once I got situated to breastfeed. Partners being supportive can really make a difference!
Loved your advice on the last question! When I was pregnant for the first time, so many people told me how hard it was going to be having a newborn but honestly it's been the most joyful, amazing experience. And the difficult parts have been nowhere near what they were hyped up to be.
I just found out I'm about 6 weeks pregnant. First time and 43! I've discovered you today and already I feel watching your videos will be very helpful.
You guys are great! I love how authentic you are. Even with being MDs, you admit to figuring things out as you went along. Very relatable! Thank you for all the info you share with us!
Just wait for the first giggle. Just wait for the first Mama/Dada. Just wait for all the funny faces when baby trys new foods. Just wait for that first time baby reaches for you.
ALL THE FEELS WITH THIS ONE!!! Thank you so so much for sharing. Cec's laughter is now truly my favorite sound in the whole world. It's just magical. This was wonderful.
Pregnancy was HELL. Horrible acid reflux with choking on it at night. I couldn't eat food. But labor was GREAT! Baby was out with two pushes. I watched you guys during my pregnancy. She's now 4 months😁 Congratulations! You're almost at 60K!
You are amazing!! TWO PUSHES--seriously a rockstar. Sorry pregnancy sucked so much for you though, it really can be awful and sounds like you had it rough. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SWEET BABE!! 4 months is such a fun age--smiling and noticing the world!! Hopefully she is sleeping okay for you. Thanks for being here with us. :)
My husband and I are both surgical residents and we watch your videos on weekends we’re not on call since we are expecting and we appreciate your focus on data ! Thanks for being you guys, we love your channel! if you ever want two surgeons on the show we’d be happy to join 🥳
Thank you so much for all the videos! I watched all your videos since I got to know about my pregnancy. I was pregnant with twins and with COVID travel restrictions non of our parents were able to visit us. So me and my husband bought most of the essentials simply by following your Amazon shopping list. It helped us a lot. So we were fully ready at the 35th week. I had a planned c-section at my 37th week. But a week before that I got an acute eclampsia. My babies were safe, but I had a struggling time at ICU and finally was able to fully recover. Your videos helped me a lot even during my postpartum. Thank you so much doctors!
Thank you for your channel. First pregnancy at 35. So many questions answered by watching all your videos. Lots of worries have been lessened through learning from you guys. Best TH-cam channel for pregnancy 🙏
You are so welcome! We are so happy that you are finding it helpful and comforting and we are thrilled that you found us!! Welcome to our channel and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!! Hope you are feeling well!
Your video on pumping at work really helped me so much!! When I started doing this I definately used your advice and knew I would have been so lost without it 💜 Thanks for all your videos!
I found your channel after i found out i was pregnant and getting ready to go for my first appointment. You did help me prepare, but what i was not prepared for was the twin bombshell i got! We are 7 weeks and 1 day.
Congrats on 50k! The answers to the last question really made me feel quite emotional (I'm 35 weeks pregnant so everything does haha) I definitely agree that so many people tend to focus on the negatives and push their options onto excited parents to be and maybe it's well meaning and they are just trying to prepare us but it's also lovely to hear about the special moments and to focus on how amazing life is going to be too. Thank you for another great video 👍
Hi! I just found out I am pregnant. Not even a month in, but we really want to take care of ourselves. As first parents in our family, we look forward to these videos. To just learn and be aware instead of calling someone for random questions. So thank you 🙏🏻 I’m just binge watching all the videos soaking everything in ❤
I am having a scheduled c-section on Monday since my baby is footling breech. Your videos have helped me so much throughout my pregnancy. I have had such an easy and amazing pregnancy, hoping for a smooth recovery from my c-section
Thank you for making these videos and giving us such good practical and professional info! Like you said, definitely helps my anxiety, I’m due in 9 weeks!
I found your channel back in August when I discovered we are pregnant with baby number 2. My other kid is nearly 13 and I didn't realize how many things had changed since I had baby number one. Plus, how much of even the basics I had forgotten because it's been years since I had to deal with sleepless nights and I have found your guys and your channel so very helpful as a refresher course for me.
Aw. Thank you so much, Maria. Motherhood is a lot of work but even more fun. Glad you're finding the channel helpful--we are really glad you are here!!
For parents interested in cloth diapering as mentioned in the video, I am 3.5 months into cloth diapering my baby and have found the most perfect setup to be a pocket diaper (we use Bumgenius) and cotton prefolds inside (we use Clotheez newborn size). You wash every 2 days with regular detergent and oxyclean, and change the diaper every 2 hours when on baby's bum. We also cloth diaper overnight, that setup will be more trial and error for each family. It's not as hard or as dirty as it sounds, and craaaazy how much trash and money it can save you. Tons of resources online. If it interests you at all, give it a try part time!
Thank you so much! You sharing your experiences has been so nice and has validated that my struggles are real, and normal and that I’m not alone in this craziness that is parenthood
Love your channel and the wonderful content you provide - the world needs more people with knowledge and expertise sharing what they know! You are both delightful, but Sarah I love the energy you bring to these videos 🥰 the ABCDEF song made me smile because it's spot on! Unsolicited advice is not always given with love, and sometimes it can increase the stress and pressure that is on first time parents.
30 weeks pregnant with baby #2 & I just found your channel yesterday & have been binging ever since! So to find you posting a new video today feels like my lucky day😬 Thanks for your great informative content♥️
Yay! Thank you! And congratulations!! So excited for you--you are on the homestretch. Those last 10 weeks fly and crawl by all at the same time. I bet you are so busy chasing around #1 that it is gonna go even faster. Hope you are feeling well and almost ready for #2!! Sending wishes for a smooth and healthy rest of pregnancy and birth!!
Hey, I've been watching all of yalls videos. I'm currently 15 weeks and 1 day these videos have helped me a lot during the pregnancy and just all the questions. Thanks!! I really appreciate these videos.
Thank you guys for uploading so many fun and informational videos! Love the product as well as baby advice. So helpful as an expecting first time parent!! Looking forward to more videos and helpful tidbits!
Thank you for all your videos! They have been life savors since the beginning of my pregnancy. I’m experiencing symphysis pubis dysfunction as well. Dr. Would you talk about more of your experience and what help you get through? Thank you!
Love your channel! Any chance you could provide a video on SCHs and resulting outcomes? Had one present in my ultrasound on 8w4d with no symptoms and want quality information.
TONGUE AND LIP TIES! Why does no one talk about this?! My pediatrician told me it was “archaic” and they didn’t even bother to check when I asked about it because my two week old son isn’t latching right and I’m pretty sure he has a lip tie. So frustrating! Thank you for this channel 🙌🏽 super helpful
My little one did NOT want to be put down at all in the first few months. He only wanted contact naps and wanted to be held when awake so that was something I did not expect at all.
My pregnancy has been extremely rocky. I’ve spent 90% of it on pelvic rest and bedrest‘s as well as Constant back-and-forth to the ER for dehydration due to the fact that it was impossible to keep anything down up until the middle of the second trimester. On top of that after receiving the greenlight that I can finally be taken off of bedrest and pelvic rest at 22 weeks they decided to put me back on pelvic rest due to the placement of his placenta. Luckily by the time I had my 32 week appointment his placenta moved. I suspected around 30 weeks that he had dropped which the ultrasound did confirm 😅. Unfortunately ever since he has dropped though I’ve been having extreme pelvic discomfort. It hurts to do most anything at this point from sitting to walking even down to laying down or attempting to roll over. Mind you my bump is really tiny people think I’m early in my pregnancy when in all actuality 33 weeks and 5 days. My mother said that this is common and normal and it comes from him being in position and stretching but at times it’s so painful that it goes from a Constant aching pain in just my pelvic region to a stronger ache that spreads into my upper thighs and sometimes my lower back. A part of me wants to speak to my doctor about it but the problem is when I explain to her that I was having cramps like pains around 28 weeks she told me I needed to drink more water the problem with that is because my partner mainly drinks water and he has experienced my constant dehydration throughout the first half of my pregnancy he has been pretty adamant or me drinking water constantly throughout the day and make sure that I drink as much if not more water than he does in a day😅. So after explaining that to her she still brushed it off and told me that it couldn’t be Braxton Hicks because it would be pretty early and told me that it was just cramps from not drinking enough water. It’s some thing that I tend to notice that my doctor at the time did a lot brush some thing off or not tell me something because at the time it didn’t seem as bad and then when it gets worse they decide to spring it on me and say by the way this is what’s going on and it takes for me to look at my test results or my medical records from previous appointments to figure out that they knew this for a while. Apparently with my next appointment I’m supposed to have a different physician with the same Clinic but at the same time I really don’t want to get my hopes up for any answers or solutions to the constant pelvic aches just to get told that it’s nothing or that is Braxton Hicks or that I need to drink water. Also this pain is nothing like Braxton Hicks it’s a consistent ache that never goes away and gets worse with movement while the pain I felt from Braxton Hicks reminds me more of period cramps with a lot of discomfort😅 they are way more bearable than this pain. Imagine the sound of a creaky old floorboard that’s literally what my pelvis constantly feels like and often sounds like😓. If anyone has any advice or any clue what this pain actually is your help would be wonderful! I’m sorry I know it’s a lot but it’s a really complicated situation to explain😅.
Congratulations! There are MANY opinions about circumcision, but at the end of the day it’s totally up to you. There is a slight decreased risk of urinary tract infections if you circumcise, but not enough of a difference to say there’s a true medical benefit.
I watched this video a couple months ago (I was almost almost 30 weeks then) and when you briefly described the pubis dysfunction pain I immediately knew that’s what I had started to experience. But when I described the pain to my OB she said it’s just a head down baby. But the pain has increasingly gotten so much worse, I’m now at 37.5 weeks and brought it up again and they just responded with how to help round ligament pain. When I said that’s not what I’m describing they said well it will all be the same. Did you find anything that helped with the pain?
Plans to get induced next week at 41w2days. What are you thought in cervadil vs Cytotec also for Cytotec what is the difference between oral and intervaginal and what would you recommend? Thank you so much! Love you guys
My baby is 6 months now but when she was 3 weeks old she had to ha e tongue tie surgery..her pediatrician didn't know much about it so she got referred to a pediatric dentist and procedure was done with a Lazer..she was not eating well losing weight..and not able to pull enough milk from my breast we all taught it was my milk supply...but after surgery it took her about 3 weeks after to become full breastfeed baby... after the surgery I had to pump and feed her in a bottle as well as supplement her with formula for her weight loss...those 3 weeks were hard and overwhelming with all the pumping but well worth it now she's a pro at breastfeeding lol
Could you please go over conditions such as cholestasis? I never thought I’d have to look out for itchy hands and feet during my third trimester, and because it was spring, I thought it was just allergies. I only even bothered mentioning the itchiness to a neighbor that she said to immediately notify my Ob- turns out I had cholestasis and had to be induced immediately! I wonder just how many women may have it and not know how serious it is.
I love your videos, I found them just before I started my journey to getting pregnant 😍 and today I found out that I am 🙌🏼 My question is, can a omeprazole affect my pregnancy? Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us 🙏🏼
I would also like to know this! I’ve had to take it for 10+ years due to major reflux. Worried that I would die in pregnancy without it 😅😅 (not pregnant yet lol) Also, congratulations on your pregnancy!! ♥️
Pregnancy has been so sore. Feels like my pelvis and stomach are being pulled apart and feels like the joints in my pelvis are too loose. So sore turning and getting up out of bed and walking after getting up is agony! Ribs and killing me too.
My husband and I had our first child three weeks ago and I am so scared to go back to work, especially since I’m a hospital healthcare worker in psychiatry. I don’t want to leave my baby with strangers.
@@zen_mindset1 I can’t do that because our benefits are under my employment and your have to work full time to receive them. I definitely don’t want these 12 weeks of maternity leave to end.
Congratulations on your new baby, Catie!! Those first few weeks can be rough, so hope you are hanging in there and adjusting to your new normal. Going back to work can be REALLY TOUGH. I actually found that thinking about it and dreading it before I went back was actually WAY WORSE than being back at work. Once I went back, I was like, oh yeah, I really like my job! But it was hard. Sounds like you are thinking about daycare for your little one--is there any way you can go spend some time at the day care where your baby will be? Just so you can get to know them, the people there, how the day goes etc? Then maybe it won't feel like you are leaving the baby with strangers? Just an idea to try to help!!
My soon to be 3month old have a cough and I've used the cough syrup and the cough just won't go away and it breaks my heart any time she cough...what do you think I should do?although my mother in law made me believe that its the weather but I just want my little girl to feel better (help a first time mom)😥
I have symphis pubis dysfunction too rolling over in bed lifting leg to put on skirt or shoes my bones crack all the time and it feels a drop better after that but then back at it like an hour later lol. 34 weeks now with baby 3 but with 1st had this too and it lasted till after birth for a couple weeks so hoping this doesnt happen again!!
Hi!! I just wanted to let you know that I reached out to Meghan per your recommendation and she was so incredibly short and uninterested in helping us. Please do not continue recommending her as she is just discouraging for mothers on an already very hard journey to find help with tongue ties.
Hi! Currently about to be 12 weeks pregnant tomorrow with twins, on my first appt 1/5/22 , I was told that one baby was 1 day older than the other. We were so shocked that we didn’t ask any questions. Does that mean they are going to be fraternal twins?
You talk a lot about breastfeeding - would you consider an episode about formula feeding? How to stop milk production, product recommendations, etc. Breastfeeding doesn’t work for everyone, but there aren’t a ton of resources. Thanks for all you do!
We should do a live stream video chat with you I have questions about my baby and some concerns and maybe we can answer that in a live stream video chat
My baby hate latching She stop latching a month ago and I don't seem to produce enough milk even tho I pump...I feel like a mom I just want to breastfeed my baby like everyone else
Just wait until she leaves for college. And depending on if she moves across the country or lives at home with you while in college, just know that you have succeed in raising her
I watched your birth video and it makes sense that your baby had tongue tied issues because I noticed when she was born she was doing weird things with her tongue when you delivered her. Go back and watch.
Yes she totally did. She was always sticking her tongue out in those early days-literally from the moment she was born. Thankful we figured it out even if it took us a while!
Pediatricians by no means have room to speak on tongue ties. That requires a different specialist. please stick to bodily things that don’t regard breastfeeding. that’s for lactation specialists.
This is untrue 😂 Lactation consultants are so wonderful, but pediatricians often have specialties and focus skills, just like any other medical profession. My pediatrician was the most wonderful resource for my nursing journey. She diagnosed my daughter’s tongue tie, and helped us troubleshoot her feeding issues in the meantime.
I started watching your channel while TTC. We’re now 4 weeks pregnant!!
The song at point 12:54 is incredibly fitting, and a feeling I think we fall short on encouraging new parents to really exercise. There is strength in community and leaning on people who have been there, but then there is the rude dismissal of new parents wishes for their new family. And when they are told they are overstepping boundaries, they cry "WELL I WAS JUST BEING HELPFUL!"
I haven't even given birth yet (due in late April) and am already butting heads with family members who feel the need to tell my partner and I how our choices are wrong and selfish. Things like we will fail cloth diapering, gotten it from both sides how we are choosing to feed out baby is wrong, how our choice to not have family come down to visit (we live over a 1,000+ miles away, so there is no such thing as a quick pop in visit) for the first month is "outlandishly selfish and cruel", and fighting with them over vaccine choices (because apparently now it's controversial to get your baby vaccinated and to "trust money hungry doctors"?). True everyone will have something to say, but I feel new parents really can get the raw deal of people offering unsolicited advice and backlash when they try to navigate how to set boundaries while keeping some semblance of peace.
"Your the parent. The end." is helpful to hear, so thank you for touching on this.
Hahaha. Kurt almost cut that part cause I was being rather sassy--but it's the truth. :D You are the parent and you know what is best for you and your family. It can be SO tricky to navigate but you make decisions based on the information you have at the time and just try to do your best. There are many many right ways to do things, but the beauty of parenting is you get to pick what your family does and makes sense for you. Might not be right for everyone and that's okay. I think being a mom has empowered me a little bit actually. Once you have a kiddo you really do go all mama-bear-mode and would do anything to do what's right for them. Also--do not feel selfish for wanting some time to yourself in those first weeks. You've earned all that snuggle time and figuring out your "new normal" without having to entertain or have guests--even if they are loving and well-meaning. Also, Congratulations on your pregnancy--I can't wait for your little one to be here and these last few weeks fly and crawl by all at once. Sending wishes for a smooth labor and birth!!
Stick to your guns. They're being disrespectful by not respecting your bonsdaries at a time when you just want to regroup and recover.
Hope you had a safe delivering. Cloth diapering is wonderful I truly loved it and found it easier than disposables. Glad you know you’re the parent and get the final say.
“We’re gonna go do life and you’re coming with.” I love that and that has always been our motto (we have a 4 year old and I’m pregnant now). We’ve done vacations with infants, hiking, etc. even just around the house. Your child wants to be with you, so let them “help” do the laundry or cook or plant the garden. My 4 year old is an amazing helper, if he spills something he cleans it up with the little hand broom or grabs a towel to soak it up. He can get his own cup and get water from the fridge water filter (I have it on a lower shelf for easier access for him). He has his “own” special vegetable plants that he can harvest himself from the porch. So he will walk out when we walk the dog and pluck a few things, and come in and help wash them and enjoy a snack. I have really loved raising him this way and will absolutely do it with all the rest of our kids!
It took us 8months to conceive this time around I am now 31weeks pregnant. Can’t wait to meet my baby girl 💜
When you talked about Kurt feeding you while you fed your daughter it just brought back warm memories for me because my husband every time would help me get situated in those early days to breastfeed, I’d get our son to latch and grit my teeth for like 10 seconds then it was okay, and he would hold my drink out for me so I could drink it and would feed me snacks because in the first two weeks I wasn’t comfortable enough to move much once I got situated to breastfeed. Partners being supportive can really make a difference!
Loved your advice on the last question! When I was pregnant for the first time, so many people told me how hard it was going to be having a newborn but honestly it's been the most joyful, amazing experience. And the difficult parts have been nowhere near what they were hyped up to be.
I just found out I'm about 6 weeks pregnant. First time and 43! I've discovered you today and already I feel watching your videos will be very helpful.
You guys are great! I love how authentic you are. Even with being MDs, you admit to figuring things out as you went along. Very relatable! Thank you for all the info you share with us!
Just wait for the first giggle.
Just wait for the first Mama/Dada.
Just wait for all the funny faces when baby trys new foods.
Just wait for that first time baby reaches for you.
ALL THE FEELS WITH THIS ONE!!! Thank you so so much for sharing. Cec's laughter is now truly my favorite sound in the whole world. It's just magical. This was wonderful.
Pregnancy was HELL. Horrible acid reflux with choking on it at night. I couldn't eat food. But labor was GREAT! Baby was out with two pushes. I watched you guys during my pregnancy. She's now 4 months😁 Congratulations! You're almost at 60K!
You are amazing!! TWO PUSHES--seriously a rockstar. Sorry pregnancy sucked so much for you though, it really can be awful and sounds like you had it rough. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SWEET BABE!! 4 months is such a fun age--smiling and noticing the world!! Hopefully she is sleeping okay for you. Thanks for being here with us. :)
My husband and I are both surgical residents and we watch your videos on weekends we’re not on call since we are expecting and we appreciate your focus on data ! Thanks for being you guys, we love your channel! if you ever want two surgeons on the show we’d be happy to join 🥳
When you said ”A B C D E F…” I spit my drink a little. 😂😂
Sammmmeee. That was awesome
Refreshing to find doctors being real people 😂❤
Thank you so much for all the videos! I watched all your videos since I got to know about my pregnancy. I was pregnant with twins and with COVID travel restrictions non of our parents were able to visit us. So me and my husband bought most of the essentials simply by following your Amazon shopping list. It helped us a lot. So we were fully ready at the 35th week. I had a planned c-section at my 37th week. But a week before that I got an acute eclampsia. My babies were safe, but I had a struggling time at ICU and finally was able to fully recover. Your videos helped me a lot even during my postpartum. Thank you so much doctors!
I LOVE how real Sarah is in this episode & I love the song! 💕
Mommas need to see the realness, the sassiness, so glad Kirk didn’t cut it out! I love Sarah even more now!
Thank you for your channel. First pregnancy at 35. So many questions answered by watching all your videos. Lots of worries have been lessened through learning from you guys. Best TH-cam channel for pregnancy 🙏
You are so welcome! We are so happy that you are finding it helpful and comforting and we are thrilled that you found us!! Welcome to our channel and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!! Hope you are feeling well!
I gave birth 11/5/21 and religiously followed your videos the entire pregnancy. Thank you for all you both do!
Your video on pumping at work really helped me so much!! When I started doing this I definately used your advice and knew I would have been so lost without it 💜 Thanks for all your videos!
So glad to know this helped you. Thank you for sharing!
I found your channel after i found out i was pregnant and getting ready to go for my first appointment. You did help me prepare, but what i was not prepared for was the twin bombshell i got! We are 7 weeks and 1 day.
Congrats on 50k! The answers to the last question really made me feel quite emotional (I'm 35 weeks pregnant so everything does haha) I definitely agree that so many people tend to focus on the negatives and push their options onto excited parents to be and maybe it's well meaning and they are just trying to prepare us but it's also lovely to hear about the special moments and to focus on how amazing life is going to be too. Thank you for another great video 👍
Thank you for this video. My 7 month old just started clapping and it’s the cutest thing
Hi! I just found out I am pregnant. Not even a month in, but we really want to take care of ourselves. As first parents in our family, we look forward to these videos. To just learn and be aware instead of calling someone for random questions. So thank you 🙏🏻 I’m just binge watching all the videos soaking everything in ❤
I am having a scheduled c-section on Monday since my baby is footling breech. Your videos have helped me so much throughout my pregnancy. I have had such an easy and amazing pregnancy, hoping for a smooth recovery from my c-section
Thank you for making these videos and giving us such good practical and professional info! Like you said, definitely helps my anxiety, I’m due in 9 weeks!
You’re in the home stretch! So excited for you!!
I found your channel back in August when I discovered we are pregnant with baby number 2. My other kid is nearly 13 and I didn't realize how many things had changed since I had baby number one. Plus, how much of even the basics I had forgotten because it's been years since I had to deal with sleepless nights and I have found your guys and your channel so very helpful as a refresher course for me.
Dr. Sarah you look terrific! ♥️ motherhood suits you so well! Thank you for sharing your wisdom 👍🏻
Aw. Thank you so much, Maria. Motherhood is a lot of work but even more fun. Glad you're finding the channel helpful--we are really glad you are here!!
You guys' videos are SO informative!!! Your channel is by far the most helpful I've found so far on our pregnancy/parenthood journey. Thank you!!
For parents interested in cloth diapering as mentioned in the video, I am 3.5 months into cloth diapering my baby and have found the most perfect setup to be a pocket diaper (we use Bumgenius) and cotton prefolds inside (we use Clotheez newborn size). You wash every 2 days with regular detergent and oxyclean, and change the diaper every 2 hours when on baby's bum. We also cloth diaper overnight, that setup will be more trial and error for each family. It's not as hard or as dirty as it sounds, and craaaazy how much trash and money it can save you. Tons of resources online. If it interests you at all, give it a try part time!
Thank you so much! You sharing your experiences has been so nice and has validated that my struggles are real, and normal and that I’m not alone in this craziness that is parenthood
Love this! Yall are so amazing 🥰 Thank you so much for all the videos you do. You have no idea how helpful this has been!
I just love watching your videos. So very informative with research based. Your videos are my go to… thank you. Love from Toronto, Canada 🇨🇦
Love your channel and the wonderful content you provide - the world needs more people with knowledge and expertise sharing what they know! You are both delightful, but Sarah I love the energy you bring to these videos 🥰 the ABCDEF song made me smile because it's spot on! Unsolicited advice is not always given with love, and sometimes it can increase the stress and pressure that is on first time parents.
30 weeks pregnant with baby #2 & I just found your channel yesterday & have been binging ever since! So to find you posting a new video today feels like my lucky day😬 Thanks for your great informative content♥️
Yay! Thank you! And congratulations!! So excited for you--you are on the homestretch. Those last 10 weeks fly and crawl by all at the same time. I bet you are so busy chasing around #1 that it is gonna go even faster. Hope you are feeling well and almost ready for #2!! Sending wishes for a smooth and healthy rest of pregnancy and birth!!
Hey, I've been watching all of yalls videos. I'm currently 15 weeks and 1 day these videos have helped me a lot during the pregnancy and just all the questions. Thanks!! I really appreciate these videos.
I'm in! This was a great way to grt ready fie this next year. :)
Thank you guys for uploading so many fun and informational videos! Love the product as well as baby advice. So helpful as an expecting first time parent!! Looking forward to more videos and helpful tidbits!
I have been watching your channel since July and am currently 28 weeks! Love your videos!
Thank you! You guys are the best. Love the stories you shared of your family and little one!
Congrats on 30,000 more subscribers since y'all put this video out 3 months ago!
Love your channel: very educational and informative 😊
You guys are my go to and am so grateful for you!
I am super grateful!
I’m in my first trimester so I’m really enjoying this channel and getting all this great advice, thank you!
13 weeks now ❤️ your videos have been so helpful
Thank you for all your videos! They have been life savors since the beginning of my pregnancy.
I’m experiencing symphysis pubis dysfunction as well. Dr. Would you talk about more of your experience and what help you get through?
Thank you!
I’m experiencing it too! Would you be willing to do a video about it?
You guys are adorable ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for making time in your crazy busy schedules to make this amazing content!
Love your channel! Any chance you could provide a video on SCHs and resulting outcomes? Had one present in my ultrasound on 8w4d with no symptoms and want quality information.
Love this professional couple ❤
TONGUE AND LIP TIES! Why does no one talk about this?! My pediatrician told me it was “archaic” and they didn’t even bother to check when I asked about it because my two week old son isn’t latching right and I’m pretty sure he has a lip tie. So frustrating! Thank you for this channel 🙌🏽 super helpful
My little one did NOT want to be put down at all in the first few months. He only wanted contact naps and wanted to be held when awake so that was something I did not expect at all.
I didn’t see your blog in the description, can someone let me know what it is called?
My pregnancy has been extremely rocky. I’ve spent 90% of it on pelvic rest and bedrest‘s as well as Constant back-and-forth to the ER for dehydration due to the fact that it was impossible to keep anything down up until the middle of the second trimester. On top of that after receiving the greenlight that I can finally be taken off of bedrest and pelvic rest at 22 weeks they decided to put me back on pelvic rest due to the placement of his placenta. Luckily by the time I had my 32 week appointment his placenta moved. I suspected around 30 weeks that he had dropped which the ultrasound did confirm 😅. Unfortunately ever since he has dropped though I’ve been having extreme pelvic discomfort. It hurts to do most anything at this point from sitting to walking even down to laying down or attempting to roll over. Mind you my bump is really tiny people think I’m early in my pregnancy when in all actuality 33 weeks and 5 days. My mother said that this is common and normal and it comes from him being in position and stretching but at times it’s so painful that it goes from a Constant aching pain in just my pelvic region to a stronger ache that spreads into my upper thighs and sometimes my lower back. A part of me wants to speak to my doctor about it but the problem is when I explain to her that I was having cramps like pains around 28 weeks she told me I needed to drink more water the problem with that is because my partner mainly drinks water and he has experienced my constant dehydration throughout the first half of my pregnancy he has been pretty adamant or me drinking water constantly throughout the day and make sure that I drink as much if not more water than he does in a day😅. So after explaining that to her she still brushed it off and told me that it couldn’t be Braxton Hicks because it would be pretty early and told me that it was just cramps from not drinking enough water. It’s some thing that I tend to notice that my doctor at the time did a lot brush some thing off or not tell me something because at the time it didn’t seem as bad and then when it gets worse they decide to spring it on me and say by the way this is what’s going on and it takes for me to look at my test results or my medical records from previous appointments to figure out that they knew this for a while. Apparently with my next appointment I’m supposed to have a different physician with the same Clinic but at the same time I really don’t want to get my hopes up for any answers or solutions to the constant pelvic aches just to get told that it’s nothing or that is Braxton Hicks or that I need to drink water. Also this pain is nothing like Braxton Hicks it’s a consistent ache that never goes away and gets worse with movement while the pain I felt from Braxton Hicks reminds me more of period cramps with a lot of discomfort😅 they are way more bearable than this pain. Imagine the sound of a creaky old floorboard that’s literally what my pelvis constantly feels like and often sounds like😓. If anyone has any advice or any clue what this pain actually is your help would be wonderful! I’m sorry I know it’s a lot but it’s a really complicated situation to explain😅.
I’m having my first baby boy after two girls in less than 2 weeks, i would love any insights you have about circumcising vs not! Thank you!
Congratulations! There are MANY opinions about circumcision, but at the end of the day it’s totally up to you. There is a slight decreased risk of urinary tract infections if you circumcise, but not enough of a difference to say there’s a true medical benefit.
I watched this video a couple months ago (I was almost almost 30 weeks then) and when you briefly described the pubis dysfunction pain I immediately knew that’s what I had started to experience. But when I described the pain to my OB she said it’s just a head down baby. But the pain has increasingly gotten so much worse, I’m now at 37.5 weeks and brought it up again and they just responded with how to help round ligament pain. When I said that’s not what I’m describing they said well it will all be the same. Did you find anything that helped with the pain?
Plans to get induced next week at 41w2days. What are you thought in cervadil vs Cytotec also for Cytotec what is the difference between oral and intervaginal and what would you recommend? Thank you so much! Love you guys
My baby is 6 months now but when she was 3 weeks old she had to ha e tongue tie surgery..her pediatrician didn't know much about it so she got referred to a pediatric dentist and procedure was done with a Lazer..she was not eating well losing weight..and not able to pull enough milk from my breast we all taught it was my milk supply...but after surgery it took her about 3 weeks after to become full breastfeed baby... after the surgery I had to pump and feed her in a bottle as well as supplement her with formula for her weight loss...those 3 weeks were hard and overwhelming with all the pumping but well worth it now she's a pro at breastfeeding lol
Any advice about patience during TWWs and how best to maintain morale while TTC?
Could you please go over conditions such as cholestasis? I never thought I’d have to look out for itchy hands and feet during my third trimester, and because it was spring, I thought it was just allergies. I only even bothered mentioning the itchiness to a neighbor that she said to immediately notify my Ob- turns out I had cholestasis and had to be induced immediately! I wonder just how many women may have it and not know how serious it is.
I love your videos, I found them just before I started my journey to getting pregnant 😍 and today I found out that I am 🙌🏼
My question is, can a omeprazole affect my pregnancy?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us 🙏🏼
I would also like to know this! I’ve had to take it for 10+ years due to major reflux. Worried that I would die in pregnancy without it 😅😅 (not pregnant yet lol)
Also, congratulations on your pregnancy!! ♥️
Hello 👋🏿 I been trying to have a baby but I just don’t know everything I need or to do… I want to be ready and prepare for a baby
Pregnancy has been so sore. Feels like my pelvis and stomach are being pulled apart and feels like the joints in my pelvis are too loose. So sore turning and getting up out of bed and walking after getting up is agony!
Ribs and killing me too.
Congrats 🍾 50k!!
My husband and I had our first child three weeks ago and I am so scared to go back to work, especially since I’m a hospital healthcare worker in psychiatry. I don’t want to leave my baby with strangers.
That's why I work PT away from home and mainly working from home. WOrk from home helps with support while you're working at home.
@@zen_mindset1 I can’t do that because our benefits are under my employment and your have to work full time to receive them. I definitely don’t want these 12 weeks of maternity leave to end.
Congratulations on your new baby, Catie!! Those first few weeks can be rough, so hope you are hanging in there and adjusting to your new normal. Going back to work can be REALLY TOUGH. I actually found that thinking about it and dreading it before I went back was actually WAY WORSE than being back at work. Once I went back, I was like, oh yeah, I really like my job! But it was hard. Sounds like you are thinking about daycare for your little one--is there any way you can go spend some time at the day care where your baby will be? Just so you can get to know them, the people there, how the day goes etc? Then maybe it won't feel like you are leaving the baby with strangers? Just an idea to try to help!!
Can you do a video about uterine fibroids? The sizes and its effects on baby and pregnancy
My soon to be 3month old have a cough and I've used the cough syrup and the cough just won't go away and it breaks my heart any time she cough...what do you think I should do?although my mother in law made me believe that its the weather but I just want my little girl to feel better (help a first time mom)😥
I have symphis pubis dysfunction too rolling over in bed lifting leg to put on skirt or shoes my bones crack all the time and it feels a drop better after that but then back at it like an hour later lol. 34 weeks now with baby 3 but with 1st had this too and it lasted till after birth for a couple weeks so hoping this doesnt happen again!!
Hi!! I just wanted to let you know that I reached out to Meghan per your recommendation and she was so incredibly short and uninterested in helping us. Please do not continue recommending her as she is just discouraging for mothers on an already very hard journey to find help with tongue ties.
not sure why, but I can't watch your videos on google chrome browser. It only happens with your videos though.
Hi! Currently about to be 12 weeks pregnant tomorrow with twins, on my first appt 1/5/22 , I was told that one baby was 1 day older than the other. We were so shocked that we didn’t ask any questions. Does that mean they are going to be fraternal twins?
How early is it safe to get pregnant after delivering a premature baby?
Abcdefu song was correct lmao 🤣
You talk a lot about breastfeeding - would you consider an episode about formula feeding? How to stop milk production, product recommendations, etc. Breastfeeding doesn’t work for everyone, but there aren’t a ton of resources. Thanks for all you do!
We should do a live stream video chat with you I have questions about my baby and some concerns and maybe we can answer that in a live stream video chat
How does someone with Celiacs Disease get pregnant?
splendid .📢
My baby hate latching
She stop latching a month ago and I don't seem to produce enough milk even tho I pump...I feel like a mom I just want to breastfeed my baby like everyone else
Just wait until she leaves for college. And depending on if she moves across the country or lives at home with you while in college, just know that you have succeed in raising her
Lord, the paternal grandma tried to convince me that giving my breastfed baby his vitamin D supliment would make his stomach upset 🤦🏽♀️
lol. Hopefully grandma survived. We’re sure baby is doing great with such an awesome mama.
Do you have a video on miscarriage, healing and getting pregnant again
I watched your birth video and it makes sense that your baby had tongue tied issues because I noticed when she was born she was doing weird things with her tongue when you delivered her. Go back and watch.
Yes she totally did. She was always sticking her tongue out in those early days-literally from the moment she was born. Thankful we figured it out even if it took us a while!
Pediatricians by no means have room to speak on tongue ties. That requires a different specialist. please stick to bodily things that don’t regard breastfeeding. that’s for lactation specialists.
This is untrue 😂 Lactation consultants are so wonderful, but pediatricians often have specialties and focus skills, just like any other medical profession. My pediatrician was the most wonderful resource for my nursing journey. She diagnosed my daughter’s tongue tie, and helped us troubleshoot her feeding issues in the meantime.