How many people does Jason have to tell he loves Sam. My goodness, Sam has surprising backup. Emily told Sam to "hold on to him", Monica said" I know how much you love Sam" Carly said " Jason is in love with Sam" to Jiz. Wow Jason best women said it, why can't Liason fans accept it?
Jason was kind enough to keep her from getting her face broken. I was embarassed for her cause she was the ONLY one thinking of a reunion. Jason was all about Sam.
I thought Courtney and Jax had something going on around this time? Didn't Jax bet that he could get her to fall in love with him or am I thinking a later time with that part?
Every time Elizabeth tried to rekindle a relationship with Jason, I feel that he would lead her on... telling her how much he cared about her??? He was never straight up honest with her. Causing Elizabeth to believe that his feelings was mutual. Jason told Courtney, Carly, and Emily that he love Sam. Elizabeth understood that after Jason asked her Marry him “how can we get married when we both love other people”. The night Jason gave the truck to Cameron for Christmas Elizabeth took Jason kindness as affection and interest in her. His body language was misleading. But Elizabeth knew exactly what she wanted and how to get it. Use Jason love for children to manipulate him. This is when her plotting started. A single mom struggle to care for her child, and absent fathers with a addiction. We saw it in her eyes - later when Sam, Alexis, Christina came in the diner and Sam was rushing home to Jason. That facial expression said it all.
jason and sam hae never really had a sex scene and yet they were/are a fan not saying that jason doesn't love liz right now....but u cannot deny how much he loved/loves sam
Now if all the liarson fans would just look at these earlier clips they could clearly see that Jason heart belongs to sam if he can tell his ex wife he’s in love with Sam don’t you think lizabitch would already know because he married Courtney and not her so what that tell you just saying
For the ones who are in denial about how much Jason loves Sam, I made a collection of vids for you, and there is a stalker vid for Liasons fans. Enjoy. Jason will always love Sam not matter what. so deal with it.
does anybody know the date when she tries kissing Jason & he pushes her away :) it had something to do with a bet,w/Jax oh & Sam saw the kiss 2 notice about all the women in Jason's life claim they love him but do they love him 4 who he is ?nope !!!the only 2 women I ever saw that did was Carly& Sam{but Sam is the best 1 4him
I never thought Jase belonged with Courtney. To me they reminded me of when Sonny was with Lily. To me JaSam are just like SnB and both SnB and JaSam belong together.
'Courtney before you say anything I'm in love with Sam" Liason fans what part of that did you miss? JASON LOVES SAM and he always will. Welcome back Jasam in 2009
cocolucky1988 Jason to Sam I love you more than I've ever loved anyone ( post Lizard meaning he loved her more) and I always will, drop 🎤 also at some point Sonny picks up my 🎤 and tells lizard he loves Sam!!!!
He tells Elizabeth he loves her years later. It's a soap. They fall in and out of love all the time. They pledge their undying love during vows, then a year later they love someone else.
Jake still loves Sam, he's grateful to Liz for giving him a child, but Sam was the only women to whom he always repeated that he would love her for always.
I only liked Journey before there was ever a JaSam. Glad Jason wanted Courtney instead of Liz, can't stand that chick. But after Jason and Sam fell in love that was it, Courtney had nothing on Sam. JaSam always and forever!
@babbygirl3093 Im not a Liz or Liason fan but i thought Liz told Jason it was his baby because one of them was about to die. Werent they in an elevator in a burning building or something?
mrslcoles yes building exploded they got trapped and the thought that they were going to roast alive made her do something completely out of character tell the truth, your not going back to Sam if we survive are you rubs baby belly 🙄
Jason gave up Sam to keep her safe after she was shot, so Lizzy isn't that only woman that Jason wanted to keep safe so he would let them go.Sam made a bad mistake that costed her Jason but if she hadn't made that mistake old Lizzy girl nor Jake wouldve needed to be safe, bc Jason & Liz wouldn't have ever happened no brag just fact.
@@ElvisRose_ We totally agree with your analysis of the facts. Furthermore, we like to add the following about Elizabeth's character: We do it with all due respect and our intention is not to offend anyone but to bring to light certain aspects of Elizabeth's character that, if analyze objectively, makes her extremely flawed. If you decide to look at the character objectively all of you will be able to realize that Elizabeth is indeed extremely flawed not because anyone said so, but because the facts and the evidence as analyzed throughout the years have shown us that. For example, Elizabeth's first instinct is to lie no matter what are the circumstances. She did it while married to Lucky and later on while she was engaged to him. She was the one that manipulated Jason into giving up Jake allegedly because his life style was not safe and was too dangerous and then when Carly confronted her in 2008 she lied and said that it was Jason's idea. Since, Elizabeth is being interested in Jason she has gone back and forth in regards to his life style but the truth of the matter is that she wants him to change for her and he is never going to do that and she knows it. Back in 2004, Elizabeth told Sam when they were both at Kelly's and Sam was pregnant that she couldn't stand the violent world in which Jason lives in. As we were told that was the reason for making everyone believe that Lucky was Jake's father, right. But because she is such an inconsistent mother, that can't make her mind, she constinuesly puts her needs before her children's. Because of those actions, Jake had been kidnapped twice (2007 & 2008) and hit by a car twice (2011 & 2015). She has always been more focused in pursuing a relationship that will never work than making sure that her children are safe and sound. The sad thing about this character is the thought process she goes through to justify her own actions. For instance, in 2008, Elizabeth said to Patrick, after Jake's kidnapping by the Russians, that she tried to create the perfect picture of the happy family with Jason sitting on the couch or eating dinner and putting the kids to bed. While Knowing very well that will never happen because Jason will never change. Furthermore, she went on to say that she was trying to change Jason to that comment Patrick responded "that is women worse mistake and men worse nightmare". On that day, she called herself dillusional. Another interesting fact is that in 2011, Sam went to Elizabeth's house after Jake's death" to, once again, apologized for the events that took place back in 2007. During said visit Elizabeth accepted Sam's apology and furthermore she went on to admit that she was wrong when she bailed on Lucky back in 2006 and turned to Jason when Lucky needed her the most. Elizabeth told Sam that she realized that all of them acted wrongly but that her actions lead to a lot of mistakes and pain especially denying Jason his son. The problem that this type of action present is that every time she has the chance to stand by her words she doesn't and she goes against her own actions. We will clarify this statement ahead when we talk about the 2012 DNA incident. Which by the way, give us a real insight on this character's true colors and motivations. To be really clear on the circumstances of Elizabeth's character it is important to understand the circumstances that surround her. Elizabeth and Jason tried to date around 2002 but they were not intimate until 2006 when she found out about Lucky's infidelity. So, let us get this straight Lucky was unfaithful and her answer was to be unfaithful herself. In our book two wrongs don't make a right. This goes straight to the moral-ethical code of the character which make her more questionable. But yet she doesn't see her actions as wrong and more to it she doesn't take responsibility for it and keeps on lying. Once again, we all know that was not until Jason's murder trial in 2007 that she was forced to tell the truth about they sleeping together. However, she chose to lie under oath in regards to Jake's paternity. Again, this is her first instinct when she feels cornered or trapped. The problem with this behavior is that for this character is a pattern. Another, problem that Elizabeth has is that she loves to play the victim and she doesn't take responsibility for her own actions. She did it back in 2002 when Jason shut down on her and she slept with Zander. Interesting enough Jason saw them together. Off course, she told Jason that it happened because he pushed her away and because she was scared. Although, she had to admit to Jason that she lead Zander on. So, here we started to see the pattern emerged. We can observed something similar in 2010 when Lucky found out her affair with Nicholas. He called her out for all the things she did to him by using words we shall not repeat when Jason was consoling her. This incident happened in front of Kelly's. If anyone looks at the episode and watch Elizabeth's reaction to Lucky's accusations immediately will realize that she plays the victim, accused him of being cruel and she didn't really acknowledge what she did wrong. This fact alone says a lot because she cheated on Lucky with his brother and Aiden's paternity was in question. We know people are going to bring Sam's one night stand with Ric but there is huge difference.
@@ElvisRose_ Cont.2 A one night stand doesn't involve feelings. An affair involves feelings and is a constant lie that the people involved agree to keep on living. Also, immediately after Sam slept with Ric she owned her mistake a told Jason the truth. She didn't have to because Jason had broken up with her but she thought it was the right thing to do. If you were to think about it objectively, there is honor in Sam's decision to tell the truth after the fact while at the same time Elizabeth was asking Jason to keep quiet about what they did. Also, Sam had the intention to tell her mother but due to Alexis' illness she decided to wait and help her mother even if it meant things were going to be difficult for her. There is also honor in such decision. After her mother's treatment, she always said she was willing to suffer the consequences of her actions. While in the other hand, as was previously indicated, Elizabeth only told the truth about sleeping with Jason when she was under oath during Jason's trial for Alcázar's murder. Some may argue that she was thinking about Lucky's well being during rehab but the truth is that she is a surgical nurse. She had to know that she could have gone to talk to the Counselor in the Rehab Center to work out a plan on how and when to tell Lucky the whole truth but she chose the path of least resistance which is to lie. But this is consistence with who she is. That is the pattern Elizabeth always follows. Let's remember that when Jason helped her with her financial situation back in 2006 she asked him what she was supposed to tell Lucky and Jason told her to tell Lucky the truth then Elizabeth said: "I can't". Like indicated before her first instinct is to lie. She was always hiding something to Lucky during their marriage. Another significant problem we found with Elizabeth is her capacity and ability to be extremely judgmental. For, we asked ourselves, after all the things she has hidden in her closet which by the way make her character full of contradictions inconsistencies and à hypocrite, we just don't understand how can anyon justify Elizabeth's behavior if not only by conceding that her character is a truly trouble one. Let's think about this for a minute, both Robin and Courtney when they realized that they couldn't handle Jason's life style and the fact that he was never going to change, they accepted it and moved on. That is not the case with Elizabeth. She says one thing today, does another totally contradictory thing the next day and then goes back against her words and actions. So, we need to ask ourselves who does that, only people with serious issues act in such a way. Even Carly is consistent in her craziness and her trouble making abilities. But Elizabeth's character is highly questionable and flawed. To that effect, the evidence is overwhelming. Therefore, it can safely be concluded that there is no evidence or indication that Elizabeth has ever wanted to assume the consequences or responsibilities of her own actions. The best example it can be given is when the truth about Jake's paternity came out she shifted the blame of the aftermath to Sam. The same thing happened in 2015 when she was with Drew when everybody thought he was Jason and she lied about who he was. She knew all along the truth about his identify but once again she lied and off course when the truth came to light, once again, she shifted the blame of the aftermath to Sam. That is the pattern with Elizabeth, first the lie, then she shifts the responsibility, then she cries to gain sympathy and to play the victim. Interesting enough those are the characteristics of someone with histrionic personality issues. Notwithstanding, the aforementioned, the are two facts that really should make anyone think about the lack of moral- ethics of this character and how deeply flawed the character is. First, in 2012 she switched the DNA test of Sam's baby just to make sure that Sam and Jason will get a divorce. That not only violates Federal Law, but it showed that she is a lier and a manipulator. This is a very interesting and important fact because she was very judgemental towards Sam during the whole 2007 Jake's kidnapping incident without taking into consideration the extenuating circumstances that lead Sam the state of inaction that she found herself in. It is a fact that Sam was suffering from a heartbreak, a major betrayal and a break down which lead to not being in the right set of mind to act or to speak after the events. That's exactly what happens in cases of " battered women". This doesn't mean that there are no legal consequences because there are for what Sam didn't do. All we are arguing is that all of that happened didn't happen in a vacuum. Let us explain. At the time, Sam was submerged in the web of lies that both Elizabeth and Jason had fed her for months. Anyone similarly situated to Sam had to acknowledge that it would had been very hard to get through such a situation with their sanity intact. That is exactly what happened to Sam. She snapped. Some may argue that Sam deserved what Elizabeth did with the DNA precisely because of the 2007 events regarding Jake and the incident she manufactured in the Park. We sustained what we previously argued regarding said matter. However, we add that Sam, in 2008, redeem herself by risking her own life when she protected Elizabeth and her children from the Russians and when she saved Jake. It was after that incident that Jason let her know that they were ok in regards to the 2007 incidents concerning Jake. Also, Elizabeth told her that she was indebted to her. But because part of Elizabeth's personality is her inconsistency, during the 2012 Sam and Jason marital hardship, she forgot what she had told Sam back in 2008. Finally, Elizabeth is now engaged to Franco, the man who kidnapped Aiden. That man once identify as a serial killer. It really doesn't matter the reason why Franco was exonerated the point is no body can be sure that the problem has been totally resolved. The truth of the matter is that no good mother with a sound judgement would have a relationship with a person like Franco. How would she ever explain to Aiden, who, by the way, is having problems in school, what Franco did.
@@ElvisRose_ Cont. 3 Everything that has been mentioned and exposed here are pure facts. Just go back and watch clips and episodes and you will realized that out all the relationships that Jason has had, besides Carly, Sam is the only person that has always been there for him and that has always accepted and loved him unconditionally without expecting anything in return. Jason is unable to be in love with Carly because of her ways. Besides, Carly always expects Jason to fix her problems. But Sam to the contrary to everyone else has always assumed the responsibility for her own actions and has never expected Jason to clean up or fix her problems. For, in Sam, Jason has always found common ground, an equal partner and somebody that he could be himself with without any judgements. Jason feels at home with Sam. He never had that with anyone else because all the others tried to change him. Sam never has and she never will. By any means we are not arguing that Jason doesn't care about Elizabeth what we are presenting is the fact that even though he does care there are no facts that proof that he has ever been in love with her. An example of this is the time when he fell for Courtney and decided to marry her. He was in love with Courtney but not with Elizabeth. Jason told Courtney in 2003 after she and Elizabeth got into a fight if ever was in love with Elizabeth and Jason answered, NO. However, it didn't work out with Courtney because she couldn't handle his life style and she tried to change him. It is important to remember that all of those events happened before Sam was even in the picture. Some may argue what about Jason's and Elizabeth 2007-2008 on and off so called relationship. Well, that is the thing, for a relationship to exit it has to be acknowledged by the people involve as well as by others otherwise is a secret affair. Once again, they couldn't be in the open because Elizabeth couldn't handle his life style and she tried to change him. It is the same thing Elizabeth tired to do back in 2002 before Jason got together with Courtney. Nonetheless, in 2007, when Jason and Sam broke up while he was in jail waiting for the Alcázar's murder trial he told Spenilli that Sam was right that she needed someone that could put her first. Even though he was mad at her he understood all she said when she broke things up. At that time, he said to Spinelli, that once he became a father he couldn't put anybody else first. So, during the time Jason was with Elizabeth he projected his overwhelming love as a new father for his child into Elizabeth, after all she is Jake's mother. That happens a lot. In 2008, after Michael got shot even Elizabeth knew this fact, so much so, that she asked Jason if he loved her for her or because she was the mother of his child. Jason responded: "it is not fair for you to ask me that". Through out the years we have seen that Jason and Elizabeth do share a connection and he cares for her . However, the problem has always been that she wants him to feel more for her than he does. He has tried but it has not worked because at the end of the day she doesn't get him and he knows that. The fact that she needs to try so hard with him is another flaw of the character. It makes the character look pathetic and weak. To finalize our main argument, as stated at the beginning Elizabeth is an extremely flawed character on her on right and is being that way for many years before the whole JaSam phenomenon. We truly believe that her deep psychological issues and the reasons behind all of her actions is because she never overcame her rape. That is why she has an insatiable need to play the victim. She always has the need to relay on a man whether is Lucky, Jason or someone else to make her feel safe. Also, being a victim gives her character a perfect excuse for not taking responsibility for her own actions and for always finding a way to shift the blame onto someone else. It is also a reason why her first instinct is to lie. We truly believe the writers have intended for Elizabeth's character to be this flawed. For any writer, this type of character is very flexible and that is very important for a writer during the creative process. Unfortunately, she is not the heroin of the story. But her flaws and inconsistency are fun to watch.
I understand what all of you guys are saying , I was reacting to what a Liason fan had said about why Jason broke up with Liz to keep her safe, I was letting them know that Jason broke up with Sam to keep her safe also & that Liz isn't the exception, and when I said Sam made a mistake & it cost her Jason it did, he slept with Liz she ended up pregnant & Jason wanted to be with his child & he wanted a family guess it was a package deal so he asked Liz to marry him & yes everything that came after that was on Jason, lying, sneaking around behind Sam's back to see Liz, having Lucky believe that the baby was his, Jason became a hypothetical disgusting ass when he got with Liz, all that pain for nothing he still didn't get what he wanted a family, he didn't even spent time with Jake, 2 years spent sleeping in secrecy with Liz & in the end he still went back to the woman he truly loved,Sam.
The times Jason has really lost it at Sam have been the times he's been lied to he hates it and that's why a relationship with Courtney or Elizabeth never would have worked out both hid their pregnancies from him and lie very casually take this scene where Courtney is cleary about to confess having never gotten over him as he cuts her off, seconds early she was telling Sam that her relationship with Jason ending had no bearing on her life or happiness because Jax was her everything LIAR just like when Liz told the most literal man on the planet to move on we don't havd a future and so he move on to Courtney and Liz was all no i'm cool with it we never had a future anyway until she thought she was alone with Courtney and then she was all you stole my man you're a whore! Jason must have thought he was watching dr jeckle and mr hyde through kellys window. 😳 That man has walked into gun battles yet he was like don't go in there until she actually slapped courtney then he realised he had to break it up.
Eventhough im no longer a jasam fan i ship liason.I will never deny that Jason once loved Sam thats why you will never see me bash them.I have respect for what they once had.Old skool Jasam were amazing together :D
Anna White Funny how things turned out Liason broke up & I guess he did still love Sam bc he married her, they had a child together & after being gone for 5 years he still wanted Sam.
@@kristagerry8505 I don't even know why I was mad about this comment it was from 10 years ago & she wasn't even disrespectful about what she said about Jasam.
i loved courtney! i still don't understand why they were so quick to kill her off...her jason were really good together but even when not together i thought there was a lot more they could've done w/ her.
jocelyn figueroa Sonny's younger half sister Carly's best friend their kids aunt mikes daughter goody goody social worker who couldn't justify dating a killer and thought she could love the hit man right out of him the way Robin wanted to, to quote pink stupid girl!
i love that he stop her in her track
I love the way he tells Courtney he is in love with Sam. They do have a love that no one can really tear apart from them.
Sigh, it's 2019 and this is still music to my ears. Jason shut that shit *DOWN* !
oh my bod i still love them even now JASON AND SAM TOGETHER IS SPICYyy
How many people does Jason have to tell he loves Sam. My goodness, Sam has surprising backup. Emily told Sam to "hold on to him", Monica said" I know how much you love Sam" Carly said " Jason is in love with Sam" to Jiz. Wow Jason best women said it, why can't Liason fans accept it?
What year was this?
@@kellyanndean9374 2005
I just realize he doesn't look from a far to the person when he says he loves Sam he looks them straight in the eyes and I love that
all i have to say that im glad there back together it was a blurry 07 n 08 but glad that is over. JASAM FOREVER
Jason was kind enough to keep her from getting her face broken. I was embarassed for her cause she was the ONLY one thinking of a reunion. Jason was all about Sam.
When does Jason fall in love with sam?
I thought Courtney and Jax had something going on around this time? Didn't Jax bet that he could get her to fall in love with him or am I thinking a later time with that part?
I miss Jason soo much! :(
That's RIGHT Courtney - HE'S IN LOVE - IN LOVE WITH SAM!!!
This is when I think Steve looked the best. Not to small not to big. His face is a little fuller than in 04 ... just right!
the first couple of jason that i fell in love with was jason and courtney but over time i fell i love with sam and jason
I hated what Guza did 2 Jasam but it was almost good because they realized how much they loved each other!!!
no sweety jason and sam have something that no one else has and it doesnt matter how long it takes, but they will be together one day.
Every time Elizabeth tried to rekindle a relationship with Jason, I feel that he would lead her on... telling her how much he cared about her??? He was never straight up honest with her. Causing Elizabeth to believe that his feelings was mutual. Jason told Courtney, Carly, and Emily that he love Sam. Elizabeth understood that after Jason asked her Marry him “how can we get married when we both love other people”.
The night Jason gave the truck to Cameron for Christmas Elizabeth took Jason kindness as affection and interest in her. His body language was misleading. But Elizabeth knew exactly what she wanted and how to get it. Use Jason love for children to manipulate him. This is when her plotting started. A single mom struggle to care for her child, and absent fathers with a addiction. We saw it in her eyes - later when Sam, Alexis, Christina came in the diner and Sam was rushing home to Jason. That facial expression said it all.
I liked Courtney, if Jason was to get with anyone after Sam it should have been her and not Liz.
youtube search sonny tells liz jason loves sam
jason and sam hae never really had a sex scene and yet they were/are a fan not saying that jason doesn't love liz right now....but u cannot deny how much he loved/loves sam
alsort I didn't watch jason and lizard, lucky and sam was who I watched. lizard was a leach jason was only with because of baby jake
Now if all the liarson fans would just look at these earlier clips they could clearly see that Jason heart belongs to sam if he can tell his ex wife he’s in love with Sam don’t you think lizabitch would already know because he married Courtney and not her so what that tell you just saying
For the ones who are in denial about how much Jason loves Sam, I made a collection of vids for you, and there is a stalker vid for Liasons fans. Enjoy. Jason will always love Sam not matter what. so deal with it.
cocolucky1988 darn straight jasam forever
oh that hurt me too, Court!
lol i wanted her to say wat she wanted to say b4 jason said he loved sam..
Jasam 4Eva Baby
does anybody know the date when she tries kissing Jason & he pushes her away :) it had something to do with a bet,w/Jax oh & Sam saw the kiss 2 notice about all the women in Jason's life claim they love him but do they love him 4 who he is ?nope !!!the only 2 women I ever saw that did was Carly& Sam{but Sam is the best 1 4him
Courtney was the other woman like Liz who couldn't decide whether they can handle Jason's lifestyle.
I never thought Jase belonged with Courtney. To me they reminded me of when Sonny was with Lily. To me JaSam are just like SnB and both SnB and JaSam belong together.
'Courtney before you say anything I'm in love with Sam" Liason fans what part of that did you miss? JASON LOVES SAM and he always will. Welcome back Jasam in 2009
cocolucky1988 Jason to Sam I love you more than I've ever loved anyone ( post Lizard meaning he loved her more) and I always will, drop 🎤 also at some point Sonny picks up my 🎤 and tells lizard he loves Sam!!!!
He tells Elizabeth he loves her years later. It's a soap. They fall in and out of love all the time. They pledge their undying love during vows, then a year later they love someone else.
I actually felt sorry for Courtney fr about a second
Jake still loves Sam, he's grateful to Liz for giving him a child, but Sam was the only women to whom he always repeated that he would love her for always.
I only liked Journey before there was ever a JaSam. Glad Jason wanted Courtney instead of Liz, can't stand that chick. But after Jason and Sam fell in love that was it, Courtney had nothing on Sam. JaSam always and forever!
GH Fan me too
Oh man that was priceless!!! I hated courtney thank god she got killed off!!! She was soo annoying!!!Bring back Jason and Sam!!!
Jason needs to now tell Liz this!
Yeah he does (love sam)!!!!!
Ha, yes, I meant Jason. All these J names I am getting totally confused :)
To bad Jason never had the balls to tell St.Liz straight out that he love Sam just like he's doing here to Courtney.
@babbygirl3093 Im not a Liz or Liason fan but i thought Liz told Jason it was his baby because one of them was about to die. Werent they in an elevator in a burning building or something?
mrslcoles yes building exploded they got trapped and the thought that they were going to roast alive made her do something completely out of character tell the truth, your not going back to Sam if we survive are you rubs baby belly 🙄
Oh wow...So long ago..
Love it
Ohhhhhh she got owned!!!!!!!!!! Haha lol I'll bet she hates sam after that!!!!
Listen closely Liason fans lol
JaSam for the win!
Back off Barbie! You know that you have nothing on Sam!
Me too Courtney
Jason gave up Sam to keep her safe after she was shot, so Lizzy isn't that only woman that Jason wanted to keep safe so he would let them go.Sam made a bad mistake that costed her Jason but if she hadn't made that mistake old Lizzy girl nor Jake wouldve needed to be safe, bc Jason & Liz wouldn't have ever happened no brag just fact.
It cost Jason Sam for lying to her about jake
@@ElvisRose_ We totally agree with your analysis of the facts. Furthermore, we like to add the following about Elizabeth's character:
We do it with all due respect and our intention is not to offend anyone but to bring to light certain aspects of Elizabeth's character that, if analyze objectively, makes her extremely flawed. If you decide to look at the character objectively all of you will be able to realize that Elizabeth is indeed extremely flawed not because anyone said so, but because the facts and the evidence as analyzed throughout the years have shown us that. For example, Elizabeth's first instinct is to lie no matter what are the circumstances. She did it while married to Lucky and later on while she was engaged to him. She was the one that manipulated Jason into giving up Jake allegedly because his life style was not safe and was too dangerous and then when Carly confronted her in 2008 she lied and said that it was Jason's idea.
Since, Elizabeth is being interested in Jason she has gone back and forth in regards to his life style but the truth of the matter is that she wants him to change for her and he is never going to do that and she knows it. Back in 2004, Elizabeth told Sam when they were both at Kelly's and Sam was pregnant that she couldn't stand the violent world in which Jason lives in. As we were told that was the reason for making everyone believe that Lucky was Jake's father, right. But because she is such an inconsistent mother, that can't make her mind, she constinuesly puts her needs before her children's. Because of those actions, Jake had been kidnapped twice (2007 & 2008) and hit by a car twice (2011 & 2015). She has always been more focused in pursuing a relationship that will never work than making sure that her children are safe and sound. The sad thing about this character is the thought process she goes through to justify her own actions. For instance, in 2008, Elizabeth said to Patrick, after Jake's kidnapping by the Russians, that she tried to create the perfect picture of the happy family with Jason sitting on the couch or eating dinner and putting the kids to bed. While Knowing very well that will never happen because Jason will never change. Furthermore, she went on to say that she was trying to change Jason to that comment Patrick responded "that is women worse mistake and men worse nightmare". On that day, she called herself dillusional. Another interesting fact is that in 2011, Sam went to Elizabeth's house after Jake's death" to, once again, apologized for the events that took place back in 2007. During said visit Elizabeth accepted Sam's apology and furthermore she went on to admit that she was wrong when she bailed on Lucky back in 2006 and turned to Jason when Lucky needed her the most. Elizabeth told Sam that she realized that all of them acted wrongly but that her actions lead to a lot of mistakes and pain especially denying Jason his son. The problem that this type of action present is that every time she has the chance to stand by her words she doesn't and she goes against her own actions. We will clarify this statement ahead when we talk about the 2012 DNA incident. Which by the way, give us a real insight on this character's true colors and motivations.
To be really clear on the circumstances of Elizabeth's character it is important to understand the circumstances that surround her. Elizabeth and Jason tried to date around 2002 but they were not intimate until 2006 when she found out about Lucky's infidelity. So, let us get this straight Lucky was unfaithful and her answer was to be unfaithful herself. In our book two wrongs don't make a right. This goes straight to the moral-ethical code of the character which make her more questionable. But yet she doesn't see her actions as wrong and more to it she doesn't take responsibility for it and keeps on lying. Once again, we all know that was not until Jason's murder trial in 2007 that she was forced to tell the truth about they sleeping together. However, she chose to lie under oath in regards to Jake's paternity. Again, this is her first instinct when she feels cornered or trapped. The problem with this behavior is that for this character is a pattern.
Another, problem that Elizabeth has is that she loves to play the victim and she doesn't take responsibility for her own actions. She did it back in 2002 when Jason shut down on her and she slept with Zander. Interesting enough Jason saw them together. Off course, she told Jason that it happened because he pushed her away and because she was scared. Although, she had to admit to Jason that she lead Zander on. So, here we started to see the pattern emerged. We can observed something similar in 2010 when Lucky found out her affair with Nicholas. He called her out for all the things she did to him by using words we shall not repeat when Jason was consoling her. This incident happened in front of Kelly's. If anyone looks at the episode and watch Elizabeth's reaction to Lucky's accusations immediately will realize that she plays the victim, accused him of being cruel and she didn't really acknowledge what she did wrong. This fact alone says a lot because she cheated on Lucky with his brother and Aiden's paternity was in question. We know people are going to bring Sam's one night stand with Ric but there is huge difference.
@@ElvisRose_ Cont.2
A one night stand doesn't involve feelings. An affair involves feelings and is a constant lie that the people involved agree to keep on living. Also, immediately after Sam slept with Ric she owned her mistake a told Jason the truth. She didn't have to because Jason had broken up with her but she thought it was the right thing to do. If you were to think about it objectively, there is honor in Sam's decision to tell the truth after the fact while at the same time Elizabeth was asking Jason to keep quiet about what they did. Also, Sam had the intention to tell her mother but due to Alexis' illness she decided to wait and help her mother even if it meant things were going to be difficult for her. There is also honor in such decision. After her mother's treatment, she always said she was willing to suffer the consequences of her actions. While in the other hand, as was previously indicated, Elizabeth only told the truth about sleeping with Jason when she was under oath during Jason's trial for Alcázar's murder. Some may argue that she was thinking about Lucky's well being during rehab but the truth is that she is a surgical nurse. She had to know that she could have gone to talk to the Counselor in the Rehab Center to work out a plan on how and when to tell Lucky the whole truth but she chose the path of least resistance which is to lie. But this is consistence with who she is. That is the pattern Elizabeth always follows. Let's remember that when Jason helped her with her financial situation back in 2006 she asked him what she was supposed to tell Lucky and Jason told her to tell Lucky the truth then Elizabeth said: "I can't". Like indicated before her first instinct is to lie. She was always hiding something to Lucky during their marriage.
Another significant problem we found with Elizabeth is her capacity and ability to be extremely judgmental. For, we asked ourselves, after all the things she has hidden in her closet which by the way make her character full of contradictions inconsistencies and à hypocrite, we just don't understand how can anyon justify Elizabeth's behavior if not only by conceding that her character is a truly trouble one. Let's think about this for a minute, both Robin and Courtney when they realized that they couldn't handle Jason's life style and the fact that he was never going to change, they accepted it and moved on. That is not the case with Elizabeth. She says one thing today, does another totally contradictory thing the next day and then goes back against her words and actions. So, we need to ask ourselves who does that, only people with serious issues act in such a way. Even Carly is consistent in her craziness and her trouble making abilities. But Elizabeth's character is highly questionable and flawed. To that effect, the evidence is overwhelming.
Therefore, it can safely be concluded that there is no evidence or indication that Elizabeth has ever wanted to assume the consequences or responsibilities of her own actions. The best example it can be given is when the truth about Jake's paternity came out she shifted the blame of the aftermath to Sam. The same thing happened in 2015 when she was with Drew when everybody thought he was Jason and she lied about who he was. She knew all along the truth about his identify but once again she lied and off course when the truth came to light, once again, she shifted the blame of the aftermath to Sam. That is the pattern with Elizabeth, first the lie, then she shifts the responsibility, then she cries to gain sympathy and to play the victim. Interesting enough those are the characteristics of someone with histrionic personality issues.
Notwithstanding, the aforementioned, the are two facts that really should make anyone think about the lack of moral- ethics of this character and how deeply flawed the character is. First, in 2012 she switched the DNA test of Sam's baby just to make sure that Sam and Jason will get a divorce. That not only violates Federal Law, but it showed that she is a lier and a manipulator. This is a very interesting and important fact because she was very judgemental towards Sam during the whole 2007 Jake's kidnapping incident without taking into consideration the extenuating circumstances that lead Sam the state of inaction that she found herself in. It is a fact that Sam was suffering from a heartbreak, a major betrayal and a break down which lead to not being in the right set of mind to act or to speak after the events. That's exactly what happens in cases of " battered women". This doesn't mean that there are no legal consequences because there are for what Sam didn't do. All we are arguing is that all of that happened didn't happen in a vacuum. Let us explain. At the time, Sam was submerged in the web of lies that both Elizabeth and Jason had fed her for months. Anyone similarly situated to Sam had to acknowledge that it would had been very hard to get through such a situation with their sanity intact. That is exactly what happened to Sam. She snapped. Some may argue that Sam deserved what Elizabeth did with the DNA precisely because of the 2007 events regarding Jake and the incident she manufactured in the Park. We sustained what we previously argued regarding said matter. However, we add that Sam, in 2008, redeem herself by risking her own life when she protected Elizabeth and her children from the Russians and when she saved Jake. It was after that incident that Jason let her know that they were ok in regards to the 2007 incidents concerning Jake. Also, Elizabeth told her that she was indebted to her. But because part of Elizabeth's personality is her inconsistency, during the 2012 Sam and Jason marital hardship, she forgot what she had told Sam back in 2008.
Finally, Elizabeth is now engaged to Franco, the man who kidnapped Aiden. That man once identify as a serial killer. It really doesn't matter the reason why Franco was exonerated the point is no body can be sure that the problem has been totally resolved. The truth of the matter is that no good mother with a sound judgement would have a relationship with a person like Franco. How would she ever explain to Aiden, who, by the way, is having problems in school, what Franco did.
@@ElvisRose_ Cont. 3
Everything that has been mentioned and exposed here are pure facts. Just go back and watch clips and episodes and you will realized that out all the relationships that Jason has had, besides Carly, Sam is the only person that has always been there for him and that has always accepted and loved him unconditionally without expecting anything in return. Jason is unable to be in love with Carly because of her ways. Besides, Carly always expects Jason to fix her problems. But Sam to the contrary to everyone else has always assumed the responsibility for her own actions and has never expected Jason to clean up or fix her problems. For, in Sam, Jason has always found common ground, an equal partner and somebody that he could be himself with without any judgements. Jason feels at home with Sam. He never had that with anyone else because all the others tried to change him. Sam never has and she never will. By any means we are not arguing that Jason doesn't care about Elizabeth what we are presenting is the fact that even though he does care there are no facts that proof that he has ever been in love with her. An example of this is the time when he fell for Courtney and decided to marry her. He was in love with Courtney but not with Elizabeth. Jason told Courtney in 2003 after she and Elizabeth got into a fight if ever was in love with Elizabeth and Jason answered, NO. However, it didn't work out with Courtney because she couldn't handle his life style and she tried to change him. It is important to remember that all of those events happened before Sam was even in the picture. Some may argue what about Jason's and Elizabeth 2007-2008 on and off so called relationship. Well, that is the thing, for a relationship to exit it has to be acknowledged by the people involve as well as by others otherwise is a secret affair. Once again, they couldn't be in the open because Elizabeth couldn't handle his life style and she tried to change him. It is the same thing Elizabeth tired to do back in 2002 before Jason got together with Courtney.
Nonetheless, in 2007, when Jason and Sam broke up while he was in jail waiting for the Alcázar's murder trial he told Spenilli that Sam was right that she needed someone that could put her first. Even though he was mad at her he understood all she said when she broke things up. At that time, he said to Spinelli, that once he became a father he couldn't put anybody else first. So, during the time Jason was with Elizabeth he projected his overwhelming love as a new father for his child into Elizabeth, after all she is Jake's mother. That happens a lot. In 2008, after Michael got shot even Elizabeth knew this fact, so much so, that she asked Jason if he loved her for her or because she was the mother of his child. Jason responded: "it is not fair for you to ask me that". Through out the years we have seen that Jason and Elizabeth do share a connection and he cares for her . However, the problem has always been that she wants him to feel more for her than he does. He has tried but it has not worked because at the end of the day she doesn't get him and he knows that. The fact that she needs to try so hard with him is another flaw of the character. It makes the character look pathetic and weak.
To finalize our main argument, as stated at the beginning Elizabeth is an extremely flawed character on her on right and is being that way for many years before the whole JaSam phenomenon. We truly believe that her deep psychological issues and the reasons behind all of her actions is because she never overcame her rape. That is why she has an insatiable need to play the victim. She always has the need to relay on a man whether is Lucky, Jason or someone else to make her feel safe.
Also, being a victim gives her character a perfect excuse for not taking responsibility for her own actions and for always finding a way to shift the blame onto someone else. It is also a reason why her first instinct is to lie. We truly believe the writers have intended for Elizabeth's character to be this flawed. For any writer, this type of character is very flexible and that is very important for a writer during the creative process. Unfortunately, she is not the heroin of the story. But her flaws and inconsistency are fun to watch.
I understand what all of you guys are saying , I was reacting to what a Liason fan had said about why Jason broke up with Liz to keep her safe, I was letting them know that Jason broke up with Sam to keep her safe also & that Liz isn't the exception, and when I said Sam made a mistake & it cost her Jason it did, he slept with Liz she ended up pregnant & Jason wanted to be with his child & he wanted a family guess it was a package deal so he asked Liz to marry him & yes everything that came after that was on Jason, lying, sneaking around behind Sam's back to see Liz, having Lucky believe that the baby was his, Jason became a hypothetical disgusting ass when he got with Liz, all that pain for nothing he still didn't get what he wanted a family, he didn't even spent time with Jake, 2 years spent sleeping in secrecy with Liz &
in the end he still went back to the woman he truly loved,Sam.
do you mean jason?
This is when Gh was good when Jasam where good!
+GH Fan - Read your comment & gotta give you an "AMEN!"
I miss Courtney and Jason together, I'm lovin Jason and Sam .
I hated Courtney and Jason together!!!!!
I never really cared for courntey and jason
@QueenAquarius thank u :)
Sucked in courtney!!!! Yay jasam!!! Oh wait the stupid new oltl writers came and ruined jasam and gh!!!
The times Jason has really lost it at Sam have been the times he's been lied to he hates it and that's why a relationship with Courtney or Elizabeth never would have worked out both hid their pregnancies from him and lie very casually take this scene where Courtney is cleary about to confess having never gotten over him as he cuts her off, seconds early she was telling Sam that her relationship with Jason ending had no bearing on her life or happiness because Jax was her everything LIAR just like when Liz told the most literal man on the planet to move on we don't havd a future and so he move on to Courtney and Liz was all no i'm cool with it we never had a future anyway until she thought she was alone with Courtney and then she was all you stole my man you're a whore! Jason must have thought he was watching dr jeckle and mr hyde through kellys window. 😳 That man has walked into gun battles yet he was like don't go in there until she actually slapped courtney then he realised he had to break it up.
When did this happen? I'm still watching from 2004..there love hasn't happened yet?
in 2006
Eventhough im no longer a jasam fan i ship liason.I will never deny that Jason once loved Sam thats why you will never see me bash them.I have respect for what they once had.Old skool Jasam were amazing together :D
Anna White Funny how things turned out Liason broke up & I guess he did still love Sam bc he married her, they had a child together & after being gone for 5 years he still wanted Sam.
@@bettyboop90 unfortunate Sam walked away because of the danger too!
@@kristagerry8505 I don't even know why I was mad about this comment it was from 10 years ago & she wasn't even disrespectful about what she said about Jasam.
i loved courtney! i still don't understand why they were so quick to kill her off...her jason were really good together but even when not together i thought there was a lot more they could've done w/ her.
so agree...cause they were so was wierd
who's courtney i noe he was involved but wat else
jocelyn figueroa Sonny's younger half sister Carly's best friend their kids aunt mikes daughter goody goody social worker who couldn't justify dating a killer and thought she could love the hit man right out of him the way Robin wanted to, to quote pink stupid girl!
what is the date of this
Sometime in early 2005 before Michael/Morgan/Kristina were kidnapped by Faith Roscoe.
Ugh Courtney was the worst
Kinsella Finn lizard was the worse no chemerity between lizard and jason,
I liked Jason and Courtney. They were great together..
Journey was Jason's most boring pairing.
So of course JaSam > Journey
xxhypnotic I thought Liz was his most boring...they had one good scene together, their ONS...and the rest was lame.
Jason doesn’t play
Jason is really in love with Elizabeth. But he gave up is son and Elizabeth, to keep them safe. So he had no say goodbye.
Marian Ua jason loved liz because of jake, he wanted to jive jake a home.
Only like Jason with Elizabeth...No matter who he is with or marries, it is always Liz he longs for.
The only woman for Jason is Sam everyone else just isn't good enough.