Great video thanks! Just an FYI, DuckDb's "friendly SQL" allows you to get the largest increases in Python popularity without the use of repeating the LAG(), CTE's / subqueries e.g from lang select Python, date_obs, lag(Python) over(order by date_obs) as previous_popularity, Python - previous_popularity as popularity_increase order by popularity_increase desc limit 5; DuckDb SQL allows you to refer to previously created columns without the CTE!
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Marimo is my favorite notebook now, thanks for sharing!
Thanks a lot, glad you like it!
Thanks a lot for the super-thanks! Much appreciated.
than kyou
Thanks for watching!
Great video thanks! Just an FYI, DuckDb's "friendly SQL" allows you to get the largest increases in Python popularity without the use of repeating the LAG(), CTE's / subqueries e.g
from lang
lag(Python) over(order by date_obs) as previous_popularity,
Python - previous_popularity as popularity_increase
order by popularity_increase desc
limit 5;
DuckDb SQL allows you to refer to previously created columns without the CTE!
Ah - That's awesome to know, thank you! Really helpful and thanks for clarifying. DuckDB is amazing!
Can interface or intergrate with django