, Rasa 8ron cu 9de ron si conditii 7ron a 87u66art cu i778u88888 mult 7mult a 8face 7cu cu 7mult cuprinse in in care se pot intampla 8887lucruri cu cuprinse iubiți care nu mai are ce cauta cu adevarat adevarat fiara salbatica a face asta asta pt ca sunt in care sa se duca acolo unde nu trebuie si pt tarile in timp ce in realitate si pt ca se afla la mine asadar sa 7ron si asta nu mai are are de asemenea ca e o catastrofa ce 7nu 6sa cu 88mult cuprinse in care sa se duca acolo unde nu trebuie si pt 8tarile 8tarile 988iuuiuiiiiiuujuuhbbbhhhuuuiiuu88y78a 78ron tinut 33sa 33de de 5si de pe propriul 55propriul 55ron pe 5ron pe ron pe ron pe ea ea ea 55nu si asta asta asta pt trebui 5665si 5sa fie rorty de 5de 55t5de 55555cu a 55555545apartamente art trebui 5trebui sa fie tr 555555erertrttts t66t5656555t5555555 de 5pe de 5ani a dat pe ala 45de ron 5de ron si ti 5am cu el pe 5tema asta de la te mai trebuie descreșterea ereeereree4erre44eeerr ereeereree4erre44eeerr se t76t666666t6tt6tt666t6ttttt66tt6666666 ttransforma6t6t666t6ttttt6tttransfor6t66ttma 66t6t6t6t66t66t6666tttt 66t6t6t6t66t66t6666tttt 66t6t6t6t66t66t6666tttt 66t6t6t6t66t66t6666tttt 6si 66a a de de pe 665pe 6pe 5pe 6lumea lumea lumea 5665de ron 5s6de ron si 5si sei fc76t66ftot tot tot tot multi 5multi pt ca pt pt ca pt ca pt ca pt ca ppt ca dpt ca sa 5fie paginile de retete cu 5el el a avut inteligenta avrrut sacesteirsrrrsrsrsssssssrs sacesteirsrrrsrsssrs ds rinteligrsssrsrssseentassssesssssssedhhsshhsssssssssssssssrrrreeesreeèrreerrrrrsrrr inteligrsssrsrssseentasssssesssssssedhhsshhsssssssssssssssrrrreeesreeèrreerrrrrsrrrsdd de pe dde5rrrreerdddsssrsssssxdddfeerfgffgfct ddttrrggggggstdg 5eeeseyft66 gyf6gyyyygfyyyyyfffffctyttgtgytttg8tttyttttgttttuyyfyxxxxyttttxxx55rvfydzivfgiiicu Salut! Y2MEPF6 este codul PIN pentru ridicarea comenzii tale eMAG Marketplace. Coletul te asteapta in easybox Baneasa Mall (Showroom eMAG), Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti Nr. 44C pana Luni, 1 Jun, ora 15:40. Plata ramburs 132.48 se face exclusiv cu cardul. AWB:2EMGLN17562258. Foloseste QR pentru deschidere www.sameday.ro/locker/qr-image/Y2MEPF6Cred ca odata cu tampenia asta cu coronavirusul lumea cu adevarat normala la cap s a cam saturat de obsesia asta de a tot gusta,,exotismul,,si,,globalismul,,.Lumea vestica cunoaste deja mari spaime si pierderi economice si financiare si,cumva ar trebui sa recupereze aceste pagube iar masura cea mai buna dintre toate este aceasta a ocaziei de a alunga migrantii si refugiatii de pe aici.Eu asi pune serviciile secrete sa imprastie masiv gripa in insula Lesbos unde se afla puhoaie de migranti,in centrele de refugiati,califatele astea musulmane de prin Europa,samd.Astia vun din zone tropicale si e mai mult decat clar ca,mai ales ca e si iarna si frig si o epidemie de gripa declarata oficial o poti masca ff usor pe asta indusa artificial.Ca ar fi o aventura costisitoare?Aiurea..Trimiti ambulanta,ii infigi in vene o simpla si banala perfuzie cu ceva banal ca sa dai impresia ca faci ceva complicat,niste pastile false care au in ele un praf dar nu alea scumpe si reale ci ceva banal si cu asta basta.Epidemia asta virala poate constitui o sansa uriasa de a scapa de o alta epidemie si anume asta demografica formata din oameni care degeaba au aparut pe fata pamantului si care creaza numai daune fie si doar prin simpla lor prezenta aici.Generarea masiva si ferma a unor conditii prin care sa determini gunoaiele astea sa plece de aici e o sansa absolut unica.Epidemia trece dar panatamele astea nu vor pleca nici intr o mie de ani de aici incolo pt ca sunt ff fericiti sa munceasca femeia dumitale,dumneata,copii dumitale si a multor multor altora pt a i tine pt ca altfel..te arunca in aer.La propriu..Ori,cat de gresit e sa fi un pic siret cu niste criminali,paraziti si santajori ca astia?Absolut deloc.Ba chiar folosesti niste masuri fff blande.Epidemia asta trebuie si iarasi trebuie sa reprezinte sansa rezolvarii acestei plagi respingatoare si care ar sta pe capul nostru si inmulti pe zeci,sute si mii de ani de aici incolo.Sondele albilor strabat Universul in lung si lat dar panaramele tot panarame sunt.Daca le masori aria ce o ocupa iti va rezulta echivalentul a doua trei continente si cu toate astea,tot cu mana intinsa stau.Au kakat imensele lor teritorii si pt ca a inceput sa puta rau,vin sa kace si ce e pe aici..Asta TREBUIE sa se opreasca.Lumea asta trebuie sa aiba sansa sa la Viitor dar sansa asta depinde de punerea la punct a acestei plagi abominabile asa cum sunt panaramele astea.Europa America si toata lumea civilizata nu va accepta ca ea sa devina o Satra urat mirositoare,plina de plagi,sange,fecale,jeg,haos,sperme si alte de m.th-cam.com/video/AJNmwhLBn74/w-d-xo.html&feature=sharelogin.yahoo.com/account/create?intl=ro&specId=yidReg&context=reg&done=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.com vom login.yahoo.com/account/create?intl=ro&specId=yidReg&context=reg&done=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.com m.th-cam.com/video/AJNmwhLBn74/w-d-xo.html&feature=sharegenul asta.. cu d
Thank you trancetribal. Its going to be night. Papers around me on the floor. Sometimes things fall apart. BUT: if i got the right soundtrack to sort things new, build up, then freedom permeates the room. Thank you.
Thanks for listening! We have published a new psychill mix out today th-cam.com/video/0gQGx7ykbLc/w-d-xo.html Best wishes for the Winter Solstice! Love and light! 💚 ☮ 🙏
Thanks for listening! We have published a new psychill mix out today th-cam.com/video/0gQGx7ykbLc/w-d-xo.html Best wishes for the Winter Solstice! Love and light! 💚 ☮ 🙏
There's that bit in "UV Moon" where the guy starts saying, "You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still sleeping?" (@ 29:10(is that Morpheus?)) Reminds me of the countless times I've been sooo tired that when I go to the WC, I have to double check that I *am* actually awake and using the toilet, and *NOT* about to wet the bed! 😳
Thanks for listening! We have published a new psychill mix out today th-cam.com/video/0gQGx7ykbLc/w-d-xo.html Best wishes for the Winter Solstice! Love and light! 💚 ☮ 🙏
Thanks for listening! We have published a new psychill mix out for the Winter Solstice today th-cam.com/video/0gQGx7ykbLc/w-d-xo.html Love and light! 💚 ☮ 🙏
Truly transcendental my technically minded musical friends ☮💯☯️👍🏴❤🤍💙💋 drums 🥁 and panpipesand a few more basic instruments not to mention the throat singing they do to absolutely fantastic bless you all big brother for teaching us where we are going wrong before it is far to late to stop the decline at the same rate ☮💯☯️👍🏴❤🤍💙💋
Whoooaa man, this is a truly amazing tune! It's Tentura vs. Zymosis "Unity of Cultures" and you can get it here: compiledbydjzen.bandcamp.com/track/tentura-vs-zymosis-unity-of-cultures . Please always support the artists if you can. Thank you good people. Love & light!
2024 UPDATE: EPIC NEW PSYCHILL MIX - CLICK HERE: th-cam.com/video/0gQGx7ykbLc/w-d-xo.html
00:00 Sufi's Life - "Arselu'tel'Quess"
08:37 Fido X - "Hyperbola (Original Mix)"
14:46 Carbon Based Lifeforms - "Derelicts"
20:29 Reasonandu - "Solaris"
25:57 UV Moon - "Translucid Awakening"
33:59 Sufi's Life & Merlin - "Lonely"
41:46 Tentura - "Unity of Cultures"
48:33 New Age Hippies - "Living"
52:06 Solar Fields - "Discovering"
1:00:05 Cosmosis - "The Himalaya"
1:06:40 Koan - "Miracle For One"
1:14:49 Zymosis - "One Day"
1:21:32 The Bhaktas - "Ananda Purinima III (Solar Fields Remix)"
thank you
, Rasa 8ron cu 9de ron si conditii 7ron a 87u66art cu i778u88888 mult 7mult a 8face 7cu cu 7mult cuprinse in in care se pot intampla 8887lucruri cu cuprinse iubiți care nu mai are ce cauta cu adevarat adevarat fiara salbatica a face asta asta pt ca sunt in care sa se duca acolo unde nu trebuie si pt tarile in timp ce in realitate si pt ca se afla la mine asadar sa 7ron si asta nu mai are are de asemenea ca e o catastrofa ce 7nu 6sa cu 88mult cuprinse in care sa se duca acolo unde nu trebuie si pt 8tarile 8tarile 988iuuiuiiiiiuujuuhbbbhhhuuuiiuu88y78a 78ron tinut 33sa 33de de 5si de pe propriul 55propriul 55ron pe 5ron pe ron pe ron pe ea ea ea 55nu si asta asta asta pt trebui 5665si 5sa fie rorty de 5de 55t5de 55555cu a 55555545apartamente art trebui 5trebui sa fie tr 555555erertrttts t66t5656555t5555555 de 5pe de 5ani a dat pe ala 45de ron 5de ron si ti 5am cu el pe 5tema asta de la te mai trebuie descreșterea ereeereree4erre44eeerr ereeereree4erre44eeerr se t76t666666t6tt6tt666t6ttttt66tt6666666 ttransforma6t6t666t6ttttt6tttransfor6t66ttma 66t6t6t6t66t66t6666tttt 66t6t6t6t66t66t6666tttt 66t6t6t6t66t66t6666tttt 66t6t6t6t66t66t6666tttt 6si 66a a de de pe 665pe 6pe 5pe 6lumea lumea lumea 5665de ron 5s6de ron si 5si sei fc76t66ftot tot tot tot multi 5multi pt ca pt pt ca pt ca pt ca pt ca ppt ca dpt ca sa 5fie paginile de retete cu 5el el a avut inteligenta avrrut sacesteirsrrrsrsrsssssssrs sacesteirsrrrsrsssrs ds rinteligrsssrsrssseentassssesssssssedhhsshhsssssssssssssssrrrreeesreeèrreerrrrrsrrr inteligrsssrsrssseentasssssesssssssedhhsshhsssssssssssssssrrrreeesreeèrreerrrrrsrrrsdd de pe dde5rrrreerdddsssrsssssxdddfeerfgffgfct ddttrrggggggstdg 5eeeseyft66 gyf6gyyyygfyyyyyfffffctyttgtgytttg8tttyttttgttttuyyfyxxxxyttttxxx55rvfydzivfgiiicu Salut! Y2MEPF6 este codul PIN pentru ridicarea comenzii tale eMAG Marketplace. Coletul te asteapta in easybox Baneasa Mall (Showroom eMAG), Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti Nr. 44C pana Luni, 1 Jun, ora 15:40. Plata ramburs 132.48 se face exclusiv cu cardul. AWB:2EMGLN17562258. Foloseste QR pentru deschidere www.sameday.ro/locker/qr-image/Y2MEPF6Cred ca odata cu tampenia asta cu coronavirusul lumea cu adevarat normala la cap s a cam saturat de obsesia asta de a tot gusta,,exotismul,,si,,globalismul,,.Lumea vestica cunoaste deja mari spaime si pierderi economice si financiare si,cumva ar trebui sa recupereze aceste pagube iar masura cea mai buna dintre toate este aceasta a ocaziei de a alunga migrantii si refugiatii de pe aici.Eu asi pune serviciile secrete sa imprastie masiv gripa in insula Lesbos unde se afla puhoaie de migranti,in centrele de refugiati,califatele astea musulmane de prin Europa,samd.Astia vun din zone tropicale si e mai mult decat clar ca,mai ales ca e si iarna si frig si o epidemie de gripa declarata oficial o poti masca ff usor pe asta indusa artificial.Ca ar fi o aventura costisitoare?Aiurea..Trimiti ambulanta,ii infigi in vene o simpla si banala perfuzie cu ceva banal ca sa dai impresia ca faci ceva complicat,niste pastile false care au in ele un praf dar nu alea scumpe si reale ci ceva banal si cu asta basta.Epidemia asta virala poate constitui o sansa uriasa de a scapa de o alta epidemie si anume asta demografica formata din oameni care degeaba au aparut pe fata pamantului si care creaza numai daune fie si doar prin simpla lor prezenta aici.Generarea masiva si ferma a unor conditii prin care sa determini gunoaiele astea sa plece de aici e o sansa absolut unica.Epidemia trece dar panatamele astea nu vor pleca nici intr o mie de ani de aici incolo pt ca sunt ff fericiti sa munceasca femeia dumitale,dumneata,copii dumitale si a multor multor altora pt a i tine pt ca altfel..te arunca in aer.La propriu..Ori,cat de gresit e sa fi un pic siret cu niste criminali,paraziti si santajori ca astia?Absolut deloc.Ba chiar folosesti niste masuri fff blande.Epidemia asta trebuie si iarasi trebuie sa reprezinte sansa rezolvarii acestei plagi respingatoare si care ar sta pe capul nostru si inmulti pe zeci,sute si mii de ani de aici incolo.Sondele albilor strabat Universul in lung si lat dar panaramele tot panarame sunt.Daca le masori aria ce o ocupa iti va rezulta echivalentul a doua trei continente si cu toate astea,tot cu mana intinsa stau.Au kakat imensele lor teritorii si pt ca a inceput sa puta rau,vin sa kace si ce e pe aici..Asta TREBUIE sa se opreasca.Lumea asta trebuie sa aiba sansa sa la Viitor dar sansa asta depinde de punerea la punct a acestei plagi abominabile asa cum sunt panaramele astea.Europa America si toata lumea civilizata nu va accepta ca ea sa devina o Satra urat mirositoare,plina de plagi,sange,fecale,jeg,haos,sperme si alte de m.th-cam.com/video/AJNmwhLBn74/w-d-xo.html&feature=sharelogin.yahoo.com/account/create?intl=ro&specId=yidReg&context=reg&done=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.com vom login.yahoo.com/account/create?intl=ro&specId=yidReg&context=reg&done=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.com m.th-cam.com/video/AJNmwhLBn74/w-d-xo.html&feature=sharegenul asta.. cu d
If you put the time codes in the description the tracks will show in the progress bar.
Very humble reply! ,❤️❤️
Imagine big party outdoor. 30 000 people full of love. 5 o clock morning.. Every body happy má man. This track is a beautiful....
5 o clock in the morning is the worst time ever. it's when the night is over, the sun is rising, and everybody is pretty much sleeping
Penis rectum poop stick greasy porkchops strategy
No matter what time it is when you’re on Extazy
@@ursa_margowhen the sun is rising is a beautiful moment. Especially listening to music like this!
Perfect melodies beautifully executed Canada Montreal
Tribal trap ❤🎋🌿⚘️🌼🪰🌸🕷🏵🐌🐝🐛🍀🦋🦠🌺🐝🪲🐞💮🌷🌴🌴🐟🐚🐝🐜🐛🐜🐝🐝🐝🦐🐛🦂🪲🐚🦐🪼🐡🐟🐬🦞🪳🦂🪰🪰🪰🌷🌷🌿🌱⚘️🌷🌾⚘️🌱🪻🌷🪻🌱🌹
Музон понравился на столько, что даже видео просмотрел полностью. Молодцы! На пятёрочку
В грибах?
@@Роман-я1б7п картинка меняется периодически. А с таким музоном можно хоть на плакат смотреть, хуже точно не станет
Mindblowing tunes, one of the best psybient mixes on here, thanks for the upload guys!! 👽
Fantastic flow, incredible sound, awesome epic trip!!
This is a great selection. Thanks for the journey.
Glad you enjoy it! Love & light! 💙
Reminds me to the days in my gothic/wave-club in the 80ties , great job you've done!
More of this stuff please, I love it!
Greetings from Germany,
Takes me back to my days ( and especially my nights ) in Black Rock Desert
Thank you trancetribal. Its going to be night. Papers around me on the floor. Sometimes things fall apart. BUT: if i got the right soundtrack to sort things new, build up, then freedom permeates the room. Thank you.
Наконец-то дождались ! Очень понравились такие же миксы за 2015 и 2016 г.
Namaste 🙏, ich liebe deine Sounds 🕉❤️
Thank you and happy to see so many of you are enjoying the latest mix! Love & light! 🙏, 💚
Min barndom ❤underbara att växa till denna musiken💖💖👍
LOVE IT - critical listener Philippines *
Thanks for listening! We have published a new psychill mix out today th-cam.com/video/0gQGx7ykbLc/w-d-xo.html
Love and light! 💚 ☮ 🙏
This is a very excellent album that make your imagination wonder
Thank you for putting together this mix for us and let us experience this beautiful music.
The ending was magical :)
Thank you! Great to see so many people enjoying the new mix! 🙏💚
Absolute Bliss listening on Shrooms 🖤
I am 49 years old, did my first candy flip in my life, and this music is like a warm blanket.
Just amazing music!!!!
@@markusschreck6062 how was the experience?
It was amazing and hopefully I will do this again in the future.
This music just fits perfect to it
It took the knack of it on the brink grade flying abeam to not stir.
thank you,HERE and NOW love and greetings from cologne/germany
This always inspires me to live and create!
Many thanks for listening, great to see lots of people are enjoying the new mix!
Let’s make love
Beautiful collection, thank you!
This is so good it's scary. Truly we know what perfection sounds like. Listening to the face of God this mix exemplifies. Great job ok!
Wow, thank you! Love and light! 💚 ☮️ 🙏
just short of Perfection. The closest we have tho...
@@steve-rw7ty we do our best in a super crazy wor;d. we gather to celebrate unity and live via dance art and music. Now that's hard to do.
Have to agree. This is absolutely terrific!
amazing mix!! best chillout EVER!!
yes yes loving the mix especially towards the 1hour mark cosmosis what a tune and then the rest truely amazing
Wooooow! Thank you.
Thanks from shemshak🤘🏽👁️
please do more mixes, this is epic as the previous ones. thank you
Grease stick porkchops dog knobs time thingy talk comprende?
Thanks ;)
Oooooh! Gonna save this one for my upcoming trip! Thank you
Thanks for listening! Best wishes for the Winter Solstice today ! Love and light! 💚 ☮ 🙏
This is a very appropriately named video 👌🏼
These mixes are my favorite to do art to ❤ It greatly influences what I do
Hey Oona! Is there anywhere you share your art ? We'd love to see it! 💚
Really nice track compilation on here :)
Great job🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️🌌
Hallo leute meiner meinung nach hätte die ganze phsy szene einen osca verdient ooooideeeeer..grüsse tom..😆😆😆👍👍👍👌👌👌👏👏👏👏✊✌
Now, this was one cool trip into ethereal Psy Magic! B
🤤 vielen dank, einfach perfekt 🐜🐜🐜
Sooo Mutch feelings inside 🎶 🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎵💃🎵🎶🎶🎵🎶🎶🎵😻🎵🎶🎵🎵🎶🌟🎵🎶🎶
Really awesome!! Thanks a lot!! Greetings from Brazil!!
Thanks for listening, great to see so many people like the new mix! 💚🙏
Beautiful mix
Feel it through the soul
Thanks for listening! We have published a new psychill mix out today th-cam.com/video/0gQGx7ykbLc/w-d-xo.html
Best wishes for the Winter Solstice! Love and light! 💚 ☮ 🙏
cool wave music
Awesome it is!
I come back to this mix often (and to the previous ones also)
Thanks for listening! We have published a new psychill mix out today th-cam.com/video/0gQGx7ykbLc/w-d-xo.html
Best wishes for the Winter Solstice! Love and light! 💚 ☮ 🙏
Futuristic music to calm down 😎👍
5 years ... But this is great, thanks!
I know this music is 4 years old now
Nevertheless I have just discovered it
So I like 👍
Thank you 🙏
awesome👍, keep it going!
There's that bit in "UV Moon" where the guy starts saying, "You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still sleeping?" (@ 29:10(is that Morpheus?)) Reminds me of the countless times I've been sooo tired that when I go to the WC, I have to double check that I *am* actually awake and using the toilet, and *NOT* about to wet the bed! 😳
No, it's Neo.
Keep it coming, I really like your mixes!
Enjoy the sounds, more on the way soon!!
Me to I enjoyed this.. trying myself th-cam.com/video/PvyS2NKMqPA/w-d-xo.html
Very well done!
Thank you! Great to see so many people enjoying the new mix! 🙏💚
Great selection !
Thank you! Great to see so many people enjoying the new mix! 🙏💚
Great music! Great visuals!! Love it.
Much appreciated! 🍄 🙂 💚 🙏🏼
Thanks for listening! We have published a new psychill mix out today th-cam.com/video/0gQGx7ykbLc/w-d-xo.html
Best wishes for the Winter Solstice! Love and light! 💚 ☮ 🙏
Another masterpiece ! \o/
that was awesome
Love this
Just wonderful music for work! Thank you!
Glad you enjoy it! 🍄 🙂 💚 👍🏿
Как всегда супер!
nice mix ! thx
Thanks for listening! We have published a new psychill mix out for the Winter Solstice today th-cam.com/video/0gQGx7ykbLc/w-d-xo.html Love and light! 💚 ☮ 🙏
When you are belonging to the future but you stuck in 2020
That's great!!!
This is sublime
Thats coolll
Отличный сет!
Nice for playing mcoc
AHO 💥🙏
Good tunes. If any of mine can help with Survival International do let me know. Best regards to you and yours at this time. Jamwala.
Hiya! New track submissions on the trancetribal website coming soon! Thanks for listening! 🎧 🍄 👽 🙂 💚
@@trancetribal Thank you for the heads up. Take care.
Отличная Музыка!
Can i have some more please 🙏 make this last 8 hours its so amazing more of this 🙏❤️
Exclusive new mix from trancetribal.com artists coming soon. Watch this space! 💚 ☮ 🙏
Wow - awesome mix. Brightens the long days right now. BTW what's the track at 11:33, please?
A full tracklist is now available. Many thanks for listening! Love & light! 🙏, 💚
Pity the person that put a thumb down
Excellent mix. The title on my tab says "10 awesome songs", yet 9 are listed. Looking for the song at 9:01. Very 'crunchy'... :-)
Fido X - Hyperbola
A full tracklist is now available. Many thanks for listening! Love & light! 🙏, 💚
@@ella94deea You are awesome.
ALL 4 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 👌👌👏👏👏👏👏👏✔✔✔✔✔ SPIRIT FILLED FREQUENCIES😀
let the housework comence.
Very good music. 8:35 Who is the title of the artist and song? Thanks!
A full tracklist is now available. Many thanks for listening! Love & light! 🙏, 💚
Da Wix izit.
Itiz da wix crypto-spejsman! Turn on, tune in, chill out! 🙃 👽 🍄 💚
Truly transcendental my technically minded musical friends ☮💯☯️👍🏴❤🤍💙💋 drums 🥁 and panpipesand a few more basic instruments not to mention the throat singing they do to absolutely fantastic bless you all big brother for teaching us where we are going wrong before it is far to late to stop the decline at the same rate ☮💯☯️👍🏴❤🤍💙💋
◆★❤️★🔺★ Seraphim_💙_s✨
Beautiful🙏💗 How can o downlead this mix without the adds pls??
add adblock on chorme browser.
ID of track at 46:11 ?? Fantastic!
Whoooaa man, this is a truly amazing tune! It's Tentura vs. Zymosis "Unity of Cultures" and you can get it here: compiledbydjzen.bandcamp.com/track/tentura-vs-zymosis-unity-of-cultures . Please always support the artists if you can. Thank you good people. Love & light!
~={ Boom Shanka }=~
eargasm at 1:16:25
The last track gives me Mirrors Edge feelings.. is it solar fields? What's the name?
A full tracklist is now available. Many thanks for listening! Love & light! 🙏, 💚
There is a spike of people going at the start of the Zymosis track... that's strange ;)