Brian has proved himself to be a good replacement for Jamie. Not many is capable of creating chaos simply by existing. I hope Jamie is well now. Much love from Türkiye 🇹🇷
This was every bit as hilarious and chaotic as I'd hoped it would be! 🤣 Ashley: How did you even get into Columbia University?! Brian: I got in through soccer! It's not what you think! 😂😂😂
My bday’s in a few days. This is like a bday gift to me too! And, you visited my very most beloved place in the whole wideworld. Thank youuuu!!! 💜 And, I’m surprised Brian is also here 😂 He’s way too funnyyyy 🤣 Gotta love the concentration he got to win. 😂
📍 HERE WE GO, Tokyo!
💬 Which was your favorite part? Leave it in the comments!
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Jamie doing the smoke challenge🤣💕
Marshmallow game
😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊ં😊અંઅં😊😊અહીં અ😊અં😊અંઅં😊અં😊😊અં😊ંંંઅંઅંઅં😊ચાલો ંઅં😊અં😊અં😊😊😊અં😊અં અ ંઅંઅઅઅઅંઅં😊અં😊અંઅં😊અંઅંઅં😊અંઅંંઅંઅંં😊😊😊ંંં😊😊અંઅંંઅંઅંઅંઅંં😊અંં😊😊😊ં😊😊😊ં😊😊😊અઅં😊😊😊😊ં😊😊😊😊😊😊ંઅ😊😊😊😊😊😊😊અ😊😊😊😊😊અંં😊😊😊અઃંઅઃઅ😊ં😊😊😊😊😊😊ં😊😊અંઅંઅં😊😊ં😊😊અંઅં😊ંઅંંઅં😊😊😊😊😊અઃ😊અંઅંઅંં😊😊ંઅંઅંઅં😊😊😊😊😊😊ંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં😊😊😊😊અંઅંઅઅઅં😊😊અ😊😊ંઅં😊ં😊😊😊અંઅંઅઅંઅંઅં😊અંઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં અ અઅંઅંઅંંઅં અચૂક અઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં અઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅઅઅઅંઅંઅં અ અ અચૂક અ અ અઃઅઃઅંઅં અ ંઅઅઅઅ અ અ અ અ ંઅંઅઅઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં અચૂક અ અ ચચ્ચાર અંઅં અચૂક ંઅંઅંઅંઅઅઅઅ અ અઅઅં અ અઅઅંઅં અ અઅઅઅઅંઅઃઅઃઅઃઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅઃઅઃઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં અ અઅઅઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅઃઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅંઅં ંઆઅ😊ં😊😊
Jamie doing smoke challenge she is so funny
Penil saying boring to brain and check it the fuck out was so funny 😂😂😂
Brian has proved himself to be a good replacement for Jamie. Not many is capable of creating chaos simply by existing. I hope Jamie is well now. Much love from Türkiye 🇹🇷
What happened to Jamie?
14:21 Eric said Jamie was not feeling well 😢
Hope it stays that way
@@redchen3682? Rude
fuck Turkey🦃
Omg Peniel getting so angry at Brian was so hilarious 😂🤣😂🤣
In this episode, Brian is the main character 🤣🤣. Bro simply existed and created chaos haha. Love you, Brian! you were so cute in this episode.
Ashley's "How did you get to Columbia?!?!?" to Brian was funny 😂
😆😅😂I realized that Brian Nam was really only interested in business. He is a true businessman who is serious about business.😄👍💝
This was every bit as hilarious and chaotic as I'd hoped it would be! 🤣
Ashley: How did you even get into Columbia University?!
Brian: I got in through soccer! It's not what you think! 😂😂😂
Brian was the best!! We need more Brian 😂😂😂
I agree 🥹🥹
7:47 the way jamie whipped her head back when she heard brian say that he’s scared of her LMAO she was OFFENDED 😂
Bro imagine if jamie was their when brain was making so many mistake bro I'm scared too... 😱
he probably wouldve died tbh @@astha9098
The best was Peniel yelling, "Check it the fk out," as he sounded on Brian. I burst out laughing! Good show
As always the editors never failed to make me laugh who sacked peniel’s hair and bring san from photo thats crazy and the chaos is always fun 😂😂😂😂😂
13:40 Jamie in the background saying “oh it’s spiiiiicy!” 😂
The way Eric was like "Don't touch me bro "And Brian be like " I love you " Was really off the guard😂😂😂😂😂
ashleys fashion always be on point!!! she defs was fashionably ready for tokyo...
Ashley came to slay.
Go Ashley
@@Chips9741 😮by
(Btw 4:47 look how cute Eric is there, making sure Jamie isn't excluded 🥺💗)
Its like bunch of friends were hanging out we love this kind of content❤
Cuz the ARE friends
Jamie and Ashley should have make-over show, the outfit they picked for Brian was FABULOUS!!!
Peniel from 10 yrs ago! so cute! 💙
*PENIEL doesn't have a heart, and BRIAN doesn't have a soul.* LOOOL
Ughhhh I have to do school work but I want to watch this too 😭
Edit: I decided to do both 💀
And Peniel constantly cussing Bryan out was hilarious 😂
ash's "how did you get into Columbia?!?!" LOLLL
Love Peniel every year 🥰💙
brian making mistakes every time it made me laugh a lot hahahaha thanks for bringing brian along
Yes the Dive fam in Tokyo! This episode will be so hilarious and chaotic! Love you guys 😆💕
Penial's introduction, though :
" He doesn't have a heart. He is A.I. PENIEL DONG SHIN. " 😂😂
Love Brian! Glad he stepped in for Jamie! Great choice!!
peniel screaming check it the fuck out Brian ijbol he's the funniest guy alive
Me playing with them the marshmallow game and i freakin screamed “CHECK IT OUT” to my ipad hoping brian could hear me
Brian and Jamie= chaos 😂
Peniel 😂😂 Such a funny guy😂
Please include Brian in ALL future episodes 😂😂💗💗
Peniel never disappoints.
Chaos and fun in Tokyo!
I love how random they are 😂
wish BM was here then the whole crew is completed
✨BrIaN iM tAlKiNg BrIaN!✨😂
Peniel is so hilarious 😂😂🔥🔥
Peniel singing apple bottom jeans boots with the fur is my fav scene
Jamieeeeee 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 😂😅
Excited for all the fun and chaos in Tokyo! ❤️
Jamie 🥺 miss her
What happened? 😢
Love the vibe of this show 💖 Also love Brian, he's so lost and cute ✨
Ashley looks like that rich-auntie in k-dramas 😂
“Here We Are” by Bi*chna should’ve at least been a soundtrack for this series! It’s so fitting we need ittt
Am I the only one who saw how cute Eric and Jamie hugged🥰
"CHECK IT THE F OUT "got me 💀💀
ashley in her fashionista era and im here for ittt
Looking forward to the fun!!
Brian was concentrating sooo hard 😂 i loved all the edits!
Ashley looks like that one rich asian auntie 😩🔥🔥
The way Eric is looking out for Brian during the game😭❤why so soft😭✨️
Brian is too chaotic, love it
I Thing we can all agree that we need an episode just all about brian 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Th interaction between eric and brian is my favorite thing ever 😂😂😂😂literally all siblings 😂🤣
Jamie having a song for every Moment is so relatable and funny 😂❤
24:28 ashley wants to throw hands badly with brain LMAOOOOOOOO
Laughin the whole time and smilin’ from ear to ear watching u guysss😂😊
You guys are so mean to Brian! He’s so wholesome!
This was hilarious! Keep them coming 😂😍
Love the Dive fam, they are the best. 💖👍
Ashley is giving me clueless vibes love it
I am looking forward to it
Love you guys!
Lol one of my fav videos 😂
P.s please keep Brian, he is so chaotic😂😂😂
As a Carat that Eumchibakchi guess is so funny😆.
They are so funny 😂😂❤❤
I like it. Total vibes is great!! Looking forward to the next episode for this😊😊
The marshmallow game, the clip at the beginning is soo brilliant 😂❤
Loved the show!! Had a great time watching it. 😂❤
Jamie is so cutee🥺
I love ashley’s outfit!!! it’s so chic and very cute
not Brian being the weakest link during the games, but it did generate some fun content
프니엘 귀여워..
😂😂😂😂L ol I Love Peniel so much
hahaha this was chaotic as usual!! thank you Dive for coming to Tokyo, a chaotic city!! lol i can't wait to watch the next episode
Brian was the mvp this episode😂
guys this is the best penalty we've seen in a long time on a game played with the dive studios team
I needed me some brian thanks for tagging him along ❤❤❤
I miss Jamie soso much
Pretty sure he wore Jamie’s pick to the nyc Meet and Greet.
My bday’s in a few days. This is like a bday gift to me too! And, you visited my very most beloved place in the whole wideworld. Thank youuuu!!! 💜
And, I’m surprised Brian is also here 😂 He’s way too funnyyyy 🤣 Gotta love the concentration he got to win. 😂
I love seeing four of them doing 티카타카 ❤ These four people look like good friends, not like Kpop celebrities gathering for some work
Oh my gosh, this is exciting!
Love love loveee this ep! ❤✨
Okay, we need Brain on the next season of Hwaiting 😆😆😆
The Marshmallow Game was so funny! Did Brian mess up on purpose? Just asking, 🤣😂🤣😁
Brian is so funny: give me a chance, give me a chance 😂
Btob peniel 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
My god I love this 😂😂💖
we love jamieeeeeeeee
This had me crying 😂
so much fun! ❤
best episode too funny guys love it
this is gold
Soooooooo cute🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Ashley slayed the fit🔥🔥
아잌ㅋㅋ프니 귀여워💙
I was screamingggggg when they couldn’t guess Riize Get A Guitar and Seventeen God of Music 🥲