▶To download Lecture Notes, Practice Sheet & Practice Sheet Video Solution, Visit UMEED Batch in Batch Section of PhysicsWallah App(bit.ly/3ru9Agh). To boost up your NEET 2021 preparation we have started NEET SPRINT Revision Series on our PhysicsWallah app. For more details check "NEET Sprint" Section & announcement section of your batch on the mobile app. ✨ NOTE : This Batch is Completely FREE, You just have to click on "BUY NOW" button for your enrollment. 📎 NEET TEST SERIES ON PW APP((bit.ly/3ru9Agh) & physicswallah.live 📍Sequence of Chapters : drive.google.com/folderview?id=1L3SvNmYoOMxfMdrkM0hFHhWJbwc8icfo ▶Physics Crash Course for NEET - by Alakh Sir : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGWVYHPLjAHjw9y1YB9Gf4bf.html ▶Zoology in 30 Days | NEET : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGWhd2WLnn_uvw71XqSNj3pn.html ▶Botany in 30 Days | NEET : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGW-xtJIWbQ4fiQDxkaf_-MT.html ▶Inorganic Chemistry in 20 Days | NEET : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGU4n85id5xYWp2NV63tve4p.html ▶Organic Chemistry in 20 Days | NEET : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGVVN1SglQtKjnWvVeEDrusM.html ▶Physical Chemistry in 20 Days | NEET : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGW-XCZvX8lwMDU9sd2J1qBI.html 🔴 Details About The Batch. ✒️ We will cover complete NEET Syllabus in 60 days. ✒️ Daily classes on our TH-cam Channel "Competition Wallah". ✒️ PDFs of Lecture Notes & Practice sheet after each lecture will be provided on PhysicsWallah App (bit.ly/3ru9Agh) & physicswallah.live. ✒️ Video solution of each practice sheet will be provided on PhysicsWallah App (bit.ly/3ru9Agh) For any queries or complaints Visit : For PW APP : physicswala.page.link/?type=contact-us&data=open For PW Website : www.physicswallah.live/contact-us #Umeed #CompetitionWallah
0:26 respiration 7:49 respiratory organ of different animal 11:17 human respiratory system 21:39 CORRESTION** outer-- parietal inner - visceral 21:56 conducting zone and respiratory zone 29:06 structure of alveoli 35:26 thoracic chamber 37:59 mechanism of breathing 48:22 inspiration 50:26 expiration 51:32 forced expiration 53:48 respiratory volume and capacities 1:08:44 transport of gas 1:18:59 transport of oxygen 1:20:59 sigmoid curve 1:34:23 transport of CO2 1:37:45 Loading of CO2 near tissue 1:48:35 unloading of CO2 near alveoli 1:57:39 regulation of breathing 1:58:13 nervous regulation of breathing 2:01:03 external intercostal muscle 2:06:37 chemical regulation of breathing 2:10:16 disorder
7:05 11:14 Aquatic mollusc - ctenidia Semi terrestrial- gills 21:46 imp function of pleasurable fluid from ncert 29:04 Columnar me hi goblet cells hote h so conduction zone is mucus lined Trachea, 1 bronchi, 2 bronchi, 3 bronchi , initial bronchioles - c shape rings present 33:51 35:09 41:00 48:15 49:51 51:19 53:39 54:53 VC volume that can be taken in after forceful expiration Or volume that can be given out after forceful inspiration 1:08:01 RV , FRC, TLC CANT BE MEASURED BY SPIROMETER 1:15:09 Vvvimp explained… of total o2 in atmosphere, 25% is used( of 21% = 5%) ,75% released ( of 21%=16%) In mouth to mouth respiration, how much o2 given? = 16% bcz only 16% o2 is present in air expired out by a human 1:17:05 1:20:51 Solubility of o2 20-25 times less than that of co2, therefore max co2 transfer through plasma in dissolved form…. Max transport of oxygen through hb 1:34:22 1:37:32 1:48:13 1:55:57 1:54:51 1:56:29 1:57:37 imp explanation hear again 2:03:04 correction: drg me eicm 2:06:26 2:09:46 imp explanation 2:12:45
0:24 Respiration 7:47 Respiratory Organ 11:15 Human Respiratory System 21:20* outer-parietal, inner-visceral 21:55 Conducting & Respiratory zone 29:04 Structure of alveoli 35:20 Thoracic Chamber 37:55 Mechanism of Breathing 48:16 Inspiration 50:23 Expiration 51:32 Forced Expiration 53:44 Respiratory volume & Capacities 1:08:02 Exchange of Gases 1:18:43 Transport of Gases 1:18:54 Transport of Oxygen 1:20:56 Oxygen Haemoglobin dissociation curve 1:34:22 Transport of CO2 1:37:39 Loading of CO2 (near Tissue) 1:48:30 Unloading of CO2 (near Alveoli) 1:57:36 Regulation of Breathing 1:58:11 Nervous Regulation of Breathing 2:01:03* ECIM 2:06:30 Chemical Regulation of Breathing 2:10:13 Disorders of Respiratory System
Other teachers be like- dissociation of CO2 from Hb. While Manish sir- Oxygen ab ghuma k laat degi CO2 ko......😂😂 Legendary teachers giving their best to make us learn better😇😇
Dropper log hi samjhenge ye seris humare liye kitna important hain... Logo ka bate sunte sunte thak chuka hun yaar! Isbar clear karne ka ummed lekar aaya hain aur clear jarur karenge sathioo...
Sir u didn't mentioned the Ncert line in the topic transport of gases... "Every 100 ml of oxygenated blood can deliver around 5 ml o2 to the tissue under physiologcal conditions."... Many times question have been asked from this line... 😥😥
Sir... In flow flow.. You just wrote contraction of internal intercostal muscles in inspiration column of DRG centre at 2:01:04 But it should be external intercostal muscles.
Sir...when i was in class 11th i was not able to understand any concept of zology but after studying by you i am scoring 170/180 in my mock tests......sir you are so reasonable person sir thanks for sharing your knowledge
Are yar ye sir log kaha chupe the itne din....alakh sir dhundke laye. Bestest ever faculty in the TH-cam coaching history. Best one shot lecture. Isse kehte hai concept ko dimag se ghusa dena........ We'll succeed for sure..❤❤❤
55:16 I was always confused in R.V's but the way you taught it, that was just amazing. Now, I will never be confused in it. Only Thank you is not enough for what you taught me today but even though thank you so much sir☺️🙏🏻
Mujhe koi bata sakta hai ki dorsal ventral group Mai diaphragm and internal intercostal muscle ka contraction hota hai yaa external intercoastal muscle
Note - if you are confused in pleural membranes the outer layer is parietal and the inner is visceral. Sir has said it right and written wrong by mistake
These are the only one shots jinke madat se questions bante hai😀 varna baaki yt pe one shots se question to nhi bante itne ache se Thank you whole PW team ❤️
@@SatyamMishra-by8sc bhaiya hmne coaching kari h or coaching se acha effort pw wale daal rhe h thik h apko quality kam lgta h to mt dekho na har teacher best h khud me ap apna comfort dekho
🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 Sir, your lecture is very helpful, But 21:35, inner pleural membrane is visceral (connect with alveoli) and outer pleural membrane is parietal (connect with thoracic cavity) sir said right but written wrong
It was such a detailed lecture in such a short period of time.. thank you so much sir.. And can we please take a moment to appreciate his way of teaching.. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING
0:26 respiration 7:49 respiratory organ of different animal 11:17 human respiratory system 21:39 CORRESTION** outer-- parietal inner - visceral 21:56 conducting zone and respiratory zone 29:06 structure of alveoli 35:26 thoracic chamber 37:59 mechanism of breathing 48:22 inspiration 50:26 expiration 51:32 forced expiration 53:48 respiratory volume and capacities 1:08:44 transport of gas 1:18:59 transport of oxygen 1:20:59 sigmoid curve 1:34:23 transport of CO2 1:37:45 Loading of CO2 near tissue 1:48:35 unloading of CO2 near alveoli 1:57:39 regulation of breathing 1:58:13 nervous regulation of breathing 2:06:37 chemical regulation of breathing 2:10:16 disorder
These one shot series proved that one shot lectures are for covering everything in a single shot 🤭 otherwise other one shot videos used to skip many things and used to say this is the best one shot video ever🙃
Sir 2:01:05 .. sir Internal intercoastal ke contraction se to expiratiin hota hai ..lekin DRG to kewal inspiration ko control krta h to wha pr External intercostal hona chiye tha???
No Google me diaphragm and external intercostal muscles dikha raha hai ... media.lanecc.edu/users/driscolln/RT127/Softchalk/regulation_of_Breathing/regulation_of_Breathing_print.html See...
This is too much helpful sir, But 02:00:45, correct muscles is external intercostal muscles (EICM), internal intercostal muscles (IICM), do not contracts during inspiration
ky baat hai sir , 2hours 15 min me complete chapter with all topics ,. sir you are the gem of zoology, sir itna acha less time me koi bhi nhi padha skta , apne sahia kaha lakho rupees khaech ke baad bhi nhi milega
I think i nervous regulation of breathing in DRG last point By-contraction of:- 1.diaphragm muscle 2.E.I.C.M (External intercoastal muscle) is correct at 2:01:45
even though I studied this chapter after long time i understood each and every co concept of urs..... I'm blessed to have teacher like you tysm for ur efforts uh rocked sir loads of love to uh keep uploading videos 🤗🙏
Hello , can you please provide the time stamps for this video since you have already watched it , so I'm asking for the help . Please , it'll be very helpful for me , infact for all . Can you ? please
What a detailed explanation.... really , it's awesome !!!! Sir covered everything , every minute detail throughout the lecture... fantabulous , incredible 😌... thank you so so much sir ! ♥️✨
Man he has given the whole content of yakeen .trust me .the extra time he had taken in yakeen is all that of repeating the contents and motivating the students
Yes you're right.. I am also from yakeen 2.0 2022 same content hai bas thoda repeat karne se time lag ja rha hai... Ise kahte hai निःस्वार्थ... Alakh sir ko paise nahi selection chahiye😍😍😊
▶To download Lecture Notes, Practice Sheet & Practice Sheet Video Solution, Visit UMEED Batch in Batch Section of PhysicsWallah App(bit.ly/3ru9Agh).
To boost up your NEET 2021 preparation we have started NEET SPRINT Revision Series on our PhysicsWallah app.
For more details check "NEET Sprint" Section & announcement section of your batch on the mobile app.
✨ NOTE : This Batch is Completely FREE, You just have to click on "BUY NOW" button for your enrollment.
📎 NEET TEST SERIES ON PW APP((bit.ly/3ru9Agh) & physicswallah.live
📍Sequence of Chapters : drive.google.com/folderview?id=1L3SvNmYoOMxfMdrkM0hFHhWJbwc8icfo
▶Physics Crash Course for NEET - by Alakh Sir : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGWVYHPLjAHjw9y1YB9Gf4bf.html
▶Zoology in 30 Days | NEET : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGWhd2WLnn_uvw71XqSNj3pn.html
▶Botany in 30 Days | NEET : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGW-xtJIWbQ4fiQDxkaf_-MT.html
▶Inorganic Chemistry in 20 Days | NEET : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGU4n85id5xYWp2NV63tve4p.html
▶Organic Chemistry in 20 Days | NEET : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGVVN1SglQtKjnWvVeEDrusM.html
▶Physical Chemistry in 20 Days | NEET : th-cam.com/play/PLJyab0VQDBGW-XCZvX8lwMDU9sd2J1qBI.html
🔴 Details About The Batch.
✒️ We will cover complete NEET Syllabus in 60 days.
✒️ Daily classes on our TH-cam Channel "Competition Wallah".
✒️ PDFs of Lecture Notes & Practice sheet after each lecture will be provided on PhysicsWallah App (bit.ly/3ru9Agh) & physicswallah.live.
✒️ Video solution of each practice sheet will be provided on PhysicsWallah App (bit.ly/3ru9Agh)
For any queries or complaints Visit :
For PW APP : physicswala.page.link/?type=contact-us&data=open
For PW Website : www.physicswallah.live/contact-us
#Umeed #CompetitionWallah
Please reply for my confirmation on my email .. please sir....
Main bhi yahi comment karne aaya tha
0:26 respiration
7:49 respiratory organ of different animal
11:17 human respiratory system
21:39 CORRESTION** outer-- parietal
inner - visceral
21:56 conducting zone and respiratory zone
29:06 structure of alveoli
35:26 thoracic chamber
37:59 mechanism of breathing
48:22 inspiration
50:26 expiration
51:32 forced expiration
53:48 respiratory volume and capacities
1:08:44 transport of gas
1:18:59 transport of oxygen
1:20:59 sigmoid curve
1:34:23 transport of CO2
1:37:45 Loading of CO2 near tissue
1:48:35 unloading of CO2 near alveoli
1:57:39 regulation of breathing
1:58:13 nervous regulation of breathing
2:01:03 external intercostal muscle
2:06:37 chemical regulation of breathing
2:10:16 disorder
Thank you
2:01:03 external intercostal muscle
Thank you, thank you so much 🥰
Yahi comment dekhne aaya tha Thanke you dear ❤️❤️❤️
2 corrections of this lecture-
At 21:25👉 outer = parietal pleuron
inner = visceral pleuron
At 2:01:05👉 diaphragm & EICM
Thanks... This is what i was searching
Nyc !!
Thankyou bhai ...m bhi yahi soch rha tha
Right bro
Me too😅
11:14 Aquatic mollusc - ctenidia Semi terrestrial- gills
21:46 imp function of pleasurable fluid from ncert
29:04 Columnar me hi goblet cells hote h so conduction zone is mucus lined
Trachea, 1 bronchi, 2 bronchi, 3 bronchi , initial bronchioles - c shape rings present
VC volume that can be taken in after forceful expiration
Or volume that can be given out after forceful inspiration
1:15:09 Vvvimp explained… of total o2 in atmosphere, 25% is used( of 21% = 5%) ,75% released ( of 21%=16%)
In mouth to mouth respiration, how much o2 given? = 16% bcz only 16% o2 is present in air expired out by a human
1:20:51 Solubility of o2 20-25 times less than that of co2, therefore max co2 transfer through plasma in dissolved form…. Max transport of oxygen through hb
1:48:13 1:55:57
1:57:37 imp explanation hear again
2:03:04 correction: drg me eicm
2:09:46 imp explanation
Can I watch for neet 2024
@@tragedygamer7006 yeah sure it’s more than enough
6 lecture content of yakeen in one shot of 2 hr ...it's miracle 🔥
Bhai pura cover kiya hai inhone
@@pathfinder6586 ek chod diye hain transport of oxygen ka
@@pathfinder6586 ha
Yee.. And in arjuna it's of seven lectures and each of one hour forty five minutes 🥲
0:24 Respiration
7:47 Respiratory Organ
11:15 Human Respiratory System
21:20* outer-parietal, inner-visceral
21:55 Conducting & Respiratory zone
29:04 Structure of alveoli
35:20 Thoracic Chamber
37:55 Mechanism of Breathing
48:16 Inspiration
50:23 Expiration
51:32 Forced Expiration
53:44 Respiratory volume & Capacities
1:08:02 Exchange of Gases
1:18:43 Transport of Gases
1:18:54 Transport of Oxygen
1:20:56 Oxygen Haemoglobin dissociation curve
1:34:22 Transport of CO2
1:37:39 Loading of CO2 (near Tissue)
1:48:30 Unloading of CO2 (near Alveoli)
1:57:36 Regulation of Breathing
1:58:11 Nervous Regulation of Breathing
2:01:03* ECIM
2:06:30 Chemical Regulation of Breathing
2:10:13 Disorders of Respiratory System
Zindgi Mai pahli bar respiratory volume and capacity itne clear samajh aaya hai hats of sir 🙏🙏🙏
O bhai....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂bilkul sahi bole
So true 🙂.. ye itni asan tha mujhe nahi pata tha😒🥺
Me too
Same here..
Other teachers be like- dissociation of CO2 from Hb.
While Manish sir- Oxygen ab ghuma k laat degi CO2 ko......😂😂
Legendary teachers giving their best to make us learn better😇😇
😂😂😂😂 sir k iss dialogue k baad teena mam ki photo thi neeche CO2 ki jgh😂😂
@@shyamsharma5033 😂😂
@@satyendrasisodiya4265 😂😂
Dropper log hi samjhenge ye seris humare liye kitna important hain...
Logo ka bate sunte sunte thak chuka hun yaar! Isbar clear karne ka ummed lekar aaya hain aur clear jarur karenge sathioo...
Best of luck bruh❤️ do your best
Really 🙂
How may years of drop you have taken
Yes 👍🏻
All the best bro❤
Sir u didn't mentioned the Ncert line in the topic transport of gases... "Every 100 ml of oxygenated blood can deliver around 5 ml o2 to the tissue under physiologcal conditions."... Many times question have been asked from this line... 😥😥
sara sir hi padhayenge tum khud se padh lo
@@subashchandra4122 didi aap chup he raho
@@saqibbhat2768 😂😂
This was the only chapter I had too many confusions among Human Physiology ,but after watching the lecture and reading NCERT it's crystal clear 👍🏽👍🏽
lmfao , talk with logic
Where is he wrong???
that scared me
@Yomangamer biggest disadvantages of offline coaching is big amounts of fee
@@aiswarya7145 2:2:24
Finally got qualified for neet with 676 marks thanks to pW
did you followed umeed lectures??
@@jayeedbarbhuiya8137 yes I did of physics
@@aroy6569 write the notes of bio atleast 10 times and then solve cengage and see your marks
Apko konsa college Mila 🥰🥰🥰
Sir... In flow flow.. You just wrote contraction of internal intercostal muscles in inspiration column of DRG centre at 2:01:04
But it should be external intercostal muscles.
Yes I also got confused there👍🏻
yea right?
Yea bro the contraction of EICM ,it is correct
Sir...when i was in class 11th i was not able to understand any concept of zology but after studying by you i am scoring 170/180 in my mock tests......sir you are so reasonable person sir thanks for sharing your knowledge
Mock test kaha data ho
Bata bhai konsa mock test deta hai
Bhai aakash mai padta huu mai....too vaha ft.....hota hai har 14 days k baad.....
@@SIGMARULE9876 kaha pa
@@SIGMARULE9876 Bahu plaza
He didn't wasted even a single minute! 😲😲
Are yar ye sir log kaha chupe the itne din....alakh sir dhundke laye. Bestest ever faculty in the TH-cam coaching history. Best one shot lecture. Isse kehte hai concept ko dimag se ghusa dena........
We'll succeed for sure..❤❤❤
Huye succed??
@@shivamm.. nahi😂😂
guys dont get confused at 21:21, the outer layer is parietal pleura whereas the inner is visceral pleura
Thanks bro
Ur the one who listened class carefully, thanks for clarity bro
@@hemanshusivamgari5058 my pleasure bro
@@arinjaytiwari9696 pleura ki jagah pleuron bola h sir ne yhi problem h na
@@pinky_Medico2024 pleura is more correct term
Manish Dubey sir
Master of zoology
Salute to sir 😘🤩😍❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️👍🥰💗💗💗💗🥰🤩😘😘🥰
PW family zindabad
Ic = Inspiratory capacity
Ec = Expiratory capacity
Vc = Vital capacity
FRC = Functional residual capacity
TLC = Total lung capacity
Thanks 🙏
@@Chimchini most welcome
Dead space...
@@Tamanna-ly1pn kya dead space
Correction- In DRG it was controlled by contraction of diaphragm and external intercoastal muscles
Searching for this only thanks
Legends asking for timestamp 😂😂😁
55:16 I was always confused in R.V's but the way you taught it, that was just amazing. Now, I will never be confused in it. Only Thank you is not enough for what you taught me today but even though thank you so much sir☺️🙏🏻
1:53:25 oxygen be like: thukra k mera pyaar integaam dekheg
Oxygen - - pyar 😂🤣
Mujhe koi bata sakta hai ki dorsal ventral group Mai diaphragm and internal intercostal muscle ka contraction hota hai yaa external intercoastal muscle
I don't believe anyone else can make these hell concepts so easy and Crystal clear for us....we bow before u sir🙇♀️🙇
Note - if you are confused in pleural membranes the outer layer is parietal and the inner is visceral. Sir has said it right and written wrong by mistake
Manish sir can teach this chapter taking 6 lec. And can also teach in 2hrs. Without leaving any concept.
He has this power of BMS
Thanku sir 🙏
Cellular respiration chod diya sir ne
@@Neetaspirant-pq2uh wo botany ka portion hai udhar se kr lo .respiration in plants se
Bhai pakka? Bcoz sir ne IICM do baar bola 🙄
Same doubt
I was finding this comment
Even I'm confused about this 😭
Can anyone confirm about this?
@@sakshirani6036 yes definitely it is external intercostal muscle ....bcz its contraction is responsible for inspiration ....and i am 100% sure
8-10hours chapter in only 2 hours amazing sir ..❤️❤️
This is not at all an 8-10 hr chapter
Ouuuuuu im going to finish my lunch and get ready for this lecture so excited
Currently mbbs 1st year student and here I'm to revise my topic transport of gases
What a Lecture ⚡ All concepts are crystal clear ❤️ The Love story between Hb ,O2,CO2 was funny 😂Thank you sir for this One shot lecture 🙏
1:10:10 exchange of gas
1:18:40 transport of gases
1:18:41 transport of O2
1:34:34 transport of CO2
1:37:53 loading of CO2
Bio 38 day challenge from Zero
Day 1:- Digestion completed
Day 2:- Breathing
Less Go Dude 🤝
now bro kyakya complete hua
@@unknownuser5431 all
@@General_M10 bro reply Karna 2024 mai koi attempt limit nahi h na ??
@@mahtabhashmi1081 nhi
Whether aakashians or allenites or anyone from any coaching always go through pw in tense situation
2:01:05 - external intercostal muscles*
Yeah, i also thought of that!
55:41 Tidal volume
56:35 IRV
57:48 ERV
58:33 Residual Volume
59:48 IC
1:01:00 EC
1:02:23 VC
1:03:38 FRC
1:05:10 TLC
This series is boosting up my confidence ❤️
ajj ka chemistry lecture hai kya sir
@@ganeshr.sawant9787 Haan Honi to chahiye inorganic ki
Chem lec hain kya
@@anushajosyabhatla9794 sir ne upload hi nhi kiya😕
These are the only one shots jinke madat se questions bante hai😀
varna baaki yt pe one shots se question to nhi bante itne ache se
Thank you whole PW team ❤️
@@SatyamMishra-by8sc bhaiya hmne coaching kari h or coaching se acha effort pw wale daal rhe h thik h apko quality kam lgta h to mt dekho na har teacher best h khud me ap apna comfort dekho
@@SatyamMishra-by8sc bhai khudko check karale
Finally transport of oxygen or exchange of gases topic crystal clear Ho gya because of Manish sir🙏🙏
starts at 2:04 am _24 Feb
From yakeen 3.0 ,for revision
Thank you so much sir for this amazing lecture ❣️
Alhamdulillah finished at 3:30 am _24 Feb
🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 Sir, your lecture is very helpful,
21:35, inner pleural membrane is visceral (connect with alveoli)
and outer pleural membrane is parietal (connect with thoracic cavity)
sir said right but written wrong
It was such a detailed lecture in such a short period of time.. thank you so much sir..
And can we please take a moment to appreciate his way of teaching.. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING
Remember-Role of oxygen in regulation of respiration is quite insignificant 🛑🛑
2:01:00 but sir yaha to diaphragm muscle aur external intercostal muscles hona chahiye tha na
Yes external intercostal muscles
ha mere koi bhi y
thnkuu meko b yhi doubt tha...🙄
Any yakeenians 2024 ¿???
@@odhope8894 noice
0:26 respiration
7:49 respiratory organ of different animal
11:17 human respiratory system
21:39 CORRESTION** outer-- parietal
inner - visceral
21:56 conducting zone and respiratory zone
29:06 structure of alveoli
35:26 thoracic chamber
37:59 mechanism of breathing
48:22 inspiration
50:26 expiration
51:32 forced expiration
53:48 respiratory volume and capacities
1:08:44 transport of gas
1:18:59 transport of oxygen
1:20:59 sigmoid curve
1:34:23 transport of CO2
1:37:45 Loading of CO2 near tissue
1:48:35 unloading of CO2 near alveoli
1:57:39 regulation of breathing
1:58:13 nervous regulation of breathing
2:06:37 chemical regulation of breathing
2:10:16 disorder
Thanks 👍🏻🙏
I'm seriously in love with this series😍😍😍😍😍😍
These one shot series proved that one shot lectures are for covering everything in a single shot 🤭 otherwise other one shot videos used to skip many things and used to say this is the best one shot video ever🙃
Zero level walo ko samaj aega
@@deepika5127 YES
Lajawab bemisal extraordinary fantastic quality 👌 👏
one of the best thing in my life
I choose PW and
taught by MD Sir ❤️❤️👑 and Tarun Sir ❤️☺️
Sir sara content yakken main bhi same padhaya hey .sach main PW owasm hey .
Sir me ek dropper hu mene 3 saal m esa bio kisi se nhi pdha me aap se offline v pdha hu gci me thnx sir for such a great lecture😍
Gurukripa ???
@@decimal571 yes
@@crickethighlightwithkhan9071 sikar wali ??
@@decimal571 ys
Attendance here.. Who are all here who are unable to clear backlog in yakeen 2.0 .. And came here to cover with umeed😀😀
Yes but 2023
@@Writerthought-j5u same pinch😌
@@shakunnn kis batch se ho
@@Writerthought-j5u yakeen 2.0...kafi backlog hai🥲
Hb.O2 = girlfriend boyfriend
breakdown of Hb.O2 because of CO2
Hb.CO2 = IAS officer
O2= crying at a corner
easy pasy talia..👏👏
Great 🌻🐢
U convert every big para's of ncert in diagrams n flowcharts... making it easy to memorise... Best lecture... ty sir💓
We all wish that CW channel hits 1million subscriber till after end of umeed series ❤️❤️❤️
Impossible 🤣🤣🤣
@@ohh__drag5712 why😇
@@shivohamlonewolf3308 ho gyi 🙂
@@ohh__drag5712 Impossible ko possible kr diya 🙂✨🌺
@@Royalblue-r2s 1
Inspiration is by contraction of diaphram
haa bhai nervous regu. ke inspiration wale topic me sir se mistake ho gaya hoga
Students be like :: #Alakh👑 sir ek se bhdkr ek #Heera ❤lekr aaye ho
Anyone for 2024😅
Presently, sir is the best online zoology faculty of India......
MD sir is the best
Sir 2:01:05 .. sir Internal intercoastal ke contraction se to expiratiin hota hai ..lekin DRG to kewal inspiration ko control krta h to wha pr External intercostal hona chiye tha???
External hi aayga wha
@@shrawastiwagh2882 iska mtlb phle jo likhavya tha vo galt tha??
@@rishabhrajput6383 that I don't know but you can check
@@shrawastiwagh2882 for correction check ncert
No Google me diaphragm and external intercostal muscles dikha raha hai ...
Alveoli mein oxygen ki chalti hai...yahan oxygen chun chun ke badla legi😀😀 Awesome lines sir
Pura yakeen batch ka content ha best lecture ever ma neet 2023 ka liya yhi sa tyari kr rhi hoo aur batch sa practice
Mil gaya mbbs? Please reply very curious
This is too much helpful sir,
02:00:45, correct muscles is external intercostal muscles (EICM),
internal intercostal muscles (IICM), do not contracts during inspiration
2:01:46 mistake**
It should be Contraction of External Intercostal Muscle for inspiration
Yes internal for forceful breathing
Best teacher ever.. Bhot acha lgta h sir ap ncert b krvate ho r extra points b krva dete sthme Thank you so much.
His lectures are upto the mark and the most well-planned...thank you so much sir!🙏❤
More than enough for NEET - UG🔥🔥🔥
Content same hai
75% content hi h extra info's ki jroort nhi neet me
@@chanakya6735 is it
@@bhargaviraut9763 r u sure..?? It's enough for neet24
Is this you @bhargaviraut9763?
From pusad?
1:47:08 O2 की सौतन है CO2, हर बार Brackup कराके चली जाती है ।।
बेचारी O2 🤭🤭🤭😂😂😂😂
Sir covering of lungs 🫁 me
outer = parietal
Inner = visceral hoga .....aap by mistake opposite likh diye h
Anyone for 2025 😅
Bhai ha tu mara 😢
Ye syallabus ka chapter 2025 tak change ho jayega shayad 😂😂
Ha Mai hu Sejal kumari
Ummed pe sach me bohot jyada umeed hy.
this session of md sir sir is more productive and efficient than long 4-5 hours of lectures of others..
21:38 Outer Pleural
Inner visceral ..( Sir said it correctly but did mistake while writing) 😅❤
bhayee, iss lecture mai aur bhi mistakes hai ky....
2:01:07 internal intercoastal muscle jab contract kartra hai tab volume dec. Hota hai jisse expiration hota hai naa ke inspiration
ky baat hai sir , 2hours 15 min me complete chapter with all topics ,. sir you are the gem of zoology, sir itna acha less time me koi bhi nhi padha skta , apne sahia kaha lakho rupees khaech ke baad bhi nhi milega
I think i nervous regulation of breathing in DRG last point
By-contraction of:-
1.diaphragm muscle
2.E.I.C.M (External intercoastal muscle) is correct at 2:01:45
yes i also had the same confusion....
Manish Dubey sir really your explanation is outstanding in short time you cover all content which you taught in the batches
correction 1:18:39 sir missed the oxygenated blood values in upper flow diagram 😇
21:35 sir outer layer is parietal pleuron and inner is visceral pleuron BTW great lecture ❤❤❤❤
Amazing 6 lecture of yekken condensed in this 2hr lecture just amazing 😍 clear one chapter backlogs smoothly 😍😍
Best video ever on this chapter😄
I feel that I am watching a battle when sir was teaching us loading and unloading of CO2 😂😂😂
Shi kha😂😂😂co2 ko ghumake laat di or co2 bahr😂
@@riyagoyal2172 hmm
Di aapka 2021 me kya score aaya
@@riyagoyal2172 didi aapka 2021 me kitna score aqya
2:15:06 breathing and exchange of gases
.. thank you so much sir
Sorry to say... But at 2:01:12 these are diaphragm muscles and external intercostal muscles... Not internal intercostal muscles
God bless you Manish Sir nd uhr whole team.... Keep rising and shining... ✨🙏😇👍
This channel does seedhi bat no bakwas .....whole chapter in minimum time ❤️
At 21:32
Outer pleural membrane-parietal pleuron
Inner pleural membrane-visceral pleuron
Sir wrote by mistake wrong
Here, For Neet 2023💥🔥
Me too 😌😌😌
Mil Gaya? Please reply very curious
Phli bar spirometer wali concept smjh me aaya 🙏🙏🙏
even though I studied this chapter after long time i understood each and every co concept of urs..... I'm blessed to have teacher like you tysm for ur efforts
uh rocked sir
loads of love to uh keep uploading videos 🤗🙏
Hello , can you please provide the time stamps for this video since you have already watched it , so I'm asking for the help . Please , it'll be very helpful for me , infact for all . Can you ? please
You are just a GREAT TEACHER of ZOOLOGY Sir 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Sir for this great leacture 🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍
What a detailed explanation.... really , it's awesome !!!! Sir covered everything , every minute detail throughout the lecture... fantabulous , incredible 😌... thank you so so much sir ! ♥️✨
Zero level walo ko samajh aega plz reply
@@deepika5127 no....
21:45 sir its outer parietal and inner viseral pleuron
Exactly mai v same cheez notice ki hu wo sir se wrong print ho gaya h waha
and in regulation of breathing
(DRG) --- contraction of diaphragm mucle and EICM
hoga na sir ne IICM likha
at 2:02:20 drg controls diaphragm and external icm
Thanks 👍
May God bless whole PW TEAM..And give them lots of happiness & long life!!!! 👍❤️❤️
Man he has given the whole content of yakeen .trust me .the extra time he had taken in yakeen is all that of repeating the contents and motivating the students
Is it true?
@@neetaspirant5991 yea
Yes you're right.. I am also from yakeen 2.0 2022 same content hai bas thoda repeat karne se time lag ja rha hai... Ise kahte hai निःस्वार्थ... Alakh sir ko paise nahi selection chahiye😍😍😊
Bhai aapka 2021 me kya score aaya
Maine bht se one shot dekhe
But this one is bestest concept is crystal clear ...
Sir u write inverse in name of membrame of lungs outer and internal membrane outer =partial and inner = visaral pleural membrane 😋
At 21:30
1:18:45 transport of gases
1:34:24 transport of carbon dioxide