Thank you. As I sit here on my hammock in my backyard 3 weeks later watching the birds. I made 3 buckets 3weeks ago and haven't messed w them since! Yay!!!
I've been using mosquito dunks in my fish pond for years. They work and don't harm the fish, frogs or birds. I put 2 in every month. Hadn't heard about the traps but may set some up in other parts of the yard. I use mosquito bits for fungas gnats indoors in winter. I use a eucalyptus spray and candles which works for me. Just bought farmers sleeves and they have been great for mosquitos and sun. They have been surprisingly comfortable in the hot muggy weather. Great topic.
I’m in CT and I’ll give it a try. I had to look up firefly breeding because it’s that time of the year where they really light things up back there. They’re beneficial, too.
Mosquito dunks work great! I have also found that cedar oil spray works awesome. I use a product called Sunday nixtix and mosquito deleto. It attaches to your hose and I spray the the yard. Moths and mosquitoes skedaddle.
Fabulous idea! I do have mosquito dunks already to use for the standing water we have been getting due to all the rain. I use a Thermacill to keep mosquitoes at bay and it works great. But you have to be within 6 feet or so of it. I have a Dynatrap but am not using it this year. Thanks to my Master Gardener training this spring I learned how important caterpillars are for baby birds. The Dynatrap kills many, many moths so I just couldn't use that anymore. I love my Thermacill. I'm in southern Maine. But I am 100% going to try this method with the dunks. Thanks!!
I tried this method and it WORKS!!! OMG, I live here in Texas and every summer 🏝️ I'm getting eaten by mosquitoes 🦟 Thank you so, so much for sharing this easy method.ove it🌱💚🌱
Hi Jenny, I.would happily take your rain! Here in the Pacific Northwest, we get almost no rain from the end of June until the middle to end of September. It’s been worse the last 5 to 7 years and I have lost trees, shrubs, etc because I am not able to water anything far from the top of my hill. Anyway, I do get mosquitoes at my handmade fountain, a large undrilled plant pot. I bought the pack of mosquito dunks just like you showed last summer from Amazon, but haven’t used them much because they dissolve and the particulates clog my little solar fountain. So, I have been using a liquid solution instead. I did cut mine into pieces because my pot probably isn’t more than 40 gallons, so that made the particles worse most likely. I am still getting bit by the mosquitoes so I am going to try your solution close by in a smaller container without a fountain. Thanks!
Thank you so much for this hack! I am going to try it. I am from Minnesota and I will agree, they are horrible here! I can not be outside once dusk starts. For some reason, I am a mosquito magnet! They just love me and the feelings are not mutual! I will report back after I get these traps all setup.
I have been using a method of dealing with mosquitos that an Uncle who was a farmer did for years around his porch and garden and that is, I plant marigolds in and around the areas that we either set or walk thru in the gardens. I have tried the dunks, was not happy with the mess of cleaning up afterwards plus I had a dog that did not care what was in the water if she was thirsty she drank it so I ended up not using it., ...........with marigolds I have areas with pops of color and NO mosquitos. I have done this method for years with positive results.
I use these for fungus gnats (can’t get mosquito bits in 🇨🇦) with my indoor seedlings. About a quarter of a donut in a litre of water every week or two. Works like a charm. I use the yellow sticky traps for the adults and then to monitor the situation thereafter. Great idea for outdoors!!
I'm like you, a mosquito magnet. Nothing works for me and I've tried most things, to include long sleeves and pants. Somehow the mosquitoes and other biting insects get me. I will give your solution a try immediately! Thank you!!!
Thanks, I've been using yard fog before sitting outside in the evening and hating the smell. I will be going out tomorrow and buying some traps.\ By the way your hair looks fantastic. 🙂
Omg...I am a mosquito magnet in ne ms....they eat me every day...i have a systemic mosquito system that sprays mosquito spray a couple times a day....I used it last year and this year I didn't fill it and turn it on...obviously I'm getting eaten alive but another interesting thing I realized is my flowers and veggies have a BIG increase in bug pressure and now I'm wondering if the difference is not using the mosquito spray ??? Anyway I will try your method for sure !!! I will be a very good candidate . Ty for sharing
Im interested in the mosquito dunk container. Question though is it harmful to toads,frogs or birds?Should I put a screen on top to prevent harm of my good garden friends ?
At the nursery they have these red plastic traps called perky-pet Antguard. Be careful when you pull it out of the box. I open both ends of the box and push it out. Be gentle the first time you open it. When the nursery said it worked really well I thought sure. Amazingly it does work fantasticly. Perrky-pet is the na.e of the company.
Bless you! My husband is a mosquito magnet though I don’t have a problem. Mosquitoes are not kind to victims.
Thank you. As I sit here on my hammock in my backyard 3 weeks later watching the birds. I made 3 buckets 3weeks ago and haven't messed w them since! Yay!!!
I haven’t been bothered by mosquitoes yet this year but the chiggers and noseeums are terrible. Wish there was a solution for them other OFF.
I was outside for maybe 10 mins. Last night and got nailed 4 times by mosquitoes. I ordered some more dunks this morning. 🌸💚🙃
I've been using mosquito dunks in my fish pond for years. They work and don't harm the fish, frogs or birds. I put 2 in every month. Hadn't heard about the traps but may set some up in other parts of the yard. I use mosquito bits for fungas gnats indoors in winter. I use a eucalyptus spray and candles which works for me. Just bought farmers sleeves and they have been great for mosquitos and sun. They have been surprisingly comfortable in the hot muggy weather. Great topic.
Be careful with the eucalyptus products if you have pets. It’s particularly toxic to them. I love eucalyptus but can’t have it because of my cats. 🙂
Hi Jenny🌺 . Good job . There are also sticky stickers that flying insects attract to and they stick . Have anice and sunny day 🌺🌻🌺
Thank you for sharing. I am also a magnet for mosquitoes but cant even work in my gardens unless i spray myself heavily with Repellent.
I’m in CT and I’ll give it a try. I had to look up firefly breeding because it’s that time of the year where they really light things up back there. They’re beneficial, too.
As soon as I open the door the bugs say, "Here she comes, Dinner". Thanks for the great tip Jenny
Mosquito dunks work great! I have also found that cedar oil spray works awesome. I use a product called Sunday nixtix and mosquito deleto. It attaches to your hose and I spray the the yard. Moths and mosquitoes skedaddle.
Fabulous idea! I do have mosquito dunks already to use for the standing water we have been getting due to all the rain. I use a Thermacill to keep mosquitoes at bay and it works great. But you have to be within 6 feet or so of it. I have a Dynatrap but am not using it this year. Thanks to my Master Gardener training this spring I learned how important caterpillars are for baby birds. The Dynatrap kills many, many moths so I just couldn't use that anymore. I love my Thermacill. I'm in southern Maine. But I am 100% going to try this method with the dunks. Thanks!!
Here in Texas everything is bigger! Definitely going to give it a try! Thank you for sharing this idea.
I'm in Texas too and I tried it and they work!!! Love it.
Thank You Jenny for sharing 🍃🌺🍃
I tried this method and it WORKS!!! OMG, I live here in Texas and every summer 🏝️ I'm getting eaten by mosquitoes 🦟 Thank you so, so much for sharing this easy method.ove it🌱💚🌱
Going to try this. I have dunks for our pond but the rest of the yard is rough
Hi Jenny, I.would happily take your rain! Here in the Pacific Northwest, we get almost no rain from the end of June until the middle to end of September. It’s been worse the last 5 to 7 years and I have lost trees, shrubs, etc because I am not able to water anything far from the top of my hill. Anyway, I do get mosquitoes at my handmade fountain, a large undrilled plant pot. I bought the pack of mosquito dunks just like you showed last summer from Amazon, but haven’t used them much because they dissolve and the particulates clog my little solar fountain. So, I have been using a liquid solution instead. I did cut mine into pieces because my pot probably isn’t more than 40 gallons, so that made the particles worse most likely. I am still getting bit by the mosquitoes so I am going to try your solution close by in a smaller container without a fountain. Thanks!
Thanks Jenny. 🌸💚🙃
Thank you so much for this hack! I am going to try it. I am from Minnesota and I will agree, they are horrible here! I can not be outside once dusk starts. For some reason, I am a mosquito magnet! They just love me and the feelings are not mutual! I will report back after I get these traps all setup.
Perfect timing!!!!! I sat out to watch fireworks and from my ankles to my toes and my upper arms are covered in mosquito bites 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
Thanks for sharing. It seems that the swifts take care of the mosquitoes here in the North of France 😊
Thanks for the tip!! Ordered them!!
In my backyard lots of mosquitoes beautiful plants 🪴
I have been using a method of dealing with mosquitos that an Uncle who was a farmer did for years around his porch and garden and that is, I plant marigolds in and around the areas that we either set or walk thru in the gardens. I have tried the dunks, was not happy with the mess of cleaning up afterwards plus I had a dog that did not care what was in the water if she was thirsty she drank it so I ended up not using it., ...........with marigolds I have areas with pops of color and NO mosquitos. I have done this method for years with positive results.
Unfortunately most of my garden is shade and marigolds don't thrive in shade.
Thanks for the info! I'm going to try these.
I use these for fungus gnats (can’t get mosquito bits in 🇨🇦) with my indoor seedlings. About a quarter of a donut in a litre of water every week or two. Works like a charm. I use the yellow sticky traps for the adults and then to monitor the situation thereafter. Great idea for outdoors!!
I am in Cali and ordered mosquito bits from Amazon.
I'm like you, a mosquito magnet. Nothing works for me and I've tried most things, to include long sleeves and pants. Somehow the mosquitoes and other biting insects get me. I will give your solution a try immediately! Thank you!!!
Thanks, I've been using yard fog before sitting outside in the evening and hating the smell. I will be going out tomorrow and buying some traps.\
By the way your hair looks fantastic. 🙂
Such a great subject and share. Thank you.
What a great tip and so helpful! Thanks!
Omg...I am a mosquito magnet in ne ms....they eat me every day...i have a systemic mosquito system that sprays mosquito spray a couple times a day....I used it last year and this year I didn't fill it and turn it on...obviously I'm getting eaten alive but another interesting thing I realized is my flowers and veggies have a BIG increase in bug pressure and now I'm wondering if the difference is not using the mosquito spray ??? Anyway I will try your method for sure !!! I will be a very good candidate . Ty for sharing
I like the traps. Happy they are working please keep us updated as time passes.
Brilliant!! Will make up a bucket tomorrow. Thanks
You have a beautiful garden🙂
Very interesting! How about using around pets? If your dogs try to drink the water with the dunk in it, would it harm them?
It will not harm pets or other animals, just insect larvae
I ordered some dunks! Thanks!!!
Im interested in the mosquito dunk container. Question though is it harmful to toads,frogs or birds?Should I put a screen on top to prevent harm of my good garden friends ?
No, it does no harm to amphibians or birds or mammals.
Hey Jenny - did you know that mosquitoes go for people with O- blood type ?
Oh no, that's me
@@karenfuller450 yep , me too 😑
HOw long does it take before they start working?!
My guess two weeks as that is the life cycle of the adult mosquito.
Are the dunks safe for pets and the birds?
yes they are.
Wonder if you can pour in some bits instead cause I have a big container of them??
yes, that shoudl work!
Do you have to worry about the getting to them?
They don't harm other animals just insects.
I want to try these, but I am scared the bucket of water will attract waterbugs or cockroaches.
How do you keep the dogs out of it ?
my dogs don't bother them. But, if they did drink it, it won't hurt them.
Is it safe with pets
It won't harm other animals, just insect larvae
Does it hurt dogs or cats?
Nope. 🌸💚🙃
Going to get a pkg. of them today 🦟 I wish they had something for ants, they love my Hummer water, have to keep up on it all the time 🐜Thank you 🌺
Get an ant trap
At the nursery they have these red plastic traps called perky-pet Antguard. Be careful when you pull it out of the box. I open both ends of the box and push it out. Be gentle the first time you open it. When the nursery said it worked really well I thought sure. Amazingly it does work fantasticly. Perrky-pet is the na.e of the company.
My mother m has been putting cinnamon in the tray at the top of her feeder and it keeps the ants away.