@@drybonez6402 as someone with 800 hours in the game, and minimal shooting experience, they actually taught me a lot. basic guides like this really help me out because while i am self taught to a moderate degree using videos and just my own gameplay over time, there are just some things that you struggle to or can't learn easily without help FROM said videos, and this is one of said videos. I went from All star being one of my worst characters to consistently getting Positive KD ratio Literally immediately after i watched this video, since i knew what to do and then could begin to apply and focus on my game-sense towards those things. and while i do struggle with sunflower, i think thats mainly just due to how fragile she is and her lack of escape options in a game (Especially on Pc) where everyone can be reckless and agressive, even if it ends up getting themselfs killed. Would love to see More for more Classes Like Engineer, And Especially Citron (Due to A, most guides i can find online Suggesting his playstyle different from one another as well as his purpose in many of the game modes, and B, HIS PRIMARY IS SO HARD TO AIM that i would love to learn how its supposed to be used in an effective way where its not always lagging behind and awkward. I would take literally any other primary in the game before i use citrons beam, its just that hard to aim even on pc to me.) Not saying you have too of course, but I don't see Many good Engineers or citrons and part of me would want to at least try to become one, or see more around. have a good one, and great video!
I hope you make it far in the TH-cam world. Couldn’t even tell you have a stutter my guy, no need to put that in the vid. You know how to make great videos, that’s all that matters.
Damn, that was a well put together guide, with a lot of great tips & tricks that i didn't even know, even though i've been playing for a couple of years
I used to play on PS4 and I'll be honest, I feel like the mobility vs damage argument on Sprint Tackle is down to preference. If you like to move quickly then yeah, the mobility thing is definitely good, but if you're like me and have adapted to constantly being slow, you can use Ultra Tackle for extra damage, and its extra range allows you to hit tackles that you wouldn't normally, and if the lack of mobility is still too much to get used to, you can practice with Tennis Star for his faster revving movement. To be honest, it is likely better to use regular Sprint Tackle for the mobility, but as a player who likes defence characters, the lower mobility of Ultra Tackle isn’t really an issue for me.
Hey Dry, can we get a Chomper guide? I’d love to hear your experience about playing the Chomper Class. Also, you basically said everything I do as All-Star, except I changed my abilities to hit harder and have more shields. I basically nerfed my speed just for fun.
I know all these tricks for all stars. I played this game for 2000+ hours, and yes, you can block pretty much anything. That is why I use the shelid decoy for more sheild I'm a stuffy flower main. I play her a little offensively. You forget to say she has great mobility, so I prefer to use speed upgrade once I was able to win a fight with low hp by jumping down a slop to give me more momentum and I use dark flower for her
The first character I used in GW2 was the all star,it was más favorite and I was hoping a legendary version of him,maybe the black all star And I still waiting
Mud kip with a tophat, I am honored. Second off, I use a bunch of sunset mods! Sunset wallnut hills, and sunset zombpolis!! Btw, thank you for writing to me! >:)
Fun Fact: The All-Star Sheild can also protect you from Shuck Shots and Citron Ball! Its a skill ive aquired during Town Hall Also I like the Black & White Sunflower skin, is it supposed to be Stevie Nicks?
Does anybody know if these hidden movements like jump revival or jump boost etc. also exist in GW1? I don’t have that game, so I can’t tell, but it would be interesting to know if these methods exist in GW2 only
@@drybonez6402 still watching it because i like opinions from others in the game and i have still a underrated opinion that camo cactus is better then future
How have I never thought of shooting at the plants I'm about to revive, that's genius.
Don't bother been doing it for 8 yrs worked 2 times
Its small, but a suttle sign that "HEY IM COMING"
@@rapid9210 yeah same
I try doing it sometimes but I don’t think they understand lol
🔒450 Likes unlocks more guides🔒
Damn goat
@@Madds2goated I LIKED
I have at least 1000 hours in this game, and yet I'm still watching these videos cuz they're just that good
Lets gooooo!!!! Videoss!
@@drybonez6402 as someone with 800 hours in the game, and minimal shooting experience, they actually taught me a lot. basic guides like this really help me out because while i am self taught to a moderate degree using videos and just my own gameplay over time, there are just some things that you struggle to or can't learn easily without help FROM said videos, and this is one of said videos.
I went from All star being one of my worst characters to consistently getting Positive KD ratio Literally immediately after i watched this video, since i knew what to do and then could begin to apply and focus on my game-sense towards those things. and while i do struggle with sunflower, i think thats mainly just due to how fragile she is and her lack of escape options in a game (Especially on Pc) where everyone can be reckless and agressive, even if it ends up getting themselfs killed.
Would love to see More for more Classes Like Engineer, And Especially Citron (Due to A, most guides i can find online Suggesting his playstyle different from one another as well as his purpose in many of the game modes, and B, HIS PRIMARY IS SO HARD TO AIM that i would love to learn how its supposed to be used in an effective way where its not always lagging behind and awkward. I would take literally any other primary in the game before i use citrons beam, its just that hard to aim even on pc to me.)
Not saying you have too of course, but I don't see Many good Engineers or citrons and part of me would want to at least try to become one, or see more around. have a good one, and great video!
Your stuttering is so iconic that you will be big one day! Also I just subbed ❤
Just something I've embraced since can't do much about it XD
And hey, we'll see Doody! 🖤
The foot soldier drawing 😭
(Idk why but I love it)
Would you hang out with him though..
end of game play of tips
All-star End 6:13
Sunflower End 14:17
Thank you for timestamping!! :}
“Ermm, actually All star primes his weapon in 0.75 seconds, not 1 second, vewy bad All star tutorial”
you're right.
13:08 Bro was seriously taking a decision 💀
The voices..... they were speaking..
im loving the sunflower drawing 🔥
So it should, or shouldn't go on the resume... XD
@@drybonez6402 i think i speak for everyone when i say it definitely should 😼
Thanks for all you do for the community dry!
dry try's, dry try's! :')
Cool to see ppl still playing GW2 and giving tip videos 😁
of course of course!!
My main goal is to educate people on how to dominate lobbies! :)
Dry I have a offer:become an electro pea main
What you get:Broken character
What I get:Your friends and your family.
So dry what will it be?
Great video man your stutter is practically unnoticeable I'll subscribe even though the last time i played any pvz game was when pvz 2 was released
Thank you for your wise words, 6284.
I don't know how you made it here then but, thank you for writing! XD
2:34. Yooo, that's me. Classic clip.
*mega noise*
Wow, good job mate! This is a really great video! Especially considering the high peak of players from the PvZ sale on steam! Keep up the good work!
Hey drybones awesome video very for some tips here and there keep up the good work :D
AYYY! Thank you mr bucket head, we try here!
I hope you make it far in the TH-cam world. Couldn’t even tell you have a stutter my guy, no need to put that in the vid. You know how to make great videos, that’s all that matters.
Omg sorry for the late reply butt aaaah, thank you so much!! :')
Damn, that was a well put together guide, with a lot of great tips & tricks that i didn't even know, even though i've been playing for a couple of years
And this, this is what we love to hear..
Another sigma video from the best PvZ gw2 TH-camr
mhm yes, I love being a "sigma"
I wouldn’t have understood without that animatic at 10:40, pls do more👌
dry isn't an artist but, he tries XD
Great vid,every footsoldier when they see a peashooter using Gatling,fire zpg instantly.🎉
Its the bread and butter XD
Footsoldier: thx it s complicated maths
thank you so much for these amazing tips
My pleasure!! :D
Bro I’m binge watching ur vids they’re so good!
Aaaahhhhhh :’) 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
I love it when you add caseoh face by calling Citron fat I couldn't stop laughing about by add caseoh there as a joke 🤣
@@drybonez6402 I wonder how caseoh react to it and I would agree
Daium, i'm lvl 9 in the game and learned a lot here. Thank you :)
Glad to hear! With much more to learn :}
Underrated youtuber ❤
Missed opportunity to have "All-Star punting everything together" and "Sunflower potting everything together"
But still great vid
14:21 you are drawing good!
*Not mine!*
I know i told your subscriber@@drybonez6402
I know i forgot to add the name@drybonez6402
🔥We’re going back to basics with this one 🗣️🔥
7:09 the Husk Hopping Corn😭🙏
Wait where? :0
@@drybonez6402 Oh wait it was a Super Brainz, nvm bro mb🙏
Cool video! Really useful for newbies such as me haha 😅
Mwuahahaha, glad to have helped! :)
This might be a great series beacuse of many new players,good job👍
Yesss yesss! :D
Them new players are gonna love this
I mean hey, let's see what they say!
I used to play on PS4 and I'll be honest, I feel like the mobility vs damage argument on Sprint Tackle is down to preference. If you like to move quickly then yeah, the mobility thing is definitely good, but if you're like me and have adapted to constantly being slow, you can use Ultra Tackle for extra damage, and its extra range allows you to hit tackles that you wouldn't normally, and if the lack of mobility is still too much to get used to, you can practice with Tennis Star for his faster revving movement.
To be honest, it is likely better to use regular Sprint Tackle for the mobility, but as a player who likes defence characters, the lower mobility of Ultra Tackle isn’t really an issue for me.
My depression is gone yay thanks dry
You can use your sunflower pot as a shield for your sunbeam
Yes! I just wanted to make this as beginner friendly as I could. I know there’s a lot I left out
0:41 “yup ur banned”
Now we need caseoh drawn as a citron
Show it to CaseOH?
Sprint tackle=send the enemy crying and flying outta
Its very easy to turn a plant into an airplane mwauhahaa
All star: And a small child into a group of veteran plants to turn them into fireworks 🎆 zomboss: mmm an great idea
Thx for the sunflower guide! (Cactus next plz)
Of course!!! Have fun destroying as a little flower with 12 damage!!
Guides or not, *dry is* always *the goat*
perfect guide for beginner
Which was the exact intent!
Hey Dry, can we get a Chomper guide? I’d love to hear your experience about playing the Chomper Class.
Also, you basically said everything I do as All-Star, except I changed my abilities to hit harder and have more shields. I basically nerfed my speed just for fun.
Hey hey!
Chomper is the hardest class in the game with so many playstyles. So he might be one of the last characters to teach :')
Keep up the good tips for beginners and for you time have a VV for now again now you have two of them good job 👍
Wooo woooohoo!! :)
seeing echo was my favorite part of the video {:
6:08 bro shouldn’t have wkn that fight
I dont know what youre talkingggggg aboutttttttttttttttt
Finally a new guide
They just take a while :')
he *blush*
for all future chomper mainz please know this JUST BECAUSE A CHARACTER CAN INSTA KILL DOSENT MEAN HES GOOD
@@drybonez6402 yeah
as an og pvz player I learned so much..
Hello, very good video, i hope EA see all we love the saga and update the game. Very cool #savepvzgw2
Thaank youuu :')
We could only hope! #weRtheundead
Good video bro👍
Good comment, xerif- HOLY HELL YOUR NAME IS LONG-
Thanks dry this guide is very helpful ❤
My pleasure MaDDie!!!
If you play as peashooter a cool pro tip you should keep jump if you use your hyper ability ❤
Ewwhwhhhh XD
I know all these tricks for all stars. I played this game for 2000+ hours, and yes, you can block pretty much anything. That is why I use the shelid decoy for more sheild
I'm a stuffy flower main. I play her a little offensively. You forget to say she has great mobility, so I prefer to use speed upgrade once I was able to win a fight with low hp by jumping down a slop to give me more momentum and I use dark flower for her
True true!
I just wanted this to be as beginner as possible without overwhelming any new players
@@drybonez6402 oh ok i understand
4:28 me when that one guy kills me 21st time
1:05 is that me is that my chomper in pfp
You for sure look really cool XD
The first character I used in GW2 was the all star,it was más favorite and I was hoping a legendary version of him,maybe the black all star
And I still waiting
Maybe in PvZ GW3 Blitzer could finally get his upgrade :')
Dry makes a upload. Depression goes higher
Some Pc players with 5000 hours need this guide
Bwuahahahahaa XD
really thanks ayou man
My pleasure mr. Anneket!!!
4:11 i did this when a peasooter sunflower and chomper eating me
We need to revive this game fr
As someone with 1000+ hours I finally know how to play sunflower 🗣️🔥❗
I'll wait 'till The Beginner's Guide: How to Aim would be released
Prolly never :(
*pencil scribbles*
There's only one beer left
When I got the game I played as cactus because she was cool and she was so easy.
Yeeeeaaahhh 🎉🎉🎉
This is a fire guide, but I will say people will eventually find out how to punt tackle
That's the one thing I didn't go voer XD
@@drybonez6402 good we need people to learn that as slowly as possible
5:29 nuh uh
Mood. XD
Hamburger man
Woh ive never seen this sunflower before? Is it an outfit you can get in the game or a mod? It looks incredible
Thank you thank you!! :}
It's a mod I created! Emo flower!!!
@@drybonez6402 hahaha very cool!! Love it its sick!
What are the mods that you use?
I like how the maps look in your videos, so i want to know what mods you use
Btw love your videos 🗣️💥
Mud kip with a tophat, I am honored.
Second off, I use a bunch of sunset mods! Sunset wallnut hills, and sunset zombpolis!!
Btw, thank you for writing to me! >:)
not a beginner but I'm watching anyways
nice video
Nice comment mr duck
Dry just makin sure we dont suck at pvz :)
2:23 🤓 erm actually you dont need to look straight at the bean bomb 🤓
erm ahcuthallyyy, yes you doooo!
I have been educated
Yw for clicking on the vid
Thank you, mr bee profile picture!
Is this guy the Incon of PVZ videos? 😂 Weird but i guess it works
dry is for sure not the icon, but thankks XD
@@drybonez6402 no I said Incon, it's a person 🤣
"War Veteran"
4:25 i dont do that
Then... good!
Fun Fact: The All-Star Sheild can also protect you from Shuck Shots and Citron Ball! Its a skill ive aquired during Town Hall
Also I like the Black & White Sunflower skin, is it supposed to be Stevie Nicks?
Yes yes! I just tried to make this as beginner as possible
I play kernel corn thb
Yes! But this video is just going over the two easiest characters!
Does anybody know if these hidden movements like jump revival or jump boost etc. also exist in GW1? I don’t have that game, so I can’t tell, but it would be interesting to know if these methods exist in GW2 only
Yes yes! Those both exist in GW1 Mr ice wizard! :)
yo wsg dry!
I threw a piece of goldfish at a garbage bag today
can u tell me what that mod ur using for those skyboxes and lighting
Sunset backyard
Sunset Zombopolis
Night time wall nut hills
@@drybonez6402 thanks
10/10 video
Small child with explosives is op
pls nerf
Pls nerf I get one shotted by it
Bit off topic. But what is your opinion on how gw2 might get updates again?
Balance changes.
They are simply just number changes.
Can someone please tell me how to get that black all star skin?
@@Nointernet746 it’s a mod available on PC/Computer! It’s a blitzer skin pack
Plants vs zombies nexus mods
@@drybonez6402 ok thank you!
What is that mod that makes your game look so beautiful
Sunset Backyard, and sunset Zombpolis! :)
@@drybonez6402 ty
All star is all star
how do u get the black clothing on majority of your classes.?
Oh, they're just mods!
Emo is best style so! >:]
@@drybonez6402 so i cant do that on ps5 :(
how do you get gray all star look!?
Oh, it’s a mod which could be used on the pc/computer version of the game :)
i have 7000 hours and watch that for fun lmao
Well sounds like to me you don’t neeeeed this XD
@@drybonez6402 still watching it because i like opinions from others in the game and i have still a underrated opinion that camo cactus is better then future
Hmmm… oooooo, nice sunflower mod you have, can I have it? :D
I might post ittt :')
Damn goat
how do u guys get wallnut hills lucky its my fav map bc its a gw1 map lol but really how do i get it.. i wanna try vivid mod on it
As someone who is Main all Star/sunflower I think I got hard watching this
uhhh.... congrats.... XD
@@drybonez6402 Thank you, they almost never congratulate me for that, I don't understand why