I agree with 99%. Disagree with Lancelot, he can be used in a lot of places, can chain stun with skill 2, very tanky. And with guinevere because she is very good in the big worm boss and blue dragon, and can be used elsewhere
Guinevre I agree, especially since I learned she can be used in the worm, but lancelot, no one care about stuns where every end game boss is immune to any stun or similar
@@trolllgaming Bro, there are a lot of boss phases where CC is necessary. I'm thinking that you're rating heroes based solely on the end game, but to get to the end game you need to do a lot of things, and I guarantee you that in countless moments in the game I wouldn't have passed if I didn't have Lancelot. The game is not just about dungeons. He's not the best hero in the game, but "B" I think is underrated! But, everyone is free to make their own list, I respect yours, and as I said, I agree with 99% 😀
@@jules78003Now that I'm doing the higher levels of the Forbidden Tower, I see how Lancelot's evaluation is even more wrong. He is undoubtedly SSS tier, but, as you said, in the early game it is very difficult to get a tier list right.
- Lancelot having AoE Dots, is very useful for later floors in the dungeon, having a weather change as well helps. - Bedivere Frost Relic out performs ALL of his relics despite having elemental advantage, the S2 skill heavily out performs the other relics. - Marking the dragon right now isn't ideal due to the fact you know have to apply 3! Marks for it to take effect, this is a change from beta when it used to be 1. - Aine also fantastic for PvP - Claud is a decent unit on paper but not required, most of us that are doing Tarrasque 10 don't include her in our comps, if they have attack speed decrease immunity then she's useless so i'd say she would fall into the niche category. - The two new units: Serg is a good unit for Tarrasque and I would use him over Claud 100%, Flo is a good unit for Aldri as he prevents heal block for the entire fight (Both come in Green) - Fire Merlin is S Tier without a shadow of doubt in my mind, again used in alot of Auto 10 Tarrasque builds
Yes merlin a lot if viewers and I agree he should be moved to S, which boss besides gorgos u use dots on ? Or what dungeon u talking about ? I don't see any use for aoe dot spell right now, in any dungeon. Yes the marks are either bugged, wrongly codded or simply meant to be hard, don't know yet. PvP right now, unless u are p2w no one should focus on it or waste energy. Rest also agree with you
@trolllgaming forbidden dungeon there is a floor in the 90's (I think it's 97) where you require dots to win, although you can use units like rosier, having his attack speed bonus is amazing. I also use him if I need to speedrun Tarrasque 9 (quick farming) due to his leader ability
@@trolllgaming as you, the list is correct, maybe u could do the next one with a category as "for the end game" because AIRIE i think could be crucial for end game, but noone have to invest in her in the early game
Aine is an amazing supporter. In red she buffs: Counter attack II Attack speed II ( 60% chance but i think you can skill up ) Crit damage II Abnormal status immunity Abnormal status dispel On top of all that, she has a passive that has a chance to increase ALL buffs duration.
On paper it's all good and nice but nothing is 100% at best 60% or 70% if skilled up, passif also low % and only every 2 3 rounds, for me very niche can't be counted on, and why would you even use her ? Or where ? It's a buffer/dmg dealer but no one will build her as a dmg dealer xd so dunno maybe late late game... somewhere ? Xd but where
@@trolllgaming The counter and crit damage is 100%, the atk speed and abnormal immunity is 60%. All passives have CD so i don't think that's a valid point to bring up, but her buff extension helps mitigate a lot and i think it only enters CD once it procs. So it doesn't go to waste. I believe she is more PVP oriented. I bring her everywhere i can. When counter procs it's free damage and heals, plus speed, critD and dispells.
Where exactly you bring her ? And pvp is p2w now, no one who is f2p can afford to build a pvp team now. And even p2w unless you can farm all stages 10 there is no point in investing in pvp units right now
Lancelot, Lot, Sergius & Florence are all super strong people just don’t understand them or have them built. Heros change a lot when you have them skilled up and chivalry. This is more like easy to build good early tier list.
Like I said in the video, since we are limited even p2w in stamina it's impossible to build all heroes Yet, but in a month a lot of us will build other heroes then the tier list will change, the point of this tier list is to say, today, you build those unit ubcan get to stage 10 , and we know it and tested but yes I agree once we build them we will know better
At c4 she gives 120% crit damage & 40% attack buff. Without c4 it’s 60% cdamage & atk buff. Theres a lot of places she’s amazing at. Easy S tier even at 0
I use her everywhere. Aine+morgan+ belv it’s a 1 shot for almost every boss. Together with Gillian Stage 10 of Cern can’t even attack once with a bit of luck
Completely disagree on green Turien. Has great heal based on her own HP, then buffs ALL allies with: Increase attack speed, increase defense, increase resistances, effect accuracy, regen. Changes weather to Night + Rain for some combo. 50% chance with chivalry 8 to heal an ally for extra 30% of their max hp + abnormal status immunity. Heal on basic attack. I don't think there's a support even closely matching this contribution in the game right now. She's bring so much to the table in literally any content. I agree with all the rest.
It's all good but her aoe is only 9% without heal over time, buffs 70% on that spell, s2 is good, but then in the current game either u auto one spell or none u can't throw 2 spells, so this would only work in manual. Again same as aine, where would u use her and why her.
@@trolllgaming agree on the manual part. She doesn't get the best potential on auto battles. Still, why would you prefer Isolde over it except vs Gorgos maybe? You ranked Isolde as A due to her healing powers. You've got at full books: -Isolde: Healing A1 7% HP due to Chivalry, Healing A3 11% + 2 turns recovery over time (5%) - rest of the kit is revolved around Dot and dot resistance. A2 completely useless -Turin: Healing A1 10.7% HP, Healing A3 15.7% HP + 2 turns recovery over time at the beginning of battle + 2 Turns recovery over time A2. On TOP of it, 50% chance of *30%* heal for 2 turns with 4 turns cooldown. And instead of the DoT part it brings 3 turns Def II, 3 turns Accuracy Increase, and then the 70% chance for attack speed I and resistance II. So, it actually ends up bringing way more heal to the table than Isolde + a bunch of useful buffs with good 3 turn duration. Where would I use it if I don't have Gillien: Everywhere, except Gorgos maybe, although she can do just well there too. Why would I pick Isolde over her, and why would I consider Isolde an A and not Niche, as she brings ok heal and niche due to Dot part, and not Turin an A, as she brings better heal and buffs which are good vs all content.
@@trolllgaming For just healing it can be Sarah, or Clementine. Why I wouldn't pick Sara? Cause Sarah only brings heals and a weak 2 turn increase def. Turin can benefit of A2 for 3 rounds after casting it once, and then can spam A3. Sara either heals with A2, either heals with A3 and that's all. My initial point why I disagree with Turin is that's she's not a niche. If isolde is an A, Turin should be at least an A in my perception, especially since Isolde seems to be the more "niche" between the two.
I mostly agree. But i think you sleep on cormac, he does insane aoe dmg with one of his relics (the one with aoe s3). Not saying hes at the lvl of some of the best, but i think he deserves a solid B at least. Also i think red merlín is by far better that the blue one. Yes the blue one is king in gorgos but pretty much everywhere else red is better. It gives cs damage buff to bedivere and the debuff on s2 is wsy better, solid heal and attack buff. Last thing is green gillien, i think its the best relic. At least better than red one, the s3 is better and the s2 is straight up the same but slightly better.
I will amend the list for the official release, based on the feedback I got on this video ! Stay tuned, but basically few changes only like sara and Turin a bit higher red merlin S tier
It's so interesting that people stay down on Arthur. He's still my number 1 damage dealer, and still outdamages my Bedevere. It's all wind relic, though, and I tend to pair him with wind Merlin as well which just stacks a ridiculous amount of crit dmg buffs.
How isolde is better healer that sarah? I do not get it. Multiplyers on isolde heal are just not there and in comprison to sarah there are mediocre at best
Sarah aoe heal is only good on green weapon, isolde also applies heal over time, I don't understand what do you mean ? Are u talking about the s3 that heals one person only ?
@@trolllgaming yeah Imeant her green weapon. I belive she is underratted. Even on the blue relic she gives big heal to all allies. Which is definetely better than Isoldes poor heal plus heal over time. Your team may not live long enough to benefit from healing over time.I would argue she is god tier on the green relic. On the blue relic she is better than 2 out of 3 isolde relics and on fire her role change to something else (not healer, rather debuffer), I would definetely bump her a couples of places higher
I disagree. Clementine and Sarah have similar kits, with clementine offering aoe heal and % chance to remove debuff, meanwhile sarah just gives aoe heal and removes debuff from all allies. S3 she does aoe heal and increases defense. Better healer than both isolde and clementine imo and I try all 3
Nah, my c10 bed still out damages her, but they synergize extremely well together due to her crit dmg buff wich helps Bed always hit his C8 passive aoe dmg. plus her def and evasion downs. she gets a lot of passive extra chase attacks when fully leveled. Honestly i always run these 2 together along any support or tank depending on content.
nice tier list , sadly for the bless dungeon we need to raise a lot of unused heroes to even do the last 3 stages ( or at least i had to build a lot of shit xD) ps give some credit to green relic arthur, in full chavalry he is pretty decent prob better than ban post nerfed against water bosses
You will need a heal block, merlin red is actually S, guinevre you need for crom 10, but other than that I think yea with the current S line you can defo do 80% of all dungeons
I just got blue merlín ❤ Also rerolled my account 210+ pulls and only got gillien red 😂 ddont know if she was good but I was already sick of rerolling so I keep her 😂 Also I am only 8 pulls away from my garantyy lego in the first banner and I hope I can get bedevengel lol
Turin the fairy healer is a VERY good healer to use especially if you have her frost relic. I use her over ANY other rare healer and yet you said don't touch.
As other people pointed out in the comments Turin deserve to be higher and ever better than isolde. In the entire list after seeing comments I agreed 3 heroes deserved better. Now if you feel like I shouldn't have done it at all, or my knowledge of the game goes around of this one hero, it's kinda sad, I think thanks to making this video and all people participating and giving feedback we are going towards an actual tier list tha reflects better who is better or not.
red tristan's S3 is bugged or wrong skill discription...his S3 says he hits 8 times and i was excited, used him on boar expecting to demolish his shield and it only hits for 2-3 hits
@@trolllgaming dunno but i used it many times and it doesn't take it 8 shields down as it should according to skill translation, and since the icon of the skill is 3 suricens (or watever these are) instead of 1 like the other elements i think it should indeed hit for a lot of times
Pvp is late game, for the next month f2p hero's should bit even try build a pvp team before u can farm stage 10, so anything that's only good for pvp is p2w right now
Gawain comes in red 😮really .. I thought u need to buy or get lucky at weapon banner for red …. Doesn’t he comes in green tho … he is useful in forbidden dungeon as I heard
its great for green dragons and green bosses ! we all use his blue one just because thats the only one we have and its also great vs other elements, but having red vs a green boss omg it makes everything so easy
instead of saying repeatedly saying "him" and "her" can you say their names? many people just listen to your video like podcast while doing other stuff
Hey ! Thanks for the feedback, yes I did a new tier list based on community comments, and yes I never follow a script simply record and being my self !
I agree with 99%. Disagree with Lancelot, he can be used in a lot of places, can chain stun with skill 2, very tanky. And with guinevere because she is very good in the big worm boss and blue dragon, and can be used elsewhere
Guinevre I agree, especially since I learned she can be used in the worm, but lancelot, no one care about stuns where every end game boss is immune to any stun or similar
@@trolllgaming Bro, there are a lot of boss phases where CC is necessary. I'm thinking that you're rating heroes based solely on the end game, but to get to the end game you need to do a lot of things, and I guarantee you that in countless moments in the game I wouldn't have passed if I didn't have Lancelot. The game is not just about dungeons. He's not the best hero in the game, but "B" I think is underrated! But, everyone is free to make their own list, I respect yours, and as I said, I agree with 99% 😀
I agree that for forbidden tower and aventure story, CC was very important for progression. Merlin S3 aoe freeze carried me in a lot of hard stages
@@daniloazevedo2011 He is rating heroes based on very limited experience. This is the problem of tier lists, specially this early.
@@jules78003Now that I'm doing the higher levels of the Forbidden Tower, I see how Lancelot's evaluation is even more wrong. He is undoubtedly SSS tier, but, as you said, in the early game it is very difficult to get a tier list right.
- Lancelot having AoE Dots, is very useful for later floors in the dungeon, having a weather change as well helps.
- Bedivere Frost Relic out performs ALL of his relics despite having elemental advantage, the S2 skill heavily out performs the other relics.
- Marking the dragon right now isn't ideal due to the fact you know have to apply 3! Marks for it to take effect, this is a change from beta when it used to be 1.
- Aine also fantastic for PvP
- Claud is a decent unit on paper but not required, most of us that are doing Tarrasque 10 don't include her in our comps, if they have attack speed decrease immunity then she's useless so i'd say she would fall into the niche category.
- The two new units: Serg is a good unit for Tarrasque and I would use him over Claud 100%, Flo is a good unit for Aldri as he prevents heal block for the entire fight (Both come in Green)
- Fire Merlin is S Tier without a shadow of doubt in my mind, again used in alot of Auto 10 Tarrasque builds
Yes merlin a lot if viewers and I agree he should be moved to S, which boss besides gorgos u use dots on ? Or what dungeon u talking about ? I don't see any use for aoe dot spell right now, in any dungeon.
Yes the marks are either bugged, wrongly codded or simply meant to be hard, don't know yet.
PvP right now, unless u are p2w no one should focus on it or waste energy.
Rest also agree with you
@trolllgaming forbidden dungeon there is a floor in the 90's (I think it's 97) where you require dots to win, although you can use units like rosier, having his attack speed bonus is amazing. I also use him if I need to speedrun Tarrasque 9 (quick farming) due to his leader ability
Is isolde storm relic any good to buy
The youtuber I'd trust most doing a tier list 👊
well my new video tomorrow will prove my point from this video :D tier list might change every day if you find a new team to defeat a dungeon ;)
Been waiting for this Troll! thanks for the content
Hope you enjoyed it!
Hope you enjoyed it!
@@trolllgaming yes sir
Strange logic of choice )) Fairy hil has a speed buff that speeds up the whole team and hits pretty good, but the person says don't touch it 😂
Who ?
@@trolllgaming probably talking about Turin skill 3 heal and increase speed, also her C8, which I'm a long way from, looks very good as well.
i think tha same way of u, only a thing,ROSIER come in blu and is a lot better in red relic
What do you mean sorry ? of you or as you ? :D
@@trolllgaming as you, the list is correct, maybe u could do the next one with a category as "for the end game" because AIRIE i think could be crucial for end game, but noone have to invest in her in the early game
for sure, in 3 weeks i will be able to test a lot of rare heroes ! by then the tier list will change
Rosier come in green, not blue
Aine is an amazing supporter.
In red she buffs:
Counter attack II
Attack speed II ( 60% chance but i think you can skill up )
Crit damage II
Abnormal status immunity
Abnormal status dispel
On top of all that, she has a passive that has a chance to increase ALL buffs duration.
On paper it's all good and nice but nothing is 100% at best 60% or 70% if skilled up, passif also low % and only every 2 3 rounds, for me very niche can't be counted on, and why would you even use her ? Or where ? It's a buffer/dmg dealer but no one will build her as a dmg dealer xd so dunno maybe late late game... somewhere ? Xd but where
@@trolllgaming The counter and crit damage is 100%, the atk speed and abnormal immunity is 60%. All passives have CD so i don't think that's a valid point to bring up, but her buff extension helps mitigate a lot and i think it only enters CD once it procs. So it doesn't go to waste.
I believe she is more PVP oriented.
I bring her everywhere i can. When counter procs it's free damage and heals, plus speed, critD and dispells.
Where exactly you bring her ?
And pvp is p2w now, no one who is f2p can afford to build a pvp team now. And even p2w unless you can farm all stages 10 there is no point in investing in pvp units right now
@@trolllgaming Story and also a dragon who puts abnormal status all the time.
Lancelot, Lot, Sergius & Florence are all super strong people just don’t understand them or have them built.
Heros change a lot when you have them skilled up and chivalry.
This is more like easy to build good early tier list.
Like I said in the video, since we are limited even p2w in stamina it's impossible to build all heroes Yet, but in a month a lot of us will build other heroes then the tier list will change, the point of this tier list is to say, today, you build those unit ubcan get to stage 10 , and we know it and tested but yes I agree once we build them we will know better
Frost Aine is S tier for me. Her buffs and cleansing are insane.
You use her in gorgos only I guess ? Or where
At c4 she gives 120% crit damage & 40% attack buff. Without c4 it’s 60% cdamage & atk buff. Theres a lot of places she’s amazing at. Easy S tier even at 0
I use her everywhere. Aine+morgan+ belv it’s a 1 shot for almost every boss. Together with Gillian Stage 10 of Cern can’t even attack once with a bit of luck
Completely disagree on green Turien. Has great heal based on her own HP, then buffs ALL allies with: Increase attack speed, increase defense, increase resistances, effect accuracy, regen. Changes weather to Night + Rain for some combo. 50% chance with chivalry 8 to heal an ally for extra 30% of their max hp + abnormal status immunity. Heal on basic attack. I don't think there's a support even closely matching this contribution in the game right now.
She's bring so much to the table in literally any content.
I agree with all the rest.
It's all good but her aoe is only 9% without heal over time, buffs 70% on that spell, s2 is good, but then in the current game either u auto one spell or none u can't throw 2 spells, so this would only work in manual. Again same as aine, where would u use her and why her.
@@trolllgaming agree on the manual part. She doesn't get the best potential on auto battles. Still, why would you prefer Isolde over it except vs Gorgos maybe? You ranked Isolde as A due to her healing powers.
You've got at full books:
-Isolde: Healing A1 7% HP due to Chivalry, Healing A3 11% + 2 turns recovery over time (5%) - rest of the kit is revolved around Dot and dot resistance. A2 completely useless
-Turin: Healing A1 10.7% HP, Healing A3 15.7% HP + 2 turns recovery over time at the beginning of battle + 2 Turns recovery over time A2. On TOP of it, 50% chance of *30%* heal for 2 turns with 4 turns cooldown. And instead of the DoT part it brings 3 turns Def II, 3 turns Accuracy Increase, and then the 70% chance for attack speed I and resistance II.
So, it actually ends up bringing way more heal to the table than Isolde + a bunch of useful buffs with good 3 turn duration.
Where would I use it if I don't have Gillien: Everywhere, except Gorgos maybe, although she can do just well there too.
Why would I pick Isolde over her, and why would I consider Isolde an A and not Niche, as she brings ok heal and niche due to Dot part, and not Turin an A, as she brings better heal and buffs which are good vs all content.
Well I can't argue with your points, full chivalry and skilled up turin is better, the question is now wouldn't Sarah be better too then ?
@@trolllgaming For just healing it can be Sarah, or Clementine. Why I wouldn't pick Sara? Cause Sarah only brings heals and a weak 2 turn increase def. Turin can benefit of A2 for 3 rounds after casting it once, and then can spam A3. Sara either heals with A2, either heals with A3 and that's all. My initial point why I disagree with Turin is that's she's not a niche. If isolde is an A, Turin should be at least an A in my perception, especially since Isolde seems to be the more "niche" between the two.
I mostly agree. But i think you sleep on cormac, he does insane aoe dmg with one of his relics (the one with aoe s3). Not saying hes at the lvl of some of the best, but i think he deserves a solid B at least.
Also i think red merlín is by far better that the blue one. Yes the blue one is king in gorgos but pretty much everywhere else red is better. It gives cs damage buff to bedivere and the debuff on s2 is wsy better, solid heal and attack buff.
Last thing is green gillien, i think its the best relic. At least better than red one, the s3 is better and the s2 is straight up the same but slightly better.
Super helpful list, thank you! One change- Gawain comes to us in green.
I will amend the list for the official release, based on the feedback I got on this video ! Stay tuned, but basically few changes only like sara and Turin a bit higher red merlin S tier
is there any new hero. it seems just the same with old death version
A suggestion: name the heroes because as a new player, I don’t know them by face or even name so it’s a bit hard to follow.
i got Gawain in green and is actually pretty good on frost bear aldri
How do you use him ? S3 on auto ?
Mentioning the names of the characters would help a tad too. But thank you
It's so interesting that people stay down on Arthur. He's still my number 1 damage dealer, and still outdamages my Bedevere. It's all wind relic, though, and I tend to pair him with wind Merlin as well which just stacks a ridiculous amount of crit dmg buffs.
Problem is, if you put all what you invested in him in anyone else, they will be better
How isolde is better healer that sarah? I do not get it. Multiplyers on isolde heal are just not there and in comprison to sarah there are mediocre at best
Sarah aoe heal is only good on green weapon, isolde also applies heal over time, I don't understand what do you mean ? Are u talking about the s3 that heals one person only ?
@@trolllgaming yeah Imeant her green weapon. I belive she is underratted. Even on the blue relic she gives big heal to all allies. Which is definetely better than Isoldes poor heal plus heal over time. Your team may not live long enough to benefit from healing over time.I would argue she is god tier on the green relic. On the blue relic she is better than 2 out of 3 isolde relics and on fire her role change to something else (not healer, rather debuffer), I would definetely bump her a couples of places higher
Well based on some other comments Turin might be even better
Well based on some other comments Turin might be even better
I disagree. Clementine and Sarah have similar kits, with clementine offering aoe heal and % chance to remove debuff, meanwhile sarah just gives aoe heal and removes debuff from all allies. S3 she does aoe heal and increases defense. Better healer than both isolde and clementine imo and I try all 3
Pretty accurate I’d say, any chance you’re going to make a guide on tarrasque ?
Yes once I pass stage 10 Xd
I have green and blue Guinevere but havent tested her yet. Morgan is for control right ? I havent played much with her either
Let me know when you do please
Clarisin red using literally everywhere, even used for gorgos to have 40% energy, killed boar 10 in 2 ultimates, closed hard campaign 3* completely
What chivalry?
@trolllgaming c3, not a problem for f2p to make at least one dd and i did
I mean full investment into her at beginning give me huge start, now she almost fully skilled and has focus set with good stats which i crafted
I have a fully maxed Fire Clarisin at chivalry 10. she is S tier dmg dealer for sure.
Better than bede c10?
Nah, my c10 bed still out damages her, but they synergize extremely well together due to her crit dmg buff wich helps Bed always hit his C8 passive aoe dmg. plus her def and evasion downs. she gets a lot of passive extra chase attacks when fully leveled. Honestly i always run these 2 together along any support or tank depending on content.
rosier is better with red or green? i just got her and gonna start building her. wish u had done color too for rares hahaah
Will do in December or after next patch, but I honestly would use her red one mostly I think but blue is also nice....
nice tier list , sadly for the bless dungeon we need to raise a lot of unused heroes to even do the last 3 stages ( or at least i had to build a lot of shit xD) ps give some credit to green relic arthur, in full chavalry he is pretty decent prob better than ban post nerfed against water bosses
Will check !
if you have the s heroes do you still need some of the A ?
You will need a heal block, merlin red is actually S, guinevre you need for crom 10, but other than that I think yea with the current S line you can defo do 80% of all dungeons
I just got blue merlín ❤
Also rerolled my account 210+ pulls and only got gillien red 😂 ddont know if she was good but I was already sick of rerolling so I keep her 😂
Also I am only 8 pulls away from my garantyy lego in the first banner and I hope I can get bedevengel lol
Gilien is great !!
A few of them I got vame in different colours than what uou said they come in, For instance my Gawain came in green
Okay wow !
Turin the fairy healer is a VERY good healer to use especially if you have her frost relic. I use her over ANY other rare healer and yet you said don't touch.
As other people pointed out in the comments Turin deserve to be higher and ever better than isolde. In the entire list after seeing comments I agreed 3 heroes deserved better. Now if you feel like I shouldn't have done it at all, or my knowledge of the game goes around of this one hero, it's kinda sad, I think thanks to making this video and all people participating and giving feedback we are going towards an actual tier list tha reflects better who is better or not.
@trolllgaming I edited my comment and ty for the video and willing to listen what other players have to say about your list.
red tristan's S3 is bugged or wrong skill discription...his S3 says he hits 8 times and i was excited, used him on boar expecting to demolish his shield and it only hits for 2-3 hits
You sure ??? Maybe the boar shield is bugged
@@trolllgaming dunno but i used it many times and it doesn't take it 8 shields down as it should according to skill translation, and since the icon of the skill is 3 suricens (or watever these are) instead of 1 like the other elements i think it should indeed hit for a lot of times
@@sporostuw9767 Red Tristan is AoE thats why
@@SGLykos it says attacks 1 enemy 8 times....
Do you have a Gorgos video ? Please make one
there is already 20 videos about gorgos out there :D
Aine is very good supporter and very important for PvP
I should have mentioned this is purely for pve
Turin the fairy healer is niche tier srsly?
For me there is better, I would inky build her for favor dungeon or a specific mission in adventure nothing else
Gwenivere and lancelot esp together are some of the strongest pvp units
Pvp is late game, for the next month f2p hero's should bit even try build a pvp team before u can farm stage 10, so anything that's only good for pvp is p2w right now
You literally labelled your video as endgame tier list man
Yea, and even late game, pvp is still blocked behind a pay wall, but I guess I should have make it more clear, it's a PVE tier list I agree
Why does evryone have gillian frostrelic? 😢 Thanks for the vid btw😊
I guess lucky xD but who knows with the official launch maybe we xan get smthg
Clarisin needs investment but she can be used in PvP and PvE content (at least the red one lol)
Which pve content?
Gawain comes in red 😮really .. I thought u need to buy or get lucky at weapon banner for red …. Doesn’t he comes in green tho … he is useful in forbidden dungeon as I heard
@ ya exactly … I was shocked at vid 🤣
I don't see him on any dungeon list of most used heroes, probably few people have him/ build him so only the lucky ones can tell us how great he is
@@trolllgaming ya most build the same meta and invest in them ، since getting talisman is hard and many to build n play with
you are wrong about guinevere , she is a very good hero
Yeap she is A
The ban hero cannot be on the tier list so high since he is the weakest blue hero at the moment. The damage displayed is not accurate.
Yea true, will change in next tier list, also they officialy anniunced it today
Where do u get free Isolde?
Her red weapon you get in adevnture
I know Appolon looks like a woman. But in his bio he is confirmed as a guy. Simping over Morrigan.
You are like 5th or smthg to tell me lol
Done after did story gamws wndles auto dugons 4 no gain
Gawain does not come as red - he comes as green …
Thanks for telling us
Man i wish i saw this vdo before buying wind relic of Ban. RIP
Oh sorry 😞
Hero ban bug. Dont correctly display damage.
Acolon isn't a she
It's 2024 stop assuming ! Lol xD
where is fire merlin
In A but as discussed with another viewer in the comments he can also be S will modify in December tier list
Guinevere SSS skill2 and passive So strong
Yes for the official launch she will go higher
I got bedivere red weapon i haven't summoned yet because i guess i would never use it
its great for green dragons and green bosses ! we all use his blue one just because thats the only one we have and its also great vs other elements, but having red vs a green boss omg it makes everything so easy
The 27 is global release!
Just saw it !!
Cormac frost relic is so OP
I saw the video, but i also can bet nerf incoming like bab
😅 sorry I cant aggre with this just by looking at Arthur and Turin at dont touch
Turin would need to be changed, arthur cmon... there is better
@@trolllgaming why not, u can use arthur storm relic as a support😂
Gawain come to you in green relic .. at least for me
well it just shows i dont have him :D
Came to me in red???
I also got him in green
florentius green block forever the heal on bear
Yea I'm pretty sure he is best in slot here for that boss... without any upgrades or chivalry but yea, you need to summon and be lucky lol
instead of saying repeatedly saying "him" and "her" can you say their names? many people just listen to your video like podcast while doing other stuff
Doing it in the new tier list
The most chaotic video I saw on a tier list. You have no idea how to plan and script a video.
Hey ! Thanks for the feedback, yes I did a new tier list based on community comments, and yes I never follow a script simply record and being my self !
Also wtf arthur is my main dps lllololllllol
He and she is NOT helpful - say the names
Okay 👍
Merlin Flame A? Lol
Lol aién its just insane
In pvp yes
@ and in pve too
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Nop, polish