1.invest all of it 2.everything you use is owned by a business 3.move somewhere with little to no tax 4.send it overseas 5.charitable donations 6. Instead of a salary they take equity 7.buying art 8. Multiple nationalities with no fixed residences 9. Gift money away 10. Hold it in privacy coins 11.you have no money but you have assets to borrow against 12. Filing for bankruptcy 13. Claim your yatcht as your second home 14. Using a trust to avoid paying estate tax 15.depreciating assets on paper to outweigh the cash income
The problem we have is because Most people always taught that " you only need a good job to become rich " . These billionaires are operating on a whole other playbook that many don't even know exists.
It is remarkable how much long term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.
The wisest thing that should be on everyone mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on government paycheck, especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a time to invest in Stocks, Forex and Digital currencies.
In the top 1% income group, there are 1.5 million households. They each pay $654k in income taxes on average (vs overall average income taxes paid per tax payer = $14k). Most of them are NOT billionaires. They contribute A LOT to the Federal income tax revenues. Those 1%-ers collectively represent 46% of the Federal income tax revenues. ARE THEY POOR???? Source: 2021 IRS Data
CAPITALISTS don't pay taxes. People say RICH when they mean WEALTHY. High income workers pay the taxes, but they are still workers. Can't work your way to wealth.
@@brock5946if you make twice as you friend and you are both in a club, would you be happy to pay twice the club fee while getting the same or less use of club amenities? How long will it take for you to try and switch to another club that charge you less?
The fact that taxes are so complicated is ridiculous. There should be a flat 5% tax, no deductions. Keep it simple. Complexity leads to extreme corruption.
If you want to become rich, be a tax consultant who breaks those tax saving tricks down in such a way that the average man on the street can make use of them.
The elite thrive on a system of debt that benefits them disproportionately, often enjoying significantly lower interest rates than the average person. This creates an environment where they can leverage cheap capital to accumulate wealth while the average Joe bears the burden of higher borrowing costs. Additionally, many elite individuals and corporations engage in practices like printing infinite shares, diluting the value of existing shares to generate quick profits at the expense of long-term stability. This dynamic not only exacerbates wealth inequality but also fosters a sense of disillusionment among the public, who see the system rigged in favor of the few. As more people recognize this manipulation, calls for accountability and reform will grow louder, paving the way for a demand for transparency and fairness in financial systems. The unsustainable nature of this model is becoming increasingly apparent, and as the tide turns, the elite may find their power challenged by a populace that is fed up with the status quo.
One... You need to UPGRADE the captions for your videos. I saw the words visual eyes vs visualize and a few other errors. Two... I'm in Cook County Illinois. Probably one of the highest taxed in the country. I think that the taxes are definitely being mishandled, I also think we get a fair amount of benefits. Our streets are clean. Our public transportation system is pretty good. And if you need public aid, it's available to almost anyone that needs it. And food banks a plenty. I do hope to move to a less taxed county soon.
Becoming financially literate has taught me a lot that the average Joe won't ever know. Part of it is: there is nothing bad in avoiding to pay taxes. another part of it is: you should want everybody to pay as little in taxes as they possibly can.
@@carlgauss1702 I suppose none of us truly know that answer until audits take place. Checks and balances are a good “real time” measure though. However, logic tells us that if we stop funding something, it will go broke.
@leoxd7029 Absolutely based. Taxation is basically someone taking your money, going to a shop and buying the groceries and medicine they think you need, instead of letting you do it yourself. (Which would be 1,000x more efficient)
Correction: only WORKERS pay taxes. You can be high income, even enough to be in the 1%, but you will pay half to taxes. That's why you cant work your way to wealth. It's Capitalists who dont pay taxes.
Completely false. You don't know the US tax code nor do you know anything about taxation apparently. If you are poor in the USA, you pay no income tax and probably receive a rebate in the form of child tax subsidy at the end of the year. You may also receive multiple forms of govt aid and assistance. Some 50% of all US citizens pay nothing in income tax. So, who is paying? It's the other 50% and especially the upper 20%. That is who pays for almost everything in the country.
I came into this world into a regular working family in the UK and I in turn worked from 16 yo. I got interest/ curious about Shares etc at around 30 years old and took the plunge in doing a home study course via an obscure company that is defunct now.. The first lesson was one must aim to get all your income solely from investments as a lifetime strategy.. The second was practical ways to get started The third was understanding risk. Fourth was YOU are your own best financial advisor!! I had to embrace a monumental shift in perception of money and assets.. I jacked my job at 55yo and five years later am comfortably living off assets.. Most people do this in a passive low level way via managed Pensions but.. If only people would gain confidence at a young age to take control and invest in good quality shares; having exposure to companies that you regularly use and are household names.. over many countries not just your own and owning assets that make sense to you.. You get a feel for it over time like anything else and don’t listen too much to “tipsters” It really is lucrative and life changing!- Get on with it!
I need to set up for retirement while still earning passive income to meet my day to day need and also get charged lesser taxes even while in a higher tax bracket. i want to invest around $250K from my cash savings.
Curiously inputted her full name on the web, spotted her consulting page and was able to schedule a call session, no sweat. I've seen commentaries about advisors but not one looks this phenomenal
Increasing tax rates are the reason I rolled over my 401k to a Roth. I don’t want to be 59 paying taxes on current income on withdrawals made from my retirement account.
Pre-tax contributions may help reduce income taxes in your pre-retirement years while after-tax contributions may help reduce your income tax burden during retirement. Both have their perks but you can also save for retirement outside of a retirement plan, such as in an individual investment account or employing the services of a retirement planner/investment advisor.
This is precisely why I like having a portfolio coach guide my day-to-day market decisions: with their extensive knowledge of going long and short at the same time, using risk for its asymmetrical upside and laying it off as a hedge against the inevitable downward turns, their skillset makes it nearly impossible for them to underperform. I've been utilizing a portfolio coach for more than two years, and I've made over $800,000.
I think this is something I should do, but I've been stalling for a long time now. I don't really know which firm to work with; I feel they are all the same but it seems you’ve got it all worked out with the firm you work with so i surely wouldn’t mind a recommendation.
I definitely share your sentiment about these firms. Finding financial advisors like *Marisa Breton Dollard* who can assist you on things like investing, insurance, making sure retirement is well funded, going over tax benefits, ways to have a volatility buffer for investment risk would be a very creative option. There will be difficult times ahead, and prudent personal money management will be essential to navigating them.
Marisa has the appearance of being a great authority in her profession. I looked her up online and found her website, which I reviewed and went through to learn more about her credentials, academic background, and employment. She has a fiduciary duty to protect my best interests. I sent her an email outlining my objectives and also booked a session with her; thanks for sharing.
Point 1) is not exactly correct. Money spent to increase inventory is post-tax money. For example, if your company does $1M in sales with a gross profit of $450,000 and operating expenses of $350,000, then net profit is $100,000. If you spend $80,000 to increase inventory, you pay tax on the full $100,000, not $20,000 as some people assume. The IRS essentially sees inventory held for resale as money in the bank.
🇨🇦 Marginal tax rate I calculated a few years ago was 37.5 %. Without any deductions it can be somewhere north of 50% combined Federal and Provincial, then there’s consumption at 13-15% on goods and services depending on where you live, and that is with after-tax money. Tax freedom day keeps getting pushed further along in the year, never mind municipal property taxes.. tax,tax,tax,tax,tax.. 🇨🇦 aka Taxania.. Lol!! 😂
Is it really a "secret" if u can see it on a book? To me it just sounds like some people are just ignorant and no one wants to take the time to understand the system.
Excellent video as always but here is my problem I have been making losses trying to make profit trading. I thought trading demo account is just like trading the real market... can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do
I am in 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 marginal tax rate federal + provincial about 34% + 13% on almost all purchases made on you net income in addition to property Tax and your bills ....🤔. Maybe a move to Switzerland would not be as bad 😂
No you just need to turn to God the living God the same God that was with Israel but is not now when Israel confesses Jesus then we would Israel was blessed like in the old days😂 Jesus is truth. If you don't put Jesus first any government will f*** you.. and you better listen to the shittiest this song called Vaseline by ice cube lol if you want to listen to the realest this song in history listen to real muthaphuckkin g's play easy motherfuking e
I Hit $113k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started crypto last month July. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject.
I greatly admire Nick’s ability to tailor strategies to meet individual needs. He recognizes that every investor has unique goals and risk levels, and he adapts his advice to fit those specifics.
I like Germany die heart ❤️. But I never visited Germany. I learned Germany language A1 course. But no one helps me sending sponsor or German visa. I'm a female nurse in hospital, my age is 36. I pray God to visit Germany some day in my life. InshAllah
I don't think all of them work. This video was clearly made with US tax laws and practices in mind only and thus the advice is valid only in the United States. For example, in Germany and Finland there is a gift tax that doesn't exist in the United States, and by donating art or to charity, you will not be able to get as good tax reductions in Europe as there and the advantage is much more marginal. On the other hand, there are parties in Europe that promote possible tax breaks and tax exemptions for millionaires, large companies and corporations and more taxes for the poor.
I like Germany die ❤️. But I never visited Germany. I learned Germany language A1 course I am a female nurse in hospital. I'm 36. I pray I visit Germany some day in my life InshAllah
세금을 피하는 방법이 있다는 것 자체가 큰 문제다. 세금을 교묘하게 피하고 부자가 된 사람들은 자기들이 잘났다고 생각할 거다. 세법을 교모하게 만들면 사람들이 열심히 노력해서 가치를 많이 창줄하기보다는 머리를 써서 세금을 적게 내고 부자가 되려고 할 거다. 아주 순진하게 사는 사람들은 세금을 많이 낼 것 같다. 남한의 세법도 미국의 세법과 비슷한 것 같다. 나는 그런 세법에 구역질이 난다. 그런 세법으로는 남한 사람들이 미국인들을 이기지 못할 거라고 나는 생각한다. 세법을 그렇게 만들면 사람들이 교활해질 수 밖에 없다고 나는 생각한다. 나는 아예 세금을 없애버리고 싶다. 유능한 사람이 정부 돈으로 사업을 하고 이익을 많이 낸 사람이 높은 상여금을 받아야 한다. 미국의 법을 보면 경제는 모두 사업가들이 개발하고 미국 정부는 세금을 걷는 깡패들인 것 같다. 미국인들은 교활하게 머리를 써서 세금을 최대한 적게 낼 것 같다. 절세를 하려고 잔대가리를 굴리는 시간에 차라리 사업에 더 신경 쓰는 게 좋을 것 같다. 나는 교활하거나 건방진 새끼들이 사업을 하면서 잘되고 잘난 체하는 게 못마땅하다. 나는 순진하고 깨끗한 사람이 사업을 번성시켰으면 좋겠다. 내 사상을 받아들이는 우수한 사람들이 순진하고 깨끗한 사람들에게 사업을 시키고 교활하고 건방진 새끼들을 이겼으면 좋겠다. 나는 왕이 되려고 이러는 게 아니다. 내게 덜 지르는 사람들이 정신차리고 내 말대로 국가를 운영했으면 좋겠다. 세금을 피하려고 정부와 교활하게 싸우은 새끼들보다는 정부에 협력하면서 열심히 노력하는 사업가들이 잘 되어야 한다. 나는 미국인들이 만든 복잡한 세법을 아주 싫어한다. 어느 국가 지도자가 세금을 없애고 정부 자금으로 사업을 하려고 하면 내가 그를 좀 도와줄지도 모른다. 병신 새끼들이 내게서 세금을 받는 게 아주 건방진 거다. 그 병신 새끼들이 건방져서 내게 정부 운영을 시킨 적이 없다. 그래서 내가 당연히 주권을 받고 내 국가를 만들 거다.
I live in the " People's United Republic of California" we have taxes on top of our taxes. Right now the growth opportunities to me are immeasurable, so my family stays. Eventually, retirement comes in a more tax-friendly state. Or country. Look for opportunity! 😊😊
How about including how much in taxes the rich businesses pay for EVERY Employee’s income taxes, social security taxes, Medicare taxes, on top of salaries, retirement 401k savings matching. Basically the rich pay ALL taxes the governments collect. Example…every other tax the employees pay from their earnings
Because there are too many idiots who _still cannot discern, evaluate, or think for themselves_ and _look for anyone to blame for their own choices_ they were responsible for. That being said, _even when_ the person/helper says "not financial advice", those same weak-minded people _still don't listen and would blame others anyway._ That's their mindset that no-one can ever fix.
So you cannot come back with a counter claim saying you heard it from a certain person on the world wide web plus it basic knowledge all over nowhere days that is ! They are protecting themselves against claims Aluxer if things so pear shaped on that advice !
I have one question. When rich people take loans against assets and they take no salary. How do they payback. Can we have some detailed post or video regarding the same. And if it exists someone can please redirect me to that place
Don't know in US but here in Italy #2 is not that easy, as only assets/services that are really inherent to the business can be deducted, often not in 100% form but rather in 20% or 50%.
Rich not paying taxes is a myth. I did taxes for a firm that had a lot of Wall Street specialists. Those are the guys who sit in the trading booths on the floor. They made between 1.5 and 2 million dollars a year. After all their sched A deductions, they ended up paying around 600k to 700k in federal taxes. The only client we had that didn't pay any taxes was a guy who lost his business. The top 10% pay around 70% of the tax burden in the US. Yes there are a few high profile people who don't pay much but those are the exception, not the rule.
Yep, it is some variation of this in all the developed nations. The poor may pay some tax, but they get far more back from the.governent, so they are net takers and don't contribute to the tax pool.
I am planing on becoming a billionaire and I’ve seen a lot of videos about money you that they all talking to poor people yeah i still poor and I’m 16 btw but this channel is different so yeah
I wonder whether people who say that they want to "increase taxes for the rich" realize they still won't pay much or not. Of course, the first option is pretty terrifying, as that means they knowingly target the middle class, which in turn helps create a system where there are only rich and poor.
I am from Botswana, tax is 14%. in the past 10+ years is has gone from 10% to 12% and to 14%... during convid it wentn back to 12% now its back again to 14%
me in switzerland: ~ 16.6% plus health care and other obligations by law, so in the end a forced 35% roundabout. these i cannot escape. then i pay my crib and all duties, then i have maybe ~30% left :) 10% i save MINIMUM.
Borrowing against assets. But where to get money to clear debt? Give assets to bank? Or sell some assets to clear debt? If selling assets wouldn't it be taxable?
1. Reinvestment for the sake of it will be worse than just keeping it and not having that expense. Only reinvest if there is a worthwhile expense. 2. The company owning it may be worse if there are benefit in kind taxes especially the car benefit they mention. 3. Moving to a tax haven is extremely limited and not a way you can build wealth, you need the money first to buy the £3M+ house there first. 4. Not every business can work entirely overseas. The examples they gave are specifically related to intellectual property which can be moveable. 5. Giving to charity wont let you keep it and if you set a charity up with no purpose, that would be fraud. 6. Getting stock wont help if the business isnt growing. People grow wealth by doing business better. 7. Art is highly manipulated and only the few artists that the small circle in the know decide to follow actually grow significantly. Only buy art otherwise if you like it. 8. No fixed residence is not a great idea as the one you don’t want to tax you may start taxing you.
19:20 Say it, girl. The public is inefficient by definition, there is no way that a centralized entity can know the needs of individuals better than the individuals themselves.
5:00 so here in switzerland i wanted onenpayment of 3000 in stocks and i immediately got charged by the tax bitchiz a 600 for this. i wonder, why we small people cannot use these tactics. 7:30 wow this one blowsmy mind :D this even i havent known^^ 20:00 your last message ooph fuuuck how much i agree on all of it and thats why i dedicate myself now to automation in job, btw 😊😊😊😊 to HELP HUMANITY, unlike politicians, who help only themselves and private pockets. i want to contribute to a better and faurer free world
Love the content, but you might want to scrap the captions. They are frequently wrong and distracting from the visualizations. We can turn on TH-cam's built in captions if we need them.
Might be great to provide information about the country you are referring to. Some ideas don’t work in some countries or are not advisable. For example, if your business runs in Germany, you should pay about 7% on unrealized capital gains through your shares of the company. Have fun paying this. Cash is not trash and quite many like to hold some significant amount in cash as well. I like that you simplify most things and at the same time it could trigger wrong decisions without knowing the context.
Rich people are wealthy not because they don’t pay taxes. Rich people pay more taxes if you combine all the various taxes and fees they have to pay. If you don’t think you are rich and you pay too much taxes, its because you believe the politicians and government telling you that you are paying what you are supposed to pay, and others are NOT paying so they got rich. Politicians work with budgets. When they need more money, they TAX you more through various channels - income tax, sales tax, ….etc. Anytime you see an increase in tax, don’t vote for it, regardless which group they are going to tax on.
It's because only selected few elite people have the power of making money out of thin air , the general public can only do 2 things, Find ways to generate income with less work and ways to preserve money under any circumstances
What of the listed items apply for a salaried employee wanting to own a side business that makes little profit, for example, a TH-camr like this person?
This is why, we asia never let them take a breath. Throughout history, if a rich is so rich, the poor would overwhelm and become rich while the rich become poor so that the pain will continue in loop like this. But if the rich is a good and prosperous kind not those type, they stay the same since they only want to live their lives and have a heart to help the other that are unable to passing through those borders. But it’s still very rare.
if i use debt to grow my business... and debt is non taxable. and in one point of time i have to pay back the loan (for example from the bank), so how do i pay the debt without getting taxed
Upgrade and, The percentage of taxes I does pay in my country is 12.5% tax In Saint Lucia 🇱🇨 How it works? allow me to show you alux, in other words, What is the income tax rate in St Lucia? The income tax rate in St Lucia works on a progressive scale 15 to 30 percent. Income up to EC$18,400 is not taxed.
1.invest all of it
2.everything you use is owned by a business
3.move somewhere with little to no tax
4.send it overseas
5.charitable donations
6. Instead of a salary they take equity
7.buying art
8. Multiple nationalities with no fixed residences
9. Gift money away
10. Hold it in privacy coins
11.you have no money but you have assets to borrow against
12. Filing for bankruptcy
13. Claim your yatcht as your second home
14. Using a trust to avoid paying estate tax
15.depreciating assets on paper to outweigh the cash income
Thank you.
30% tax for crypto in INDIA😂
How to claim yacht as second home, depending on how much toilet paper 🧻 you buy for the boat?
You forgot 16. Taxes are high because of inefficiencies
That is a list of ‘how to get audited’.
The problem we have is because Most people always taught that " you only need a good job to become rich " . These billionaires are operating on a whole other playbook that many don't even know exists.
Money invested is far better than money saved , when you invest it gives you the opportunity to increase your financial worth.
It is remarkable how much long term
advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid,
instead of trying to be very intelligent.
The wisest thing that should be on everyone mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on government paycheck, especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a time to invest in Stocks, Forex and Digital currencies.
The greatest technique for beginners is to trade with the supervision of an expert.
@@BradleyRaiphWho helps you? If so would you share name I struggled greatly without competent guidance.
In the top 1% income group, there are 1.5 million households. They each pay $654k in income taxes on average (vs overall average income taxes paid per tax payer = $14k). Most of them are NOT billionaires. They contribute A LOT to the Federal income tax revenues. Those 1%-ers collectively represent 46% of the Federal income tax revenues.
ARE THEY POOR???? Source: 2021 IRS Data
Correct. Everyone complaining about “misinfo” but everybody always spewing this shit about rich pay no tax
CAPITALISTS don't pay taxes. People say RICH when they mean WEALTHY. High income workers pay the taxes, but they are still workers. Can't work your way to wealth.
@@chalkylover okay, you pay 1.2mil in tax, but save over 200mil thats still amazing.
Don't look at how much rich VS poor people are paying in taxes in absolute terms, but in relative terms (%)
@@brock5946if you make twice as you friend and you are both in a club, would you be happy to pay twice the club fee while getting the same or less use of club amenities? How long will it take for you to try and switch to another club that charge you less?
The fact that taxes are so complicated is ridiculous. There should be a flat 5% tax, no deductions. Keep it simple. Complexity leads to extreme corruption.
5% won't do anything for the massive governments of these days bro. They need their slaves
If you want to become rich, be a tax consultant who breaks those tax saving tricks down in such a way that the average man on the street can make use of them.
Become a tax attorney so you don’t get your tax strategies cancelled by the IRS. Then have to pay a fine and interest.
That Dont Work on trymp Types. He Said IF He WONT SIGN THE ILLEGAL SHIT AND DEDYCT. Coyld Always Did it Himself. He Need Yoyr Head on iron maiden
.. How & what program should one start in to become a tax consultant?
@@bngr_bngr😂 why would they do that if it’s done legally?
@@iammaximus614good question, but that's where research comes in mate.
Your journeys starts here
The elite thrive on a system of debt that benefits them disproportionately, often enjoying significantly lower interest rates than the average person. This creates an environment where they can leverage cheap capital to accumulate wealth while the average Joe bears the burden of higher borrowing costs. Additionally, many elite individuals and corporations engage in practices like printing infinite shares, diluting the value of existing shares to generate quick profits at the expense of long-term stability.
This dynamic not only exacerbates wealth inequality but also fosters a sense of disillusionment among the public, who see the system rigged in favor of the few. As more people recognize this manipulation, calls for accountability and reform will grow louder, paving the way for a demand for transparency and fairness in financial systems. The unsustainable nature of this model is becoming increasingly apparent, and as the tide turns, the elite may find their power challenged by a populace that is fed up with the status quo.
Goverments last as long as the undertaxed can defend themselves against the overtaxed. -- Bernard Bereson
One... You need to UPGRADE the captions for your videos. I saw the words visual eyes vs visualize and a few other errors.
Two... I'm in Cook County Illinois. Probably one of the highest taxed in the country. I think that the taxes are definitely being mishandled, I also think we get a fair amount of benefits. Our streets are clean. Our public transportation system is pretty good. And if you need public aid, it's available to almost anyone that needs it. And food banks a plenty.
I do hope to move to a less taxed county soon.
Lake County
The fact that nobody talks about the book Matrix Golden Cashflow Tactics, speaks volumes why people dont earn a lot of money..
I can’t even find this book on Amazon. Bezos knows what he’s doing lol
@@Blackmamba_yellowfitit's a bot, losers make ai made e courses, then spam it all over internet
@@Blackmamba_yellowfit Nah this guy is a bot promoting a book to get sales from it, ignore the book as its just a scam
@@nutgoogle7463 the amount of scams on the internet is getting out of control 🙄 thanks!
Becoming financially literate has taught me a lot that the average Joe won't ever know. Part of it is: there is nothing bad in avoiding to pay taxes. another part of it is: you should want everybody to pay as little in taxes as they possibly can.
lol so the government can become insolvent and the poor and middle class suffer even more…yeah, nothing wrong with your proposition.
@@Times397Pfff, how do you know those taxes are used properly?
@@carlgauss1702 I suppose none of us truly know that answer until audits take place. Checks and balances are a good “real time” measure though. However, logic tells us that if we stop funding something, it will go broke.
@@Times397 Naive, audits? all that is open ended. Let the government go broke, we dont need them, for that I am sure.
@leoxd7029 Absolutely based. Taxation is basically someone taking your money, going to a shop and buying the groceries and medicine they think you need, instead of letting you do it yourself. (Which would be 1,000x more efficient)
Correction: only WORKERS pay taxes. You can be high income, even enough to be in the 1%, but you will pay half to taxes. That's why you cant work your way to wealth. It's Capitalists who dont pay taxes.
You 100% can work your way to wealth. That’s why you start a business or go to college and invest your money
@@Messup7654 starting a business = owning capital. That's what I said.
Are you saying workers are not capitalists? Well, I'm a worker and I certainly trade my time for money
Completely false. You don't know the US tax code nor do you know anything about taxation apparently. If you are poor in the USA, you pay no income tax and probably receive a rebate in the form of child tax subsidy at the end of the year. You may also receive multiple forms of govt aid and assistance. Some 50% of all US citizens pay nothing in income tax. So, who is paying? It's the other 50% and especially the upper 20%. That is who pays for almost everything in the country.
I came into this world into a regular working family in the UK and I in turn worked from 16 yo.
I got interest/ curious about Shares etc at around 30 years old and took the plunge in doing a home study course via an obscure company that is defunct now..
The first lesson was one must aim to get all your income solely from investments as a lifetime strategy..
The second was practical ways to get started
The third was understanding risk.
Fourth was YOU are your own best financial advisor!!
I had to embrace a monumental shift in perception of money and assets..
I jacked my job at 55yo and five years later am comfortably living off assets..
Most people do this in a passive low level way via managed Pensions but..
If only people would gain confidence at a young age to take control and invest in good quality shares; having exposure to companies that you regularly use and are household names.. over many countries not just your own and owning assets that make sense to you.. You get a feel for it over time like anything else and don’t listen too much to “tipsters”
It really is lucrative and life changing!- Get on with it!
I need to set up for retirement while still earning passive income to meet my day to day need and also get charged lesser taxes even while in a higher tax bracket. i want to invest around $250K from my cash savings.
Being heavily liquid, I'd rather not reinvent the wheel. Since this strategy works for you, how can I contact your advisor?
Curiously inputted her full name on the web, spotted her consulting page and was able to schedule a call session, no sweat. I've seen commentaries about advisors but not one looks this phenomenal
19y, starting a startup with a big vision from homeless, let try this game
Best of luck. 👍🍀
What's your idea
@@dudumoomoo Sorry, I only disclose that to partners or under contract.
How is IT going?
Amazing concept and gold information! May God bless all that read this with one million dollars this year!
If you are rich but if you average forget it this information is useless
Increasing tax rates are the reason I rolled over my 401k to a Roth. I don’t want to be 59 paying taxes on current income on withdrawals made from my retirement account.
Pre-tax contributions may help reduce income taxes in your pre-retirement years while after-tax contributions may help reduce your income tax burden during retirement. Both have their perks but you can also save for retirement outside of a retirement plan, such as in an individual investment account or employing the services of a retirement planner/investment advisor.
This is precisely why I like having a portfolio coach guide my day-to-day market decisions: with their extensive knowledge of going long and short at the same time, using risk for its asymmetrical upside and laying it off as a hedge against the inevitable downward turns, their skillset makes it nearly impossible for them to underperform. I've been utilizing a portfolio coach for more than two years, and I've made over $800,000.
I think this is something I should do, but I've been stalling for a long time now. I don't really know which firm to work with; I feel they are all the same but it seems you’ve got it all worked out with the firm you work with so i surely wouldn’t mind a recommendation.
I definitely share your sentiment about these firms. Finding financial advisors like *Marisa Breton Dollard* who can assist you on things like investing, insurance, making sure retirement is well funded, going over tax benefits, ways to have a volatility buffer for investment risk would be a very creative option. There will be difficult times ahead, and prudent personal money management will be essential to navigating them.
Marisa has the appearance of being a great authority in her profession. I looked her up online and found her website, which I reviewed and went through to learn more about her credentials, academic background, and employment. She has a fiduciary duty to protect my best interests. I sent her an email outlining my objectives and also booked a session with her; thanks for sharing.
Point 1) is not exactly correct. Money spent to increase inventory is post-tax money.
For example, if your company does $1M in sales with a gross profit of $450,000 and operating
expenses of $350,000, then net profit is $100,000.
If you spend $80,000 to increase inventory, you pay tax on the full $100,000, not $20,000 as
some people assume.
The IRS essentially sees inventory held for resale as money in the bank.
BEcause it is money in the bank. The inventory will sell. Ussually sooner rather than later. So why deduct and then recredit?
🇨🇦 Marginal tax rate I calculated a few years ago was 37.5 %. Without any deductions it can be somewhere north of 50% combined Federal and Provincial, then there’s consumption at 13-15% on goods and services depending on where you live, and that is with after-tax money. Tax freedom day keeps getting pushed further along in the year, never mind municipal property taxes.. tax,tax,tax,tax,tax.. 🇨🇦 aka
Taxania.. Lol!! 😂
This is merely the start. Get the forbidden book Whispers of Manifestation on Borlest, and uncover the secrets they've been hiding.
Is it really a "secret" if u can see it on a book? To me it just sounds like some people are just ignorant and no one wants to take the time to understand the system.
oh oh the magical item yes. You read it and get some super powers.
Excellent video as always but here is my problem I have been making losses trying to make profit trading. I thought trading demo account is just like trading the real market... can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do
Trading with Kate Herman trading analysis
Though I started with as low as $15,000 actually because it was my first time and it was successful, She's is a great personality in the state
I will leave her info below this commend
5:30 I saw “really eyes” but I heard: realize
I am in 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 marginal tax rate federal + provincial about 34% + 13% on almost all purchases made on you net income in addition to property Tax and your bills ....🤔. Maybe a move to Switzerland would not be as bad 😂
No you just need to turn to God the living God the same God that was with Israel but is not now when Israel confesses Jesus then we would Israel was blessed like in the old days😂 Jesus is truth. If you don't put Jesus first any government will f*** you.. and you better listen to the shittiest this song called Vaseline by ice cube lol if you want to listen to the realest this song in history listen to real muthaphuckkin g's play easy motherfuking e
Kendrick Lamar is not the king of Compton he's not even king of himself because he's fighting little drizzy Drake
I'm king of valet as a whole. .. you see you might know me as Jose. But I own L A
My name is abelardo by the way abelardo with a v instead of a b
My wife's name is Lolly
Lolly and Alfie lol 😂
Alux reinventing their visuals on their videos is refreshing. The style is so sleek you know it's Alux.
The tax rates in Germany are relatively high, leading some companies to relocate to other countries to pay less tax
ITS Not only the taxes, it is also the highest Energy prices in the world.
I Hit $113k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started crypto last month July. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject.
Nick Syiek's strategy has been instrumental in helping me navigate the past few months. Without it, I don't think I would have made it through
He's mostly on telegrams, using the username...
I greatly admire Nick’s ability to tailor strategies to meet individual needs. He recognizes that every investor has unique goals and risk levels, and he adapts his advice to fit those specifics.
Use me as a : '' Upgrade " Button
Sadly in Germany you can't just move in any other country. In Germany we don't say prison, we say "Wegzugssteuer" xD
I like Germany die heart ❤️. But I never visited Germany. I learned Germany language A1 course. But no one helps me sending sponsor or German visa. I'm a female nurse in hospital, my age is 36. I pray God to visit Germany some day in my life. InshAllah
Pls Dont come.
WE have to many Muslims Here.
WE Dont want more
does any of those ways work here in germany?
I don't think all of them work. This video was clearly made with US tax laws and practices in mind only and thus the advice is valid only in the United States. For example, in Germany and Finland there is a gift tax that doesn't exist in the United States, and by donating art or to charity, you will not be able to get as good tax reductions in Europe as there and the advantage is much more marginal. On the other hand, there are parties in Europe that promote possible tax breaks and tax exemptions for millionaires, large companies and corporations and more taxes for the poor.
I like Germany die ❤️. But I never visited Germany. I learned Germany language A1 course I am a female nurse in hospital. I'm 36. I pray I visit Germany some day in my life InshAllah
세금을 피하는 방법이 있다는 것 자체가 큰 문제다. 세금을 교묘하게 피하고 부자가 된 사람들은 자기들이 잘났다고 생각할 거다. 세법을 교모하게 만들면 사람들이 열심히 노력해서 가치를 많이 창줄하기보다는 머리를 써서 세금을 적게 내고 부자가 되려고 할 거다. 아주 순진하게 사는 사람들은 세금을 많이 낼 것 같다. 남한의 세법도 미국의 세법과 비슷한 것 같다. 나는 그런 세법에 구역질이 난다. 그런 세법으로는 남한 사람들이 미국인들을 이기지 못할 거라고 나는 생각한다. 세법을 그렇게 만들면 사람들이 교활해질 수 밖에 없다고 나는 생각한다.
나는 아예 세금을 없애버리고 싶다. 유능한 사람이 정부 돈으로 사업을 하고 이익을 많이 낸 사람이 높은 상여금을 받아야 한다. 미국의 법을 보면 경제는 모두 사업가들이 개발하고 미국 정부는 세금을 걷는 깡패들인 것 같다. 미국인들은 교활하게 머리를 써서 세금을 최대한 적게 낼 것 같다. 절세를 하려고 잔대가리를 굴리는 시간에 차라리 사업에 더 신경 쓰는 게 좋을 것 같다. 나는 교활하거나 건방진 새끼들이 사업을 하면서 잘되고 잘난 체하는 게 못마땅하다. 나는 순진하고 깨끗한 사람이 사업을 번성시켰으면 좋겠다.
내 사상을 받아들이는 우수한 사람들이 순진하고 깨끗한 사람들에게 사업을 시키고 교활하고 건방진 새끼들을 이겼으면 좋겠다. 나는 왕이 되려고 이러는 게 아니다. 내게 덜 지르는 사람들이 정신차리고 내 말대로 국가를 운영했으면 좋겠다. 세금을 피하려고 정부와 교활하게 싸우은 새끼들보다는 정부에 협력하면서 열심히 노력하는 사업가들이 잘 되어야 한다. 나는 미국인들이 만든 복잡한 세법을 아주 싫어한다. 어느 국가 지도자가 세금을 없애고 정부 자금으로 사업을 하려고 하면 내가 그를 좀 도와줄지도 모른다.
병신 새끼들이 내게서 세금을 받는 게 아주 건방진 거다. 그 병신 새끼들이 건방져서 내게 정부 운영을 시킨 적이 없다. 그래서 내가 당연히 주권을 받고 내 국가를 만들 거다.
42% Gst on almost all goods and services😰
09:50 I saw it in Ambani's Great Wadding 💍⌚🚗
I live in the " People's United Republic of California" we have taxes on top of our taxes. Right now the growth opportunities to me are immeasurable, so my family stays. Eventually, retirement comes in a more tax-friendly state. Or country. Look for opportunity! 😊😊
Same here, I can't wait to leave Cali
A suggestion, Both of you come to Pakistan. Most friendly regarding tax.
Buy property here these days for future investment. Just a suggestion.
How about including how much in taxes the rich businesses pay for EVERY Employee’s income taxes, social security taxes, Medicare taxes, on top of salaries, retirement 401k savings matching. Basically the rich pay ALL taxes the governments collect. Example…every other tax the employees pay from their earnings
being financially literate will do that for you
Love this subject!
Thought they already made this video
Realize -- written as real eyes
needs correction
AI makes mistakes sometimes
Why does every single creator that talks about money on YT have to say " Not finacial advice?"
Liability that’s all.
Covering their asses
Because there are too many idiots who _still cannot discern, evaluate, or think for themselves_ and _look for anyone to blame for their own choices_ they were responsible for. That being said, _even when_ the person/helper says "not financial advice", those same weak-minded people _still don't listen and would blame others anyway._ That's their mindset that no-one can ever fix.
So they don't get blamed for thier viewers misfortune.
So you cannot come back with a counter claim saying you heard it from a certain person on the world wide web plus it basic knowledge all over nowhere days that is ! They are protecting themselves against claims Aluxer if things so pear shaped on that advice !
12:30 what's the other advantage with taking loan? Like you get to deduct the taxes as well?
I have one question. When rich people take loans against assets and they take no salary. How do they payback. Can we have some detailed post or video regarding the same. And if it exists someone can please redirect me to that place
good question!
They pay through equity where bank will sell it. Now individual no need to pay tax as there is no income he got as he just paid the loan.
19:00 I pay 13% Tax
Don't know in US but here in Italy #2 is not that easy, as only assets/services that are really inherent to the business can be deducted, often not in 100% form but rather in 20% or 50%.
Okay, but if you have an American passport, youbDO in fact have to pay something on earned income. Unless you give it up entirely.
8:36 Jsjsjs.
I'll have it in mind.
My house Will be a mini-museum.
Very good subject and video!! Thanks for showing! ❤
4:18 💙; Have you heard of the *Best country in the world* (🇦🇷)?
we 100% need to upgrade government spending. Great video
Great Video as alway, very informativ.
In India the salaried people pay tax of 30percentage for the amount that we receive above 15 lakhs 😢
Rich not paying taxes is a myth. I did taxes for a firm that had a lot of Wall Street specialists. Those are the guys who sit in the trading booths on the floor. They made between 1.5 and 2 million dollars a year. After all their sched A deductions, they ended up paying around 600k to 700k in federal taxes. The only client we had that didn't pay any taxes was a guy who lost his business.
The top 10% pay around 70% of the tax burden in the US. Yes there are a few high profile people who don't pay much but those are the exception, not the rule.
Yep. You have to own CAPITAL to avoid taxes. Difference between rich and wealthy.
The top 10% of people pay 75% of the income federal taxes The top 25% pay 89% of the taxes
Yep, it is some variation of this in all the developed nations. The poor may pay some tax, but they get far more back from the.governent, so they are net takers and don't contribute to the tax pool.
Wrong! The rich don't pay taxes. actually get refunds.
I am planing on becoming a billionaire and I’ve seen a lot of videos about money you that they all talking to poor people yeah i still poor and I’m 16 btw but this channel is different so yeah
UPGRADE 💐💪🏻💐💪🏻💐💪🏻💐💪🏻
I wonder whether people who say that they want to "increase taxes for the rich" realize they still won't pay much or not. Of course, the first option is pretty terrifying, as that means they knowingly target the middle class, which in turn helps create a system where there are only rich and poor.
That’s the thing they don’t realize it.
You know the rich and middle class are two different classes, right?
I am from Botswana, tax is 14%. in the past 10+ years is has gone from 10% to 12% and to 14%... during convid it wentn back to 12% now its back again to 14%
me in switzerland: ~ 16.6% plus health care and other obligations by law, so in the end a forced 35% roundabout.
these i cannot escape.
then i pay my crib and all duties, then i have maybe ~30% left :) 10% i save MINIMUM.
The ireland move may take a hit once BEPS / minimum tax is in place. Wonder what will happen next...
I'll be watching this one over and over for sure
Borrowing against assets. But where to get money to clear debt? Give assets to bank? Or sell some assets to clear debt? If selling assets wouldn't it be taxable?
LOL, learn from our government, you just borrow more to pay your debt. Problem solved!
1. Reinvestment for the sake of it will be worse than just keeping it and not having that expense. Only reinvest if there is a worthwhile expense.
2. The company owning it may be worse if there are benefit in kind taxes especially the car benefit they mention.
3. Moving to a tax haven is extremely limited and not a way you can build wealth, you need the money first to buy the £3M+ house there first.
4. Not every business can work entirely overseas. The examples they gave are specifically related to intellectual property which can be moveable.
5. Giving to charity wont let you keep it and if you set a charity up with no purpose, that would be fraud.
6. Getting stock wont help if the business isnt growing. People grow wealth by doing business better.
7. Art is highly manipulated and only the few artists that the small circle in the know decide to follow actually grow significantly. Only buy art otherwise if you like it.
8. No fixed residence is not a great idea as the one you don’t want to tax you may start taxing you.
19:20 Say it, girl.
The public is inefficient by definition, there is no way that a centralized entity can know the needs of individuals better than the individuals themselves.
1 comment❤❤
5:00 so here in switzerland i wanted onenpayment of 3000 in stocks and i immediately got charged by the tax bitchiz a 600 for this. i wonder, why we small people cannot use these tactics.
7:30 wow this one blowsmy mind :D this even i havent known^^
20:00 your last message ooph fuuuck how much i agree on all of it and thats why i dedicate myself now to automation in job, btw 😊😊😊😊 to HELP HUMANITY, unlike politicians, who help only themselves and private pockets. i want to contribute to a better and faurer free world
Love the content, but you might want to scrap the captions. They are frequently wrong and distracting from the visualizations. We can turn on TH-cam's built in captions if we need them.
Might be great to provide information about the country you are referring to. Some ideas don’t work in some countries or are not advisable. For example, if your business runs in Germany, you should pay about 7% on unrealized capital gains through your shares of the company. Have fun paying this. Cash is not trash and quite many like to hold some significant amount in cash as well. I like that you simplify most things and at the same time it could trigger wrong decisions without knowing the context.
Wow good look.. that part about donating art to museums was Golden
Thanks for the video but your AUTO GENERATED subtitle has some issue.
5:29 you said "REALIZE" but the subtitle is "REALLY EYES"
Lithuania 49% 😢
20:20 There would not be enough time to name all the ways politicians steal.
Rich people are wealthy not because they don’t pay taxes. Rich people pay more taxes if you combine all the various taxes and fees they have to pay.
If you don’t think you are rich and you pay too much taxes, its because you believe the politicians and government telling you that you are paying what you are supposed to pay, and others are NOT paying so they got rich.
Politicians work with budgets. When they need more money, they TAX you more through various channels - income tax, sales tax, ….etc.
Anytime you see an increase in tax, don’t vote for it, regardless which group they are going to tax on.
What u saying is elon musk paying 100 billions on tax???
It's because only selected few elite people have the power of making money out of thin air ,
the general public can only do 2 things,
Find ways to generate income with less work and ways to preserve money under any circumstances
It's time for an UPGRADE
Ohh it’s coming don’t you worry just a couple years more
What of the listed items apply for a salaried employee wanting to own a side business that makes little profit, for example, a TH-camr like this person?
I actually listened to this many times so that when I got rich I would be ready😊
First like view comment
From India 🇮🇳
This is why, we asia never let them take a breath. Throughout history, if a rich is so rich, the poor would overwhelm and become rich while the rich become poor so that the pain will continue in loop like this.
But if the rich is a good and prosperous kind not those type, they stay the same since they only want to live their lives and have a heart to help the other that are unable to passing through those borders. But it’s still very rare.
if i use debt to grow my business... and debt is non taxable. and in one point of time i have to pay back the loan (for example from the bank), so how do i pay the debt without getting taxed
Upgrade 👍🏻👏🏻🙂
Poor❌️ Salaried person✅️
You have to recheck, Dubai has recently imposed some taxes😅hugs❤❤❤ Fully agree 👍 with last part of your video 💗💋
Do the same video for Canada's laws
♥️ Alux
Upgrade in progress.
And being at the right place at the right time... that means providence
Upgrade ❤
*Why was this re-uploaded ??*
W video . One to many promos tho kinda urked me . Still subbed tho im a switch
Kenya _ 35%
1: what constitutes “Rich” or “super wealthy”?
2: avoid paying taxes or avoid paying more taxes?
Upgrade me, Alux! ❤😊
super informative . if only i saw it 10 years ago . but anyway some tricks i heard from this video i never heard of before . im talk to my taxpeople .
😂LoL and Lol 😅
Is this applicable to all countries or just USA?
Time to trade in my civic for a yacht 😮
It depends on what you do!!!!!! I can't reinvest!!!!!!!
Rent is that high alux 😂
Upgrade and, The percentage of taxes I does pay in my country is 12.5% tax In Saint Lucia 🇱🇨
How it works? allow me to show you alux, in other words,
What is the income tax rate in St Lucia? The income tax rate in St Lucia works on a progressive scale 15 to 30 percent. Income up to EC$18,400 is not taxed.