Hello, I did everything according to your instructions and I had this problem. After closing the model window, if you click on pagination to the next page, an error is displayed. What can you do if you can't help? Or it will already be fixed in the future in your videos The GET method is not supported for route livewire/message/admin.brand.index. Supported methods: POST.
Please help, my edit field popup is not working after I added wire:click="editBrand({{ $brand->id}})". If I remove wire:click="editBrand({{ $brand->id}})" then the popup works.
i see all vidio but you shuld make admin banel from zero to to and tell us naw this table comme from where ? and haw u fetch this data befor u edit it??????
You are the best keep going! I learned ur tutorial React + Laravel Ecommerce = its GREAT!
Thank you, your videos are very useful, perfect, cool and interesting.
Hello, I did everything according to your instructions and I had this problem. After closing the model window, if you click on pagination to the next page, an error is displayed. What can you do if you can't help? Or it will already be fixed in the future in your videos
The GET method is not supported for route livewire/message/admin.brand.index. Supported methods: POST.
The state of the checkbox in status is not maintained when saved or updated but the actual status (hidden or visible) is updated correctly though.
please tell me which way is better, this using livewire or by using model as u use in Category ?
why i click on update button, the modal is shown and hidden right away, the screen goes dark, I can't operate the screen anymore
I used wire:click="editBrand({{$brand->id}})" but old data is not coming when I click the edit button?
Please help, my edit field popup is not working after I added wire:click="editBrand({{ $brand->id}})". If I remove wire:click="editBrand({{ $brand->id}})" then the popup works.
have you ignore the popup modal.
Add wire:ignore.self at div tag of bootstrap popup modal id.
@@fundaofwebit Thanks! It all worked
May I know sir, how many part is this video? Your reply will be much appreciated.
i see all vidio but you shuld make admin banel from zero to to and tell us naw this table comme from where ? and haw u fetch this data befor u edit it??????
Here, we insert and fetch data.
Good 😊
thanks bro
visible or hidden not working please help me
Unable to resolve dependency [Parameter #0 [ int $brand_id ]] in class App\Http\Livewire\Admin\Brand\Index how to fix ?