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I Spent 30 Days Building a House of STONES and LOGS in the Forest
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- In 30 days, a man built a cozy house of stones and logs on a mountain slope, far from civilization. In this video you will see the process of building with your own hands, living in the forest, cooking on an open fire and enjoying nature. This is a story of survival, bushcraft and harmony with the wild. Join the adventure and learn how to create your own place of peace in the heart of the forest!
#builds #bushcraft #survival #building
Hello friends, what do you think about this project?
Maravilloso sou una Señora de 62 años y aprecio muchísimo su gran trabajo
Awesome amazing work 👏 ❤
I think the speed with which you release "30 days to something videos" implies you have 1500 days in a year :-).
Amazing !
A man that finds the motivation and strength to do something like this deserves huge amounts of resprect, great work! I was proud of myself for doing the laundry today..
A truly formidable task, sir! Good job
If I built that in 30 weeks I would brag about it for 30 months 😂
You did the laundry but did you fold the clothes? Lol
@morningstar577 I dont wanna talk about it..
생각만 가지고 있으면 어무 소용이 없습니다.
끈기와 노력을 투자한 사람만이 멋진 것을 소유할 수 있지요
I could watch a million hours worth of people constructing natural rock fireplaces, theres just something about it that is pleasing to me.
How many generations of our ancestors survived due to primitive stone hearths? Something printed deeply into our genetics.
So true. I was fascinating by it.
I can't wait to 2ait to be the next to be in your mouth. I seen the pictures, u shave down wet or wegna do it to u dry
I have a natural river rock fireplace in my home made from the river rock in my town. It is beautiful!
My favourite thing about these videos is watching the craftsman step back after doing something and be happy with how it looks. It's nice to see you appreciate your own work. Well done
Bro, you are a legend. You show that there are still people out there who can work with their bare hands and brain. And create something really stunning!
you should become one of them too!
Just as we see you in the village, your craftsmanship is beyond reproach. What a master you are.
Master 🤣🤣🤣
@@Dajolol Baiter.
@Dajolol you build alot of houses in the woods?
There was no village.
As a craftsman and journeyman Carpenter with over 500 homes I’ve worked on, I can truly appreciate your work here.
That’s a lot of hard work. And beautiful craftsmanship… well done.
¿No te preguntaste como carpintero de dónde sacó las tablas tan bien cortadas y de esas dimensiones? / / Did you not wonder as a carpenter where he got the boards so well cut and of those dimensions?
@ Ummm… why would I need to wonder where he got them?
It’s obvious that he milled them. I’ve logged and milled my own materials for years.
It doesn’t take away from the build here. Can you not appreciate the work he has done, without nit picking and adding negativity?
Compliment! Very good work, well thought out and clever. Built with simple means and bare hands. the house is beautiful, nice highlights, amazing!!!👍
I'm very glad you liked it. Have a nice day.
well besides the sawmill, screws, and delivery of stone - yes simple means and bare hands.
It seems much better to me to work hard and have something to show for it not just a ripped body from working out at a gym.
This video is very useful and interesting, looking forward to the next one.
Ogromny szacunek dla Ciebie. Jesteś Bardzo zdolny i Bardzo utalentowany. Marzy mi się zbudowanie takiego domku.
Incredible Lesnoy. I loved that the materials and tools are very simple and practical and the end result is a well built and sustainable dwelling which anyone would be content to live in. Great to see someone using traditional methods.
Oh thank you very much I'm glad you liked this video have a good day
Tu as un indéniable talent 👌
This fellow is a creator! His love of what he does shows so completely. The skillset demonstrated is awesome. I am so lucky to have gotten to see this! I am inspired and this is the best 29 minutes of my time I have given to watching something on TH-cam. Thank you!
Location is so rich in building materials. That choice for a spot was really crafty in itself. 👌
yeh but, yeh but ............. where's the bathroom ?? where do you take a shit ??
Que ingenio!!!!!!..que motivador..amante de la naturaleza!!!!!
Ваш професіоналізм і любов до живої природи дивує і радує мене ,як глядача ,надихає і дає відпочити від нагальних проблем ,дякую за вашу працю ,за мій чудовий настрій ,а вам наснаги ,вдалих проектів і звісно здоров'я ,будуйте ,творіть і будьте щасливі ❤❤❤
You did a great job, keep it up!
Klasse, gut erklärt. Vil Arbeit für ein haus aus Stein. Aber es hat sich gelohnt. super Video, danke dafür.
Gran trabajo y todo con elementos naturales. Enhorabuena 👏 👏
My local council: the eaves are 2 inches too long, you'll have to demolish
I know, right. The civilized world kind of sucks.
My local council would put council tax on it 😂
Yeah the conservative NIMBY types suck like that
TH-cam sigue siendo un canal maravilloso cuando encuentras maravillas como estos videos.enhorabuena maestro.
Sehr toll👏Großartig👏‼️‼️‼️
Du erhältst unsere Handwerker Ehre aufrecht✊️
Beste Grüße aus Franken in Deutschland
GREAT job ! You are a very hard worker .
Absolutely floored with what you done as a craftsman , planner and with tenacity. I seriously love it to bits. How skilful and how beautiful a small home, with virtually all natural materials ! profound respect !
A gorgeous little house built away from the hustle and bustle of the cities!! It is said that the house built by you is the most welcoming and only in it you rest and feel the best!! Congratulations!!
Dig a surface drain above your hut so that any surface water will be directed away from your hut. Be prepared for soil slippage; eventually when the soil above the hut becomes sodden, it will move and your hut will be damaged an uninhabitable. You are a skilled craftsman but next time, play more attention to the drainage requirements.
You've provided a video that shows your excellent skills but highlights a huge mistake that others should not do. Any "cutting" above 1 meter high needs some kind of retaining wall and all cuttings need drainage which you've over-looked in your excitement to build.
Браво! Восхищаюсь! Кому то повезло. Настоящий мужчина!!! Золотые ручки! Браво. Это как наглядное пособие для начинающих строителей! Украина смотрит....
Un om cu ambiție , și foarte
Din nimic ai făcut o casă
Încă odată bravo.👍
Mă bucur că ai lăsat o zi bună.
Si ce dotat e in mijlocul padurii..
Super maravilloso unas vacaciones ahí con la naturaleza estupendo le felicito
추운 날씨에 엄청 고생하셨네요.
새로운 공간에 집을 만들어서 뿌듯하고
아늑한 보금자리가 행복을 가져다줄거같아요.
We enjoy every video. The building, living, and animal husbandry skills are valuable & entertaining.
My husband likes the building the most.
Thank you very much, please pass on my regards to your husband.
11:18 warmer temperatures and a heavy rain = that back wall collapsing. I hope you are not in it when it does. Going to take more than mud and stacked rocks to hold that dirt back. Cool to watch, be safe brother.
At some point it probably would but it depends on the soil and weather or not the ground behind the roof is being compressed i made a much worse fort with a dug out back wall and it has held strong for years and the hill its dug into is way steeper
Outstanding! Incredibly talented. Great place to hang out and enjoy the wilderness.
Petya!! Great to see you on your own working your bushcraft magic, as part of Lesnoy or as The Itinerant Master or in The Village. God Bless!
Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it.
This man's got what it takes: Energy, motivation, ingenuity. Bravo.
He is great I was amazed what he could mud and stones
Поздравляю с новым домом ребята. Здоровья успехов жизнь вавсиом всегда 💯💖🌄🌅
Спасибо за просмотр
Спасибо большое вам за просмотр
Full respect for man building that hat and for cameraman. Myself I have built 5 houses but modern one. I have done 90 per cent of physical work and design. I know how hard job is. I love to have little house like this somewhere in forest far away from civilisations.
Should have been no nails
yeh but, yeh but ............. where's the bathroom ?? where do you take a shit ??
@@raymondo162 Tell me you've never been in the woods without telling me you've never been in the woods :D
Literally anywhere (away from the house that is)
It's fantastic... imagine just going through the woods and run into this peace of art
I keep waiting for a land owner to walk up and go “excuse me, what are you doing on my land?”
what if the land is his?😂
I was thinking to myself i hope he owns that land, it would be a huge waste if the land owner told him to do one
Great roofing idea!
Bravo verry nice!!! You are a strong!! I like this hause!!
Quelle merveille. Cela paraît si simple. C’est hypnotisant à regarder ! Chapeau pour ce monsieur ! je suis scotchée !
Some say that he's still building to this day.
Kidding of course and it'd be okay if you did. Seems like a dream project for many who would want to attempt it. Fun to watch it come together so thanks for sharing.
Какой рукастый мужчина! 🎉здоровья его рукам
Спасибо огромное
This takes a-lot of back strength and leg muscles and a strong mind. Much respect. Drive and determination are an amazing thing to watch
Браво, маэстро!!!! У Вас- золотые руки !!! Отдельное спасибо за музыкальное сопровождение ❤❤❤
Спасибо большое мне приятно
👏monsieur travail de dingue avec un minimum de matériel. Merci pour se moment de découverte artisanale. 💪
I love this craft work. I wish I could do it too, then I would be busy with it day and night
An example of determination - craftsmanship -
Pride -
Plane words..
Wow Man
Absolutely awesome.
That doesn't really do it justice as well.
Salute to you sir!
? It will fall apart tomorrow.
@@DanielWilson-l1i "You sick, vindictive fuck." - Benny
Please use a thumbnail with the actual structure
Please frig off and build your own
Yeah, I don't understand why he thinks using an AI picture is a good idea... The actual structure is still cool to see, so just use it on the thumbnail :)
No doubt. Pretty good way to make your potential viewers distrust what content you put out. It doesn't take much for us to just go elsewhere. Plus it takes away from the actual work, which is good enough to get views on its own!
You are right and I was just wondering if I did click on the right video.
Also, tell us how you got the extra material out there... And where it was bought or milled...
Absolutely brilliant! The sound of the chopping and construction is pure therapy.
Дуже i дуже гарне, повноцiнне житло!
Very relaxing. The house is very nice. I like it very much.
yeh but, yeh but ............. where's the bathroom ?? where do you take a shit ??
Bravissimo con molta pazienza e tenacia , mi hai incollato davanti allo schermo x tutto il tempo del video , sei un grande uomo.
Bravo sizi ayakta alkışlıyorum yaptınız bu dağ evine hayran kaldım 👏👏👏👏👏
A man who can survive in the wilderness. Great Job, interesting❤
Čovjek napravi kucu od čisto prirodnog materijala i cetiri alatke svaka čast čovječe.
Nešto slično sam,kažem slično,nisam takav majstor,napravio kao dečko od 16g, u šumi,nekoliko godina sam tu provodio kad me iznerviraju,škola, ljudi, roditelji, ja sam i 2 ležaja napravio i 150,200 romana,uživanje
Dobar je svaka cast....jedino sto je dobio gotove daske sa cekulara al nema veze. .sve se uklapa u prirodu i teren....
Teşekkür ederim dostum.
Reis ne yaptın yav 😂 çok sevdin herhalde yapıyı
Khalil Ibrahim bana parayla yardımcı olabilir.
❤❤❤❤,j'adore !
Magnifique travail, bravo a vous !
That was a awesome build!
Glad to hear that.
Señor que bonita cabaña y los muebles qué hizo están hermosos gracias por compartir su video
Gracias por revisar mi trabajo.
What a wonderful achievement. Well done indeed
o my gosh, so simple tools. Lesnoy is doing everything great. Good luck
Thank you, have a good day.
Video piacevole da guardare e una lode meritata all'autore della "casetta", che è un bell'esempio di vita avventurosa all'aperto.😊
Grazie mille, sono felice che tu l'abbia apprezzato.
Incredible dedication! Building a house from stones and logs in 30 days is truly impressive! 🏡🔥👏
Super vidéo, très courageux et inventif, bravo à vous
Mais c'est de fausse vidéo, vous voyer 2 3 truc fair main mais je vous garenti que sans rien vous ne faites pas ça en 30 jours. C'est comme ceux qui créer de superbe piscine en forêt etc. tout est fait avec des machines, pas à la main
I didn’t even build the couch I’m watching this on.
It’s the thought that counts
Since childhood, these shows have been my favorites
Spitze Stein und Holz Bauweise, dass Haus ist Massiv und wird echten Schutz bieten, gefällt mir sehr gut. 🌟
Freut mich, dass es Ihnen gefallen hat.
only water from mountain will come in house when raining
Stunning craftsman, wish we will get the young to create a craftsman course building a mini Mountain Village. Get your skills and enjoy nature. Thank you so much for the Escape and your most genuine craftsmanship! Cheers....
Здорово! Мне понравилось! Наф-Наф отдыхает! Это вам не из соломы или хвороста, это камень! На века! И нам не страшен серый волк! Вегда верил в прогресс!
Enjoyed your video. Educational. Not that I would ever build one. I am a 78 yr old woman in the USA. Keep up the good work.
Neanche una donna di 35 anni sarebbe in grado di costruire una casa in questa maniera. Ci vuole l'uomo
You can try something smaller of bushes and mud
Stay healthy grandma I'm afraind of my self I can live more than 70 now adays people die early
Какой вы молодец!
Дай вам Бог здоровья и долгих лет жизни!
This video was a gift that keeps on giving. My outmost respect ❤, would love to see this project after few years have passed
A construction craft work that was once possessed by all simple, poor people living in the countryside and which today has been forgotten by so many.... Congratulations, sir, by using your hands in this inventive and creative way you have proved your mind to be a hundred times more functional and useful to yourself and to others!
Construction is in our genes…pyramids, colosseums, cathedrals….even caddisfly larvae can construct elaborate casings!
This is well constructed, but given groundwater is flowing out of the embankment, I hope the contours of the site were previously scouted for runoff. I am pretty certain the gentleman has taken into account numerous soil compaction considerations.
And lace curtains, his great grandmother would be smiling! Kudos.
Very well constructed house! You will be just fine if SHTF! I watch many of your videos & get lots of ideas & inspiration from you.
This was awesome bud. As a framer/contractor, you guys that make these make me want to make one for myself. I just need some land first lol. Great work
People who can create and build like this fascinate me! They’re so cool!
multumesc pentru vizionare prietene
안녕 나는 한국인이야 외국 유튜버 처음보는데 재밌다!!
친구 넌 정말최고다! 구독할게!!
This is the best TH-cam video for 2025!!
This guy just “ crushed “!!!
The grass roof…blew me away!
Stones magically appeared in the woods
Have you ever been in a woods?
Lol. Yea. Stones are in the ground. Plenty of ground in the woods 😂😂😂
And magically faced, and dressed to right angles.
All I wanna do is go build a rock cabin in the woods now
Я у себя дома так не заморачивался как ты с лесным домиком. Красиво получилось.
Very ambitious, very cool.
Encontrei o vídeo e assisti. A casa ficou bem rústica, mas confortável, bonita, o fogão muito prático!!🔥🪓🧹🧤🪚🚪Deus abencoe todos do canal, e os que estão na Live🙏🇧🇷
Obrigado por assistir.
Danke für dieses nette Video. Ich grüße dich.
Your skills are unmatched!!!
Thank you very much
외국인들 집짓기 흥미롭게 시청하는데 이 동영상 집짓기가 가장 잘 지은 집같아요😊
مرحبا انت مبدع وهذا العمل لا يقدر بثمن تحفة من الجمال 👏 كنت اتمنى ان الوقت اطول من ذلك حقا كنت مستمتع بالمشاهدة
Thanks for making me feel completely worthless. 😂😂
Good Job 👍
Ovo nije samo velika volja ujedno i veliko znanje u graditeljstvu. Bravo...
Drago mi je da ste to cijenili, hvala vam puno
Nice job🎉❤👍👏
@lesnoy You're great.👍
impresionante como corta esa sierra de navaja
me encanta como quedó la cabaña, con todos sus detalles de ventanas, aislación en las aberturas con barro y la puerta.
Second time to watch this video. Excellent work on so many levels.. Would love to see you add a room to the side of the house. I always wonder why these survival structures are built with out room for a bed for two and a second room. Great detail, beautiful home. Exceptional building skills.
Bravissima bellissima ❤😊
Grazie mille
At one time this was how you built a stone foundation for your house. In the 1800s there was usually a nearby stone quary producing finished limestone for foundations for the nicer homes. Our old farmhouse was built around 1858 and it was just a field stone foundation. The barn was the second one built in the "run" around 1864 and remains now the oldest barn still standing in the area (PA). Stone work like this is sort of a "lost art" but there were people back then who had the "knack" for it just like this guy does. Well done. When I was a kid in the early 70s my brother and I used to climb back into the hillsides where at the top of this hill was a natural spring with a nice flow out of it. It flowed down the slope of the hillside under a huge tree canopy of maples and oaks and elms. We would build little damns sequentially down the slope and top the flat stones off with huge sheets of green moss. It was glorious and it made for some great childhood memories.
Una opera d'arte complimenti
This is how my foundation on my 1870s home is. I removed a lot of the clay/mud and replaced with soft lime mortar to ensure it holds in place for at least another 50-100 years.
The remarkable stone walls of New England come to mind - pure, hands-on craftmanship.
Лесной! Вы - мастер ЗОЛОТЫЕ РУКИ!
Спасибо огромное
I want to live in that beautiful lil cabin so much!!! Cozy!!! Bravo Sir🎉🎉🎉
This video solves homeless crisis
They don't even walk three feet from their tarps when they throw out garbage, ain't going to happen, this involves hard work!
Things of Stone & Wood .....nice.
Ormanda taş kulübe bravo 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 Muhteşem 🏡