Its safe to say that you travel alot and so do alot of other youtubers. But what I love most about you is how respectful you are of all the people and all the establishments you visit. You are the true example of what a youtuber should strive to be in terms of manners to others and there surroundings.
Genuinely loved the message at the end of the video. It’s easy to all to often forget about the memories we should be making now. Class video Ryan mate 👏
Ryan, It was the best feeling accidentally meeting you on the platform of Shin-Okubo station on my way to class, thanks for the epic dap up and I hope you know you videos always cheer me up
Aww, this was a beautiful video and a beautiful message at the end 🥹 30:17 It really is so much more about the people and community here now and being with them, than anything the future or past could provide. Great vid Ryan!
Ryan, you are AMAZING. Thank you for this video. The cinematography was insanely good. I felt like I was watching a movie. And I love the message. I love you bro. Please never change.
If there’s ONE TH-camr so genuine, wholesome, pure and kind deserving of experiencing all those beautiful places, it’s you my dude. Stay you; stay true - through and through. Hope you one day come to Egypt and visit the country side, beach side and deserts and well the capital! All my love, support and best wishes to you ! One day it’ll happen. You’ll love this place.
i met ryan trahan in shibuya while we had vacation tokyo hes a great and kind guy his personality is the same as the one he presents and thats what i love so much about him
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
Woahhhh this was of your best videos Ryan, loved the cinematography, the different style of editing and the message at the end. Content’s getting greater day by day.
Ryan, it's been a month and I couldn't survive your long uploads. Now I am sitting here, my hand in the dorito bag, watching my childhood favorites. Thank you Ryan. Also my couch has poo stains.
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
Ryan your videos are so wholesome. I loved this one and the one where you reflect on everything that happened in the last year. Keep putting wholesome videos out like these with positive messages. Live in the moment
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
WOW, over a million views in 6 hours...that's insane! I even witnessed the number of views were literally increasing AS I'M WATCHING THE VIDEO, lol...I've never seen that before in the history of being a TH-cam member. Great video Ryan!! ❤
Ryan' your videos are literally the funniest and best videos I have ever seen. Your videos are my favorite to watch everyday and you are literally the nicest and sweetest youtuber in the world!
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
This video felt very different from your usual style, Matera with its slow pace has changed you :) By the way, for some crazy futuristic places, consider China!
3:55 could be an Oubliette which is when someone would break a big rule and be sent down into the depths of nothingness to rot by themselves for the rest of their lives Or it could just be a random ground hole with some pieces of wood covering it That’s what’s so unique about the ancient times
Ryan' your videos are literally the funniest and best videos I have ever seen. Your videos are my favorite to watch everyday and you are literally the nicest and sweetest youtuber in the world!
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
I re watched the penny series 4 times . 💀🙌 waiting for a new video, all my brain says whenever think in the morning is " let's get one dollar ice coffee from Mc Donald's ". Love you Ryan ❤
.. / -.-. .-. . .- - . -.. / .- / ... ..- -... .-. . -.. -.. .. - / -.-. .- .-.. .-.. . -.. / .-. -.-- .- -. ... -... .-. --- - .... . .-.
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Thank For 4k Subscribers 😊🎉
Thank For subscribe 😊🎉
I love the cinematography in this video! The glitching between times was a really nice touch
Fr, he full sent the editing in this one and its a treat to watch!
Synau ts pmo sm ru fr rn
Translate 👇🏻
Anyone in 2025
foreshadowing the future
Its safe to say that you travel alot and so do alot of other youtubers. But what I love most about you is how respectful you are of all the people and all the establishments you visit. You are the true example of what a youtuber should strive to be in terms of manners to others and there surroundings.
Such an outstanding comment I 100% agree, he is the definition of a nice guy
I feel like he is just doing the bare minimum 💀
GREAT comment. 💯 👍😊
Man Ryan t is a goat
Genuinely loved the message at the end of the video. It’s easy to all to often forget about the memories we should be making now. Class video Ryan mate 👏
There are very few creators on TH-cam that are able to make me smile continuously throughout a whole 30-minute video, and you are in fact one of them.
Ryan is like the most sweetest person, he doesn’t care what people think, he loves meeting new people and hes overall happy. We love you Ryan!
straight up doing tricks on it
doing the splits on ryans meat rn
@@evndrfrs and its certified🔥
Totally agree
I got the 200th like
Gianfranco saying ,,how many you need? One or two?,, got me dying ☠️ i think Ryan didn't get it 😅
Translate 👇🏻
Did Gianfranco think that Ryan asked for escorts? 😂
@@PH3N0M3N04 Definitely
Omg I didn’t understand that! But he was trying to help Ryan out!! 😂
Ryan, It was the best feeling accidentally meeting you on the platform of Shin-Okubo station on my way to class, thanks for the epic dap up and I hope you know you videos always cheer me up
It must be an awesome experience to run into one of your favorite TH-camrs
@@TheDailyDoseofSports_817 yea Fr
Awesome that you met him! kinda jealous
was nice meeting you too brother
This was such a wholesome video! Thank you Ryan for just being you and not afraid to do what makes you happy!
11:56 This “will you be my friend” conversation had me in stitches!
He asked one or 2 meaning girls 😂😂
Will you be my friend? 😅
My finger do auto skipped 10 secs cause it was too awkward😭😭
Is so awkward I start to feel it
Haha I’m watching that right niw
16:43 My name is Kyle, and I did indeed say, “Woah, that was cool”.
My name is kyle and i was pleased.
I..... am also Kyle 😎
Guess what…i heard it to and It was cool
wow it actually worked
Ryan went all out on this video. No wonder it took him 1 month.
Keep up the good work!😊
The cinematography in this video is such a level up
i got shocked when I saw Matera! South Italy is not so well known but is full of gems. Love the creative theme of the video
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Your editing skills are top TIER, I love this video
i feel like the editing might have been influenced by the show severance
What’s crazy is he shoots on iPhone and edits in iMovie
All Ryans, report in!
translate.. Ke imisitse morutabana wa me mme ka mo kaletsa gore a swee ga moo ke gona diteng tsa nna di botoka gore le sefara ya nna le ntse jalo🥵
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Thank For Subscribe 🥺
Hello Ryan
We waited almost 2 months for ryan to drop a banger well played ryan
Please translate 👇🏻
Only if you don't count his shorts.
Thank For 3k Subscribers 😢
@@cristibratu5616 yeah that is true but I was talking about longform content only
28:18 bruh did you just Ice Fang a fire type...with your water type? 😂
When did you start watching rayan also rayan learn type match ups
This is crazy
Aww, this was a beautiful video and a beautiful message at the end 🥹 30:17
It really is so much more about the people and community here now and being with them, than anything the future or past could provide.
Great vid Ryan!
YEAHHHHH A NEW RYAN TRAHAN VIDEO!! i have been waiting lol, this video looks super awesome so far!
@@OFFICERSQUIDWARD stop saying the same things on his vids
still watching it?
Please translate 👇🏻
I just wait all day for him to post he makes me SO happy
Ryan, you are AMAZING. Thank you for this video. The cinematography was insanely good. I felt like I was watching a movie. And I love the message. I love you bro. Please never change.
Ryan, I love your videos. You are a genuinely nice young man. Hope Joyride goes to number 1. Bless you and Haley.❤
In my opinion, this is Ryan's best video, from shot selection to the editing, loved it.
Hey you got the profile picture as me😮
Ryan is the nicest TH-camr, hope joyride gets on the top shelf Ryan 😊
Your right ❤
Omg its monkey banana and Strawberry girl
Ryan Trahan is just such a chill guy
Left chill guy in 2024 😭
@@spacebrosinc2870let ppl say what words they want to 😭🙏
If there’s ONE TH-camr so genuine, wholesome, pure and kind deserving of experiencing all those beautiful places, it’s you my dude. Stay you; stay true - through and through.
Hope you one day come to Egypt and visit the country side, beach side and deserts and well the capital!
All my love, support and best wishes to you !
One day it’ll happen. You’ll love this place.
17:43 that SIDE EYE THO. he is menacingly plotting something Ryan.
hello ryan, i just wanted to say thank you, you all ways make me smile and laugh in my high and my lows i just wanted to say thank you.
i met ryan trahan in shibuya while we had vacation tokyo hes a great and kind guy his personality is the same as the one he presents and thats what i love so much about him
20:02 I love this cut shot with you and Haley. Brings alot of humanity to the video
when ryan posts you know it’s gonna be a good day 🙏🏼
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
Under 1 hour gang ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Please translate 👇🏻
@@POOPADOLFwtf is wrong with u
Woahhhh this was of your best videos Ryan, loved the cinematography, the different style of editing and the message at the end. Content’s getting greater day by day.
Ryan, it's been a month and I couldn't survive your long uploads. Now I am sitting here, my hand in the dorito bag, watching my childhood favorites. Thank you Ryan. Also my couch has poo stains.
Dog poo?
What type of poo stains?
that last part did NOT have to be there 😭🙏
@@nope-v 😭
Love it when Ryan posts! Always makes my day 🐸
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
Exactly, everything about Ryan's content is just so fun to watch
Your so great
Been having a Ryan marathon alllllll morning 🥺🥺 so happy this dropped
YESSIR! been waiting FOREVER for another BANGER to drop! (u mopped ryan) 🤩🔥🗣
Ignore the bot, just report them
Bro is first
@ yet it only has 11 likes
28:48 i don’t think that man was displeased with your arrival in fact i think he was very please
Fr 😂😂😂😂
Ryan your videos are so wholesome. I loved this one and the one where you reflect on everything that happened in the last year. Keep putting wholesome videos out like these with positive messages. Live in the moment
I know right Ryan just is so nice and wholesome
Less than 20 minutes after yiu posted I am watching your videos
Ryan I love you and all you do! Generally one of the best people on TH-cam!
Bro im shocked. You have nailed it on editing. Marvel should hire you for those juicy transitions🔥🔥
Maybe he can save Marvel from its current decline
Fantastic video, really appreciate your effort!
Let’s gooooo I love your videos Ryan!
translate.. Ke pateleditse morwarre go thuntsha sekolo sa go tla nna le sefara yame le botoka seo🤣🤣🤷🏻🎉!..
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
Don't Translate
Hello Ryan
3:20 Bro angered every European with that «and it has two toilets!»
That dosent look like a comfy toilet but hey whatever floats his boat
Is it a bidet?
@@lukelyall5879it is
@@lukelyall5879it is
WOW, over a million views in 6 hours...that's insane! I even witnessed the number of views were literally increasing AS I'M WATCHING THE VIDEO, lol...I've never seen that before in the history of being a TH-cam member. Great video Ryan!! ❤
Great tips, thanks for sharing!
Ryan' your videos are literally the funniest and best videos I have ever seen. Your videos are my favorite to watch everyday and you are literally the nicest and sweetest youtuber in the world!
12:18 one or two killed me 🤣🤣🤣 my boy offering extra services
Ryan always has the best and most unique video ideas 🔥
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
You explained this so well, thank you!
22:53 Those premade meals being 530 yen is only about $3.50 USD. Bro they'd charge you $9 for that in the states 😭
Oh my God you finally updated. I’ve been waiting so long. I’m a huge fan.
This video felt very different from your usual style, Matera with its slow pace has changed you :)
By the way, for some crazy futuristic places, consider China!
But it’s kinda hard to record in china because TH-cam is banned
@@OutblindEditsAndGamesjust record the video and edit it back home…?
@ I was thinking that tbh
my immediate thought for futuristic was Singapore
Your videos are always so helpful, thank you!
I love how Ryan can just make friends and record out loud without being embarrassed
No telling what Giancarlo was thinking when Ryan asked to be friends 🤣🤣🤣 Ryan’s videos are just so chill and perfect dude !
That robot throwing up gang signs 17:30💀💀
Yay your back Ryan I really missed you
26:35 Me pausing the video for 2 minutes just to see his face pop up! 💀😂
Sí, ¿dondé está mi dinero?
3:55 could be an Oubliette which is when someone would break a big rule and be sent down into the depths of nothingness to rot by themselves for the rest of their lives
Or it could just be a random ground hole with some pieces of wood covering it
That’s what’s so unique about the ancient times
@ lol wow I TOTALLY BELIEVE YOU so legit and totally not scamming at all!
It's a toilet
@@mayukurasaka5344 could 100% see that
Its a toilet lol
@@mayukurasaka5344yeah I watched a zachdfilms about it LOL
30:35 Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom; God Bless you Ryan
2 Corinthians 3:17
Great job, this video was very useful!
the girl just staring in the camera at 13:33 kills me 🤣
Ryan is the most wholesome person I’ve ever seen
translate.. Ke imisitse morutabana wa me mme ka mo kaletsa gore a swee ga moo ke gona diteng tsa nna di botoka gore le sefara ya nna le ntse jalo🥵😂🎉
translate.. Ke pateleditse morwarre go thuntsha sekolo sa go tla nna le sefara yame le botoka seo🤣🤣🤷🏻😂😂
@@alphaa2010 stop begging.
Ryan' your videos are literally the funniest and best videos I have ever seen. Your videos are my favorite to watch everyday and you are literally the nicest and sweetest youtuber in the world!
Awesome video, looking forward to the next one!
Ryan and Haley are such beautiful couple together ❤️ especially whenever there traveling together like in the disneyworld video 🥰😍🤩
Awesome transition! 16:15
shat myself when he said my name at 16:53
Loved the content, keep it coming!
24:18 did Ryan not got the meaning of the quote, "Ryan is not socially awkward, he is awkwardly social"?
Translate.. Tsamaya o ipolaye montsho yo monnye diteng tsa me le sefara di botoka thata go feta sematla sa gago😂🎉,,.
@@OFFICERSQUIDWARD Wow. You are definitely from instagram. Either that or a bot. You're so unbelieveable.
@MarineConservation-r9dreported him
We’ve come so far because back then people feared plagues and thieves and now we get worked up over AI and robots taking over lol
Did anybody else see the glitch of the vending machines at 4:33?
I found it at 4:34 ,but yes I noticed it
Yep, looks like Japanese vending machines to me😂😂
I did
Yeah I was tryna see what it is
I was so confusef
Congrats Ryan on 19M subs
I've been watching him for 3 years and his videos are the best!
Best at being worst, perhaps? You kids, can be entertained by any content.
@@cavidakhundov4007his videos are good, and entertaining
15:10 "Buongiorno, I am going to bed..."
Translation: "Goodmorning, I am going to bed" 😅
That was awkward 😂 12:13
Thanks for sharing this, learned a lot.
Letsssss gooooooooooooo!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉 A ryan Vid also 8:20 , thee cattt issss sooo cuteee!
22:45 Japanese style Joyride would go hard
Hey man love your content and I hope you have a great day
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
Don't Translate
Thank you for this video, very enlightening!
27:29 TÜRKLER BURAYAA TÜRKİYEEEEEEE ❤❤❤❤🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
30:24 ryan somehow manages to always deliver the most insane outro ever
30:45 bro dropped wisdom
letss go new vidio, keep. up the spirit dude
Translate.. Ke rata go bolayakwagolo tse di sa tswang go tsalwa ka gone go a tshegisa kaka masepa mme diteng tsa nna di botoka that😂!.!
Ryan inspires me. My parents said if I get 200k followers, they'd buy me a high-end editing PC for my TH-cam videos. Begging you guys, literally begging. Thanks to all of you, they just ordered the camera!
'Ryan's filmmaking skills are improving soo much 🎉 this was a masterpiece .. ...
You bots are so annoying
Amazing content as always!
13:28 Beard!!
Bro has the biggest beard I’ve seen in my life 💀
30:18 holy cinematic
At 6:13 that guy playing the guitar looked like a movie
I re watched the penny series 4 times . 💀🙌 waiting for a new video, all my brain says whenever think in the morning is " let's get one dollar ice coffee from Mc Donald's ".
Love you Ryan ❤
Translate.. Ke rata go bolayakwagolo tse di sa tswang go tsalwa ka gone go a tshegisa kaka masepa mme diteng tsa nna di botoka that😂😂!//!
Ryan just makes me laugh so hard
18:55 - It's got chrome, it's got mirrors, it's got seats that make you shiver...
You're gonna miss it when you're gone.
29:26 that look on Ryan’s face 😂
at 4:33 Ryan gave us those vending machines as way to trick us to go back and try to pause the video
you can use , and . to go frame by frame (the vending machines were literally 1 frame lol)
Dude was in Assassin Creed and Mirrors Edge in half an hour. Cool. 👌