Le dije a Miya que si era capaz de pasar el pasaje 3 del Mundo Demoníaco sin resucitar, le daría 100000 dólares Demoníacos... ahora no deja de intentarlo (。ŏ﹏ŏ). ... I told Miya that if she was able to pass passage 3 of the Demon World without resurrecting, I would give her 100,000 Demon dollars ... now she keeps trying (。ŏ﹏ŏ).
So much sufferings 😢😢
Le dije a Miya que si era capaz de pasar el pasaje 3 del Mundo Demoníaco sin resucitar, le daría 100000 dólares Demoníacos... ahora no deja de intentarlo (。ŏ﹏ŏ).
I told Miya that if she was able to pass passage 3 of the Demon World without resurrecting, I would give her 100,000 Demon dollars ... now she keeps trying (。ŏ﹏ŏ).