exactly, just listen to what he can do on "the wand of abaris", he proves great talent there and so much versatility. i didn't like him much at first either, but after watching the whole gothic live concert i concluded the guy is fucking brilliant.
Nada qué ver, con el verdadero transmetal, suenan planos y aburridos, todavía con el pechugas en la voz, sonaban brutales, ya no evolucionaron, cada disco qué sacan son más aburridos y repetitivos, la voz pésima!
The best composition. The best voices. They did not rise to such heights again.
Está fue la mejor etapa de Therion ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amo a esas dos chicas
También amas esta 😂
Best singers from the last therion gigs!
"HaaaaaAAA... yeah!"
HAHAAHAHHA love that part! xD
2021 y sigo amabdo a therion
lo mejor de lo mejor del metal Therion .saludos de México....
In my life as metalhead i've seen therion for 3 times at live with differents lines up, and this one was the Best... i guess!!!..
Addicted to this one
3:47 Oooops.
I didn't get. What was it about?
exactly! it keeps sticing in my mind first after came out.
love it tho.
Lorena y Catalina ❤
i never got the chance to see them live..
But for me that's just a bonus. It's the music (and in particular Lori's voice) which does it for me.
Excelente. Muy buenos.
Yg nton Beda bgt dgn era 90 an
que buena casion
That beautiful evil in her eyes 😍
Best video on youtube EVER!!!!!
Katarina's Beauty evil face
it's the wine of Aluqah
melhor formacao existente
Snowy Shaw used to be King Diamond’s drummer met him in 92 when Mercyful Fate reformed
De mis favoritas
Excelente banda
nao so as melhores vozes femininas , mais tbm a melhor formaçao
3:10 pizza!!! :v
The best therion is 2001, the guitars, the chorus are hilarious. Only the nieman brothers save it, just a little
@matiasfernandez3501 Agreed! This Therion sound like a bunch of hilarious clowns. The 2001 Therion is way better!
Hubiera matado porque Mats hubiese cantado con Therion en el Wacken del 2007 ._.
Sabes muy bien lo que dices.
Anything with Lori Lewis giving it full whack is going to make me smile
0:19 what a weird cowboy style
exactly, just listen to what he can do on "the wand of abaris", he proves great talent there and so much versatility. i didn't like him much at first either, but after watching the whole gothic live concert i concluded the guy is fucking brilliant.
Do Therion members even lift?
who else thinks that snowy shaw should have taken the lead of therion instead of thomas?
Damn what I hate the blond guy singing..I like the other one with brown hair much more he sings in the DVD..Mats I think is his name or?
Someone put his top in the wash
Bkn el tema
The girl singers are hawt...
aryan race aryan blood
This is almost shameful to watch...
Nada qué ver, con el verdadero transmetal, suenan planos y aburridos, todavía con el pechugas en la voz, sonaban brutales, ya no evolucionaron, cada disco qué sacan son más aburridos y repetitivos, la voz pésima!
Espantoso. Las voces son un asco comparado a lo que tenían antes.
La peor versión de Wine of Aluqah, todas las voces estaban mal en especial el cara de perro de Snowy...
Gay metal.
homophobe and musically ignorant! woow two birds with one stone