For those wondering Storm Calling is a sorcerer skill tree from Elder Scrolls Online which features an ability called Streak that does this same thing, as well as summoning a Storm Atronach.
I suffered a testicular torsion and i can say, the effect is the same. I was normal, something just click and i fell to the floor yelling in pain, the most intense pain i ever felt. Some doctors says it is more intense than giving birth.
It must be more intense. Women give birth and will say "let's do it again," yet I've never heard a man say "let's do it again" art getting kicked in the balls....
Man i absolutely HATE those spinning wheels on the hands. They totally destroy the natural spell effects. Constellation looks dope, thanks for the recommend. Conduit is amazing, especially in VR.
This is the greatest mod showcase i've ever seen. Not a dry recap where all I would do is go to the description box to get the mod, but an actually funny video. Take my sub xD
Combination of Visual Animated Enchants - VAE + Vibrant Weapons - Fire Frost Shock, both on nexus, their titles are exactly as I stated. I just dont link cuz i know bots be doin that
This is awesome. I just started playing Skyrim about a week ago and it’s fun but complete with spell mods. I tried the other elder scrolls and it’s not the same. I’ve spent 12 hours making sure performance is stable and I have enough mods to make the game consistent and atmospheric.
I installed constellation magic. My destruction skill has reached level 100 and I have slept repeatedly up to 30 times(30 days) in the game. But the Supernova Spell doesn't appear when I buy the spell in Feralda.
Damn... that Serana AI voice is amazing. Why nobody did a voiceover to that popular mod that enhances her diealogues? Or something like this with Inigo
"Skyrims magic wasn't that bad" Yeah, it was. Every spell is just so simple, hold down right/left mouse button and wait until the enemy dies. Boring as hell.
Thats the highest production value Ive ever seen for a Skyrim video omg
I don't think I've laughed this hard during a mod showcase "its sexist! :D But towards the wrong gender :( "
For those wondering Storm Calling is a sorcerer skill tree from Elder Scrolls Online which features an ability called Streak that does this same thing, as well as summoning a Storm Atronach.
Kittytale is the King of magic visuals!!
An actually entertaining mod showcase? Thank you Pookie Bear I appreciate it
I suffered a testicular torsion and i can say, the effect is the same. I was normal, something just click and i fell to the floor yelling in pain, the most intense pain i ever felt. Some doctors says it is more intense than giving birth.
It must be more intense. Women give birth and will say "let's do it again," yet I've never heard a man say "let's do it again" art getting kicked in the balls....
@@ArrowsandRice Thats correct mate haha
What is the armor you used on the intro 0:01 it looks so good it reminds me of Sauron
Stormcalling has a red lightning version too
Bro ur funny as hell like mxr xD im subbing
Yes, I do read the time stamp descriptions. Thank you for those.
Man i absolutely HATE those spinning wheels on the hands. They totally destroy the natural spell effects. Constellation looks dope, thanks for the recommend. Conduit is amazing, especially in VR.
Testicular torsion spell is crazy 😂
You right chief I did wanna see that intro 🥶
On the time stamps when fast forwarding a video you put "You will want to see this into" keep putting those there that intro was fire.
0:47 Idk if I'm late but all the spells in storm calling are from the elder scrolls online
no mention of the drip....criminal!
the look on my face when i went and checked your subscriber count, you deserve way more my brother.
fucking subscribing bro, this needs more views, the quality it's just amazing and it's really entertaining , keep it up
what is the armor in 7:35?
WOah. What is that intro edit dude? Tf??? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 was not expecting that
This is the greatest mod showcase i've ever seen. Not a dry recap where all I would do is go to the description box to get the mod, but an actually funny video. Take my sub xD
what is that sword vfx on 0:54 is it a sword mod or vfx mod? (can u send link plz)
Combination of Visual Animated Enchants - VAE + Vibrant Weapons - Fire Frost Shock, both on nexus, their titles are exactly as I stated. I just dont link cuz i know bots be doin that
This is awesome. I just started playing Skyrim about a week ago and it’s fun but complete with spell mods. I tried the other elder scrolls and it’s not the same. I’ve spent 12 hours making sure performance is stable and I have enough mods to make the game consistent and atmospheric.
The streak was a name for clack kent in smallvill because he resembled a blue streak at super speed
I installed constellation magic. My destruction skill has reached level 100 and I have slept repeatedly up to 30 times(30 days) in the game. But the Supernova Spell doesn't appear when I buy the spell in Feralda.
Damn... that Serana AI voice is amazing. Why nobody did a voiceover to that popular mod that enhances her diealogues? Or something like this with Inigo
finally a real gamer makin mod showcases
Where is the ghostlight altar in the forgotten vale!?
that intro deserved my like and sub
Nice video!! What is the glowing tatoo mod at 0:12? And what is the lightning dash mod at
How do you aquire the Storm Calling Magic 2 spells?
Cyberpunk 2077 bgm nice👍
please PLEASE drop the load order
this is by far the best mod showcase
That white robe armor is sick. What is it?
why arent you popular your vids are funny lol
What's the armor mod at 4:59? Thanks, really funny and useful video
Part of bdor armor pack
Great video! Whats the armor mod at 0:38 ? looks fire
White viper armor in BDOR armor pack
Thank you!@@ArrowsandRice
Yes, I read the chapter breaks on the timeline. =)
What’s the feathered armour used in the spellsword section?
What's the armour in the conduit section?
Is the Serana narration thing an ai mod or what?
what mod do you use to cast with magic circles? i would really appreciate it if you'd tell me
or if possible you can make it a video idea, like "how to make your magics cooler" or sumn where you include all animations and effects mod for it
Whats the name of the armor that appears in the first seconds of the video? Ive been serching for it for weeks
Good video by the way
White viper armor in BDOR armor pack
What mod adds those circle like things in the spell hand
Strange runes lite
@@edmunguia8872 thanks
whats ur enemy hud ui mod? Looks super sleek
Untarnished UI + true hud
thats cool and all but now i need that armor and clothing mods because DAMN you look drippy
BDO armor pack on kiraxskyrim
what is the name of the animation mod your using in the video please
what daedric armor is that in thge intro? it looks sick
Dremora Markynaz Armor SE
wtf is this commentary 😂😂😂 i gotta sub
I cant believe I cant use fus ro doh as a werewolf. Never found a mod that does that.
This looks bad ass
what armor mods are you useing I NEED TO KNOW love the vid
Did you find out?
0:20 sec armor?
White viper in BDOR armor pack
Serrano mod?
Whats the name of the sick fire sword
It's not the sword itself, it's enchantment mods, vibrant weapons + visual enchants
Dude you deserve more subscribers than you have
Yes, I read these.🙂
That's a little bit of a surprise
That has to be the best looking serana mod I’ve ever seen. What was it?
Anima nera, defo the best serana replacer, looks lore friendly as well
Bro cook too hard
nice narration must of took some time . thanks
I do read them
mod 1: Vergil
mod 2: Dante
who asked to be fiddled here dont be shy
"Skyrims magic wasn't that bad"
Yeah, it was. Every spell is just so simple, hold down right/left mouse button and wait until the enemy dies.
Boring as hell.
Shut up and take my Like!
Skyrim is a good game just not a great game