In the WAITING FOR SUPERMAN movie, Geoffrey Canada states, " I actually know how hard it is to be a GOOD teacher. It took me 3 years to become a DECENT teacher, BEFORE I really LEARNED my CRAFT. And then in about 5 years, I was a MASTER teacher." Ironically, 50% of NEW teachers QUIT within 5 years. Inner-city schools are innundated with NEW teachers, because once a teacher gains EXPERIENCE, she moves to a school in the suburbs. Schools where the kids actually listen to the teacher.
In the WAITING FOR SUPERMAN movie, Geoffrey Canada states, " I actually know how hard it is to be a GOOD teacher.
It took me 3 years to become a DECENT teacher, BEFORE I really LEARNED my CRAFT. And then in about 5 years, I was a MASTER teacher."
Ironically, 50% of NEW teachers QUIT within 5 years.
Inner-city schools are innundated with NEW teachers, because once a teacher gains EXPERIENCE, she moves to a school in the suburbs. Schools where the kids actually listen to the teacher.