Ростик привіт! я тут далеко від Львова і шукав гарне відео про наше місто а тут ви!!!!!! ДУЖЕ ГАРНО!!!!!!!!!!! НЕ ВІТАВ ВАС РАНІШЕ ТОМУ ВІТАЮ!!!!! Ж (йога інструктор)
всіх польських задротам хочу нагадати, що Львів- це місто, збудоване в Галицько-Волинському князівстві(Руське королівство) Галицьким в честь його сина-Лева... Збудоване русичами-предками українців. Як відомо, Руське королівство в час занепаду було загарбано ворогами-поляками і литовцями. Те, що багато архітектурних пам'яток збудовано поляками ніхто не заперечує. Але це містр було збудоване не вами, а нашими історичними предками, а сучасна інфраструктура будується Україною. Тому це зовсім не польське місто, адже поляки були всього лише окупантами-гістьми.
Love of my life! For all the people who were also born here - ❤❤❤. This place keeps Ukrainian spirit through the ages! I ❤ you "Pearl of Central Europe!"
It should've been explained a little bit. Just to be clear, Lviv is the city for beloved couples whom were refused a visa to Venice. There are Florence nearby and Rome as well. Lviv cannot be compared with these cities. If you want to impress a sweetheart who has never been to Venice, you should buy two tickets for three days and walk around st.Mark square. She'll be flutter her eyes and hands in the seventh heaven. Finally, I'm not able to understand why it is used a song of the french singer.
Странные людишки, ролик показывает ПРОСТО красоту - города, человеческих отношений. А вы приплетаете сюда фашистов и нацистов, политические интриги и игры правящих...Глаза откройте, мир состоит не только из телевизора, в который вы пыритесь и интернета, в котором излагаете свои, как вам кажется "умные" мысли. Львов прекрасен, это факт. И сейчас он - Украина. Это тоже факт. Так что не вякайте, а выключите ролик, если не можете просто наслаждаться просмотром.
Lara Lazar " You can wait til hell freezes over" Dont be funny. History is not ending, Ukraine dont have economy dont have army. Countries like ukraine we call failed state. Poland is growing up ukraine is down, future will be interesting. Better take yours "warriors" who fled to Poland :) LWÓW and STANISŁAWÓW are POLISH cities and you don't change history.
+Bakcyl Bakcyl when Russia annexed crimea ukraine had 13000 active troops that's not enough to fight back for an hour now ukraine has 280.000 that's a different case if poland even thinks about taking lviv then they would be kicked out of nato
Old Polish city!King Casimir the Great of Poland conquered Lviv in1340 burning down old WOODEN castle &built 2new bigger BRICK castles.He granted it the Magdeburg rights.The Galicia prosperity from1340 is owed to the trade privileges granted by Polish Kings.In1444,it was granted with the staple right,which resulted in city's growing prosperity & WEALTH.Lviv Uni was founded as a SI school in1608.On4May1941 bat.SS murdered in Lviv 45of famous Polish professors:Stożek,Łomnicki,Sieradzki,Pilat(wiki)
Як Львів може бути польським коли по перше: його заснував у 1256 році Галицько-Волинський король Данило в честь свого сина Лева. По друге: як він може бути польським, коли ти сам пишеш що він був завойований!!! у 1340 році? Завойовують чуже, а не своє.
дуже довге відео .я думав воно ніколи не закінчиться . взяті сценки із американських фільмів ,музика француська ,архітектура яку будували поляки ,австрійці та інші європейці ,українські там тільки "актори" . єдиний справжній українець в цьому відео -це Запорожець ))))
The Lviv & Galicia prosperity from 1340 is owed to the trade privileges granted by Casimir the Great &the subsequent Polish Kings. SEMYON TIMOSHENKO(1895-1970)-Ukrainian Marshall of the USSR.In 1920-21,he served under Budyonny in the Soviet agrression against Poland(The Miracle at the Vistula:Polish heroic gen.Rozwadowski).In 1939,he was given command of Ukraine&led the Ukrainian front during the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland.The Soviets killed tens of thousands of Polish prisoners of wars
Львів є містом 1387 польські вкрали поляки Сталіним у 45 років, як Вільнюс. Вся архітектура міста побудований польськими архітекторами. Там немає будівлі у Львові, побудований українцями і ніколи не було будь-якого українського президента Львові до 45 років. Українці бігли з польських селян, які оселилися на дикій родовища, що належать Посполитої. Україна ніколи не повинно існувати, тому що немає ніякої національної ідентичності може тільки красти, пити і вбивства. Більшість українців росіянами
Lara Lazar Lwów was polish city by 600 years. What cities from other nations Poles did steal? Przemyśl, Chełm? I know that ukrainian nationalist wanted this cities but first you should defend Donbas! You should build monuments for Stalin because he did for your borders more than UNA UHA or UPA!
Ivan Kalita Russian Cossacks are a COPY of the original Rus-Ukrainian Cossacks. Kubansky Cossacks are the disbanded [by Kateryna2] Zaporozhian Cossacks. Kuban was founded by them and belongs rightfully to Ukraine. They still sing in our beautiful Ukrainian language and still sting old tradirional Ukrainian songs. OURS !!
Teodor Tsohla And--- It was built on Rus-Ukrainian land. AND it is IN UKRAINE and part of the sovereign State of Ukraine. It was a Rus-Ukrainian city, "on loan" to Poland for 450 years, now RIGHTFULLY returned to the Ukrainian people. It was and is a Ukrainian city------ a very PATRIOTIC UKRAINIAN CITY. Ukrainians love their city of Lviv and are happy to have it back after a very long "loan".
Lara Lazar Lvov was stolen by Soviets. In 1991 USSR create "ukraine" on this Polish lands. From IX century to 1939 Lvov was always in Poland (except 150 years Ruthenian occupation).
My leaders are blind and some of them should are hypocrites. Publicly calling for silence about Volhynian massacre, because Ukraine has different situation of the East. You don't know how I'm shamed when I saw polish politic paraded in Kiev with people had red-black OUN-UPA flags. For me Poland should be neutral. Let help you Americans who sponsored revolution in Kiev and Germans, witch them you have friends relations (SS Galizien). The only thing I can apologize Ukrainians is that the Treaty of Riga when we lefted our the ukrainian allies (Szandruk, Petlura) who helped us defend against the Red Army in 1920. Before the war, Lwów was ethnically polish, was close to the polish ethnic area, the same county of Lwów was in mostly polish. We proposed the division of Eastern Galicia - of Lwów and Drohobych polish and ukrainian Stanislaviv and Ternopil (line of Barthelemy), but you refused (in a critical situation!).
First, city of Lviv, and counties of Lwów, Drohobycz i Mościska were mostly Polish (specifying Roman-Catholic). This territories was relatively close to the area indisputably of the ethnically polish. So it was a normal that French recognized that this area should be on polish side. Poland was able to leave the Ukraine, the greater part of Eastern Galicia, with Stanisławów, Tarnopol (the cities was founded by Poles!) and Halicz (historical capital of region). There was 3 counties with polish majority (Tarnopol, Trembowla, Skałat). Unfortunately, you were too stubborn, and I think it cost you independence because you fought for the of two fronts with OWN WILL. And I have to improve your knowledge of the history of Polish. When Dmowski supporters ruled in Poland they did not try to interfere in the affairs of Ukraine. Of course he wanted to assimilate Ukrainians but for the polish nationalists the most important was the western border (Gdańsk, Silesia). The persecution of Ukrainians from the polish government appeared when Pilsudski illegally gained power. Of course, there were some minor repression by the nationalist government, but dictatorship of Pilsudski was hampered living of Ukrainians. Dmowski was a nationalist, but compared with Pilsudski was an angel. However, to the camp in Bereza Kartuska were sent all those who did not accept the authority of Pilsudski (communists, socialists, agrarians, polish nationalists and ... ukrainian nationalists). However, do not compare this camp with german or soviet, because almost all who be in stay in Bereza survived. It should be noted, that your nationalists attacked the Poles and Ukrainians, who called for agreement, because they believe could change the attitude of Ukrainians to the Poland. And what a great Polish colonization Volhynia and Galicia you say? Eastern Galicia was almost always overpopulated and there was a lot of Poles. The fact is that the Poles settled in Volyn, but main reason was overpopulated Central Poland. More than 90% of Poles in Wołyń and Galicja were autochthonics. The settlers were 50.000 but only 40% were settled in Volhynia. Today in Żytomierz Oblast (before war was on soviet side of border!) Poles are 4% (50.000) of population. In Chmielnicki oblast Poles are 2% of population (25.000). They are polish colonists? Before II World War in Ukraine Soviet Republic lived 500.000 Poles so please stop talking that Poles appeared in Ukraine in XX century. I ask only one question. Why in the Grodno oblast Poles are 25% of the population (or mayby 50% - so many as Catholics this oblast)? Why in the Wilno oblast Poles are 25% of population (which includes the counties outside the former Poland)? Why in Wilno and Grodno Poles are more than 20% of population in this cities? I'm afraid that you don't be able to answer this question In polish facebook is popular fanpage "Ukrainian aren't my brother" (60.000 likes). Maybe we're like genetically and linguistically, but culturally and historically are completely different nations. Poles (those who know the history and feel patriotic) feel brotherhood with Hungary although they are not Slavs and have a strange language. Slaves brotherhood is a myth - in our early history we be at war against Veleti and Czech, later against Russians and Ukrainians. Serbs and Croats hate each other. Even the Czechs and Slovaks were not able to be together. Serbs like Greeks, Croats like Germans, Bosnians like Turks. Perhaps only Belarusians are friendly to all Slavs
It's not polite to answer a question with a question. I repeat my question. What do you think that today Poles are a large minority in the area of Wilno and Grodno (minimum 25%), and in Ukraine you meet sooner sooner Poles in Zhytomyr than in Lwów. I don't like Lithuanians, they have have their sins (Ponary) but I have to admit that they weren't butchers like Ukrainians and they had not a sick ideology about murder all different nations on their land. Poles, Lithuanians and even Hungarians are more civilized than the Ukrainians for one reason - they wanted to assimilate minorities, and Ukrainians murdered them.
Nie rozumiem dlaczego ukraince tak zakłamują historię - to jest Polskie miasto a oni tam pasują jak pięść do nosa:) ukrainy nigdy nie było i niebawem mam nadzieję nie będzie- NIE POZDROWIENIA Z POLSKI:)
Живу в восточной Украине, после поездки во Львов, полностью переосмыслил свою жизнь и стал по другому смотреть на мир. Люблю этот город.
Найкраще місто на Землі :-)
Ростик привіт! я тут далеко від Львова і шукав гарне відео про наше місто а тут ви!!!!!! ДУЖЕ ГАРНО!!!!!!!!!!! НЕ ВІТАВ ВАС РАНІШЕ ТОМУ ВІТАЮ!!!!!
Ж (йога інструктор)
Dyge garne i romantuchne misto.Moe misto😊😍
πανεμορφη πολη χαιρετισμους απο την ελλαδα .γεια σου λεοπολις
Beautiful city with beautiful people. I love it :-)
всіх польських задротам хочу нагадати, що Львів- це місто, збудоване в Галицько-Волинському князівстві(Руське королівство) Галицьким в честь його сина-Лева... Збудоване русичами-предками українців. Як відомо, Руське королівство в час занепаду було загарбано ворогами-поляками і литовцями. Те, що багато архітектурних пам'яток збудовано поляками ніхто не заперечує. Але це містр було збудоване не вами, а нашими історичними предками, а сучасна інфраструктура будується Україною. Тому це зовсім не польське місто, адже поляки були всього лише окупантами-гістьми.
Молодець! Най вчать історію!
i Love Lviv.. respect from Georgia!
Дуже гарне місто )))))))))
Слава Україні!!!
Опанас Розенбережженко да,город действительно красивый и уютный.У меня только один вопрос(без какого-либо подтекста):в чём заключается слава Украины?
thank You for reposting;) now I can visit them ;)
Love of my life! For all the people who were also born here - ❤❤❤. This place keeps Ukrainian spirit through the ages! I ❤ you "Pearl of Central Europe!"
i found my luv in L'viv 4 years ago, soon i'll be there again with my luv! Wait for us L'viv!
Чудове відео... :)
ми в головних ролях ! )))
классный ролик!
Хорошие такие!)
It should've been explained a little bit. Just to be clear, Lviv is the city for beloved couples whom were refused a visa to Venice. There are Florence nearby and Rome as well. Lviv cannot be compared with these cities. If you want to impress a sweetheart who has never been to Venice, you should buy two tickets for three days and walk around st.Mark square. She'll be flutter her eyes and hands in the seventh heaven.
Finally, I'm not able to understand why it is used a song of the french singer.
Класно зробили кліп!!!А пісню хто виконує? співачка-як звати?
nie obraziłbym się gdybyście oddali nam nasze miasto ;)
Странные людишки, ролик показывает ПРОСТО красоту - города, человеческих отношений. А вы приплетаете сюда фашистов и нацистов, политические интриги и игры правящих...Глаза откройте, мир состоит не только из телевизора, в который вы пыритесь и интернета, в котором излагаете свои, как вам кажется "умные" мысли. Львов прекрасен, это факт. И сейчас он - Украина. Это тоже факт. Так что не вякайте, а выключите ролик, если не можете просто наслаждаться просмотром.
В точку сказано! Браво!
Pidhirtsi Castle and church of St. Joseph, 80 km east of Lviv.
Гарна робота, у коментарях багато провокаторів, справді чому б не почистити трошки?
I love city of lions lviv.
Lisenitz Forest! between Lviv and Ternopil . . . Anyone heard of it or know its real current name?
looking for this forest
Semper Fidelis Leopolis! Matka Polska czeka na ciebie :)
Lara Lazar Lwów is polish city like Warsaw, Cracow or Poznan.
Lara Lazar " You can wait til hell freezes over"
Dont be funny. History is not ending, Ukraine dont have economy dont have army. Countries like ukraine we call failed state. Poland is growing up ukraine is down, future will be interesting.
Better take yours "warriors" who fled to Poland :)
LWÓW and STANISŁAWÓW are POLISH cities and you don't change history.
It's our mistake that we help Ukraine. We should be neutral and trade with both sides of conflict (weapon for Ukrainians, food for Russians).
Ukraine isn't in NATO so we have no alliance commitments to you.
I am afraid when I think how the world would look like if the Ukrainian nationalists have the possibility of the Third Reich or the Soviet Union.
Да, Львов, он такой)
Це Zaz - Je veux
Lwów is just as Polish as American is New York. Without Lwów, Poland is incomplete.
what are the places in 1:17 and 1:31?
Что за трек играет?
Zaz - Je veux
what is the name of tis song? PLEASE
+Iryna Khmil zaz- je veux
+moyin smiley thank u soo much :)
fajnij lviv
Lwów Old Polish city From king Casimir the Great 700 years ago, abp Grzegorz z Sanoka
мой город
Lviv Polish proud city. We're going to pick up our Polish lands
+Лайс Коб3ев You bravely fought of Crimea. These brave Ukrainians. How many civilians you killed?
+Bakcyl Bakcyl when Russia annexed crimea ukraine had 13000 active troops that's not enough to fight back for an hour now ukraine has 280.000 that's a different case if poland even thinks about taking lviv then they would be kicked out of nato
Краще розум поверніть собі
Old Polish city!King Casimir the Great of Poland conquered Lviv in1340 burning down old WOODEN castle &built 2new bigger BRICK castles.He granted it the Magdeburg rights.The Galicia prosperity from1340 is owed to the trade privileges granted by Polish Kings.In1444,it was granted with the staple right,which resulted in city's growing prosperity & WEALTH.Lviv Uni was founded as a SI school in1608.On4May1941 bat.SS murdered in Lviv 45of famous Polish professors:Stożek,Łomnicki,Sieradzki,Pilat(wiki)
Як Львів може бути польським коли по перше: його заснував у 1256 році Галицько-Волинський король Данило в честь свого сина Лева. По друге: як він може бути польським, коли ти сам пишеш що він був завойований!!! у 1340 році? Завойовують чуже, а не своє.
Hey guys, let's use a French song for a video about a Ukrainian city. It's like putting Arabic music on for a video about Detroit.
дуже довге відео .я думав воно ніколи не закінчиться .
взяті сценки із американських фільмів ,музика француська ,архітектура яку будували поляки ,австрійці та інші європейці ,українські там тільки "актори" .
єдиний справжній українець в цьому відео -це Запорожець ))))
Увы! Это не Запорожец,а ГДР -овский Трабант!
я там живу
Beautiful Polish City
Give Constatinople back to Byzantium!
The Lviv & Galicia prosperity from 1340 is owed to the trade privileges granted by Casimir the Great &the subsequent Polish Kings.
SEMYON TIMOSHENKO(1895-1970)-Ukrainian Marshall of the USSR.In 1920-21,he served under Budyonny in the Soviet agrression against Poland(The Miracle at the Vistula:Polish heroic gen.Rozwadowski).In 1939,he was given command of Ukraine&led the Ukrainian front during the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland.The Soviets killed tens of thousands of Polish prisoners of wars
Львів є містом 1387 польські вкрали поляки Сталіним у 45 років, як Вільнюс. Вся архітектура міста побудований польськими архітекторами. Там немає будівлі у Львові, побудований українцями і ніколи не було будь-якого українського президента Львові до 45 років. Українці бігли з польських селян, які оселилися на дикій родовища, що належать Посполитої. Україна ніколи не повинно існувати, тому що немає ніякої національної ідентичності може тільки красти, пити і вбивства. Більшість українців росіянами
Why do they use a French song for a video about a Ukrainian city? :)
Lwów was, is and will be polish city!
Some statitics about Lwów:
1930: Poles - 50%, Jews - 32%, Ukrainians - 16%
1944: Poles - 66%, Ukrainians - 26%, Russians - 5%, Jews - 2%
+PomorskiWilk И шо? Ты по львовскои области посмотри статистику, поц
+PomorskiWilk will be? )) only in your dreams ))
Myhailo Zarevych Crimea and Donbas will be ukrainian in your dream.
+PomorskiWilk I don't need them, they are traitors, and they have what they deserve
ne podskajite kto poet?
Lwów polish city!
Лена Ткаченко Architecturally is more similar to the polish cities than to the ukrainian.
Shut up! Lwów always polish! Ukraine never had castle idiot!
григорій карпюк
Ukraine never existed! Stalin maked your country with Lwów ,Donbas,Bessarabia and Zakarpatie!
Lara Lazar Lwów was polish city by 600 years. What cities from other nations Poles did steal? Przemyśl, Chełm? I know that ukrainian nationalist wanted this cities but first you should defend Donbas! You should build monuments for Stalin because he did for your borders more than UNA UHA or UPA!
поцілуйся в дупу
Views expressed by nationalists do not reflect views of the society in general. Keep this in mind while reading comments posted here.
Мої роздуми про Львів під час дощу: th-cam.com/video/_cO9jA1OBHc/w-d-xo.html :)))
Nice city, but it's name is "Lwów" - not "Lviv". It was once a beatiful Polish city, but then was robbed by Stalin and given to Ukrainian peasants.
And now Liviv is a Ukrainian city- all the Polish peasants have gone back to Poland. We both hate Stalin- on that we agree.
Darek Marc No sewer mouth, you go away,
Mik80PL Poles around the area ruled by the longest period in the history of this city. Go to the doctor.... BOTH of you
Heal your legs, because for head it is too late :)
Damian K I was talking to the polish guy but it tagged you for some reason
Lwów ( Lviv ) Polish city!! Poland!! Polska!!
F*ck off!!
Lviv is and has always been Ukrainian.
LVIV, Ukrainian city, Ukraine, Ukrayina !!
Ivan Kalita Russian Cossacks are a COPY of the original Rus-Ukrainian Cossacks.
Kubansky Cossacks are the disbanded [by Kateryna2] Zaporozhian Cossacks.
Kuban was founded by them and belongs rightfully to Ukraine.
They still sing in our beautiful Ukrainian language and still sting old tradirional Ukrainian songs. OURS !!
Teodor Tsohla And--- It was built on Rus-Ukrainian land.
AND it is IN UKRAINE and part of the sovereign State of Ukraine.
It was a Rus-Ukrainian city, "on loan" to Poland for 450 years, now RIGHTFULLY returned to the Ukrainian people.
It was and is a Ukrainian city------
Ukrainians love their city of Lviv and are happy to have it back after a very long "loan".
duje chudovi klip ia iz gruzii no ia koxau ukrainu i ossobenno lviv bo jiv u lvovi i chut navchilsia ukrainskomu ) vsevo nailuchshevo vam Lviiviane.
Польське місто Львів
Beautifull Polish city (actually under russian/ukrainian occupation)
Lara Lazar Where was ukrainian nobility? I forgot - they are the Poles.
Lara Lazar Lvov was stolen by Soviets. In 1991 USSR create "ukraine" on this Polish lands. From IX century to 1939 Lvov was always in Poland (except 150 years Ruthenian occupation).
My leaders are blind and some of them should are hypocrites. Publicly calling for silence about Volhynian massacre, because Ukraine has different situation of the East. You don't know how I'm shamed when I saw polish politic paraded in Kiev with people had red-black OUN-UPA flags. For me Poland should be neutral. Let help you Americans who sponsored revolution in Kiev and Germans, witch them you have friends relations (SS Galizien). The only thing I can apologize Ukrainians is that the Treaty of Riga when we lefted our the ukrainian allies (Szandruk, Petlura) who helped us defend against the Red Army in 1920. Before the war, Lwów was ethnically polish, was close to the polish ethnic area, the same county of Lwów was in mostly polish. We proposed the division of Eastern Galicia - of Lwów and Drohobych polish and ukrainian Stanislaviv and Ternopil (line of Barthelemy), but you refused (in a critical situation!).
First, city of Lviv, and counties of Lwów, Drohobycz i Mościska were mostly Polish (specifying Roman-Catholic). This territories was relatively close to the area indisputably of the ethnically polish. So it was a normal that French recognized that this area should be on polish side. Poland was able to leave the Ukraine, the greater part of Eastern Galicia, with Stanisławów, Tarnopol (the cities was founded by Poles!) and Halicz (historical capital of region). There was 3 counties with polish majority (Tarnopol, Trembowla, Skałat). Unfortunately, you were too stubborn, and I think it cost you independence because you fought for the of two fronts with OWN WILL. And I have to improve your knowledge of the history of Polish. When Dmowski supporters ruled in Poland they did not try to interfere in the affairs of Ukraine. Of course he wanted to assimilate Ukrainians but for the polish nationalists the most important was the western border (Gdańsk, Silesia). The persecution of Ukrainians from the polish government appeared when Pilsudski illegally gained power. Of course, there were some minor repression by the nationalist government, but dictatorship of Pilsudski was hampered living of Ukrainians. Dmowski was a nationalist, but compared with Pilsudski was an angel. However, to the camp in Bereza Kartuska were sent all those who did not accept the authority of Pilsudski (communists, socialists, agrarians, polish nationalists and ... ukrainian nationalists). However, do not compare this camp with german or soviet, because almost all who be in stay in Bereza survived. It should be noted, that your nationalists attacked the Poles and Ukrainians, who called for agreement, because they believe could change the attitude of Ukrainians to the Poland. And what a great Polish colonization Volhynia and Galicia you say? Eastern Galicia was almost always overpopulated and there was a lot of Poles. The fact is that the Poles settled in Volyn, but main reason was overpopulated Central Poland. More than 90% of Poles in Wołyń and Galicja were autochthonics. The settlers were 50.000 but only 40% were settled in Volhynia. Today in Żytomierz Oblast (before war was on soviet side of border!) Poles are 4% (50.000) of population. In Chmielnicki oblast Poles are 2% of population (25.000). They are polish colonists? Before II World War in Ukraine Soviet Republic lived 500.000 Poles so please stop talking that Poles appeared in Ukraine in XX century.
I ask only one question. Why in the Grodno oblast Poles are 25% of the population (or mayby 50% - so many as Catholics this oblast)? Why in the Wilno oblast Poles are 25% of population (which includes the counties outside the former Poland)? Why in Wilno and Grodno Poles are more than 20% of population in this cities? I'm afraid that you don't be able to answer this question
In polish facebook is popular fanpage "Ukrainian aren't my brother" (60.000 likes). Maybe we're like genetically and linguistically, but culturally and historically are completely different nations. Poles (those who know the history and feel patriotic) feel brotherhood with Hungary although they are not Slavs and have a strange language. Slaves brotherhood is a myth - in our early history we be at war against Veleti and Czech, later against Russians and Ukrainians. Serbs and Croats hate each other. Even the Czechs and Slovaks were not able to be together. Serbs like Greeks, Croats like Germans, Bosnians like Turks. Perhaps only Belarusians are friendly to all Slavs
It's not polite to answer a question with a question. I repeat my question. What do you think that today Poles are a large minority in the area of Wilno and Grodno (minimum 25%), and in Ukraine you meet sooner sooner Poles in Zhytomyr than in Lwów.
I don't like Lithuanians, they have have their sins (Ponary) but I have to admit that they weren't butchers like Ukrainians and they had not a sick ideology about murder all different nations on their land. Poles, Lithuanians and even Hungarians are more civilized than the Ukrainians for one reason - they wanted to assimilate minorities, and Ukrainians murdered them.
Nie rozumiem dlaczego ukraince tak zakłamują historię - to jest Polskie miasto a oni tam pasują jak pięść do nosa:) ukrainy nigdy nie było i niebawem mam nadzieję nie będzie- NIE POZDROWIENIA Z POLSKI:)
Ukrainian capital of fascism...
Город нацистов, который нужно сравнять с землей и отдать Польше 10-20 лет на перевоспитание
K Fatso нацистов,к сожалению,сейчас хватает везде,а то о чём написал ты - слова больного на голову малолетнего ребёнка.Выздоравливай.
Yasha F , Нету никаких фашистов у нас, приїзди до нас подивишся.
Greek Id,бывал у вас в 13-м году.На денёк приезжали.За день особо ничего не рассмотришь,тем более,как турист.
Yasha F , Это да.
Подлечи голову сначала, а потом рот открывай. Хоть сам понимаешь, что несешь?