About the VATestprogram, don`t take life to serious. A mips tests depends on a set of instructions, which can be different for each mips test, a instruction can have different size and speed. Also with this mips test it does not show any benefits for a larger cache size CPU, sysinfo speed test is better with drystones, aldo it also add some extra speed when you have a 68881/2 FPU which most software don`t make use of. A CPU speed test is not 100% accurate.
Thanks for this 😊😊
Spoko odcinek.
Gra o króliku przypomina mi grę „ Fox fights back” z C64. Może być przyjemna gra. :)
Fajne masz fonty na WB. Co to za czcionka?
Hej. IsoHelveticaPL oraz IsoCourierPL. Docelowo będa czicionki TrueType.
@@BenedyktDziubałtowski tylko Topaz
About the VATestprogram, don`t take life to serious. A mips tests depends on a set of instructions, which can be different for each mips test, a instruction can have different size and speed. Also with this mips test it does not show any benefits for a larger cache size CPU, sysinfo speed test is better with drystones, aldo it also add some extra speed when you have a 68881/2 FPU which most software don`t make use of. A CPU speed test is not 100% accurate.
Individual Computers, to taki Niemiecki Elbox :D
EDIT: Jezuuu, jakie bzdury, przy tak prostym promptcie, to AI wyświetla, to głowa mała...