tbh, this is sooo waste of energy…. y do men always need an intimate girl friends to talk to after getting married? y not a intimate bro friends instead? i dont veto a pure friendship between a guy and a girl but y not to avoid the ambiguous relationship and leave some respects for a marriage?
呢種做番朋友的心理 當係睇花生 兼睇佢識朋友 自己心情好哂先再刺探。真實需要冇俾專重 我都覺婚姻吾幸福 太太老公互相都俾吾到
真係慘 兩公婆要咁樣攻防戰。如果我老公同女人傾電話,而我唔放黑氣,我諗佢會以為我唔愛佢。好彩我老公從來不做這些事情。
係咪真呀 1:30
如果我沉迷上咸網 嗰女人會唔會令個咸網收皮㗎 世界末日呀 世界未日呀
tbh, this is sooo waste of energy…. y do men always need an intimate girl friends to talk to after getting married? y not a intimate bro friends instead? i dont veto a pure friendship between a guy and a girl but y not to avoid the ambiguous relationship and leave some respects for a marriage?
阿伯咁鐘意娜娜 娜娜唔會出賣我呀
做乜教人呢 咪主持人受番囉