Ovid is very impressive real estate company setting a new high level to African construction sector market,hope other companies in Ethiopia will learn from this and scale up their game 🇪🇹
For whom are the homes being built ? For the condominium registered people, Cadre or the rich people ? And why is the government tv channel promoting this company ? Who are the owners of the company ? I hope this isn't another cadre business masquerading as an independent business.
🎉🎉🎉🎉 good Job Getsha!!
Ovid is very impressive real estate company setting a new high level to African construction sector market,hope other companies in Ethiopia will learn from this and scale up their game 🇪🇹
Amazing! Keep up the Good work.
እባካቹ እኛንም አስቡን በአረብ አገር ያለነውን ቤተሰብ ምንረዳውን አስቡበት እባካቹ
ቤት ማጣት የሰው አገር በአገር ቤት ቤቸሰብ መከራተት በኪራይ እና እኛን አስቡን እባካቹ እዳቅማችን በአረብ አገር ያለነውን አስቡን
ሲሠራ ቢወራ አይሻልም
how do you know they aren't not working ? This is just another project ...
ዝቅተኛ የሚባለው ስንት ሊክፍላችሁ የሚችል ሰው ነው?
Good job!!
This is not food , the price of food items are increasing every day.
Lelagnaw 40/60
የድርጀቱባለቤትማነው ጥያቄአለኝ
ሸክ አላ ሙዴን
ማንንም የመጠየቅ መብት የለህም አንተ ማነህ ራሰህ ምን ሰለሆንክ ነዉ እንድህ አመናጭቀህ የተከበረ ሰዉን የምታዋረድ
ምነው አገተህ ብር ልተቀብል ነው ምን አገባህ ማንም ይሁን
ባለቤቱ ዐብይ ነው።ይባላል
How much is 2 bedrooms?
ኮንዶሚኒየም ተመዝጋቢዎች ተስ እድልተጠቃሚ ብታደርጉ
Ovid manew ?
Someone can look this woman snd her bank accounts
ዋናውን ነገር አልነገሩንም! ዋጋው!!
ሚሽጥ ነው ወይስ ለ 1997 ተመዝጋቢ እጣ ሊያወጡበት ነው ግልፅ አይደለም
Eta ayedelem addis new yemishet
For whom are the homes being built ?
For the condominium registered people, Cadre or the rich people ?
And why is the government tv channel promoting this company ? Who are the owners of the company ? I hope this isn't another cadre business masquerading as an independent business.
መነፅር ሳያደርጉ ቪድዮ መልቀቅ ቀረ እንዴ?የሚገርም ነው ይሄ መነፀር ስንቱን ቆንጆ አደረገ!
Real state new?
በግንባታው ዘርፍ ያቀደውን ሲያሳካ አይቻለሁና ለአጋርነት እመኘዋለሁ
Kutrachihu yele bemn new yemndewylew
Do they have elevator these boxes?
Scammers 😂
Another scammer.