It's supposed to be for kids...that is why it is a little lighthearted and comical and is starring a bunch of famous penguins!!! I don't think they were trying to be disrespectful but trying to grab the attention of today's youth who may not be interested in Veteran's Day or even know what a veteran is, so they used tactics to reach a specific demographic.
@@MiguelRodriguez-dk2ds Cast: Tom Lynn McGrath as Skipper The Leader Christopher Miller as Kowalski Christopher Knights as Private Conrad Vernon as Rico Michael Broderick, U.S Marine Corps Veteran James Ryan as Smythim mythie
Private has a adhesive bandage With Princess Fiona, Shrek & Donkey From DreamWorks Shrek(2001), Shrek 2(2004) Shrek The Third(2007), Shrek Forever After (2010), With Video Games Like Shrek the Game on the Playstation 1, Shrek 2 The Game on The Xbox, Playstation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Shrek The Third on The PSP, Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Nintendo Wii, Shrek Super Slam on The PC, Xbox, Playstation 2 Nintendo GameCube, Shrek Carnival Craze on The Nintendo Wii, Shrek Forever After on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii and The Ghost of Lord Farquad.
STOP! DON'T SCROLL ANY FURTHER! YOU'LL REGRET IT! While there are plenty of wholesome comments about the penguins, references to the N-Word meme, and time-stamps pointing to funny moments in the video, there are just as many tiring political debates. So, if you don't want a headache like me, don't scroll down. It's not worth it. You're welcome.
Adam West Oh yeh?? I served in the Army in the 80s. I've been dealing with the VA for months to get something straightened out. Well, guess what?? Because of the VA, my Christmas is looking horrible because they've taken my small VA check this month because of paperwork that I tried to take care of back in January!! Now, I've gotten a letter from Social Security, telling me they will be taking a portion of that check too, starting in January. That isn't the worse of it though. I called on the 2nd of December to have my pain medication refilled and just found out today, it wasn't even ordered until today. I can't even afford to go to the VA to pick it up, because they won't authorize travel pay. I'm expected to wait until it is shipped to me! I really wish I had NEVER signed up to be a member of the Armed Serves. Up til now, I've always been proud of my service, but why should I when I'm not appreciated enough to get the medication I need to be able to function?? Do you know what I do for Christmas presents for my family members?? I make what I can for gifts, but I'm in so much pain right now that I can't even make myself do it today.
IF you have some condition such as homelessness or mental illness...very likely an employer will not choose you over a healthy civilian with no such issues. This program trying to encourage employers to hire healthy veterans would not apply. Disabled veterans need a separate program that would assist employes in adapting the workplace to meet their needs. The fed could offer to pay the disabled veterans salary for 2 years so that the employer could see that the veteran could actually earn their salary. The veteran would gain work experience. The fed could additionally cover the cost of adapting the workplace...such as with a wheelchair ramp and handicapped restroom near the work station, cafeteria and any meeting rooms / conference rooms often used. Veterans who simply could not out compete healthy civilians on a job interview should be evaluated for a program which supplies food, clothing. housing and 100 percent disability pay while the veteran attends trade school or college. If the veteran is too ill or injured to successfully attend trade school or college, online education should be offered with a view toward specific jobs allowing work from home. If the veteran is ineligible for a job, or education program due to illness and or injury...then food and clothing allowance, housing allowance and 100 percent service connection for disability on the basis of unemployability should be supplied. Veterans should be employed full time WITH benefits and a living wage above poverty, or they should be in one of the above programs. They may for their own reason opt out but should be allowed to opt back in to evaluation and placement into a program at any time following their service. Sometimes reintegrating into the work force is a difficult path. If the country sends these people to serve...the country should support them until they have rejoined the work force. The county should continue to stand behind them if they find they need additional training or further adaptation of the work place. These veterans should be protected from discrimination in the work place against the disabled in regard to job assignments and promotions. My heart goes out other veterans who are also ill and injured. Yes its time that EVER veteran has some mechanism to have a living wage or is supplied with funds for food, clothing, housing and 100 percent disability pay. Regarding Social Security Disability...100 percent service connected veterans should get approval as 100 percent disabled via Social Security. The VA refused to see me for over a year then denied anything was wrong. By the time they admitted there was a problem, the social security deadline passed. The VA should not be allowed to rob veterans of social security. While the VA was not seeing me and even after they were...I had medical needs that the VA did not cover. The VA reserves the right to refuse to send veterans for testing and services. Even if the veteran gets diagnostic testing outside the VA and proves the VAs denial of care and services was improper, the VA will not pay for such testing nor pay the clninician outside the VA required to schedule and approve of such testing. I am a veteran who has been treated by the VA for years. The VA has not managed to improve my health to the point where I could reenter the work force. Veterans need true choice. I am now going to my state University Hospital system for primary care. I need to let someone other than the VA have a shot at improving my health. Veterans need true choice, not limited by a 30 day, 40 mile rule. If we feel its time to let someone else try, or feel that VA clinicians are so busy denying patient symptoms to avoid compensation and pension approval of a case...then we as competent adults should be able to go to the community. If black people weren't allowed to go to the doctor of their choice...or jews...would that be a problem? Why is it not a problem if veterans may not go to the provider of their choice? If black people needed someones permission before changing doctors...would it be a problem? If veterans need someones permission to go to a doctor in their town, or to the University health center...then they arent treated as competent adults equal to any other citizen on Obama Care. Suppose you were in a car accident with another person. Suppose the other party was at fault but only agreed to pay IF you went to HIS brother who is a doctor who the other party in the accident will pay for his services. Would you go there or demand a neutral party such as your local state university to serve as the physician? If someone is injured in the military, they are told they MUST go to a VA hired physician for an evaluation. Would you go to such a doctor, or would you insist that your family physician who knows your baseline exam and could note any changes be consulted as well as a neutral physician from the state university? The fed...needs to treat veterans how they would wish to be treated under the circumstances. Stop being shocked that veterans are sad, angry, or both when veterans are having to beg to be treated the same as anyone else would want to be treated in the same situation. Note for veterans who are refused by compensation and pension: If you lied to comp and pen...I have no help for you. If you actually have the condition in question, save the money somehow and go to your state university health system and get evaluated. IF your VA is treating you for the condition and yet claims via compensation and pension that you do not have the condition in question...note this means they are accusing your VA physician of medical malpractice. Write your congressman and state medical board and let them know the situation. IF the VA claims that you have the condition, it had onset during or was caused by conditions of military service, the VA is treating you for the condition, and yet compensation and pension denies the condition...please review your medical records. Did your clinicians accept in their best estimate that your medical problem was caused by military service or a continuation of a condition first occurring during military service? You will most likely note this acceptance in that they did not go on with further workup evaluating why this condition was and is occurring. To note a condition and not make a proper effort to evaluate its onset and why it is occurring is malpractice. So again note here that compensation and pension worker may be in effect accusing your VA physicians of medical malpractice. You need to write your congress man or woman and ask that they put an investigator in contact with you. You need them to review the situation and notify the state medical board of this alleged malpractice. You need them to request from the VA the following 1) a copy of the letter by the compensation and pension worker who noticed that malpractice was occurring in your case, and advising you to seek immediate medical evaluation by a different provider 2) a copy of the letter by compensation and pension worker at the VA who noticed the malpractice to the State Medical board reporting the malpractice by the VA doctor that is treating you for conditions that you do not have and / or did not do an evaluation for the cause of the condition that IS present despite evidence that this condition was not caused by military service or a continuation of care for a condition with onset during military service. 3)To be fair to the clinician involved at the VA, compensation and pension should have notified that doctor immediately that they were committing medical malpractice so that this clinician soon as possible ...rectify the situation. If the clinician is treating you for a condition you DO not have ...or accepted your history that this first occurred due to conditions during military service when in fact further work up should be done...immediately to the true cause. In other words...either for many of you...comp and pen is lying...and you have the condition and it is service connected.... or your doctors at the VA should be fired for medical malpractice. Either way...the VA is in a no win situation. Please notify your congressional investigator and state board of the situation. Im Katherine Rogers. Im being treated at the Ann Arbor VA, Michigan for a condition which was caused by conditions during military service. The specialist physician states this in their notes and failed to do ANY further evaluation as to why the condition occurred. If comp and pen is correct....the clinician is guilty of malpractice. As a veteran I can may not be able to reap monetary damages but ...the clinician involved could be at risk of losing their license. I Katherine Rogers am being treated for another condition at the Ann Arbor VA Michigan with onset DURING military service. Physicians continued to treat the condition as though the current condition and the same diagnosis during military service are one and the same. No evaluation as to cause or new date of onset was determined. If there is a separate cause...this should have been identified, as leaving this unidentified would put my health at risk. Compensation and pension denies both of these conditions. They are in effect claiming that my VA physicians are committing malpractice. I want...their letter to me warning me, asking that I seek immediate care with another clinician, their report to the state medical license board, and to the clinicians in question. The take home message to VA clinicians is this...IF they are treating conditions and yet not charting the reason for the diagnosis, the onset of the condition, and its association with military conditions adequately enough to satisfy the standard questions as put forth by Compensation and Pension, then they do NOT deserve to work for the VA. IF the charting problem is egregious enough then likely they should not work as a physician for any employer. All patients...veterans included, need to have charting performed to the point where that charting will answer basic questions such as ...what medical condition is this, how do you know, when did it begin, and why did it begin. When clinicians fail this...they should be reported to the medical board. I hope...with the threat of losing a license hanging over the heads of VA doctors, they will manage to communicate with compensation and pension. I personally have BEGGED my doctor to sit down with compensation and say..."see this test. It's abnormal. This abnormal test indicates THIS diagnosis. My primary care provider...Dr Obrien at the Ann Arbor VA states he....would rather not get involved with comp and pen issues. He...took a job AT the VA as opposed to at some other health service. Part of the job IS explaining to compensation and pension whatever they need to know to clarify the patients list of service connected conditions and document severity. That this man is allowed to refuse to state to the best of his knowledge to compesation and pension what the state of my health is....I would have hoped is unthinkable. Compensation and pension discovers that the VA clinician didnt adequately review the service record. Instead of reporting that to the clinician's supervisor and demanding that the doctor do their job....Compensation and pension harms the veteran by denying their claim. This has to stop. IM asking the senators in my state to investigate the compensation and pension workers. Because of that and because I know these compensation and pension workers didnt send a letter to ME, the doctors involved or to the state medical board when they think they found malpractice....the comp and pen workers involved deserve to be fired. I hope some of the information I have written helps someone out there. Run through your mind what it would really mean if compensation and pension workers were telling the truth as far as your VA doctor, the treatment you are being given, and the lack of evaluation for causes other than conditions of military service. IS compensation and pension accusing YOUR doctor of malpractice AND records keeping incompetence or both. You turned your records into the VA. If your doctor is treating you for conditions and did not review your records AND chart that they did so irresponsible and incompetent. Often...this is the compensation and pension complaint. Veterans need recourse when their clinician , compensation and pension rep or both are incompetent, dishonest or both.
I think the clip is cute and worth a smile. Please dont put down attempts to even think about military veterans. Sure there are those of us that are injured and ill so will not be part of this program. you want those that served with you who may return to the work force to have jobs? Sometimes when people begin to tackle a problem...they start with the easier question first. What do you do with those that have zero disabilities? I would like each business licensed to remain open in the US to be required to certify annually as part of the application for business license that they...hire veterans as a priority. If two applicants have records that are close to equivalent...the veteran is to be given priority in hiring. Job openings should be advertised first for veterans only to apply. Then only if a qualified veteran does not apply should the job opening be offered to the public.
+Katherine Rogers These people are thieves. They stole the concept and logo from a Watch My 6. is the original company. The owner contacted Got Your 6 and they said "Tough luck, we have made too much money so we are not stopping." Watch My 6 is trademarked and they still stole it. This entire company is a fraud!
Some commentaries below says this short has to do with Ms. Obama; but it does not seem so; she was nice in participating, but could be any other president wife/president husband or the president himself or herself. The soldiers are the focus, not the government.
I hope children play this nonstop so that CEOs and recruiters keep getting reminded to hire veterans. How about some commercials to replace the garbage commercials on the internet and TV...that remind people about military / veteran's issues. This is a beginning.
+Katherine Rogers These people are thieves. They stole the concept and logo from a Watch My 6. is the original company. The owner contacted Got Your 6 and they said "Tough luck, we have made too much money so we are not stopping." Watch My 6 is trademarked and they still stole it. This entire company is a fraud!
Who has my 6???? Not the 142 Fighter Wing or JBLM, ...................!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have PTSD and the hard part didn't begin for my family and me until I returned HOME.......
No Thanks. I will have my kids learn about veterans day from someone who is proud of our country because our history of heroism and freedom, not only because they elected her husband to the presidency.
OK, Jasmine has put herself in the "First time I have been proud of my country is when they elected President Obama" category. Thanks for sharing that. I suggest getting a new history book though, because there is much in our history of which to be proud.
Mical No I would prefer this money be given directly back to the Vets, you know the ones waiting in line for medical treatment? Couldn't the have the cost of this video have paid for a few things for vets? Like more help to get them into care faster..?
Oh mayn, using penguins for propaganda. Nice work. And while you're at it make the white man look like a doofus. Very PC, very PC. I wish I could un-see things.
+Peter Calvet These people are thieves. They stole the concept and logo from a Watch My 6. is the original company. The owner contacted Got Your 6 and they said "Tough luck, we have made too much money so we are not stopping." Watch My 6 is trademarked and they still stole it. This entire company is a fraud!
My favorite character from Penguins of Madagascar is Rico and I also liked how Rico was doing push-ups with his tongue out.
Me too
40% comments: private
59.9% comments: Dank memes
0.01: this
“Mrs Obama, I’ve done it. I stopped racism.”
Thank you Skipper, now I’m free to roam this Earth!
Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do!
@@recordcollector0665 im going so say the n word
4:18 watch Kowalsi's face when Skipper says I LOVE IT XDDDD
AngiShy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 he’s my favorite penguins beside all of them
He look like he almost had a seizure
these guys are not just for kids I love this show they Crack me up,literally
+Darlene Gilmore Honestly! They are definitely not for younger viewers, but nonetheless they crack me up with the shit they say and do! XD
Crack you up literally? Ouch!
It's supposed to be for kids...that is why it is a little lighthearted and comical and is starring a bunch of famous penguins!!! I don't think they were trying to be disrespectful but trying to grab the attention of today's youth who may not be interested in Veteran's Day or even know what a veteran is, so they used tactics to reach a specific demographic.
I don’t know what this is, but Private is soooooooo cute! Poor Private XD
Private is so adorable x3
Private tries to do push ups but he's paunchy
@maryam aldossary Skipper:Leader
@@MiguelRodriguez-dk2ds Cast:
Tom Lynn McGrath as Skipper The Leader
Christopher Miller as Kowalski
Christopher Knights as Private
Conrad Vernon as Rico
Michael Broderick, U.S Marine Corps Veteran
James Ryan as Smythim mythie
LOL that Private's adhesive bandage with Fiona, Shrek and Donkey xDD ahahaha
Private has a adhesive bandage With Princess Fiona, Shrek & Donkey From DreamWorks Shrek(2001), Shrek 2(2004) Shrek The Third(2007), Shrek Forever After (2010), With Video Games
Like Shrek the Game on the Playstation 1, Shrek 2 The Game on The Xbox, Playstation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Shrek The Third on The PSP, Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Nintendo Wii, Shrek
Super Slam on The PC, Xbox, Playstation 2 Nintendo GameCube, Shrek Carnival Craze on The Nintendo Wii, Shrek Forever After on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii and The Ghost of
Lord Farquad.
Thank you Skipper, now I am free to roam the earth
@@recordcollector0665not if I have anything to say about it, and I do! I’m gonna say the N-word
Private's a lover of the simple things. Although there is no doubt that Skipper has rubbed off a bit on him.
Don’t panic, everyone. The penguins haven’t gone rouge, they’re just serving their community service sentence for breaking into Fort Knox
What a cute video. Should be shown in every school in America.
While there are plenty of wholesome comments about the penguins, references to the N-Word meme, and time-stamps pointing to funny moments in the video, there are just as many tiring political debates. So, if you don't want a headache like me, don't scroll down. It's not worth it.
You're welcome.
3:02 aww poor Private
3:26 Drop & give me five Private❗️
3:28 If you can reach the floor
This is a great kid vid. It reminds me of some of the past wartime Disney shorts. Good job.
I like the new Private xD
despite all odds it appears private makes sense
Private is soo cute :3
Nice propoganda for the kids.
it’s just a promotion for the movie, it is not that deep lil bro.💀
Yeah, all of them smiling, not having depression / PTSD, because killing people is fun.
Stop this propaganda...
IHAB AZDOU they have PTSD, lost limbs, or any other mental disability.
The fanfiction is painful to read
make jokes not politics
4:59 skipper gets his karma
What about those Vets that suffer from PSTD or all the homeless Vets that we have out there? Who has there 6?
Veterans affairs.
Adam West Oh yeh?? I served in the Army in the 80s. I've been dealing with the VA for months to get something straightened out. Well, guess what?? Because of the VA, my Christmas is looking horrible because they've taken my small VA check this month because of paperwork that I tried to take care of back in January!! Now, I've gotten a letter from Social Security, telling me they will be taking a portion of that check too, starting in January. That isn't the worse of it though. I called on the 2nd of December to have my pain medication refilled and just found out today, it wasn't even ordered until today. I can't even afford to go to the VA to pick it up, because they won't authorize travel pay. I'm expected to wait until it is shipped to me! I really wish I had NEVER signed up to be a member of the Armed Serves. Up til now, I've always been proud of my service, but why should I when I'm not appreciated enough to get the medication I need to be able to function?? Do you know what I do for Christmas presents for my family members?? I make what I can for gifts, but I'm in so much pain right now that I can't even make myself do it today.
Democrats do...but greedy war mongering repubs vote against them continuously.
IF you have some condition such as homelessness or mental illness...very likely an employer will not choose you over a healthy civilian with no such issues. This program trying to encourage employers to hire healthy veterans would not apply.
Disabled veterans need a separate program that would assist employes in adapting the workplace to meet their needs. The fed could offer to pay the disabled veterans salary for 2 years so that the employer could see that the veteran could actually earn their salary. The veteran would gain work experience. The fed could additionally cover the cost of adapting the workplace...such as with a wheelchair ramp and handicapped restroom near the work station, cafeteria and any meeting rooms / conference rooms often used.
Veterans who simply could not out compete healthy civilians on a job interview should be evaluated for a program which supplies food, clothing. housing and 100 percent disability pay while the veteran attends trade school or college. If the veteran is too ill or injured to successfully attend trade school or college, online education should be offered with a view toward specific jobs allowing work from home.
If the veteran is ineligible for a job, or education program due to illness and or injury...then food and clothing allowance, housing allowance and 100 percent service connection for disability on the basis of unemployability should be supplied.
Veterans should be employed full time WITH benefits and a living wage above poverty, or they should be in one of the above programs. They may for their own reason opt out but should be allowed to opt back in to evaluation and placement into a program at any time following their service.
Sometimes reintegrating into the work force is a difficult path. If the country sends these people to serve...the country should support them until they have rejoined the work force. The county should continue to stand behind them if they find they need additional training or further adaptation of the work place. These veterans should be protected from discrimination in the work place against the disabled in regard to job assignments and promotions.
My heart goes out other veterans who are also ill and injured. Yes its time that EVER veteran has some mechanism to have a living wage or is supplied with funds for food, clothing, housing and 100 percent disability pay.
Regarding Social Security Disability...100 percent service connected veterans should get approval as 100 percent disabled via Social Security. The VA refused to see me for over a year then denied anything was wrong. By the time they admitted there was a problem, the social security deadline passed. The VA should not be allowed to rob veterans of social security. While the VA was not seeing me and even after they were...I had medical needs that the VA did not cover. The VA reserves the right to refuse to send veterans for testing and services. Even if the veteran gets diagnostic testing outside the VA and proves the VAs denial of care and services was improper, the VA will not pay for such testing nor pay the clninician outside the VA required to schedule and approve of such testing.
I am a veteran who has been treated by the VA for years. The VA has not managed to improve my health to the point where I could reenter the work force. Veterans need true choice. I am now going to my state University Hospital system for primary care. I need to let someone other than the VA have a shot at improving my health. Veterans need true choice, not limited by a 30 day, 40 mile rule. If we feel its time to let someone else try, or feel that VA clinicians are so busy denying patient symptoms to avoid compensation and pension approval of a case...then we as competent adults should be able to go to the community. If black people weren't allowed to go to the doctor of their choice...or jews...would that be a problem? Why is it not a problem if veterans may not go to the provider of their choice? If black people needed someones permission before changing doctors...would it be a problem? If veterans need someones permission to go to a doctor in their town, or to the University health center...then they arent treated as competent adults equal to any other citizen on Obama Care.
Suppose you were in a car accident with another person. Suppose the other party was at fault but only agreed to pay IF you went to HIS brother who is a doctor who the other party in the accident will pay for his services. Would you go there or demand a neutral party such as your local state university to serve as the physician? If someone is injured in the military, they are told they MUST go to a VA hired physician for an evaluation. Would you go to such a doctor, or would you insist that your family physician who knows your baseline exam and could note any changes be consulted as well as a neutral physician from the state university? The fed...needs to treat veterans how they would wish to be treated under the circumstances. Stop being shocked that veterans are sad, angry, or both when veterans are having to beg to be treated the same as anyone else would want to be treated in the same situation.
Note for veterans who are refused by compensation and pension: If you lied to comp and pen...I have no help for you.
If you actually have the condition in question, save the money somehow and go to your state university health system and get evaluated. IF your VA is treating you for the condition and yet claims via compensation and pension that you do not have the condition in question...note this means they are accusing your VA physician of medical malpractice. Write your congressman and state medical board and let them know the situation. IF the VA claims that you have the condition, it had onset during or was caused by conditions of military service, the VA is treating you for the condition, and yet compensation and pension denies the condition...please review your medical records. Did your clinicians accept in their best estimate that your medical problem was caused by military service or a continuation of a condition first occurring during military service? You will most likely note this acceptance in that they did not go on with further workup evaluating why this condition was and is occurring. To note a condition and not make a proper effort to evaluate its onset and why it is occurring is malpractice. So again note here that compensation and pension worker may be in effect accusing your VA physicians of medical malpractice. You need to write your congress man or woman and ask that they put an investigator in contact with you. You need them to review the situation and notify the state medical board of this alleged malpractice. You need them to request from the VA the following
1) a copy of the letter by the compensation and pension worker who noticed that malpractice was occurring in your case, and advising you to seek immediate medical evaluation by a different provider
2) a copy of the letter by compensation and pension worker at the VA who noticed the malpractice to the State Medical board reporting the malpractice by the VA doctor that is treating you for conditions that you do not have and / or did not do an evaluation for the cause of the condition that IS present despite evidence that this condition was not caused by military service or a continuation of care for a condition with onset during military service.
3)To be fair to the clinician involved at the VA, compensation and pension should have notified that doctor immediately that they were committing medical malpractice so that this clinician soon as possible ...rectify the situation. If the clinician is treating you for a condition you DO not have ...or accepted your history that this first occurred due to conditions during military service when in fact further work up should be done...immediately to the true cause.
In other words...either for many of you...comp and pen is lying...and you have the condition and it is service connected.... or your doctors at the VA should be fired for medical malpractice. Either way...the VA is in a no win situation.
Please notify your congressional investigator and state board of the situation.
Im Katherine Rogers. Im being treated at the Ann Arbor VA, Michigan for a condition which was caused by conditions during military service. The specialist physician states this in their notes and failed to do ANY further evaluation as to why the condition occurred. If comp and pen is correct....the clinician is guilty of malpractice. As a veteran I can may not be able to reap monetary damages but ...the clinician involved could be at risk of losing their license.
I Katherine Rogers am being treated for another condition at the Ann Arbor VA Michigan with onset DURING military service. Physicians continued to treat the condition as though the current condition and the same diagnosis during military service are one and the same. No evaluation as to cause or new date of onset was determined. If there is a separate cause...this should have been identified, as leaving this unidentified would put my health at risk.
Compensation and pension denies both of these conditions. They are in effect claiming that my VA physicians are committing malpractice. I want...their letter to me warning me, asking that I seek immediate care with another clinician, their report to the state medical license board, and to the clinicians in question.
The take home message to VA clinicians is this...IF they are treating conditions and yet not charting the reason for the diagnosis, the onset of the condition, and its association with military conditions adequately enough to satisfy the standard questions as put forth by Compensation and Pension, then they do NOT deserve to work for the VA. IF the charting problem is egregious enough then likely they should not work as a physician for any employer. All patients...veterans included, need to have charting performed to the point where that charting will answer basic questions such as ...what medical condition is this, how do you know, when did it begin, and why did it begin. When clinicians fail this...they should be reported to the medical board.
I hope...with the threat of losing a license hanging over the heads of VA doctors, they will manage to communicate with compensation and pension. I personally have BEGGED my doctor to sit down with compensation and say..."see this test. It's abnormal. This abnormal test indicates THIS diagnosis. My primary care provider...Dr Obrien at the Ann Arbor VA states he....would rather not get involved with comp and pen issues. He...took a job AT the VA as opposed to at some other health service. Part of the job IS explaining to compensation and pension whatever they need to know to clarify the patients list of service connected conditions and document severity. That this man is allowed to refuse to state to the best of his knowledge to compesation and pension what the state of my health is....I would have hoped is unthinkable.
Compensation and pension discovers that the VA clinician didnt adequately review the service record. Instead of reporting that to the clinician's supervisor and demanding that the doctor do their job....Compensation and pension harms the veteran by denying their claim. This has to stop. IM asking the senators in my state to investigate the compensation and pension workers. Because of that and because I know these compensation and pension workers didnt send a letter to ME, the doctors involved or to the state medical board when they think they found malpractice....the comp and pen workers involved deserve to be fired.
I hope some of the information I have written helps someone out there. Run through your mind what it would really mean if compensation and pension workers were telling the truth as far as your VA doctor, the treatment you are being given, and the lack of evaluation for causes other than conditions of military service. IS compensation and pension accusing YOUR doctor of malpractice AND records keeping incompetence or both.
You turned your records into the VA. If your doctor is treating you for conditions and did not review your records AND chart that they did so irresponsible and incompetent. Often...this is the compensation and pension complaint.
Veterans need recourse when their clinician , compensation and pension rep or both are incompetent, dishonest or both.
MicalPlaysGames typical lib slant. Here's a little tidbit of info for you jerkoff. The Dems and the GOP are two sides of the same coin.
Rico was smarter in Madagascar 2
@@avaliviawiegers8767 Kowalski was smarter in Madagascar 2.
Private as the general >//w//
I like it and I'm good on honoring the veterans on veterans day #GotYour6
I think the clip is cute and worth a smile. Please dont put down attempts to even think about military veterans. Sure there are those of us that are injured and ill so will not be part of this program. you want those that served with you who may return to the work force to have jobs?
Sometimes when people begin to tackle a problem...they start with the easier question first. What do you do with those that have zero disabilities?
I would like each business licensed to remain open in the US to be required to certify annually as part of the application for business license that they...hire veterans as a priority. If two applicants have records that are close to equivalent...the veteran is to be given priority in hiring. Job openings should be advertised first for veterans only to apply. Then only if a qualified veteran does not apply should the job opening be offered to the public.
+Katherine Rogers These people are thieves. They stole the concept and logo from a Watch My 6. is the original company. The owner contacted Got Your 6 and they said "Tough luck, we have made too much money so we are not stopping." Watch My 6 is trademarked and they still stole it. This entire company is a fraud!
1:01 oh Rico why would you eat the top secret Intel
That kind of behavior might result in a court martial.
Watching this for school in Indy
Some commentaries below says this short has to do with Ms. Obama; but it does not seem so; she was nice in participating, but could be any other president wife/president husband or the president himself or herself. The soldiers are the focus, not the government.
Technically that Since Private was a General. So that his name is General too instead of Private
So no one is going to talk about the Shrek cameo on Private's booboo.
Great video! My students loved it!
I feel bad for private!
5:00 Skipper: What? 5:01 Private: Now!
4:26 Skipper: Well, cuts me out.😡 4:28 Kowalski: yeah, me too 😢 4:29 Rico: 😡😡
4:30 Private: Oh Springy. 😍
Cute and funny video. Love them Penguins but yeah there seems to be much sugarcoated over this video.
Private a GENERAL!? :D :D
3:00 Shrek bandage.
& 2:34
I like This penguins
I hope children play this nonstop so that CEOs and recruiters keep getting reminded to hire veterans.
How about some commercials to replace the garbage commercials on the internet and TV...that remind people about military / veteran's issues.
This is a beginning.
+Katherine Rogers These people are thieves. They stole the concept and logo from a Watch My 6. is the original company. The owner contacted Got Your 6 and they said "Tough luck, we have made too much money so we are not stopping." Watch My 6 is trademarked and they still stole it. This entire company is a fraud!
How do you even animat that?
After effects?
Tell me please, they look so awesome :D
2:10, 2:30, and 2:56 Lol 😆 😂
Poor Private. He didn't need to get his skin ripped off or I don't know.
@@duncanmcknight4622 Yeah 😅
Who has my 6???? Not the 142 Fighter Wing or JBLM, ...................!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have PTSD and the hard part didn't begin for my family and me until I returned HOME.......
Ray Hernandez 😢
HOLY FISH PASTE LOOK IA THIS 2:34!!!!!!!(shrek refference)
A wild Skipper Appeared 0:25
I like the new private 😁😁😁
4:35 anime is now illegal
No Thanks. I will have my kids learn about veterans day from someone who is proud of our country because our history of heroism and freedom, not only because they elected her husband to the presidency.
What history of "freedom" do you speak of? According to my history book, that's nonexistent. Shut up, stop being butt hurt, and enjoy the video.
***** Yep and this video is one of them!!
You damn right I'm dope!
lol No I'm a college graduate with my MA degree. You can take the stereotype to the next TH-cam video though.
OK, Jasmine has put herself in the "First time I have been proud of my country is when they elected President Obama" category. Thanks for sharing that. I suggest getting a new history book though, because there is much in our history of which to be proud.
Mrs Obama, it's been an honour.
Your tax dollars at work ladies and gentlemen!
I'm glad my tax dollars made this?
Would you prefer more money given to the rich or Koch brothers
Mical No I would prefer this money be given directly back to the Vets, you know the ones waiting in line for medical treatment? Couldn't the have the cost of this video have paid for a few things for vets? Like more help to get them into care faster..?
***** News flash. Y'all messing with second world countries now (Ukraine). If this trend holds we will have a new world war courtesy of uncle Sam.
+Nicole Louise Pagnano . iq
What about my family??????????
I didn't catch the part were they shoot up unarmed civilians and get to call it "collateral damage".
Oh mayn, using penguins for propaganda. Nice work.
And while you're at it make the white man look like a doofus. Very PC, very PC.
I wish I could un-see things.
zip0v lol yeah. I noticed it too.
now you know how the asian men always feel eh?
Intriguing. Reminds me of the old Disney propaganda.
please just let us have fun with the video go spread your political views somewhere else
My favourite 😉😉😉😉 Skipper ♥️♥️
can't believe the penguins were duped into making a propaganda video
Well, I can believe Skipper was duped. He's a total Republican.
Top notch CGI.
Wow there, Skipper got a little too dominant in this scene.
Truly A Gem :)
excuse me, mrs. obama
2:33 Shrek reference
We may loose everything!!!!!
Im gonna say the N word
Grenade Clock Niggaaaaaaaaaaaa!
@@angelzavala3118 *KABOOOOOM*
Ray Xlr874 the hedgehog Finally somebody replied my gosh its been 7 months and someone finally finished the meme for me thank you
Ray Xlr874 the hedgehog but the meme died now sadly
It was cute and informative #GotYour6
Hannah Hopkins Hi?
why do they call him first lady, IT IS FIRST QUEEN
Mrs Obama where are you? Are you okay?
Im gonna say the N word too!
That's racist you can't say the n word
Кто от содерлинга?
I'm a veteran and I think all of you who disrespect the First Lady are scum.
+Peter Calvet These people are thieves. They stole the concept and logo from a Watch My 6. is the original company. The owner contacted Got Your 6 and they said "Tough luck, we have made too much money so we are not stopping." Watch My 6 is trademarked and they still stole it. This entire company is a fraud!
dijo dia de los veteranos no el dia de los veteianos
Why the penguins are real
great one
i would listen to the first lady the whole when shes speaking...
nice work
"all of them are eager to help in the community" um. No
My birthday
Bruh what’s privates problem
Good grief, why should we sit through that thing to get to the good stuff?
No entiendo el ingles por completo todavía :'(
did anyone noticed shrek?
i got your 6 ☺
Cool movie
Mr. Goebbels is proud of you Americans! Great job there! :)
Shut up, this is suppose to be a nice video showing support for them for kids, and before u attack me, I'm an Asian American 15 year old...
pauvre je me sens très mal pour ce pauvre petit pingouin je me sens triste😪😪
Muy educativo
Tayangan baru..!?
America has become too powerful!
Too much freedom , corrupts. Eg: Americans
Skipper my man🤑👾👽🎥🍿😎
Smythie looks like Harry Reid to me????
Just sayin