Greece must send Asteromata to Eurovision.. this is a masterpiece. Such a beautiful, powerful and emotional song. She is such an amazing singer.. from the first moment I heard it, she spoke deep into my soul. This masterpiece can be the winner of Eurovision 2025!!
I like Lavadom a lot and agree with most of his statements, but in that case, he doesn't know that Clavdia already has a career in Greece and that most people love her and appreciate her artistry. She is far more advanced than the Voice and she has sung together with very popular and great Greek artists. She is more famous clearly. I don't think that Evangelia has any luck this year.
Klavdia with Asteromata is miles ahead. Amazing voice even better on live performances - cannot be compared to Evangelia's. Please check them both out yourselves to get a sense. Also, the lyrics in Asteromata have a deep meaning related to Greek history, immigration, the loss of mother land and people's strong bonds. Evangelia keeps repeating herself with cheap romance-related lyrics, the Greek music industry is full of such songs - and we DO HAVE more things to say as Greeks. Songs like Evangelia's don't speak to me at all anymore. Sorry. 100% ASTEROMATA!
Para acabar con el asunto, los griegos votaremos por lo que nos representa como nación. Y todo demuestra que queremos una representación decente incluso si llegamos al final...
YES!!YES!! They make videos for the views as greeks are acting strong about their songs but enough!!! We get to decide what song will represent us whether Europe likes it or not!!
Well, I think that here in Greece it's not even a debate anymore. Klavdias asteromàta hits hard. It's a really well written song considering all aspects. First of all, Klavdia has an amazing voice and tone, the song itself has beautifully selected words, powerful meaning and spot on instrumental. Also, the build up of the song is beyond excellent. At the other hand, we have Evangelia who is more popular to the international audience.That's about it! The song is a copy of Pepas, a weird mix of many genres (following Marinas recipe)and languages. It doesn't hit as something "great". Especially the part with the Cretan lira comes out of nowhere just to add a dance break, it doesn't fit the song itself. Finally, it has unnecessary "football tournament anthem" vibes. Most people (including me), want us to send what's representing us better as a nation and showcases our culture and roots. So, Klavdia will probably win easily. Sorry for the essay😂
Totalmente de acuerdo respecto a los idiomas 👍 También muy de acuerdo con valorar y votar más en función de lo que me gusta o transmite una canción más allá de pensar si es la apropiada o no para ser más eurovisiva 👍 Y me gustaría que Eurovisión sea un escaparate de la diversidad de estilos musicales y culturales de los distintos paises, preferiblemente en sus propios idiomas. Entiendo que sea representativo también la música más escuchada de cada país y que lo más probable es que sea más de estilo comercial y en inglés, pero quiero que este tipo de canciones no regelen las que son más representativas de cada país. Saludos 😊
Guys be serious,evangeliaw song after 2 years nobody will remember.max on beach bar one summer.klavdias song is traditional song with nice music.and yes here is Greece we like more asteromata.and not a song what remind us some other similar songs..
@@0skar95vYou're lickin' the same candy over and over again. Asteromata has nothing to do with Oneiro Mou, neither melodically, nor lyrically, nor vocally! So many countries send traditional songs that express them as a country and as a culture... and they do well in the contest, Ukraine being a typical example. So don't compare, it's not right. Finally, we don't care about the position we take, we want to send the song that speaks to our heart and soul! We want to go with a song that has our identity and not just a bad copy!
@@0skar95v At least I have a thought and for that I have arguments, can you justify what you say or all you can do is to throw your nonsense? Also, Gianna Terzi was not passed by the juries, now the juries do not vote in the semi-finals. And I tell you again, I don't care what position we take! Can you understand this or is it too difficult for you to understand?
Πολυ ΛΑΘΟΣ τοποθέτηση του ενός εκεί...την Κλαυδια την γνώρισε η Ελλάδας 17 χρονών στο voice.Οι άλλες δύο Μαρίνα και Ευαγγελία είναι πολυ μεγαλύτερες σε ηλικία κ δεν θεωρούμε όλοι οτι έχουν ωραία φωνή ή οτι της ξέρει όλη η Ελλάδα..πρώτη φορά άκουσα την Ευαγγελία..έχουν ενα είδος μουσικής που δεν αρέσει σε όλους λιγο μονότονο στυλ. Η Κλαυδια ειναι πολυ ξεχωριστή φωνή κ ήμαστε πολυ περήφανοι γιατι αξίζει να γνωρίσετε κ εσείς στην Ευρώπη το έμφυτο ταλέντο τής.
Για την Μαρίνα την ξέρει η περισσότερη Ελλάδα. Η Ευαγγελία έγινε γνωστή πρόσφατα γιατί είναι Ελληνίδα του εξωτερικού. Δεν είναι τόσο γνωστή στην Ελλάδα όσο μερικοί περιμένουν. Και το ξέρω γιατί είμαι φαν της και περίμενα περισσότερα. Σαν φαν της απογοητεύτηκα. Αν και δεν ήμουνα φαν της Κλαυδιας αυτήν υποστηρίζω 100% γιατί το τραγούδι της μιλάει στην ψυχή μου και είναι και προσωπικό. Η μητέρα μου έχει καταγωγή από Μικρά Ασία
@pennybleta2300 Την Μαρίνα την μάθαμε στα 33 τής πόσο ήταν από την απευθείας συμμετοχή της από το κρατικό κανάλι..εαν ήταν κ άλλοι τραγουδιστές πολύ πιθανόν να μην πήγαινε. Δεν την είχαμε ακούσει στην Ελλάδα κ δεν αρέσει σε όλους το είδος της..η Κλαβία αδικήθηκε το 2023, το holy water ήταν φοβερό τραγούδι..αλλά δεν διάλεγε ο κόσμος θα είχε πάει από τότε.
@marynabere3092 Την Μαρίνα οι περισσότεροι στην Ελλάδα την έμαθαν από την Μάντισσα όταν η Κλαυδια ήταν ακόμα παιδί. Εγώ την ήξερα από το steps του Ant1 πριν την Μάντισσα ακόμα. Ήξερα τι φωνάρα ήταν πριν την Μάντισσα. Η Μαρίνα ήταν γνωστή στην Ελλάδα όσο καιρό σχεδόν είναι και οι Μέλισσες που είμαι επίσης φαν από όταν εγώ ακόμα ήμουνα στο πανεπιστήμιο. Δεν θέλω να σε προσβάλλω αλλά νομίζω είσαι σε μικρή ηλικία η δεν θυμάσαι καλά κάποια πράγματα. Η Μαρίνα όταν πήγε στην Ευροβιζιον δεν ήταν ανερχόμενη τραγουδίστρια αλλά ήδη γνωστή και όχι μόνο στην Ελλάδα. Η Μάντισσα ήταν επιτυχία και στο εξωτερικό και οι Ευροφανς ήθελαν από χρόνια να πάει. Παρακολουθώ Ευροβιζιον από το 2001 και ξέρω.
@marynabere3092 Όσον αφορά το είδος μουσικής της Μαρίνας πολλοί δεν είναι φαν των τελευταίων τραγουδιών της αλλά ήταν φαν της Μαρίνας από την Μάντισσα, τις Κούπες και το Πάλι. Η το σπίρτο και βενζίνη. Ανάμεσα τους και πολλοί διάσημοι. Όταν η Κλαυδια ήταν στο voice σαν διαγωνιζόμενη η Μαρίνα ήταν καλεσμένη σαν interval στο voice. Όλοι οι γνωστοί τραγουδιστές την ήξεραν και κάποιοι της γύρισαν την πλάτη μετά το Ζάρι κακως για εμένα.
@@pennybleta2300Άκου μπορώ να έχω κ εγώ την άποψη μού γιατί βλέπω eurovision από το 1980..όταν ήταν σοβαρός θεσμός..δεν ηταν ποτέ αυτά τα τραγούδια στην προτίμηση μού που ανέφερες..γι αυτο δεν τις ήξερα κ ούτε θα τις άκουγα έστω κ ένα τραγούδι τους έως το τέλος.Μου αρέσουν οι τραγουδιστές που η φωνή τους ξεχωρίζει λόγο χροιάς..οχι να μιλάνε κ να νομίζουν ότι τραγουδούν.
For the guy who dance and support Evaggelia ----> first of all you say your opinion which doesn't count for anything because as you say Evangelia is your friend and you used to hang out !! Secondly, you are not impartial, you speak your opinion of course and you want to support your friend and I understand that .. but the whole world is talking about the appearance klavdia --> you know that only you specifically & your own channel supports Evaggelia so strongly , you should do a reasearch --> as ERT asked from all participants to sing acapella ---> do you know how Evaggelia sang acapella ??? because it was obvious you didn't see it ---> so I'll let you know how it went---> IT WENT DOWN !! The comments she is receiving is not so good for your Friend actually are so negative that is mention everywhere --> while you said you have seen her live etc .. well when she doesnt control her voice her breathing etc how she will preform on stage?? while she is dancing also ?? SHE WILL GO DOWN --> this is the reallity not only my opinion the whole Greece opinion or at lease 49 % that at the moment support strongly klavdia and only one 21 % supporting Evaggelia --> THE NUMBERS SPEAK BY THEM SELFS .. thank you
@Fotini-e7w lol το θεμα δεν ειναι μονο οτι τα εχω 400 αλλα μιλαω με επιχειρηματα και δεν σου αρεσει δεν ειναι δικο μου προβλημα η κοπελα καλη ειναι για στουντιο οχι για λαιβ αυτα
“Asteromata” de Klavdia habla directamente al corazón del pueblo griego y de todos aquellos que han experimentado el dolor de la separación y el estatus de refugiado. Un diálogo épico entre una madre y una hija desarraigada, un lamento por el dolor humano de la separación, un himno al poder del amor y la nostalgia por la patria y los seres queridos que dejamos atrás. ¡Ninguna traducción puede transmitir la profundidad y belleza de las letras griegas! Los griegos han conocido la “xenitia” (la palabra no tiene traducción exacta), la migración, el desarraigo y el estatuto de refugiado desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días. Ha dejado su huella en sus almas. Y no se limitan a enviar una canción a Eurovisión. ¡Están entregando una parte de su alma! ASTEROMATA (Chica de ojos estrellados) Mi estrella, mi estrella Mi dulce madre no llores Aunque te pongan ropa negra Mi cuerpo desvanecido no es derrotado por las llamas El fuego traga Aunque crucen el mar Ellos nunca olvidan el suelo de sus raíces Mi pequeña niña de ojos estrellados Date la vuelta para que pueda besarte para poder saciar mis labios en tus lágrimas sagradas Ah, mi estrella, mi tesoro. Mi dulce madre no llores Mi vida es un barco que busca el retorno El viento para mi vela Mi pequeña niña de ojos estrellados Date la vuelta para que pueda atraparte y descansar mi alas olvidadas Ah, mi estrella, mi tesoro. Ah, mi estrella, mi tesoro. Mi estrella
While i like Lavadom and i usually agree with him in things. In this i disagree totally. He sees things from the perspective of being a blind fan of one of the two. He is not objective in this. I am also a fan of Evangelia while i knew Klavdia before Evangelia i wasn't a fan of hers before this song. Which is why i see things more clearly and i am Greek after all. Evangelia totally let me down with this song. The only part i like is the Cretan traditional part of this song but the rest is unlistenable and a cheap copy of Zari from last year. And i supperted Zari to everyone. Klavdia's song is going to win firstly because the song speaks to the hearts of all Greeks if you knew the lyrics and the message of the song you would know. Especially to some of us that have Minor Asia and Pontian roots. And secondly because objectively and i say this as a fan of Evangelia she is not that good live and definitely not better than Klavdia. Klavdia live is miles ahead of her. And that's why Evangelia got a lot of flack after the snippets of acapela were released in ERT while Klavdia is praised. The three of you should react to Klavdia's live and you will understand what i am talking about. Even famous musicians here in Greece said that Evangelia was awful in that snippet technically. Sorry for the long comment but i wanted to let you know the perspective of us Greeks so that you won't be surprised in the night of the final.
I genuinely believe he thought his reaction to Evangelia will get him massive audience as Marina last year because she was the most known artist in the esc community + they have kinda similar vibe (definitely not the same) and thus he completely ignored the fact that the song was generic and a copy paste. Had he known that Asteromata by Klavdia was gaining so much attention he would have reacted so much differently. It's all about the views...
Levandom when you make a comment,try to be better informed!! Actually watching another video on streets of Madrid looks you promote Vale for some reason ....
Vale: a canned song, with a sound borrowed from Brazilian carnivals and similar to thousands of other uninspired dance tracks. Not to mention the awful lyrics. Why such insistence???
Lavadora,te gusta demasiado Evangelia. Porque Klavdia le da mil vueltas a Evangelia. Y si sabes de euro,sabías perfectamente que Baby Lasaña iba a quedar en el top 5. Desde cuando escuché su canción, lo tenía clarísimo (aunque no me gustaba nada). Una preselección es buena si hay al menos una canción buena. Benidorm este año es eso,hay dos canciones buenas y ya. Lo mismo con Grecia. Con lo cual no puedo decir que son finales flojillas.
Asteromata es Oniro Mou 2.0 y ya vimos como quedó esta en Eurovision (con corrupción y todo lol). Grecia siempre ha ido a la final con los bops, así que hay que apostar por lo seguro.
@0skar95v con Oniro mou,la canción era brutal. Lo que ha fallado era la puesta en escena (horrorosa) y la voz (no cantó 100% bien). Entonces no tiene nada que ver.
@@Konstantinos20 Oniro Mou era un tema plano que aburría a las ovejas, igual que Asteromata. Solo que como no se clasificó ya se le sacan todos los defectos. Veremos el directo de Klavdia y de Evangelia. Me parece mucho más Eurovision, Vále, pero si Klavdia lo hace mejor que Evangelia habrá que aceptarlo.
@0skar95v te aburría a ti. Todo el mundo dice que es un crimen que no haya pasado a la final,aunque no tenía puesta en escena. En las apuestas,hasta antes de los ensayos,estaba en el top 7.
"Vale" is not unique...just another song , empty and ordinary....nothing special ...the cretan part is totally irrelevant in the song, with no connection! Klavdia song si special! It makes everyone get goosebumps!
Yes we will the only decision which is Klavdia. Evangelia's song is a hot mess. To say the least. It cannot even be compared to the masterpiece Asteromata is.
Greece must send Asteromata to Eurovision.. this is a masterpiece. Such a beautiful, powerful and emotional song. She is such an amazing singer.. from the first moment I heard it, she spoke deep into my soul. This masterpiece can be the winner of Eurovision 2025!!
Asteromata para mi, es mi favorita
Klavdia asteromata winner 🇬🇷❤🏆
I like Lavadom a lot and agree with most of his statements, but in that case, he doesn't know that Clavdia already has a career in Greece and that most people love her and appreciate her artistry. She is far more advanced than the Voice and she has sung together with very popular and great Greek artists. She is more famous clearly. I don't think that Evangelia has any luck this year.
The message, meaning of Asteromata is so powerful and so interwoven with GREECE. This is the song! Express a big part of my country, sound and lyrics!
Klavdia has the voice of an angel and is only 22❤❤❤
Klavdia with Asteromata is miles ahead. Amazing voice even better on live performances - cannot be compared to Evangelia's. Please check them both out yourselves to get a sense. Also, the lyrics in Asteromata have a deep meaning related to Greek history, immigration, the loss of mother land and people's strong bonds. Evangelia keeps repeating herself with cheap romance-related lyrics, the Greek music industry is full of such songs - and we DO HAVE more things to say as Greeks. Songs like Evangelia's don't speak to me at all anymore. Sorry. 100% ASTEROMATA!
Para acabar con el asunto, los griegos votaremos por lo que nos representa como nación. Y todo demuestra que queremos una representación decente incluso si llegamos al final...
YES!!YES!! They make videos for the views as greeks are acting strong about their songs but enough!!!
We get to decide what song will represent us whether Europe likes it or not!!
Well, I think that here in Greece it's not even a debate anymore. Klavdias asteromàta hits hard. It's a really well written song considering all aspects. First of all, Klavdia has an amazing voice and tone, the song itself has beautifully selected words, powerful meaning and spot on instrumental. Also, the build up of the song is beyond excellent.
At the other hand, we have Evangelia who is more popular to the international audience.That's about it!
The song is a copy of Pepas, a weird mix of many genres (following Marinas recipe)and languages. It doesn't hit as something "great". Especially the part with the Cretan lira comes out of nowhere just to add a dance break, it doesn't fit the song itself. Finally, it has unnecessary "football tournament anthem" vibes.
Most people (including me), want us to send what's representing us better as a nation and showcases our culture and roots.
So, Klavdia will probably win easily.
Sorry for the essay😂
if Klavdia wins, we will see Oniro Mou 2.0
@@0skar95v We don't really care about that. It's the better song overall and represents our country better. That's the most important thing.
Klavdia tiene que is si ó si
Totalmente de acuerdo respecto a los idiomas 👍
También muy de acuerdo con valorar y votar más en función de lo que me gusta o transmite una canción más allá de pensar si es la apropiada o no para ser más eurovisiva 👍
Y me gustaría que Eurovisión sea un escaparate de la diversidad de estilos musicales y culturales de los distintos paises, preferiblemente en sus propios idiomas.
Entiendo que sea representativo también la música más escuchada de cada país y que lo más probable es que sea más de estilo comercial y en inglés, pero quiero que este tipo de canciones no regelen las que son más representativas de cada país.
Saludos 😊
We want Klavdia ...we want the live performamce of this VOICE....Evaggelia is fine for a football game...or something...
Guys be serious,evangeliaw song after 2 years nobody will remember.max on beach bar one summer.klavdias song is traditional song with nice music.and yes here is Greece we like more asteromata.and not a song what remind us some other similar songs..
Asteromata will be remembered as Oniro Mou does...
@@0skar95vYou're lickin' the same candy over and over again. Asteromata has nothing to do with Oneiro Mou, neither melodically, nor lyrically, nor vocally! So many countries send traditional songs that express them as a country and as a culture... and they do well in the contest, Ukraine being a typical example. So don't compare, it's not right. Finally, we don't care about the position we take, we want to send the song that speaks to our heart and soul! We want to go with a song that has our identity and not just a bad copy!
@@Hair-lover-Mine-of-course That's your way of thinking 😅
@@0skar95v At least I have a thought and for that I have arguments, can you justify what you say or all you can do is to throw your nonsense? Also, Gianna Terzi was not passed by the juries, now the juries do not vote in the semi-finals. And I tell you again, I don't care what position we take! Can you understand this or is it too difficult for you to understand?
@Hair-lover-Mine-of-course You're the typical person that justifies your saying by invalidating the others. #GG
Πολυ ΛΑΘΟΣ τοποθέτηση του ενός εκεί...την Κλαυδια την γνώρισε η Ελλάδας 17 χρονών στο voice.Οι άλλες δύο Μαρίνα και Ευαγγελία είναι πολυ μεγαλύτερες σε ηλικία κ δεν θεωρούμε όλοι οτι έχουν ωραία φωνή ή οτι της ξέρει όλη η Ελλάδα..πρώτη φορά άκουσα την Ευαγγελία..έχουν ενα είδος μουσικής που δεν αρέσει σε όλους λιγο μονότονο στυλ. Η Κλαυδια ειναι πολυ ξεχωριστή φωνή κ ήμαστε πολυ περήφανοι γιατι αξίζει να γνωρίσετε κ εσείς στην Ευρώπη το έμφυτο ταλέντο τής.
Για την Μαρίνα την ξέρει η περισσότερη Ελλάδα. Η Ευαγγελία έγινε γνωστή πρόσφατα γιατί είναι Ελληνίδα του εξωτερικού. Δεν είναι τόσο γνωστή στην Ελλάδα όσο μερικοί περιμένουν. Και το ξέρω γιατί είμαι φαν της και περίμενα περισσότερα. Σαν φαν της απογοητεύτηκα. Αν και δεν ήμουνα φαν της Κλαυδιας αυτήν υποστηρίζω 100% γιατί το τραγούδι της μιλάει στην ψυχή μου και είναι και προσωπικό. Η μητέρα μου έχει καταγωγή από Μικρά Ασία
@pennybleta2300 Την Μαρίνα την μάθαμε στα 33 τής πόσο ήταν από την απευθείας συμμετοχή της από το κρατικό κανάλι..εαν ήταν κ άλλοι τραγουδιστές πολύ πιθανόν να μην πήγαινε. Δεν την είχαμε ακούσει στην Ελλάδα κ δεν αρέσει σε όλους το είδος της..η Κλαβία αδικήθηκε το 2023, το holy water ήταν φοβερό τραγούδι..αλλά δεν διάλεγε ο κόσμος θα είχε πάει από τότε.
@marynabere3092 Την Μαρίνα οι περισσότεροι στην Ελλάδα την έμαθαν από την Μάντισσα όταν η Κλαυδια ήταν ακόμα παιδί. Εγώ την ήξερα από το steps του Ant1 πριν την Μάντισσα ακόμα. Ήξερα τι φωνάρα ήταν πριν την Μάντισσα. Η Μαρίνα ήταν γνωστή στην Ελλάδα όσο καιρό σχεδόν είναι και οι Μέλισσες που είμαι επίσης φαν από όταν εγώ ακόμα ήμουνα στο πανεπιστήμιο. Δεν θέλω να σε προσβάλλω αλλά νομίζω είσαι σε μικρή ηλικία η δεν θυμάσαι καλά κάποια πράγματα. Η Μαρίνα όταν πήγε στην Ευροβιζιον δεν ήταν ανερχόμενη τραγουδίστρια αλλά ήδη γνωστή και όχι μόνο στην Ελλάδα. Η Μάντισσα ήταν επιτυχία και στο εξωτερικό και οι Ευροφανς ήθελαν από χρόνια να πάει. Παρακολουθώ Ευροβιζιον από το 2001 και ξέρω.
@marynabere3092 Όσον αφορά το είδος μουσικής της Μαρίνας πολλοί δεν είναι φαν των τελευταίων τραγουδιών της αλλά ήταν φαν της Μαρίνας από την Μάντισσα, τις Κούπες και το Πάλι. Η το σπίρτο και βενζίνη. Ανάμεσα τους και πολλοί διάσημοι. Όταν η Κλαυδια ήταν στο voice σαν διαγωνιζόμενη η Μαρίνα ήταν καλεσμένη σαν interval στο voice. Όλοι οι γνωστοί τραγουδιστές την ήξεραν και κάποιοι της γύρισαν την πλάτη μετά το Ζάρι κακως για εμένα.
@@pennybleta2300Άκου μπορώ να έχω κ εγώ την άποψη μού γιατί βλέπω eurovision από το 1980..όταν ήταν σοβαρός θεσμός..δεν ηταν ποτέ αυτά τα τραγούδια στην προτίμηση μού που ανέφερες..γι αυτο δεν τις ήξερα κ ούτε θα τις άκουγα έστω κ ένα τραγούδι τους έως το τέλος.Μου αρέσουν οι τραγουδιστές που η φωνή τους ξεχωρίζει λόγο χροιάς..οχι να μιλάνε κ να νομίζουν ότι τραγουδούν.
Poco se habla de Play it de Xannova xan. Es un temazo 💣
For the guy who dance and support Evaggelia ----> first of all you say your opinion which doesn't count for anything because as you say Evangelia is your friend and you used to hang out !! Secondly, you are not impartial, you speak your opinion of course and you want to support your friend and I understand that .. but the whole world is talking about the appearance klavdia --> you know that only you specifically & your own channel supports Evaggelia so strongly , you should do a reasearch --> as ERT asked from all participants to sing acapella ---> do you know how Evaggelia sang acapella ??? because it was obvious you didn't see it ---> so I'll let you know how it went---> IT WENT DOWN !! The comments she is receiving is not so good for your Friend actually are so negative that is mention everywhere --> while you said you have seen her live etc .. well when she doesnt control her voice her breathing etc how she will preform on stage?? while she is dancing also ?? SHE WILL GO DOWN --> this is the reallity not only my opinion the whole Greece opinion or at lease 49 % that at the moment support strongly klavdia and only one 21 % supporting Evaggelia --> THE NUMBERS SPEAK BY THEM SELFS .. thank you
@Fotini-e7w lol το θεμα δεν ειναι μονο οτι τα εχω 400 αλλα μιλαω με επιχειρηματα και δεν σου αρεσει δεν ειναι δικο μου προβλημα η κοπελα καλη ειναι για στουντιο οχι για λαιβ αυτα
Evaggelia she doesn't have the voice it doesn't matter who you know
Como valenciano🤣, me gusta Evangelia, pero soy más de Klavdia.
“Asteromata” de Klavdia habla directamente al corazón del pueblo griego y de todos aquellos que han experimentado el dolor de la separación y el estatus de refugiado. Un diálogo épico entre una madre y una hija desarraigada, un lamento por el dolor humano de la separación, un himno al poder del amor y la nostalgia por la patria y los seres queridos que dejamos atrás. ¡Ninguna traducción puede transmitir la profundidad y belleza de las letras griegas! Los griegos han conocido la “xenitia” (la palabra no tiene traducción exacta), la migración, el desarraigo y el estatuto de refugiado desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días. Ha dejado su huella en sus almas. Y no se limitan a enviar una canción a Eurovisión. ¡Están entregando una parte de su alma!
ASTEROMATA (Chica de ojos estrellados)
Mi estrella, mi estrella
Mi dulce madre no llores
Aunque te pongan ropa negra
Mi cuerpo desvanecido no es
derrotado por las llamas
El fuego traga
Aunque crucen el mar
Ellos nunca olvidan
el suelo de sus raíces
Mi pequeña niña de ojos estrellados
Date la vuelta para que pueda besarte
para poder saciar mis labios
en tus lágrimas sagradas
Ah, mi estrella, mi tesoro.
Mi dulce madre no llores
Mi vida es un barco
que busca el retorno
El viento para mi vela
Mi pequeña niña de ojos estrellados
Date la vuelta para que pueda atraparte
y descansar mi
alas olvidadas
Ah, mi estrella, mi tesoro.
Ah, mi estrella, mi tesoro.
Mi estrella
React to "Lonenly Heart" by Klavdia please
Asteromata ❤ is amazing and so beautiful song as her voice too ❤ Also Klavdia is amazing and so beautiful girl ❤😍👌i love her ❤ deserves it ✌️
Lavadom porque 😢 Yo estoy con Paco❤
Sois mi contenido favorito de este años,relacionado con BF y eurovisión,estoy aquí por Vicky pero ha sido un honor conoceros chicos❤
vamoooo, muchas gracias ❤
While i like Lavadom and i usually agree with him in things. In this i disagree totally. He sees things from the perspective of being a blind fan of one of the two. He is not objective in this. I am also a fan of Evangelia while i knew Klavdia before Evangelia i wasn't a fan of hers before this song. Which is why i see things more clearly and i am Greek after all. Evangelia totally let me down with this song. The only part i like is the Cretan traditional part of this song but the rest is unlistenable and a cheap copy of Zari from last year. And i supperted Zari to everyone. Klavdia's song is going to win firstly because the song speaks to the hearts of all Greeks if you knew the lyrics and the message of the song you would know. Especially to some of us that have Minor Asia and Pontian roots. And secondly because objectively and i say this as a fan of Evangelia she is not that good live and definitely not better than Klavdia. Klavdia live is miles ahead of her. And that's why Evangelia got a lot of flack after the snippets of acapela were released in ERT while Klavdia is praised. The three of you should react to Klavdia's live and you will understand what i am talking about. Even famous musicians here in Greece said that Evangelia was awful in that snippet technically. Sorry for the long comment but i wanted to let you know the perspective of us Greeks so that you won't be surprised in the night of the final.
I genuinely believe he thought his reaction to Evangelia will get him massive audience as Marina last year because she was the most known artist in the esc community + they have kinda similar vibe (definitely not the same) and thus he completely ignored the fact that the song was generic and a copy paste. Had he known that Asteromata by Klavdia was gaining so much attention he would have reacted so much differently. It's all about the views...
Klavdia Asteromata
Las mismas personas que escribieron el cántico de Santi también escribieron el cántico del evangelio
A mí también me gusta que cada país tenga su identidad, pero sería genial que luego no ganara casi siempre la canción en inglés.
You should have sent Monica Narangjo.....and noone else....!!!!
Do you remember...baila tsicitsita....????
Let the Greeks deside....
Levandom when you make a comment,try to be better informed!!
Actually watching another video on streets of Madrid looks you promote Vale for some reason ....
Please check and react-->Κλαυδία - What about us | Mad Cover Me Month she sings unplugged
Lavadom is so funny. Brother everyone knows you’re getting paid by Evangelia’s label to promote her 😂
KLAVDIA.....DINAMISS........EVANGELIA everyone wants Greek language , these are the only 3
Vale: a canned song, with a sound borrowed from Brazilian carnivals and similar to thousands of other uninspired dance tracks. Not to mention the awful lyrics. Why such insistence???
Vále de Evangelia🎉❤
Κλαυδια με θέα φωνή η νέα Σελίν
Hay canciones muy divertidas
Lavadora,te gusta demasiado Evangelia. Porque Klavdia le da mil vueltas a Evangelia. Y si sabes de euro,sabías perfectamente que Baby Lasaña iba a quedar en el top 5. Desde cuando escuché su canción, lo tenía clarísimo (aunque no me gustaba nada). Una preselección es buena si hay al menos una canción buena. Benidorm este año es eso,hay dos canciones buenas y ya. Lo mismo con Grecia. Con lo cual no puedo decir que son finales flojillas.
Asteromata es Oniro Mou 2.0 y ya vimos como quedó esta en Eurovision (con corrupción y todo lol). Grecia siempre ha ido a la final con los bops, así que hay que apostar por lo seguro.
@0skar95v con Oniro mou,la canción era brutal. Lo que ha fallado era la puesta en escena (horrorosa) y la voz (no cantó 100% bien). Entonces no tiene nada que ver.
@@Konstantinos20 Oniro Mou era un tema plano que aburría a las ovejas, igual que Asteromata. Solo que como no se clasificó ya se le sacan todos los defectos.
Veremos el directo de Klavdia y de Evangelia. Me parece mucho más Eurovision, Vále, pero si Klavdia lo hace mejor que Evangelia habrá que aceptarlo.
@0skar95v te aburría a ti. Todo el mundo dice que es un crimen que no haya pasado a la final,aunque no tenía puesta en escena. En las apuestas,hasta antes de los ensayos,estaba en el top 7.
"Vale" is not unique...just another song , empty and ordinary....nothing special ...the cretan part is totally irrelevant in the song, with no connection! Klavdia song si special! It makes everyone get goosebumps!
Evangelia podría ganar Eurovisión sin dificultad... Espero que los griegos tomen una sabia decisión!!
Yes we will the only decision which is Klavdia. Evangelia's song is a hot mess. To say the least. It cannot even be compared to the masterpiece Asteromata is.
@@pennybleta2300 play it de Xannova también es un temazo
Η σκηνική παρουσία θα παίξει Μεγάλο ρόλο στον Τελικό. Η Ευαγγελία θα είναι Super με διαφορά Μεγάλη από την Κλαβδια.