I don't think he got Danny well.. Danny surely cared what others thought about him. That's why the rumours hurt him so much. He's a very sensitive boy! Maybe you can argue that musically Danny did hold his own style but I doubt if he felt confident about it towards the end of his life. I think he felt insecure about where his musical career was heading.
Thank you Kim🙏 Thank you for your contribution to Danny & other Hong Kong artists that you have collaborated with, with your finest technique so that they can confidently shine on stage. Sadly that you will be leaving Hong Kong, as a Hong Konger, I wish you all the best whatever you are about to do, I hope it will be as successful as what you did in Hong Kong💜💜
本來就覺得丹尼是一個非常有confidence 的人
雖然我這幾年才認識他 但從他的眼神態度作品做人處事各個方面
很快就知他根本就是非常自信了解自己的人 就是有自信才能那麼傲骨清流
而且 他不單不隨波逐流 還是領潮流icon!
一大堆噁心不得了有心詆毀丹尼的眼紅人, 還有營銷號、版主
尤其TH-cam上什麼 Smart Travel Tsar姊說是丹尼是她no. 1偶像,
但胡說八道, 完全沒良心!學營銷號說什麼丹尼自卑?!真的為流量口不擇言!
整天散佈流言蜚語, 說長道短, 碎嘴子一些不實也無法證實的偏門小道消息,
傷害丹尼名譽, 根本不是真正瞭解愛丹尼的人!
丹尼要是自卑, 那全世界大部分人都是自卑, 包括所有你我所知的頂級巨星!
試問有誰敢在這麼競爭的圈裡, 各樣造謠攻擊傷害名利誘惑虛假面孔底下
卻不為所動永遠敢於做最真實, 最真誠的自己, 這個就是圈中圈外人說的永遠最真的陳百強!
非常同意! smart travel亂up 呃流量! D料亂作扮fan! 嘔
绝對認同,smart travel係個假fans!祗求流量就口不擇言!説什麽dany是姑媽同女性來往的通通祇係閨蜜…
記得八十年代尖沙咀的松山道有間Silk Cut的髮型屋, 我知道Danny是常客, 而我家就在附近, 每次經過Silk Cut, 我都會望入去看看Danny是否在裡面, 但不記得Silk Cut的老闆是否Kim Robinson. 多謝Kim Robinson的分享!Danny和Kim同是香港盛世的代表人物之一。👍🏻
我93 -99年開始去尖沙咀silk cut ! 都有明星去剪! 老闆叫Alice ,不過Kim 的salon 係中環, 不是叫silk cut
@@cherubinlove 多謝你分享及告知!
@@CC-Love 不客氣! 印象中Alice 都有為Danny剪頭髮! 蘇絲黃曾說Danny 連上海理髮店💈都幫襯以$15 剪平頭裝! 聴伯母講91 個體演唱會穿黑白背心配牛仔褲是托媽媽去利源西街出口店買! 平貴mix &match 你Danny 身上都是大擔配搭出極有品味👍🏻❤️
@@cherubinlove 阿蘇那段我在她電台節目中聽過, 還說Danny一天穿了一件好靚的恤衫配上千多元的牛仔褲, 而那件恤衫是從outlet用百多元買回來的!我一直認為品味是配搭出來的, 不是用錢堆砌出來的, 而Danny是其中的表表者!那些只追求名牌的人比較低層次, Danny確是有深度, 對自己充滿信心!品味就係要咁樣玩!👍🏻😎💯
百強永留我們心中 沒有流走一点一滴
💜Danny超越時空 佳作和品味 幾十年後仍然精彩💜
I don't think he got Danny well.. Danny surely cared what others thought about him. That's why the rumours hurt him so much. He's a very sensitive boy!
Maybe you can argue that musically Danny did hold his own style but I doubt if he felt confident about it towards the end of his life. I think he felt insecure about where his musical career was heading.
Thank you Kim🙏 Thank you for your contribution to Danny & other Hong Kong artists that you have collaborated with, with your finest technique so that they can confidently shine on stage.
Sadly that you will be leaving Hong Kong, as a Hong Konger, I wish you all the best whatever you are about to do, I hope it will be as successful as what you did in Hong Kong💜💜
最記得最經典的kim作品係為Danny 係83 年十大勁歌頒奬典禮的白色-束的平頭裝及85 演唱會的平頭裝!,
@@wendywang8008 Danny已經係走在潮流之前! 當時還未流行挑染!
还有 Danny 的气质和气场能够驾驭任何超前时尚的尝试,很多明星也会尝试超前时尚的装扮,但是因为气质和气场不够强大,出来的效果怪怪的,不能够被人接受,带动不了潮流。
💜Danny💜超越時空 💜Timeless
Another influence to Danny besides Ryuichi Sakamoto is probably Prince.
Well said Kim👏👏
當年(可能是84或85年)Kim 跟 Danny的的一幅合照(相片內還有其他人在 Danny 身旁,所以其實只是朋友間普通聚會) 就是被傳媒做了雜誌封面,誣蔑 Danny 為同性戀,把 Danny 的事業推向深淵。可恨的、沒專業操守的傳媒!