That's not true. What you have to remember is that the FTC can't pass laws; they can only clarify existing ones. So, what the FTC just did was clarify that AI dialers are considered autodialers and robocallers, and they cannot call leads without consent. This means if you have the lead's consent, you are allowed to call them. It's the same with cold calling as a human; it is illegal to cold call if you don’t have the lead's consent. But if you do, you are allowed to call them. Again, I am talking about B2C because B2B laws are a bit different. Don't take my word for it; go read the new FTC regulation that they wrote. And don't only read news titles.
Do you mainly work with solar businesses?
No, not at the moment. Right now, I work with a few other niches because the delivery is about the same.
This is going to be illegal soon according to the FTC. Then what?
That's not true. What you have to remember is that the FTC can't pass laws; they can only clarify existing ones. So, what the FTC just did was clarify that AI dialers are considered autodialers and robocallers, and they cannot call leads without consent. This means if you have the lead's consent, you are allowed to call them. It's the same with cold calling as a human; it is illegal to cold call if you don’t have the lead's consent. But if you do, you are allowed to call them. Again, I am talking about B2C because B2B laws are a bit different. Don't take my word for it; go read the new FTC regulation that they wrote. And don't only read news titles.