I had a double whammy Vertex - NN conjunction with a soul mate. Thank GOD I wasn’t interested in astrology at the time because he completely broke my heart, he didn’t do anything wrong but he ended up dating another girl which set off all my deepest fears and traumas about never being first choice, never being good enough although I was on paper his Perfect Girl. The idea that I was naturally his dream girl yet he still chose someone else set me in a deep depression. Having been through that, I’m now able to recognize I needed to go through that purge so that I eventually learned to love myself and recognize my own values completely independent of others feelings. Hitting rock bottom set me off on my spiritual awakening and honestly set the path towards much, much greater things. Then I learned about astrology and saw that we were absolutely fated soul mates. Again, thank God I didn’t know that at the time- if I did, I would have been much worse, because that was just one more reason we were “perfect” for each other, yet it still didn’t work out. I would have thought, if not him, who? Sometimes fated encounters don’t have happy endings. Yet, they’re our soul mates and they love us- our souls agreed to meet in this life specifically to set me off on my awakening. I’m sure I influenced him to a large degree as well. It’s not wise to “get your hopes up”, just enjoy the ride, knowing it’s in your highest good
I had my Vertex exactly conjunct my ex-husband’s North Node. The day we met, transiting North Node was conjunct my Venus, square his Venus and the transiting Moon conjunct our Vertex-North Node combo. We had other meaningful connections though: his Saturn exactly on my South Node, the 4 angles conjunct (my AC-his DC exact) and contacts between my Sun and his AC, my Moon and his DC, Sun-Moon and Moon-Moon contacts. The attraction was really strong and the feeling of fate too. In one year we got married. It was the most challenging relationship of my life and hard to break away from it due to Pluto contacts. I’ve always felt as if owned him something. I only left when I felt released. He definitely was my taskmaster and I’m grateful for the lessons.
I have this with someone too North node conjunct vertex and his sun conjunct my vertex and we have a ton of pluto contacts + 8h/12h things going on on top of that Saturn & mercury conjunct south node. Venus conjunct mc opposite moon. It’s been quite intense tbh. I’m okay with pluto contacts tbh bc my venus conjuncts rahu trine my own pluto
Had Vertex conj Chiron along with multiple Pluto, Moon, Mars, Sun, Saturn, Ascendant synastry with a man - it was fated healing and transformation. It was completely out of this world - more like underworld because of all the 8H synastry. Incredibly profound and deeply painful and I am truly grateful. Astrology helped me understand the magic and mostly how to piece myself back together stronger, wiser, and more beautiful. Thank you for everything, Jewel 🥰💐
My Vertex conjunct his North Node, it seems this is a classical, and in our case, the first emotionally healthy relationship I’ve experienced with a romantic partner
What if vertex contacts *do* represent a fated relationship, even if the relationship isn't fated to last a long time though? I feel like things can be "meant to be," but not "meant to be forever" sometimes.
Didn't really believe in it neither at the beginning, but now I do, with all the feelings and synchronicities I had about this person, corresponding to the twinflame path's description. And when I checked our synastry, I've found out that we had the classical "twinflame aspects" like moon conjunct moon AND his vertex exactly opposite my vertex ! So, I don't know if twinflame is just a beautiful myth, but that is still a lot of coincidences.. 😉😉
It's only a myth when people believe it's supposed to only be a romance between two people. There's no harm in believing in twin flames as long as the focus is on self and healing our own wounds ✨️
I agree it's a myth. I went through a long relationship very obsessed and tangled up in unhwalthy toxic attachment styles and codependency. I learned alot though.
Many years ago I was a cashier and asked a customer out on a date I’m normally shy but felt such a strong connection with this stranger I knew he’d say yes. We only went on one date for I had a plane ticket to Hawaii and never came back. On that one date I sat on his couch and saw a flash of ‘our’ baby he was Asian and I was white and the baby was a mix, I rarely have such experiences and I was not on any drugs! He said the energy between us was so intense he wanted to smoke a cigarette even though he quit years ago. Also I wasn’t feeling physical/sexual attraction Atleast not from our one date it was purely an energy connection right away. Granted my vertex is in Aquarius! Lol...I never saw him again but recently checked his chart out of curiosity and found his sun is conjunct my vertex with a 1 degree orb. We do have a few other connections in the chart but that was our closest in orb.
Very true, but there is definitely something interesting to the vertex when the rest of the synastry agrees. My soulmate's vertex is conjunct my NN (in 7th house) in addition to having opposite moons, conjunct suns, several strong venus aspects, and we have a Yod in our Composite. We've had an on/off relationship for several years.. At this point in my life though we are not together, I've realized he is the only one I want. I refuse to be with/marry/have kids with anyone else. Looks like I'll be needing a whole lotta' cats lol..
Some aspects you mentioned are not good ones, you should get another look at your synastry because soulmates doesn’t have on/off relationships, soulmates find each other easily and nothing go against the relationship.
@@Devi_Seona there may be some truth to this. i think people get so excited over the idea of soulmate connections and i also think that we gotta really consider the current conditions of today's climate. not too many people seem to be finding all these perfect relationships. so what if for certain people they had to part ways for a certain reason and came back together later? i think perhaps that on and off relationships are definitely not it, but im just trying to give some plausibility to those who say met and were disconnected for certain reasons and came together again.
Thank you so much for making this video. My vertex opposes my moon (in Capricorn)... and each time I have deeply connected with someone I found them to have planets that hit this point
I'm falling for a guy whose Venus, Jupiter and Juno conjunct my Vertex (in my 5th house); his Saturn, IC, North Node and Vertex trine my Vertex. My moon conjuncts his Vertex (in his 8th); my North Node, Part of Fortune, MC and Saturn trine his vertex. I always feel like I want to build a home and family with him, but I still get trust issues (as I do with everyone) if he's really the right choice for me to lay down roots (practically speaking, even though the urge and desire is definitely there).
exactly why i hate that word. "situationship" yeesh. if it works for you then the best of luck to you but id never wanna call anyone im with a situationship
Every guy I’ve ever been so into has there venus square my vertex it’s the only aspect they all have. I think it was more relevant than it’s given credit for
Vertex in Leo You are expected to become an individual and not just a member of the group, and to project your own emotions in a special relationship instead of maintaining emotional separation. People expect you to be responsible for teaching, working on an entertainment project, or dealing with young people or children. You also should acknowledge and accept your need for admiration. In doing these things, you may become aware of your own individuality or creative expression. You give outer expression to the affectionate, creative side of your nature. You strengthen your own ego by helping other people to develop theirs, and you instill confidence and self-worth in those around you through your magnetism and dignity. Not accomplishing these tasks may lead to a psychologically crippling ego-complex or create conflict within you. You could suffer from the same impersonal treatment you sometimes indulge in.
I read a woman's chart just today with Juno conjunct her North Node 3rd house placements. I said ' you probably have met a soul mate who was your nieghbor or meet a fateful relationship in her community somewhere'. She, who is 72 years of age, said 'Nope'. My part of fortune is exactly the same degree and sign as my daughter. Talk about fateful meetings 😁
Vertex is in my 8 house the 8 house has a lot to do with karma past life issues as well as among other things... It doesn't mean forever it means karma we have with another... When the relationship ends the karma ends. Karma that needs to be resolved in this life... I have met one person that conjunt my vertex it was shocking how intense It felt. how you could feel so connected to a stranger the moment you meet them. I don't feel that way with everyone so I know it has to mean something.
A guy I thought was my soulmate has their vertex conjunct my rising. And my vertex is conjunct his rising. Both by a very very tight orb. I still have a soft spot for him like no one else in my life, but don’t think I can ever see or speak to him again. I know he thinks of me too. It’s just sad we didn’t totally align this life time, but he taught me some very important things.
This helped to clear things up for me. Although I will say that my husband's ascendant and my son's sun are both conjunct my vertex in leo. I find that interesting but honestly Im so new to this in astrology that I really dont know what it means but from what I gather from your video, it's normal? It does make since that it wasnt in any way predictable. I met my husband at work and when I was deciding whether Id work that summer or not in high school, I was very nonchalant about it and just as easily almost didnt work. Also I had had several moments when I thought we could be pregnant, felt all those symptoms, was sure I was, then was heartbroken when I wasnt. Then, one time, I was so sure I wasn't, was very nonchalant, started to pay attention to when my period should be coming up, but then miscalculated and thought I had more time then suddenly was 3 or 4 days late when I took a test and bam clear as day I was pregnant. So yeah, its like the one time I didnt care, wasnt searching into it, these incredible life changing events/ meetings happen. Its beautiful! All my childhood and most of my teenage years, I kept telling everyone how I never wanted to marry or have kids and here I am so in love with my little family. They are my everything. Before I got into astrology at all, I'd caught on that the best things in my life happen when Im not seeking after them or thinking about them at all in the slightest so when Id want something, Id always tell myself to stop wanting it and to stop thinking about it and then it would come. But as great as it was to have caught on, it never worked because the second you want something dearly, it cant be helped to think about it. Even acknowledgment whats going on, I find it gets ruined just because I wasnt absent minded and unaware anymore. Anyway, long rant. Sorry.
In one case, the males lilith and mars are on the females libra vertex. Her Mars and lilith are conjunct in opposition. Their relationship was about serious healing and preparation for ascension. Clearing old masculine/feminine karma accumulated over lifetimes.
My husband’s vertex is conjunct my ascendant and my vertex is conjunct his ascendant. His Mars and Jupiter are conjunct my Venus, Uranus, Pluto in the 8th. We are both Scorpio NN in opposite houses. Mine is in 9th. His is in the 3rd. My south node in Taurus is conjunct his Venus. He is a Leo Sun, Aries Moon, Virgo Asc. I am Sag sun, Pisces moon, Aquarius ascendant with my moon intercepted in my 1st. My 7th house is ruled by Leo (his sun sign) with Virgo (his ascendant) intercepted in the 7th. His 7th is ruled by Pisces (my moon). His Aries moon is also in his 7th. My Pisces moon is in my 1st house house whose natural ruler is Aries (his moon sign). My Jupiter is in Aries. My two sons also have an Aries moon like him. My daughter has a Pisces moon like me!
As usual, very interesting Jewel! How about his Vertex conjunct my North Node in Libra? I feel a lot of "fate" in our meeting and that it could evolve positively, but in fact I didn't want to think much about it, not to get my hopes too high..! (Moon in Scorpio in 1st house sextile Neptune) But then I suppose there's a lot more to look at to interpret it. :)
Like with any one thing in the chart, it doesn't guarantee anything. Charts are FAR, FAR, FAR more complex than simply one aspect/ placement. But yes, this one in particular is often seen as fool proof. Like there's something automatically special about this point. Not necessarily, you need to look at everything.
Im guilty of getting excited when venus/sun/nodes transit my vertex...but its always a tumbleweed. My progressed planets are never gonna conjunct my vertex 😔
What is the vertex actually? I get a mental visual of something spirally somewhere in space...? What is it? Me and my guys' vertexes and ascendants are conjunct. Is there something about feeling at home with each other?
Transiting Venus was at 1° Pisces when we met (his sun is at 1° Pisces &my vertex is at 1° Pisces) we lived in different countries but traveled to see each other after 2 months of talking :) idk what’s going to happen but seems surreal rn
Looking back significant relationships have certainly occurred when my Vertex was activated by progressions. The only person in my life with any significant synastry contacts to my vertex is my son who's Moon is with-in a few degrees. He was an unplanned surprise. My other children do have Sun / Moon trines or oppositions to it as well.. now that I look.
Agreed @ 7:00 ish, I have Vertex conjunct Jupiter (which Jupiter-only-is the midpoint of Su/Mo, Ma/Ve, Pl/NN) It is 20 Virgo. Neptune was traversing its opposition upon this “fateful degree” as well as perfecting a T-Sq w/ N. Nep Sq Jup/Vertex (This is my closest Sq aspect);, Perhaps it’s indicative of a collective turning point? perhaps its pointing towards an important point in terms of collective change? along with the Jupiter conjunct Saturn (which my progressed Jupiter was exact conjunct Natal Saturn, trining) Timing feels like a strong connection, if we were to incorporate it at all. I don’t see it’s significance; yet offer some idea-thoughts, leaning towards any at all possibilities : If you see the vertex in a natal configuration conjunct a planet, follow the map it weaves, as it constructs through transits- it can speak to you through natal and progressed acting as an apex would ?. (Just food for thought! ;)
you have changed my mind about vertex and thank you, every knowledge is grow up. So I need ask you. is there any aspect, point, mid point or something to guarantntee in synastry that two people will relate necesary and is a must be this way???
his ascendant and jupiter..conjuct my venus ,lillith , vertex and chiron.. in my 8th house.. He is amazing.. lots of Passion and he is gentle... I really see him being my husband.. his moon is in mys 7th house and sun in 4th.. But what do you think? Is it going to be a wedding ? 😄
It’s not that powerful, they may feel fated to the other because there’s a sense of knowing one another (possibly) but jewel said vertex is dormant unless activated or something so that’s on the off chance It’s Just Right
What about if you are comparing synastry with someone who is deceased? Their vertex is conjunct my pluto. and my vertex is in the same sign as their ascendant. my vertex also makes contact with their chiron. I have a suspicion this person i am referring to is me in a past life.
My younger sister and I have part of Fortune in conjunction synastry overlay within a 1° orb my father passed away when we were young adults and we've had numerous things happen at the same time obviously because we're sisters but kind of think that conjunction of that part of Fortune has something to do with our father passing that's just what I think it's like a scar
S J Were you the vertex person or the planet/angle person? In the past I've been the vertex person but now im the planet person. I always thought the vertex person felt it more but now I'm not so sure
so are you saying the twin flame is bogus? I would be most interested in your take as I personally am suspicious, even more now than when I first looked into it in 2014..
I have a few videos specifically about the twin flame myth. You can find them on my unique videos playlist, I believe. If you are in love with the idea of twin flames then you won't like me anymore after watching those.
so u cant predict anything regarding the vertex? I had an astrologer predict me 'my soulmate' in 2015 or so, because she saw something activating the vertex but nothing happened, so I guess she needs to go back and study some more. Like who even looks at just one transit to predict a soulmate coming in?
+terence Many astrologers do not know what they are talking about. This is an unregulated field so be very, very careful who you choose to believe. Many people are peddling their own illness.
Hi Jewel, I am interested in learning more about this subject and in this conversation. I wanted to subscribe and finish listening to your video, but there is a white noise inside the video which prevented me to listening to it at all...I went on a few minutes but the background noise is too annoying...just wanted to let you know. It makes no sense for me to subscribe to a video that I cannot even follow up.
we have a mutual vertex conjunct ascendant and she asc has vertex conjunct my moon, sextile my mercury and mc. but nothings really going on between us. so i guess the vertex has no real significance or meaning :/ at least for us.
Can anyone tell me what vertex in the 4th house in capricorn mean? I can't find anyhting on it. Like the comment if you tell me so I'll get the notification. thank you.
Me and my partner have mutual asc vertex conjunction and his Jupiter is conjunct to my north node and we have mutual sun venus conjunction.. is this sign of some karmic relation???
I agree and disagree. Like everything in astrology it has to be taken with a grain of salt, you can have the most beautiful synastry but both parties have to be vibrating in the same energy the person I married had VX Conjunct my ASC on the 12th H we also had moon in the 4Th H and some marriage indicators. We stayed married for 5 years and we had a baby, the relationship didn’t last but it was fated.
I had a double whammy Vertex - NN conjunction with a soul mate. Thank GOD I wasn’t interested in astrology at the time because he completely broke my heart, he didn’t do anything wrong but he ended up dating another girl which set off all my deepest fears and traumas about never being first choice, never being good enough although I was on paper his Perfect Girl. The idea that I was naturally his dream girl yet he still chose someone else set me in a deep depression.
Having been through that, I’m now able to recognize I needed to go through that purge so that I eventually learned to love myself and recognize my own values completely independent of others feelings. Hitting rock bottom set me off on my spiritual awakening and honestly set the path towards much, much greater things.
Then I learned about astrology and saw that we were absolutely fated soul mates.
Again, thank God I didn’t know that at the time- if I did, I would have been much worse, because that was just one more reason we were “perfect” for each other, yet it still didn’t work out. I would have thought, if not him, who?
Sometimes fated encounters don’t have happy endings. Yet, they’re our soul mates and they love us- our souls agreed to meet in this life specifically to set me off on my awakening. I’m sure I influenced him to a large degree as well.
It’s not wise to “get your hopes up”, just enjoy the ride, knowing it’s in your highest good
You're right...
Omg, this was me and my ex/first love situation..
I had my Vertex exactly conjunct my ex-husband’s North Node. The day we met, transiting North Node was conjunct my Venus, square his Venus and the transiting Moon conjunct our Vertex-North Node combo. We had other meaningful connections though: his Saturn exactly on my South Node, the 4 angles conjunct (my AC-his DC exact) and contacts between my Sun and his AC, my Moon and his DC, Sun-Moon and Moon-Moon contacts. The attraction was really strong and the feeling of fate too. In one year we got married. It was the most challenging relationship of my life and hard to break away from it due to Pluto contacts. I’ve always felt as if owned him something. I only left when
I felt released. He definitely was my taskmaster and I’m grateful for the lessons.
Sounds like Saturn South Node was the trump card. It'd be interesting to look at the natal charts Saturn placements.
I have this with someone too North node conjunct vertex and his sun conjunct my vertex and we have a ton of pluto contacts + 8h/12h things going on on top of that Saturn & mercury conjunct south node. Venus conjunct mc opposite moon. It’s been quite intense tbh. I’m okay with pluto contacts tbh bc my venus conjuncts rahu trine my own pluto
My vertex is in leo and my nn is sag. And the person i like has vertex in sag and nn in leo. What could this mean??????
Had Vertex conj Chiron along with multiple Pluto, Moon, Mars, Sun, Saturn, Ascendant synastry with a man - it was fated healing and transformation.
It was completely out of this world - more like underworld because of all the 8H synastry.
Incredibly profound and deeply painful and I am truly grateful.
Astrology helped me understand the magic and mostly how to piece myself back together stronger, wiser, and more beautiful.
Thank you for everything, Jewel 🥰💐
You are the most amazingly accurate relationship astrologer I have found. TY.
My Vertex conjunct his North Node, it seems this is a classical, and in our case, the first emotionally healthy relationship I’ve experienced with a romantic partner
when's your birthday? any 11s in numerological portrait? you know your numerological life path?
We have got the same with my husband, we’ve been together for 14 years. 🎉❤️ My life path number is 11.
What if vertex contacts *do* represent a fated relationship, even if the relationship isn't fated to last a long time though? I feel like things can be "meant to be," but not "meant to be forever" sometimes.
I learn so much from your videos. Thank you so much for another supercool vid!! My daughter's vertex is same point as my part of fortune!! 🎉
Very true. I don't believe in the whole twinflame myth either. But pluto and neptune contacts together can feel like you're losing your soul.
Didn't really believe in it neither at the beginning, but now I do, with all the feelings and synchronicities I had about this person, corresponding to the twinflame path's description. And when I checked our synastry, I've found out that we had the classical "twinflame aspects" like moon conjunct moon AND his vertex exactly opposite my vertex ! So, I don't know if twinflame is just a beautiful myth, but that is still a lot of coincidences.. 😉😉
It's only a myth when people believe it's supposed to only be a romance between two people. There's no harm in believing in twin flames as long as the focus is on self and healing our own wounds ✨️
I agree it's a myth. I went through a long relationship very obsessed and tangled up in unhwalthy toxic attachment styles and codependency. I learned alot though.
Many years ago I was a cashier and asked a customer out on a date I’m normally shy but felt such a strong connection with this stranger I knew he’d say yes. We only went on one date for I had a plane ticket to Hawaii and never came back. On that one date I sat on his couch and saw a flash of ‘our’ baby he was Asian and I was white and the baby was a mix, I rarely have such experiences and I was not on any drugs! He said the energy between us was so intense he wanted to smoke a cigarette even though he quit years ago. Also I wasn’t feeling physical/sexual attraction Atleast not from our one date it was purely an energy connection right away. Granted my vertex is in Aquarius! Lol...I never saw him again but recently checked his chart out of curiosity and found his sun is conjunct my vertex with a 1 degree orb. We do have a few other connections in the chart but that was our closest in orb.
Very true, but there is definitely something interesting to the vertex when the rest of the synastry agrees. My soulmate's vertex is conjunct my NN (in 7th house) in addition to having opposite moons, conjunct suns, several strong venus aspects, and we have a Yod in our Composite. We've had an on/off relationship for several years.. At this point in my life though we are not together, I've realized he is the only one I want. I refuse to be with/marry/have kids with anyone else. Looks like I'll be needing a whole lotta' cats lol..
Can you explain the Yod meaning in relationships, Are one Fated as in Twinflamed.Thx you❤
Some aspects you mentioned are not good ones, you should get another look at your synastry because soulmates doesn’t have on/off relationships, soulmates find each other easily and nothing go against the relationship.
@@Devi_Seona there may be some truth to this. i think people get so excited over the idea of soulmate connections and i also think that we gotta really consider the current conditions of today's climate. not too many people seem to be finding all these perfect relationships. so what if for certain people they had to part ways for a certain reason and came back together later?
i think perhaps that on and off relationships are definitely not it, but im just trying to give some plausibility to those who say met and were disconnected for certain reasons and came together again.
Love your necklace!
Thank you so much for making this video. My vertex opposes my moon (in Capricorn)... and each time I have deeply connected with someone I found them to have planets that hit this point
I'm falling for a guy whose Venus, Jupiter and Juno conjunct my Vertex (in my 5th house); his Saturn, IC, North Node and Vertex trine my Vertex.
My moon conjuncts his Vertex (in his 8th); my North Node, Part of Fortune, MC and Saturn trine his vertex.
I always feel like I want to build a home and family with him, but I still get trust issues (as I do with everyone) if he's really the right choice for me to lay down roots (practically speaking, even though the urge and desire is definitely there).
How did it work out?
I have my vertex exactly conjunct my situationships ascendant, and visa versa. It’s been 3 years. It’s been difficult but we can’t let eachother go.
exactly why i hate that word. "situationship" yeesh. if it works for you then the best of luck to you but id never wanna call anyone im with a situationship
Every guy I’ve ever been so into has there venus square my vertex it’s the only aspect they all have. I think it was more relevant than it’s given credit for
Me too now ❤with my husband 🙏🏻
I have vertex in Leo and it's hard to find info online anybody give me any info on vertex in leo
Vertex in Leo
You are expected to become an individual and not just a member of the group, and to project your own emotions in a special relationship instead of maintaining emotional separation. People expect you to be responsible for teaching, working on an entertainment project, or dealing with young people or children. You also should acknowledge and accept your need for admiration.
In doing these things, you may become aware of your own individuality or creative expression. You give outer expression to the affectionate, creative side of your nature. You strengthen your own ego by helping other people to develop theirs, and you instill confidence and self-worth in those around you through your magnetism and dignity.
Not accomplishing these tasks may lead to a psychologically crippling ego-complex or create conflict within you. You could suffer from the same impersonal treatment you sometimes indulge in.
Thanks for the video! A much needed clarification.
What about vertex conjunct part of fortune in synastry??? Or Juno conjunct north node in synastry?
She probably views juno conjunct north node as too insignificant to talk about
I read a woman's chart just today with Juno conjunct her North Node 3rd house placements. I said ' you probably have met a soul mate who was your nieghbor or meet a fateful relationship in her community somewhere'. She, who is 72 years of age, said 'Nope'.
My part of fortune is exactly the same degree and sign as my daughter. Talk about fateful meetings 😁
Vertex is in my 8 house the 8 house has a lot to do with karma past life issues as well as among other things... It doesn't mean forever it means karma we have with another... When the relationship ends the karma ends. Karma that needs to be resolved in this life... I have met one person that conjunt my vertex it was shocking how intense It felt. how you could feel so connected to a stranger the moment you meet them. I don't feel that way with everyone so I know it has to mean something.
Vertex is always going to be from 7th to 8th house. It means nothing.
A guy I thought was my soulmate has their vertex conjunct my rising. And my vertex is conjunct his rising. Both by a very very tight orb. I still have a soft spot for him like no one else in my life, but don’t think I can ever see or speak to him again. I know he thinks of me too. It’s just sad we didn’t totally align this life time, but he taught me some very important things.
This helped to clear things up for me. Although I will say that my husband's ascendant and my son's sun are both conjunct my vertex in leo. I find that interesting but honestly Im so new to this in astrology that I really dont know what it means but from what I gather from your video, it's normal? It does make since that it wasnt in any way predictable. I met my husband at work and when I was deciding whether Id work that summer or not in high school, I was very nonchalant about it and just as easily almost didnt work. Also I had had several moments when I thought we could be pregnant, felt all those symptoms, was sure I was, then was heartbroken when I wasnt. Then, one time, I was so sure I wasn't, was very nonchalant, started to pay attention to when my period should be coming up, but then miscalculated and thought I had more time then suddenly was 3 or 4 days late when I took a test and bam clear as day I was pregnant. So yeah, its like the one time I didnt care, wasnt searching into it, these incredible life changing events/ meetings happen. Its beautiful! All my childhood and most of my teenage years, I kept telling everyone how I never wanted to marry or have kids and here I am so in love with my little family. They are my everything. Before I got into astrology at all, I'd caught on that the best things in my life happen when Im not seeking after them or thinking about them at all in the slightest so when Id want something, Id always tell myself to stop wanting it and to stop thinking about it and then it would come. But as great as it was to have caught on, it never worked because the second you want something dearly, it cant be helped to think about it. Even acknowledgment whats going on, I find it gets ruined just because I wasnt absent minded and unaware anymore. Anyway, long rant. Sorry.
It could also depend on what is activating the vertex. I've noticed an interesting connection between the vertex with lilith.
What exactly?
In one case, the males lilith and mars are on the females libra vertex. Her Mars and lilith are conjunct in opposition. Their relationship was about serious healing and preparation for ascension. Clearing old masculine/feminine karma accumulated over lifetimes.
It brought all their nasty habits and ways they express and deal with fear of loss to the surface to understand
@@candyvarvel oh, I had that with someone, and now I see! You are correct
@@candyvarvel conjuct in opposition to her vertex, or his?
What if my vertex is my ex’s birthday/sun sign/ matching degrees ...??? We’ve always had such a powerful unexplainable connection...
Great clarification
My vertex is within one orb of my natal Pluto
hi! love your videos, thank you
My husband’s vertex is conjunct my ascendant and my vertex is conjunct his ascendant. His Mars and Jupiter are conjunct my Venus, Uranus, Pluto in the 8th. We are both Scorpio NN in opposite houses. Mine is in 9th. His is in the 3rd. My south node in Taurus is conjunct his Venus. He is a Leo Sun, Aries Moon, Virgo Asc. I am Sag sun, Pisces moon, Aquarius ascendant with my moon intercepted in my 1st. My 7th house is ruled by Leo (his sun sign) with Virgo (his ascendant) intercepted in the 7th. His 7th is ruled by Pisces (my moon). His Aries moon is also in his 7th. My Pisces moon is in my 1st house house whose natural ruler is Aries (his moon sign). My Jupiter is in Aries.
My two sons also have an Aries moon like him. My daughter has a Pisces moon like me!
I know my comment is coming 3 years later but, WOW!
Divine orchestration right there! Totally meant to be 🥰
As usual, very interesting Jewel! How about his Vertex conjunct my North Node in Libra? I feel a lot of "fate" in our meeting and that it could evolve positively, but in fact I didn't want to think much about it, not to get my hopes too high..! (Moon in Scorpio in 1st house sextile Neptune) But then I suppose there's a lot more to look at to interpret it. :)
Can i get an update
Like with any one thing in the chart, it doesn't guarantee anything. Charts are FAR, FAR, FAR more complex than simply one aspect/ placement.
But yes, this one in particular is often seen as fool proof. Like there's something automatically special about this point. Not necessarily, you need to look at everything.
Im guilty of getting excited when venus/sun/nodes transit my vertex...but its always a tumbleweed. My progressed planets are never gonna conjunct my vertex 😔
What is the vertex actually? I get a mental visual of something spirally somewhere in space...? What is it? Me and my guys' vertexes and ascendants are conjunct. Is there something about feeling at home with each other?
Transiting Venus was at 1° Pisces when we met (his sun is at 1° Pisces &my vertex is at 1° Pisces) we lived in different countries but traveled to see each other after 2 months of talking :) idk what’s going to happen but seems surreal rn
My significant other’s vertex and mine are exact conjunct in Libra. When we met I was having a nodal
return. Also our NNs are conjunct but not exact.
Vertex conjunt their south node?
Looking back significant relationships have certainly occurred when my Vertex was activated by progressions. The only person in my life with any significant synastry contacts to my vertex is my son who's Moon is with-in a few degrees. He was an unplanned surprise. My other children do have Sun / Moon trines or oppositions to it as well.. now that I look.
How do i check the vertex trasits?
It won’t matter because it’s unpredictable.
Agreed @ 7:00 ish, I have Vertex conjunct Jupiter (which Jupiter-only-is the midpoint of Su/Mo, Ma/Ve, Pl/NN) It is 20 Virgo. Neptune was traversing its opposition upon this “fateful degree” as well as perfecting a T-Sq w/ N. Nep Sq Jup/Vertex (This is my closest Sq aspect);, Perhaps it’s indicative of a collective turning point? perhaps its pointing towards an important point in terms of collective change? along with the Jupiter conjunct Saturn (which my progressed Jupiter was exact conjunct Natal Saturn, trining) Timing feels like a strong connection, if we were to incorporate it at all. I don’t see it’s significance; yet offer some idea-thoughts, leaning towards any at all possibilities : If you see the vertex in a natal configuration conjunct a planet, follow the map it weaves, as it constructs through transits- it can speak to you through natal and progressed acting as an apex would ?. (Just food for thought! ;)
I met multiple men this year and I have vertex conjunct Pluto on both sides with each of them
How can you interpret my vertex conjunct his anti vertex and mars, and his vertex conjunct my antivertex
what about anti-vertex conjunction mars?
i got my vertex conjunct my own midheaven in house 10 yet no one talks about vertex in houses after 8th house....what does this mean?
you have changed my mind about vertex and thank you, every knowledge is grow up. So I need ask you. is there any aspect, point, mid point or something to guarantntee in synastry that two people will relate necesary and is a must be this way???
My sweetie has his Vertex sitting right on top of my south node / Saturn conjunction. Making more sense now!
his ascendant and jupiter..conjuct my venus ,lillith , vertex and chiron.. in my 8th house.. He is amazing.. lots of Passion and he is gentle... I really see him being my husband.. his moon is in mys 7th house and sun in 4th..
But what do you think? Is it going to be a wedding ? 😄
Does vertex trine their vertex have an impact?
What does it mean if synastry Vertex is in my 1st house?
Can you do a video of south node conjunct vertex synastry
It’s not that powerful, they may feel fated to the other because there’s a sense of knowing one another (possibly) but jewel said vertex is dormant unless activated or something so that’s on the off chance It’s Just Right
So Venus conjunct vertex does not indicate possibility of marriage?
What about if you are comparing synastry with someone who is deceased? Their vertex is conjunct my pluto. and my vertex is in the same sign as their ascendant. my vertex also makes contact with their chiron. I have a suspicion this person i am referring to is me in a past life.
My younger sister and I have part of Fortune in conjunction synastry overlay within a 1° orb my father passed away when we were young adults and we've had numerous things happen at the same time obviously because we're sisters but kind of think that conjunction of that part of Fortune has something to do with our father passing that's just what I think it's like a scar
Do you do synastry readings?
What if my Vx conjunts her South Node, and Her Vx conjuncts my South Node?
intresting, how did it play out?
I've had Vertex synastry with both marriages and now my possible third future marriage.
S J Were you the vertex person or the planet/angle person? In the past I've been the vertex person but now im the planet person. I always thought the vertex person felt it more but now I'm not so sure
so are you saying the twin flame is bogus? I would be most interested in your take as I personally am suspicious, even more now than when I first looked into it in 2014..
I have a few videos specifically about the twin flame myth. You can find them on my unique videos playlist, I believe. If you are in love with the idea of twin flames then you won't like me anymore after watching those.
Jewel, LOL! nah, I am absolutely NOT in love with it- I actually feel (some) ppl are using it as a manipulative tool to usurp ppls pocketbook ;)
Love you😍
so u cant predict anything regarding the vertex? I had an astrologer predict me 'my soulmate' in 2015 or so, because she saw something activating the vertex but nothing happened, so I guess she needs to go back and study some more. Like who even looks at just one transit to predict a soulmate coming in?
+terence Many astrologers do not know what they are talking about. This is an unregulated field so be very, very careful who you choose to believe. Many people are peddling their own illness.
Hi Jewel, I am interested in learning more about this subject and in this conversation. I wanted to subscribe and finish listening to your video, but there is a white noise inside the video which prevented me to listening to it at all...I went on a few minutes but the background noise is too annoying...just wanted to let you know. It makes no sense for me to subscribe to a video that I cannot even follow up.
vertex conjunt venus please or vertex conjunt planets in the 5th or 8th house
we have a mutual vertex conjunct ascendant and she asc has vertex conjunct my moon, sextile my mercury and mc. but nothings really going on between us. so i guess the vertex has no real significance or meaning :/ at least for us.
Vertex in cancer in the eighth?
I have vertex conjunct saturn in cancer in the 8th. The NN is transiting it now.
Can anyone tell me what vertex in the 4th house in capricorn mean? I can't find anyhting on it. Like the comment if you tell me so I'll get the notification. thank you.
Me and my partner have mutual asc vertex conjunction and his Jupiter is conjunct to my north node and we have mutual sun venus conjunction.. is this sign of some karmic relation???
Girl yes!
vertex , conjunct amor, DW?
Anti Vertex is a bad ass, in my life i.
It’s not supposed to be bad or good
I agree and disagree.
Like everything in astrology it has to be taken with a grain of salt, you can have the most beautiful synastry but both parties have to be vibrating in the same energy the person I married had VX Conjunct my ASC on the 12th H we also had moon in the 4Th H and some marriage indicators. We stayed married for 5 years and we had a baby, the relationship didn’t last but it was fated.
You did a good job explaining how it works but not once did you mention what the actual aspect is or looks like in your chart. Not helpful
I love you
Vertex in Virgo my dc