Grace Coleman i wore a button down shirt today and my mom said 'why do you button it all the way up?' WELL MOTHER. i dont like to show a lot of skin and one button left unbuttoned is too much skin for me. and two..its comfy.
heyyy i sell drugs and ice cream, want some heroin on that cone? stay here give me 50 bucks, its fine WINK WONK. *whispers* look under that cone what do you see? some good old pcp... ITS ME MAD MIKE I RUN AN ICE CREAM SHOP! BA-DA-DA! HEY! you can't bring your kids here, this is not the type of senerio for children! XD
Ethans videos help me stay happy and his long talks and reassurances in his "the static speaks my name" and "don't take this risk" videos actually made me realize I didn't want it all to end. that I really was just lonely. Ethan makes me feel like I have a friend. I still have depression, but I'm getting better. Thank you so much Ethan.❤
When people at work tell me that I'm too skinny and need to eat more, I tell them that they're too fat and need to eat less. Then when they make that dumb look of shock, I ask them what the difference is between them insulting me and me insulting them. It's should try it!
Pro-Tip: Be sure to poke them back if they jab their finger directly into your ribs as if they're trying to shatter them into immeasurable fractions! Keep me updated on the results 😂
Hey Ethan! My name's Blake. I love your video's and it's because of people like you and Mark that make my life a lot easier. I just wanted to thank you bud, for making me smile when nothing else could. Maybe we could talk eventually?
Who, Ethan and Mark? I wouldn't call them idiots... they are both definitely oddballs. But I look up to these oddballs! :) The world needs more people that are willing to put themselves out their. I strive to be like them. I really hope one day, I get the chance to actually talk to them and get to know them on a personal level!
Hey Pastel Chicken tell your mom..Everyone has there own opnion...EVEN IF THERE FRECKING WRONG!!!!!! (I don't know why I commented this but whatever) And by the way Blake,Mark,Jack,and Ethan are SOOO Amazing and take care of people that need it! Everyone needs to know that there amazing as well and you can overcome ANY thing!!
Nakyia6768 you people. not everyone watches porn like you guys smh. ive never watched porn, and so have many other people I know... but haha i get yr pointz
The moment he starts taking his shirt off and I'm eating ramen and I'm slurping the stew and all of a sudden a long slurp can be heard from me as i stare at Ethan 😂
Ethan:"You thought uh this blueberry was cute, cuddly, and uh real precious and help orphan puppies? NO! I LIKE UNPROTECTED SEX!" Me: O Ethan.....we know that's not true. You are cute and cuddly!
hey Ethan, my little sister loves your content so much, you've inspired her, given her joy, she loves you so much and has accepted you the fact that you're not single, she doesn't hold that against you or Mika, but she still holds love in her heart for you! Hope this makes you feel good! ~Bye!~ C:
Ethan: "dont look at me!!!" Me: "then dont take your shirt off" lol Ethan: "look at my butt! Wowie!!" Me: "im confused now... are we aloud to look?" Lol Ethan: "my pecks are wide open. Wait no, dont look at that" Me: "so no looking then? Im still confused"
Hello again Ethan I recently found your drug and ice cream video on TH-cam so no need to get it on iTunes but just know I would still buy it if I found it on iTunes.
People are weird. "You're too skinny" "You're too fat" Is there an inbetween that'll make them happy? Why do they even care about how someone else looks (unless the people are friends)?
Oh my goodness, this video was awesome. I saw Ethan tweet about how pleased he was with the editing and it did not disappoint! The date with the mayo jar was my favorite. Great video, Ethan; super funny! 😂😂👏🏽
Yayyyy I ve been waiting for this. Thank you Ethan for continuing with this series. P.S at 10:50 it would have been so funny if Ethan added "Love me like you do"there. but even without it the scene waa hilarious as HELL XD
I laughed so hard! My brother walked by while Ethan started taking off his shirt and just gave me a look, making me laugh even harder. I love this game!
Ethan you always make me smile and laugh. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart :) Your adorable. please dont stop making videos because it truly helps a lot of people including me. Even though you'll never see this, thank you again. you've helped me so much :)
I just started watching this channel, and of course this happened to be the one of the first videos I clicked on...this is hilarious!! Please do more soon! :)
ethan is so damn extra
and that's exactly why I love him
"I've gotta cover myself"
*No u don't*
Grace Coleman Mmmm.... I fangirls so much when he took his shirt off. i loved it
Grace Coleman i wore a button down shirt today and my mom said 'why do you button it all the way up?'
WELL MOTHER. i dont like to show a lot of skin and one button left unbuttoned is too much skin for me. and two..its comfy.
Grace Coleman *-yessss-*
Grace Coleman PERV
Tiana Blakeslee your profile looks like a child STOP
How can Ethan be so cute?
Marie Eimová I know!! He literally did a handstand to show his butt on camera I'm dead 😂
Marie Eimová Ty si Češka alebo Slovenka?
Marie Eimová It takes skill no one else has. 👌
i don't know but it has taken over my life
Další čech který kouká na Ethana? Super! :D
i nearly choked when you took ur shirt off god damnit ethan
Jimin.............?????? JIMIN? BTS!!!!!??? BTS ARMY HERE TOOOOOO!!!! SHIT IM GOING TO DIE
What happened to jungkooks right thigh? 🤣😎
Same I almost choked on my water
**sports announcer voice**
Hey Its Evie yea
Do you know why you cry when you yawn?
because you miss your bed! 😄
Who the frickity frack cries when they yawn?
But I usually yawn when I wake up... And when im still in bed...
@@dakota8002 *m e*
This year is your year Ethan.
Well now its 2018
2020's NOBODY's year, i miss 2017😔😭
Hey, how doin? Do you want some ice cream from my shop? Hey, how you doin? No, please don't call the cops. It's a drug front!
ひたちいんひかる omg
heyyyyy i sell drugs and ice cream
ひたちいんひかる 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Want some heroin on that cone?
heyyy i sell drugs and ice cream, want some heroin on that cone? stay here give me 50 bucks, its fine WINK WONK. *whispers* look under that cone what do you see? some good old pcp... ITS ME MAD MIKE I RUN AN ICE CREAM SHOP! BA-DA-DA! HEY! you can't bring your kids here, this is not the type of senerio for children! XD
So, I'm not the only one who'd totally date Ethan, right??
I would totally date him.
Puppet Mistress Nope... xD
Puppet Mistress i would date him
Puppet Mistress no, I would date him as well if I could. All though it's kinda funny since we're exactly the same age and stuff.
Music Gamer I'm the same age, too :)
glad to hear it, guys :) I was called weird because I would...
Ethan stripping?
Showing off his butt?
and everything else? man this video had everything a fangirl's heart desired!! including myself xD
xNightmaresUnwanted doesn't every video though😂
yeah you got me there tbh 😂
xNightmaresUnwanted truw
xNightmaresUnwanted like brazzers
hoshivs same😝
Ethans videos help me stay happy and his long talks and reassurances in his "the static speaks my name" and "don't take this risk" videos actually made me realize I didn't want it all to end. that I really was just lonely. Ethan makes me feel like I have a friend. I still have depression, but I'm getting better. Thank you so much Ethan.❤
bunnymudge we're all here if you ever need someone to talk to :)
epashleyclifford thank you so much, thank you everyone
No prob friendo buddy.
If you ever need to talk to anyone, the comments squad is here.
I'm here if you need someone to talk to:)
When people at work tell me that I'm too skinny and need to eat more, I tell them that they're too fat and need to eat less. Then when they make that dumb look of shock, I ask them what the difference is between them insulting me and me insulting them. It's should try it!
Amanda Denise lol I'll have to do that next time.
Pro-Tip: Be sure to poke them back if they jab their finger directly into your ribs as if they're trying to shatter them into immeasurable fractions! Keep me updated on the results 😂
Chloe Taterka l best prof pic lol
Amanda Denise I am so gonna use this next time somebody feels the need to call me to skinny
I’m not gonna do that because I genuinely look skinny enough to have an eating disorder
Me: Very
69th like✌
Can’t win them all
7:45 did their father take them into the city to see a marching band?
Omg MCR!!😂
Chloe and now we see what happened when it grew up
YASSS MCR 😭😭😭i was going to comment that
My father took me to see a marching band............sorry for that
Hey Ethan! My name's Blake. I love your video's and it's because of people like you and Mark that make my life a lot easier. I just wanted to thank you bud, for making me smile when nothing else could. Maybe we could talk eventually?
Blake Gauger my mom says they r idiots
Who, Ethan and Mark? I wouldn't call them idiots... they are both definitely oddballs. But I look up to these oddballs! :) The world needs more people that are willing to put themselves out their. I strive to be like them. I really hope one day, I get the chance to actually talk to them and get to know them on a personal level!
Blake Gauger my mom 💩
Good for your mom??? We all have our own opinions and I respect that.
Hey Pastel Chicken tell your mom..Everyone has there own opnion...EVEN IF THERE FRECKING WRONG!!!!!! (I don't know why I commented this but whatever) And by the way Blake,Mark,Jack,and Ethan are SOOO Amazing and take care of people that need it! Everyone needs to know that there amazing as well and you can overcome ANY thing!!
He's such a precious lil bean oh my gosh 😂😂
Did anyone get the "Mustart" joke for the Mayo? xD Like Mozart? Heh... heh... come on guys, it's funny, i swear....
Pramerios yeah i did but i thought about Mustard instead of Mozart XD
"I haven't watched porn in my entire life"
Me:*cough, cough* bullshit *cough* Really?
Nakyia6768 haha me
Nakyia6768 like someine is lying through their teeth haha
lol I Said somethin like that too XD
Nakyia6768 you people. not everyone watches porn like you guys smh. ive never watched porn, and so have many other people I know... but haha i get yr pointz
Just a friendly reminder: This is someone's future husband.
GirlSepticEye and is the same age as my cousin..
You mine mine
Not yet
Poor mika
10:24 I keep forgetting that Ethan is a big jazz boy
Annika B I clicked it and it lagged so eathan was the mayo😂😂
*Ethan takes off his shirt*
*ground rumbling*
"I gotta stop"
don't stop xD
Sabrina Ingersoll Believing!!!
Ethan was fucking crushed at 12:20 💔
Thenks Ana!
Peanut Allergy his reaction was freaking amazing but at the same time I wanted to hug him and tell him it's okay.
"You are as charming as a freshly baked baguette"
*wEWE mADaM*
The moment he starts taking his shirt off and I'm eating ramen and I'm slurping the stew and all of a sudden a long slurp can be heard from me as i stare at Ethan 😂
I'm new here, so for the past two days I've been binge watching all of Ethan's videos, and I LOVE HIM how the heck does he not have more subs??!
Thanks :) the community here is amazing
Midnight Weeb WELCOME TO HEAVEN 😃😁😂
I may be late but same. I just found out about Mark and Mark led me to unus annus and unus annus led me to Ethan. I love these two sooooo much.
Ethan, you just worry me sometimes😂
I worry myself all the time!
Izzy B same.
Ethan is so adorable and hilarious can't stop laughing
Ethan if you chose a slightly different route with Sara it says *The next morning Jonny will show Sara memes*
Ethan:"You thought uh this blueberry was cute, cuddly, and uh real precious and help orphan puppies? NO! I LIKE UNPROTECTED SEX!"
Me: O Ethan.....we know that's not true. You are cute and cuddly!
hey Ethan, my little sister loves your content so much, you've inspired her, given her joy, she loves you so much and has accepted you the fact that you're not single, she doesn't hold that against you or Mika, but she still holds love in her heart for you! Hope this makes you feel good! ~Bye!~ C:
i couldn't take Ethan seriously this whole episode xD
Also, stop being so damn adorable and funny. My mom keeps giving me weird looks because I'm laughing so much.
Ethan: "dont look at me!!!"
Me: "then dont take your shirt off" lol
Ethan: "look at my butt! Wowie!!"
Me: "im confused now... are we aloud to look?" Lol
Ethan: "my pecks are wide open. Wait no, dont look at that"
Me: "so no looking then? Im still confused"
wait if mayo's a boy and johnny is a dude is mayo gay?
cinnibon C WHAT
yeah never mind i commented before watching the end of it
Sarah's pritty
No bi, he had a girlfriend he loved
The mayo could be bi
Ethan: get your sleep, its important!
*me watching this at 1 AM*
I laughed for a straight minute when you did the handstand to show you butt 🤣🤣🤣
Idjit It's unexplainable for even the smartest people to understand!
Gross ew nasty he already with somebody well can’t win them all
@@aidenlovesgoogle7555 you dont have to go on every single comment saying that Ethan is cute and say, "you can't win them all" cuz its kinda annoying
"Yes, ur gorgus" 2:53
-Ethan 2017
"Let me put my finger in yo mouth"- best line ever
me: i just died
"I've never watched porn in my life"
DEFINITELY MORE MR. MASSAGY PLEASE!! It's hilarious and you look like you have sooo much fun with it :D :D
Damn I want to be Ethan's girlfriend
Lol I think we all do
I know right
Welp u can’t win them all
He’s already with somebody
The amount of times I thought "Ethan stop no" was incredibly high
ethan you're fucking adorable and I love you
imani mxne ikr
This is one of my favorite videos on TH-cam 😂😂😂 Thanks Ethan!
13:16-13:25 YES.
This was the funniest video I've seen from Ethan so far. The whole look at my butt and just him being himself had me crying I was laughing so hard 😂👍
I agree with Martha, you have a really cute nose. **boop**
i love how he says he'll play more in the next episode AND HE HASENT MADE ANOTHER ONE
Mmmm Friendly's! How you know someone is from New England!
I love Friendly"s!!!!!
i'm in tears laughing
see now this kid seems like the kind of TH-cam content I can get behind
anyone else uncomfortable watching this smol cinnamon roll do this?
Alexandria Habriel dude same i was laughing the whole time
littlepikachu girl when he took off his shirt i was like SMOL BEAN COVER YOURSELF UP THIS IS TOO MATURE
*Awkward Greeting* this game is too mature for our tiny innocent cinnamon rolll
"it all started when I was a young boy"
*g note*
12:22 crying
How is this channel dying? He’s amazing!!😁
The funniest thing in this episode was when Ethan showed his butt
the editing on this video is so good during the message parts!
Hello again Ethan I recently found your drug and ice cream video on TH-cam so no need to get it on iTunes but just know I would still buy it if I found it on iTunes.
Elisa Robertson if you message me later to remind me I can do it for you
You're really funny on your own, but your editing makes all your videos 1000x more hilarious; I love it!
Ethan!!!! Play FRAN BOW!!!!!
Ethan's editing style makes videos like this so much better!
People are weird.
"You're too skinny"
"You're too fat"
Is there an inbetween that'll make them happy?
Why do they even care about how someone else looks (unless the people are friends)?
I loved the editing on this! I can't wait to see part three!!
What's up my cranky crew?
Ethan: "I love you.."
Me: *dies*
"Let me put my finger in your mouth ~" Ethan 2017
I laughed way too much at this video! xD It cheered me right up, thanks Ethan :D
ethan i have many questions in regards to what the fuck you were on during this video... (pancakes and sugar dont answer this question well btw)
Hey Ethan, thanks for the inspiration! I started making videos because of all the great work you and Mark do. Thanks man!
I'm only 14 but I mean I would date Ethan there's probably only a 6 year difference but HEYY WHO DOESN'T WANT TO DATE ETHAN?!
"Did you see the mayo blush? That was kinda cute." Eef. So wholesome he speaks nicely about cartoon mayonnaise.
I'm so early for once :)
Oh my word this was hilarious. You had me close to tears, Ethan!!! And great job on the editing, your skills have come a long way!
If mark and jack could act all sexy like Ethan, my life would be complete
I laughed so much, thank you for making my day so much better Ethan 😂❤
THE HELLO ITS ME PART ALMOST KILLED ME no rlly I'm sick and I can't laugh without coughing my lungs out thanks ethan
The wild Ethan becomes incredibly vulnerable when shirtless
Really loving this series. And Ethan is too damn cute
Your videos never fail to make me smile and laugh.
You're so adorable & talented, Ethan! Keep up the great work!
Oh my goodness, this video was awesome. I saw Ethan tweet about how pleased he was with the editing and it did not disappoint! The date with the mayo jar was my favorite. Great video, Ethan; super funny! 😂😂👏🏽
Loved, loved, loved the editing in this, Ethan! Keep up the great work!
Yayyyy I ve been waiting for this. Thank you Ethan for continuing with this series. P.S at 10:50 it would have been so funny if Ethan added "Love me like you do"there. but even without it the scene waa hilarious as HELL XD
"You thought this blueberry was cute and cuddly? And helped orphan puppies?"
I always thought that. Always my blueberry 😂😂
MY SON EXPOSING HIS BODY? NO! I still love my adorable squishy smol bean.
I laughed so hard! My brother walked by while Ethan started taking off his shirt and just gave me a look, making me laugh even harder. I love this game!
The length he went for the joke. He did a handstand for a joke. That's great.
Ethan you always make me smile and laugh. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart :) Your adorable. please dont stop making videos because it truly helps a lot of people including me. Even though you'll never see this, thank you again. you've helped me so much :)
Loved this video and the way Ethan was in it. Would love to see a part 3
Ethan, be careful what you say and do, the fangirls are dieing over here
This is my favorite video of all time omg so many replays to be had
Everyone in this community is so supportive and caring! I would love to get to know some of you! Love your videos, Ethan
I just started watching this channel, and of course this happened to be the one of the first videos I clicked on...this is hilarious!! Please do more soon! :)