This just in: WG adding Virginia class SSN’s to the game with tomahawk cruise missiles and ADCAP Mrk48 torps. All maps will be 2000 meters in depth now. These new super subs will be double **
The heal is literally the worst part of that ship, it's there to compensate the low health which means it can get oneshotted unlike other submarines. That's a downside.
Submarine in this game will completly fail ( most of the time ) or be busted OP ... not much in between.....
This just in: WG adding Virginia class SSN’s to the game with tomahawk cruise missiles and ADCAP Mrk48 torps. All maps will be 2000 meters in depth now. These new super subs will be double **
When you sigh that Smolensk is removed, when you sigh that at least there is some stability in the game, then they add a complete screwup.
game design direction not good
A sub with heal. Such a great idea wg. Holy.
The heal is literally the worst part of that ship, it's there to compensate the low health which means it can get oneshotted unlike other submarines.
That's a downside.
Why even give these guys the time of day? regardless how well they performed..
Damn his kraken was stolen, could've gotten even more bxp.
Absolutely crazy but he played it really good nethertheless. 4600 base xp wtf
German Unterseeboot engineering gone wild!!
this ship is so busted, dude does not play well and gets a shit ton of damage.... bs
Played the game after 2 weeks , met 2 of these, alt+f4 fuck it
Smart decision