AI DevOps - Patrick Debois

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2024
  • The value of the new genAI capabilities shine when they really become part of our daily workflows.
    In this talk I’ll take you through the engineering workflow, from ideas to production and how genAI technology is making an impact there. From the simple asking questions to GPTs all the way to agents acting on our behalf. No role will go untouched , from product owner, over developer all the way to support and operations. Using real world examples showing the collaborative power this new technology has to enhance us to do a better job.
    As this is so much work in progress, I will bring realism on where we are in practice and what is coming up next. This should give you a better grasp of its power beyond the first experiences you may have had and understand the rough edges of the current reality.
    Get ready for a high paced and humorous overview to learn more on the exciting technology wave we’re currently experiencing. Buckle up! Sobre Patrick Debois: Patrick Debois is a versatile technologist with a breadth of experience across Dev, Sec, and Ops. Known for his aptitude in harnessing emerging ideas , he skillfully guides teams and advises businesses ranging from startups to enterprises in their journey. Recognized as a trusted ally among dev, sec, ops communities, and beyond, he is currently immersing himself in the world of AI & Machine Learning continuously pushing the boundaries of his technical expertise.
    While Patrick’s technical appetite is vast, his affinity for people is equally profound. He possesses the rare ability to bridge perspectives, effortlessly switching between management and individual contributor levels and roles. This unique experience has led him organising the first Devopsdays in 2009. He is attributed to coining the term DevOps and co-author of the widely known Devops Handbook. In the past Patrick has worked together with renowned tech organizations such as Atlassian and Snyk. He currently wears both hats of VP of Engineering and Distinguished Engineer at Showpad.

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