I could be mistaken, but I think the bulk of vegetables supplied to the cities come from this place, Mantalongon. For that reason, the provincial government should make this a priority on the road paving projects. I have not gone up this far, but from what I know from back then, I think the Department of Trade and Industry organized a Cooperative here and aimed to provide a truck that could haul the farmers' products regularly. I had left the country before this happened, so I'm only hoping that it happened. Some audio to this video would have really enhanced the viewing experience. Thank you just the same.
Ka nice, mura pod ug Baguio, i have never thought na naa pod ta ani sa Cebu
done my support mam, subscribed 👍🏼
Naay dalan pero walay sidewalk para malakawan sa mga tao.
I could be mistaken, but I think the bulk of vegetables supplied to the cities come from this place, Mantalongon. For that reason, the provincial government should make this a priority on the road paving projects. I have not gone up this far, but from what I know from back then, I think the Department of Trade and Industry organized a Cooperative here and aimed to provide a truck that could haul the farmers' products regularly. I had left the country before this happened, so I'm only hoping that it happened. Some audio to this video would have really enhanced the viewing experience. Thank you just the same.
Road widening is needed at least 4 lanes and wide sidewalk alsi
Great adventure
Plant more trees on both sideways