Really? Because I think all of her arguments are absolute bullshit and I think he comes off as probably one of the dumbest people on the planet. She talks about black men being it’s on stage of the criminal justice system and being labeled as a felon for life. Well, stop committing crimes and that didn’t happen. But Heaven forbid you tell what people do take responsibility for their own behavior.
the realistic approach is making the right decision. And u said "telling people not to do something will only encourage the activity instead of hindering it". If a person is foolish and weak minded then that statement is true. COMMON SENSE, my sister.
Victimless crimes being felonies is insane, period, and pretty much invites corruption of law enforcement, the courts, and the prison system, since in theory everyone is a suspect, which allows discrimination (even veiled or subconscious on the part of officers, judges, and juries) to creep in and (combined with asset forfeiture laws, which are also insane) creates financial incentive to prosecute people.
I met Professor Alexander in SF years ago at the law firm where I worked, she was representing a client for the other law firm. She is a great person, and very nice.
I am profoundly disgusted and saddened by the fact that my fellow citizens of the "free" world choose not to see the truth that racism is not only surviving, but thriving in this country. In the age of information and the ability to become extremely knowledgeable sitting on a couch with a laptop about injustices happening all around us, how can anyone willingly choose to not accept the blatant truth of the inequalities in our society? We as individuals have more power to band together and make a better world than our parents did 20 years ago. We must rise up together and continue to build bridges and stretch ourselves to find a greater depth of compassion within us in order to live rightly as people who claim to be the world's beacon of liberty and justice. The pressure is on all of us, not only a select few. ALL of us must grow in order to create just and equitable society. ALL of us must stop simply saying empty words and making meaningless claims and band together to build beloved community. I am outraged by the cowardice I witness, but it does not have to be so and indeed I believe that it is our truest nature to be brave, seek justice, and do the work that is required to manifest it into our world.
Telling the truth. So many people seem to ignore. Can't just play along to get along when you know something is wrong. Things can only change from the bottom up in such an un-just system. But injustice can't manifest perpetually.
+Somatic MC you're a very silly person , the thugs that are in prison belong there . If these scumbags are released they're moving right into your neighborhood , to live and cohabitate with little minority children . This country needs more prisons not less .
+Jimmy Mags The U.S. has fought two wars because of people's desire to be free from taxation., in the revolutionary war. They fought a battle granting people freedom during the civil war. What sense would it make to return to a system of bondage, rooted in a system of bias and unequal treatment of people. One thing history teaches.. trying to put people in cages, or chains, will eventually lead to that systems destruction. The people's desire for freedom can never be overcome.
+Jimmy Mags everyone should have the right to the pursuit of prosperity, and happiness. with unequal distribution of wealth, there will always be those seeking to change their circumstances in the wrong way. I do not support the predation we see in many parts of the world. I seek balanced and fair treatment of every individual.
Ms. Alexander is absolutely correct! There are dozens of young people in the neighbor'hood' that do not use, sell nor partake of any drugs. Yet, you hear all of this stereotyping going on. I personally attend a concert of a Caucasian music band every year and at those concerts I always see Caucasian blatantly with impunity 'light up' and have a 'good ole time' with their drugs. It's disgusting because I'm thinking if these were people of color, there'd be police all around that area. Fact, the powers that be are after re-enslaving Black and brown people. Private prisons are huge money and are publicly traded. They get a multi-layered deal for locking us away. Experimentation on the prisoners for Transhumanism, Big profits for the labor, sexless men who can't impregnate their daughters during their child bearing age. A push of their gay agenda, and the feeding of their gods via sacrifice. The whole thing sucks. Universal law will be paying a visit to this jerks. The women go through horrible stuff too. THey are operated on, experimented on. THey DNA is collected.
Now that we know the attributes of the challenge before us it is possible to redefine the reality around us. Ascendivism allows us to redirect the effects of an incarceration experience. An ascendivist rises above their incarceration experience to succeed despite that experience after a "transformational moment." As an antidote to recidivism, ascendivism focuses on success.
She is correct that drugs are everywhere.. but some people are discreet and therefore go under the radar. Some people aren't.. it's all about how you present yourself, what you drive, where you live etc...
Good point - the comparison of the drug war to 1870. This is critical since the 1870's marks the end of the Emancipation Proclomation and the revival of slavery. The only difference are the laws, not their effect. Great report.
Sorry if I upset anybody. Just playing devil's advocate. Blacks have to reconsider who their "leaders" are. It's time for a generational change and a new perspective if progress is to be made. A critical inward look is necessary. Not all those who challenge long standing premises are evil.
i am a 28yr old white woman who is facing the same thing. i am a non-violent drug offender. first and only offense. 5 yrs ago i became a felon bec/ a security guard was bored and decided to illegally grab my purse ( i was in a hospital waiting room watching television)and refuse to give it back while his partner called the police. when my lawyer asked why this was done, what cause did they have to even come up to me, they said i "looked" like i "could" be doing something wrong. they told the judge i wasnt bothering other people, i didnt break in, i didnt cause any damage, i didnt seem inebriated or harmful to myself or others in any way. so lo and behold my lovely ass-faced judge said he found probable cause bec even though the hosp property is private, its public for me bec i wasnt a patient so the security had every right to "search and sieze my property and myself. . what was found was 1 needle in its packaging and an empty, COMPLETELY EMPTY mini plastic baggie. so now most of the black community is incarcerated, they are going after the lower class whites and other races. no one is immune to this shit anynmore. reverse racism at its best even if u are the same color your accuser. wow what a counrty. atleast on the bright side, here in america we do not have our family members hold down our tween female daughters or sisters and cut off their clits so they are not able to have any sexual pleasure at all in life bec its ALL for the men.
What the hell is THAT supposed to mean? Are you suggesting that despite the racism, that we're better off because we not in certain nations that cut our genitalia? What does that have to do with the Racism interwoven in this society? You think because those guards grabbed your purse and called the police that you are in the same boat as black and brown peoples? Why aren't you incarcerated? No, you have your Caucasian privilege. You are not in the same boat, missy. Geez!
she makes an excellent point but also another thing that is an underlying racism Jim Crow I type of law is having to be bilingual here to get a job in LA
She makes some good points. The war on drugs needs major reform. Mandatory sentencing guidelines must be changed. We cannot afford it as a society. The second class status of felons applies to individuals of any race or ethnicity.
@scoopywells I too want to join, but may I ask will you fight this? My initial feeling is that the prison industrial complex is so large and powerful that it will be next to impossible to change the status quo. .....interested in your feedback
Was wondering why they let her speak so long and actually listen without interrupting then I looked at the bottom of the screen and realized this isn't CNN , Fox News, etc...
You know what, fuck it. Lets just let them out of jail, give them full privileges to vote (they won't vote anyway), give them jobs in high-tech firms, and turn a blind-eye to the activities that occur in their neighborhoods.
What can I do Ms. Alexander to help bring reform? To be part of the solution? I am going to purchase and read your book "The New Jim Crow." That's the first thing.
Mr. Solomon, I've been living in the Far East for the past 15 years as an educator, striving to be a catalyst in upgrading the "Black image" here in the very progressive Asia. I, like several successful Asians, do agree people "can't blame" anyone for their "slavery" to destructive behavior. Although I believe "Jim Crow" still exists in some minds, there is still the old saying, that "no one can keep a good man down".
I'm also for self-responsibility. It doesn't take a "weed smoker" to see what isn't working. People aren't forced to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes--even with warning labels,but they do it anyway. People have been doing drugs since the dawn of time. This will not change. I could argue that intoxication is the fourth human drive. If anything, we need a realistic approach to the situation. Telling people not to do something will only encourage the activity instead of hindering it.
Yeah, I've read her book. She is truly incredible. The American society has never cared about the plight of African-Americans. They never have. We, as citizens, have been alone in this country without help, for our grievances, from our own government (local, state, and federal). However, when white people have grievances concessions are generally made to ameliorate their conditions. We don't have that same privilege. Just look at all the shit we had to go through just to get our civil rights
@Soulfree2008 I addressed that first in a separate comment is what I meant. Too limited by 500 characters to properly address both in one comment. It's not my fault you missed it.
It doesnt matter what other people, do, blieve or say. It matters what I do, believe and say. God isnt going to want to hear me complaining about what others have done. He wants to know what I do, believe, and say.
I am black and I don't use drugs and have no felonies here in racist ass California. the key for black men is to learn the penal code. If Alexander really wants to help black men she needs to start a prison ministry or partner with Minister Farrakhan. I am tired if the Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharpton's, and Cornell West's of this world self-aggrandizing from the plight of black men!
Already have. And the statistics and studies that back Michelle Alexander's points. I'm so far ahead of you on that. And I don't try to exclude one part of the evidence of these statistics to validate my talking points.
what needs to be talked about is how the south does not use a grand jury to indict citizens in this country, example see: genarlow wilson and marcus dixon on youtube they both were innocent but a grand jury could have not looked at the evidence because they never existed in the first place!!!!!
I said "no one can keep a good MAN down", If you read closely I didn't say "babies". I don't point fingers at babies or youth. In fact, I've been on a "crusade" to help black youth, even in prison, who know no better.
In this country, the law enforcement complex has also used it's authority to pad the stats. Not saying they all do it, but it has happened many many times and still does. Many times not counting the statistics of wrongful arrests or incidents involving police corruption as it has to due with racial relations. Now of course they can't do it in a complete mass or majority because of information available to the public and it would seem far fetched. But there are many that slip through the cracks.
Somebody please tell the white 15% of the prison population sentenced for drug offences that this was all a mistake, and that they can go home now. Apparently these laws only affect the black 16% of the prison population sentenced for drug offences. I'm sure they'll be glad to hear that the laws don't aren't supposed to hurt them and their families.
If you all haven’t read Michelle Alexander’ s book y’all need to check it out NOW. Very good work. If you have read it then check out “ The invention of the white race” by Theadore W. Allen
That's hardly a recognition of what the problem is. What that is is saying that factors and conditions that create the situation is of no consequence because of the people saying it the loudest are disagreeable with a certain demographic. That doesn't make the factors and conditions less true. The fact is is that it's not being recognized as a problem and it's just a whole culture or type of person complaining or playing the race card. That can only be used case by case. Not in mass.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." But I guess he was a childish man, huh? I truly hope that you see truth one day my friend.
@Soulfree2008 Also, being a "person of color" is no different than calling someone white or black. Whites are not ACTUALLY white, nor am I ACTUALLY black. It's just a phrase of description. Nitpicking over it is s, silly as whites don't go around calling themselves "Apricot" or whatever, and the skin color of "brown" is usually reserved for Middle Easterners and/or Hispanics. If we did, you may have a legitimate argument there. Unfortunately we don't so it's an argument for the sake of arguing.
The point about Obama was his election was a historic milestone in a country for the most part looked and treated blacks as second class citizens. I sure didn't vote for him because he was black and I didn't consider because he was (as most blacks do as well), don't looked to him as a president for the "black community". He has to run the country. Not the culture. Of course Obama was/is not the answer to racism. Racism will always be around. But he is an inspiration to what can be accomplished.
But it doesn't address the problems. I've known a brother arrested for possession of crack and a white man arrested for cocaine. Guess which one received a much longer sentence with a less amount? Also why and how did crack cocaine become infested in the inner city in the first place? And after your sentence is up you have a scarlet letter for life. Something just isn't right with the whole situation.
Human beings are equal. The only thing that really separates people is righteous and wickedness...good and bad. Love is the main law that governs everything and even though we dont see it now we will see it in the close future. Thing are going to get worse and when the nations think they have peace it will prove false. Once again man cannot rule man. The heavenly Father will send the King and his mighty angels to destroy all wickedness. As an imperfect person I get so sick of the wicked oppression on the earth. I'm white for the record and the only reason I am telling that is because I feel oppression as well.
Selling drugs is a choice and the risk of jail are your consequence. .. .Mrs Alexander fail to hold the drug dealer or user responsible for their poor choices. SHE failed to address the hurt and pain dealers and user cause these communities. ..
The Just[us] System FAILS to address the hurt and pain the "community" (racial caste system and economic inequity) cause these drug dealers and users. That is her point. War on drugs= War on the poor
Courtney Cook Mrs. Cook why are the poor choices made by drug dealers and user the court system failures? Once again I say those dealers chose to sell drug you seem to ungor ed the fact that dealers had a chance to educate themselves and live a different life. Is it the courts fault that for what ever reason these people chose fast money and that dangerous life? So why should excuse their poor decisions ? Did their share their profits with the community they exploited? Did they offered to pay for victims who loss love one to the war for turf? And victims that just happen to be in the wrong place during a gun battle but dealers fighting over turf? You and mrs. Alexander total in gore these victims but you excuse a dealer " they are doing what the castes system forces they do ". As before I totally disagree with who mrs. Alexander claims the victim are.
Jesse Jones What you have described is a ghetto fantasy, glorified and perpetuated by the media, of mastermind drug "thugs" and gangsters having shoot outs in neighborhoods to monopolize drug trade and earn street cred. Killing each other and innocent victims. This reality does exist, but very rarely. Majority of drug dealers are poor, nonviolent young men who feel a sense of hopelessness in a system that was never built in their favor. The ones who are mostly hurt by drug dealers and drug users are the families of drug dealers and users who abuse both the use and underground dealership of illegal drugs. There needs to be empathy for PEOPLE as HUMAN BEINGS, many who are hurt and traumatized. If you have never experienced such a life as this, you can't understand and I get it. But exterminating and outcasting PEOPLE, without a second thought is not the answer. Not saying to dismiss those cases of violence, but being able to differentiate between cases of disenfranchised and dehumanized individuals who are in desperate need of empathy and humanity.
Courtney Cook it's clear to me that you are the only person in this conversation that is mislead by you fantasy. And yes I an experienced with the drug culture growing up in east st. Louis Ill..on Columbia Place I dare say I was in the thick of the culture.... but thank you for your conversation it's clear that I will alway agree that we will always disagree.
Jesse Jones and you clearly do not listen for understanding. It's deeper moral awakening one must have. It's not a truth everyone is built to handle. I'll definitely stick with my truth in hopes that we continue to evolve a more wise, concious, civilized species. And in hopes that racism and it's systematic constructs are dismantled... Agree to disagree
True and not true...I read a book awhile ago call Cool Pose and it dealt with African American kids being kicked and forced out of school. I used to try to reach some of these kids who were hanging out in front of stores in the middle of a school day or late at night...some appreciated it and some got mad. Please don't point the finger at these babies because then their are three pointing back, we are all in this together...some don't care yes, but a lot are in fear of their future.
@Soulfree2008 The transparent comment was unnecessary, as white does not equal transparent. But in regards to your "war on the poor," yes, classism is obviously in affect. However, when you look at the disproportionate amount of blacks who are poor compared to whites, as well as the same disproportionate amount of blacks in jail compared to whites, saying that race isn't an issue would be an ignorant statement to make.
Thus says YAH of hosts:The children of Yisreal were oppressed,along with the children of Judah,all who TOOK them CAPTIVE have HELD them fast;they have REFUSED to let them go...Jeremiah 50:33
" the key for black men is to learn the penal code." I know you made this comment a year ago, Z, but the comment is fascinating. What does that mean? Would having a card with bullet points help men defend against wrongful arrest or are you looking at an in-depth study? _ Former Black Panther Party member Ericka Huggins (erickahuggins(dot)com) is doing amazing work in prisons and in schools... but maybe the boys need to hear this from men. BEAT the game: Learn the Penal Code.
'The stereotype of a Drug Dealer in the United States of America is of an African American kid standing on the street corner with his pant's hanging down' Michelle Another stereotype is perceiving Black women as not having sense
You might not smoke, but that's not the point. The point is the punishment is to severe for such a minor infraction. I don't drink to me that's killing yourself it damages your body.
Lol judging by your comments you DEFINITELY need to read the book,even if you're suspicious of the author.Your way of thinking is ironically one more aspect of why the problem of racism is so persistent in the U.S
When the system is fair. The political ramifications is far less troublesome when the police and SWAT teams are in the ghetto as opposed to college dorm rooms or (white) affluent, gated communities. Your comment is ignorant and condescending. This war on drugs not only affects black people, it affects everyone. America has 5% of the world population, but 25% of the world's incarcerated population. The War on Drugs is not the answer. Prohibition wasn't the answer either as it led to more crime.
Don't know why TH-cam recommended this pile of crap just today, but F O. The most criminal get jailed, and they are the most criminal by a long shot...
im all for exposing the bad guys who use their power positions to hurt the innocent. But im also all for self responsibility too. if u want to loose weight, u have to take action urself, not blame mcdonalds, burger king, etc.. same strokes different folks. :) in other words, who forces one to dibble in drugs? the dealers or ones self?? u must be a weed smoker.
Rules and regulations are in place for a reason. Do the crime, you do the time. I have no sentiment about the incarceration of anyone regardless of race, ethnicity, or etc.
Please if you're going to have an intelligent debate refrain from the childish "your ignorance is saddening". The who concept of Jim Crow was separate but equal. At least the colored had a fountain to drink water from.
Michelle Alexander is real black woman I have a lot of respect for her keep up the great works Mrs. Alexander.
+Tommy Robertson that respect would make you an idiot
+Jimmy Mags man stop trolling Channels that praise black people and go to your KKK meeting tonight you are running late.
Really? Because I think all of her arguments are absolute bullshit and I think he comes off as probably one of the dumbest people on the planet. She talks about black men being it’s on stage of the criminal justice system and being labeled as a felon for life. Well, stop committing crimes and that didn’t happen. But Heaven forbid you tell what people do take responsibility for their own behavior.
the realistic approach is making the right decision. And u said "telling people not to do something will only encourage the activity instead of hindering it". If a person is foolish and weak minded then that statement is true. COMMON SENSE, my sister.
she is PERFECT for this message. wow... great message. great delivery. great articulation. this is a real CALL TO ACTION
Victimless crimes being felonies is insane, period, and pretty much invites corruption of law enforcement, the courts, and the prison system, since in theory everyone is a suspect, which allows discrimination (even veiled or subconscious on the part of officers, judges, and juries) to creep in and (combined with asset forfeiture laws, which are also insane) creates financial incentive to prosecute people.
I met Professor Alexander in SF years ago at the law firm where I worked, she was representing a client for the other law firm. She is a great person, and very nice.
I am profoundly disgusted and saddened by the fact that my fellow citizens of the "free" world choose not to see the truth that racism is not only surviving, but thriving in this country. In the age of information and the ability to become extremely knowledgeable sitting on a couch with a laptop about injustices happening all around us, how can anyone willingly choose to not accept the blatant truth of the inequalities in our society? We as individuals have more power to band together and make a better world than our parents did 20 years ago. We must rise up together and continue to build bridges and stretch ourselves to find a greater depth of compassion within us in order to live rightly as people who claim to be the world's beacon of liberty and justice. The pressure is on all of us, not only a select few. ALL of us must grow in order to create just and equitable society. ALL of us must stop simply saying empty words and making meaningless claims and band together to build beloved community. I am outraged by the cowardice I witness, but it does not have to be so and indeed I believe that it is our truest nature to be brave, seek justice, and do the work that is required to manifest it into our world.
100% truth. This book is a classic. I recommend it to every single American.
Michelle Alexander’s research is a valuable lesson about the Nation’s injustice, and applying caution in society
Thank you Michelle Alexander for writting this book. It is long over due and the world needs to hear this.
Telling the truth. So many people seem to ignore. Can't just play along to get along when you know something is wrong. Things can only change from the bottom up in such an un-just system. But injustice can't manifest perpetually.
+Somatic MC you're a very silly person , the thugs that are in prison belong there . If these scumbags are released they're moving right into your neighborhood , to live and cohabitate with little minority children . This country needs more prisons not less .
+Jimmy Mags The U.S. has fought two wars because of people's desire to be free from taxation., in the revolutionary war. They fought a battle granting people freedom during the civil war. What sense would it make to return to a system of bondage, rooted in a system of bias and unequal treatment of people. One thing history teaches.. trying to put people in cages, or chains, will eventually lead to that systems destruction. The people's desire for freedom can never be overcome.
+Jimmy Mags everyone should have the right to the pursuit of prosperity, and happiness. with unequal distribution of wealth, there will always be those seeking to change their circumstances in the wrong way. I do not support the predation we see in many parts of the world. I seek balanced and fair treatment of every individual.
I'm currently reading this book and each page describes such deep-rooted Injustice. Sitting in London outraged!
The displaced mass hatred of Black women in Contemporary Culture should be the next topic.
This is real stuff! I think Ms. Alexander makes good points. I plan to add her book to my library. Thanks for posting.
Ms. Alexander is absolutely correct! There are dozens of young people in the neighbor'hood' that do not use, sell nor partake of any drugs. Yet, you hear all of this stereotyping going on. I personally attend a concert of a Caucasian music band every year and at those concerts I always see Caucasian blatantly with impunity 'light up' and have a 'good ole time' with their drugs. It's disgusting because I'm thinking if these were people of color, there'd be police all around that area.
Fact, the powers that be are after re-enslaving Black and brown people. Private prisons are huge money and are publicly traded. They get a multi-layered deal for locking us away. Experimentation on the prisoners for Transhumanism, Big profits for the labor, sexless men who can't impregnate their daughters during their child bearing age. A push of their gay agenda, and the feeding of their gods via sacrifice. The whole thing sucks. Universal law will be paying a visit to this jerks. The women go through horrible stuff too. THey are operated on, experimented on. THey DNA is collected.
Filmtress Mu yes it is spiritually a drain of our energy through politics designed to destroy us mentally and then enslave us physically
Now that we know the attributes of the challenge before us it is possible to redefine the reality around us.
Ascendivism allows us to redirect the effects of an incarceration experience. An ascendivist rises above their incarceration experience to succeed despite that experience after a "transformational moment." As an antidote to recidivism, ascendivism focuses on success.
She is correct that drugs are everywhere.. but some people are discreet and therefore go under the radar. Some people aren't.. it's all about how you present yourself, what you drive, where you live etc...
Good point - the comparison of the drug war to 1870. This is critical since the 1870's marks the end of the Emancipation Proclomation and the revival of slavery. The only difference are the laws, not their effect. Great report.
Sorry if I upset anybody. Just playing devil's advocate. Blacks have to reconsider who their "leaders" are. It's time for a generational change and a new perspective if progress is to be made. A critical inward look is necessary. Not all those who challenge long standing premises are evil.
i am a 28yr old white woman who is facing the same thing. i am a non-violent drug offender. first and only offense. 5 yrs ago i became a felon bec/ a security guard was bored and decided to illegally grab my purse ( i was in a hospital waiting room watching television)and refuse to give it back while his partner called the police. when my lawyer asked why this was done, what cause did they have to even come up to me, they said i "looked" like i "could" be doing something wrong. they told the judge i wasnt bothering other people, i didnt break in, i didnt cause any damage, i didnt seem inebriated or harmful to myself or others in any way. so lo and behold my lovely ass-faced judge said he found probable cause bec even though the hosp property is private, its public for me bec i wasnt a patient so the security had every right to "search and sieze my property and myself. . what was found was 1 needle in its packaging and an empty, COMPLETELY EMPTY mini plastic baggie. so now most of the black community is incarcerated, they are going after the lower class whites and other races. no one is immune to this shit anynmore. reverse racism at its best even if u are the same color your accuser. wow what a counrty. atleast on the bright side, here in america we do not have our family members hold down our tween female daughters or sisters and cut off their clits so they are not able to have any sexual pleasure at all in life bec its ALL for the men.
Who are "they"?
What the hell is THAT supposed to mean? Are you suggesting that despite the racism, that we're better off because we not in certain nations that cut our genitalia? What does that have to do with the Racism interwoven in this society? You think because those guards grabbed your purse and called the police that you are in the same boat as black and brown peoples? Why aren't you incarcerated? No, you have your Caucasian privilege. You are not in the same boat, missy. Geez!
*****- No, the boat sunk because of YOU and YOUR people and your hunger to follow, track and meddle in our affairs. Ugh!
you are absolutely right
she makes an excellent point but also another thing that is an underlying racism Jim Crow I type of law is having to be bilingual here to get a job in LA
She makes some good points. The war on drugs needs major reform. Mandatory sentencing guidelines must be changed. We cannot afford it as a society. The second class status of felons applies to individuals of any race or ethnicity.
@scoopywells I too want to join, but may I ask will you fight this?
My initial feeling is that the prison industrial complex is so large and powerful that it will be next to impossible to change the status quo. .....interested in your feedback
Was wondering why they let her speak so long and actually listen without interrupting then I looked at the bottom of the screen and realized this isn't CNN , Fox News, etc...
We don't have a Prison System or Criminal Justice System. We have a "Prison Industry" or "Criminal Justice Industry".
You know what, fuck it. Lets just let them out of jail, give them full privileges to vote (they won't vote anyway), give them jobs in high-tech firms, and turn a blind-eye to the activities that occur in their neighborhoods.
+Armon Viramontes It's amazing how such a bright woman can be so wrong on crime .
What can I do Ms. Alexander to help bring reform? To be part of the solution? I am going to purchase and read your book "The New Jim Crow." That's the first thing.
very informative from the author, the book is something i definitely gotta check out
Where do you get you statistics?
Mr. Solomon, I've been living in the Far East for the past 15 years as an educator, striving to be a catalyst in upgrading the "Black image" here in the very progressive Asia. I, like several successful Asians, do agree people "can't blame" anyone for their "slavery" to destructive behavior. Although I believe "Jim Crow" still exists in some minds, there is still the old saying, that "no one can keep a good man down".
I'm also for self-responsibility. It doesn't take a "weed smoker" to see what isn't working. People aren't forced to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes--even with warning labels,but they do it anyway. People have been doing drugs since the dawn of time. This will not change. I could argue that intoxication is the fourth human drive. If anything, we need a realistic approach to the situation. Telling people not to do something will only encourage the activity instead of hindering it.
A review of surveillance video of those committing crime would give a fair picture of whether it is racism or differential crime rates.
And with this my comments have ended here. "Strive for the best in you, don't follow the howling pack and you will accomplish many good things".
keep up the good work.
Yeah, I've read her book. She is truly incredible. The American society has never cared about the plight of African-Americans. They never have. We, as citizens, have been alone in this country without help, for our grievances, from our own government (local, state, and federal). However, when white people have grievances concessions are generally made to ameliorate their conditions. We don't have that same privilege. Just look at all the shit we had to go through just to get our civil rights
@Soulfree2008 I addressed that first in a separate comment is what I meant. Too limited by 500 characters to properly address both in one comment. It's not my fault you missed it.
1) you should read the book, there are plenty of statistics.
2) "specific cases" in the supreme court influence federal legislation
It doesnt matter what other people, do, blieve or say. It matters what I do, believe and say. God isnt going to want to hear me complaining about what others have done. He wants to know what I do, believe, and say.
I am black and I don't use drugs and have no felonies here in racist ass California. the key for black men is to learn the penal code.
If Alexander really wants to help black men she needs to start a prison ministry or partner with Minister Farrakhan. I am tired if the Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharpton's, and Cornell West's of this world self-aggrandizing from the plight of black men!
You got that right! Let's go
Separate but equal was removed because separate but equal was inherently not equal.And that's never gonna happen anyway
Already have. And the statistics and studies that back Michelle Alexander's points. I'm so far ahead of you on that. And I don't try to exclude one part of the evidence of these statistics to validate my talking points.
Brothas we must keep her safe ase ✊️🏿
what needs to be talked about is how the south does not use a grand jury to indict citizens in this country, example see: genarlow wilson and marcus dixon on youtube they both were innocent but a grand jury could have not looked at the evidence because they never existed in the first place!!!!!
Those aren't statistics they are specific cases.
I said "no one can keep a good MAN down", If you read closely I didn't say "babies". I don't point fingers at babies or youth. In fact, I've been on a "crusade" to help black youth, even in prison, who know no better.
We don't need more philosophers. What we need is a reality check.
+goodchessactor I took that reality check , we need more prisons .
@Soulfree2008 Actually, I addressed that first. You just seemed to miss it. Not my fault.
In this country, the law enforcement complex has also used it's authority to pad the stats. Not saying they all do it, but it has happened many many times and still does. Many times not counting the statistics of wrongful arrests or incidents involving police corruption as it has to due with racial relations. Now of course they can't do it in a complete mass or majority because of information available to the public and it would seem far fetched. But there are many that slip through the cracks.
Somebody please tell the white 15% of the prison population sentenced for drug offences that this was all a mistake, and that they can go home now. Apparently these laws only affect the black 16% of the prison population sentenced for drug offences. I'm sure they'll be glad to hear that the laws don't aren't supposed to hurt them and their families.
Why are you so blind. No one was said any thing white prisoners.
PEOPLE are being dehumanize.
If you all haven’t read Michelle Alexander’ s book y’all need to check it out NOW. Very good work. If you have read it then check out “ The invention of the white race” by Theadore W. Allen
That's hardly a recognition of what the problem is. What that is is saying that factors and conditions that create the situation is of no consequence because of the people saying it the loudest are disagreeable with a certain demographic. That doesn't make the factors and conditions less true. The fact is is that it's not being recognized as a problem and it's just a whole culture or type of person complaining or playing the race card. That can only be used case by case. Not in mass.
@edupbeat Definitely feeling your pain on this note!
Martin Luther King Jr. once said "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." But I guess he was a childish man, huh? I truly hope that you see truth one day my friend.
@Soulfree2008 Also, being a "person of color" is no different than calling someone white or black. Whites are not ACTUALLY white, nor am I ACTUALLY black. It's just a phrase of description. Nitpicking over it is s, silly as whites don't go around calling themselves "Apricot" or whatever, and the skin color of "brown" is usually reserved for Middle Easterners and/or Hispanics. If we did, you may have a legitimate argument there. Unfortunately we don't so it's an argument for the sake of arguing.
If that where true, then why are Dick Cheney, G.W. Bush and Henry Paulson not locked up at this time?
the "sprinkling" is right on ...............
The point about Obama was his election was a historic milestone in a country for the most part looked and treated blacks as second class citizens. I sure didn't vote for him because he was black and I didn't consider because he was (as most blacks do as well), don't looked to him as a president for the "black community". He has to run the country. Not the culture. Of course Obama was/is not the answer to racism. Racism will always be around. But he is an inspiration to what can be accomplished.
The point she’s trying to make is that only poor and black peoples are the only ones criminalize through drug use.
But it doesn't address the problems. I've known a brother arrested for possession of crack and a white man arrested for cocaine. Guess which one received a much longer sentence with a less amount? Also why and how did crack cocaine become infested in the inner city in the first place? And after your sentence is up you have a scarlet letter for life. Something just isn't right with the whole situation.
read the book
If you're here to sell books ok, But if not then tell me where your sources are from.
Human beings are equal. The only thing that really separates people is righteous and wickedness...good and bad. Love is the main law that governs everything and even though we dont see it now we will see it in the close future. Thing are going to get worse and when the nations think they have peace it will prove false. Once again man cannot rule man. The heavenly Father will send the King and his mighty angels to destroy all wickedness. As an imperfect person I get so sick of the wicked oppression on the earth. I'm white for the record and the only reason I am telling that is because I feel oppression as well.
@darrellmellissa What are you saying?
Selling drugs is a choice and the risk of jail are your consequence. .. .Mrs Alexander fail to hold the drug dealer or user responsible for their poor choices. SHE failed to address the hurt and pain dealers and user cause these communities. ..
The Just[us] System FAILS to address the hurt and pain the "community" (racial caste system and economic inequity) cause these drug dealers and users. That is her point.
War on drugs= War on the poor
Courtney Cook Mrs. Cook why are the poor choices made by drug dealers and user the court system failures? Once again I say those dealers chose to sell drug you seem to ungor ed the fact that dealers had a chance to educate themselves and live a different life. Is it the courts fault that for what ever reason these people chose fast money and that dangerous life? So why should excuse their poor decisions ? Did their share their profits with the community they exploited? Did they offered to pay for victims who loss love one to the war for turf? And victims that just happen to be in the wrong place during a gun battle but dealers fighting over turf? You and mrs. Alexander total in gore these victims but you excuse a dealer " they are doing what the castes system forces they do ". As before I totally disagree with who mrs. Alexander claims the victim are.
Jesse Jones What you have described is a ghetto fantasy, glorified and perpetuated by the media, of mastermind drug "thugs" and gangsters having shoot outs in neighborhoods to monopolize drug trade and earn street cred. Killing each other and innocent victims. This reality does exist, but very rarely. Majority of drug dealers are poor, nonviolent young men who feel a sense of hopelessness in a system that was never built in their favor. The ones who are mostly hurt by drug dealers and drug users are the families of drug dealers and users who abuse both the use and underground dealership of illegal drugs. There needs to be empathy for PEOPLE as HUMAN BEINGS, many who are hurt and traumatized. If you have never experienced such a life as this, you can't understand and I get it. But exterminating and outcasting PEOPLE, without a second thought is not the answer. Not saying to dismiss those cases of violence, but being able to differentiate between cases of disenfranchised and dehumanized individuals who are in desperate need of empathy and humanity.
Courtney Cook it's clear to me that you are the only person in this conversation that is mislead by you fantasy. And yes I an experienced with the drug culture growing up in east st. Louis Ill..on Columbia Place I dare say I was in the thick of the culture.... but thank you for your conversation it's clear that I will alway agree that we will always disagree.
Jesse Jones and you clearly do not listen for understanding. It's deeper moral awakening one must have. It's not a truth everyone is built to handle. I'll definitely stick with my truth in hopes that we continue to evolve a more wise, concious, civilized species.
And in hopes that racism and it's systematic constructs are dismantled...
Agree to disagree
True and not true...I read a book awhile ago call Cool Pose and it dealt with African American kids being kicked and forced out of school. I used to try to reach some of these kids who were hanging out in front of stores in the middle of a school day or late at night...some appreciated it and some got mad. Please don't point the finger at these babies because then their are three pointing back, we are all in this together...some don't care yes, but a lot are in fear of their future.
If you actually read one of her books, you can plainly see that much of her evidence is merely anecdotal.
Although she does make some good points.
I wish all black women had the same sense!!!!
So true. My neighbors always get high. Guess their ethnicity. Hard drugs too.
But you can't keep a good man down...a righteous and forthright man down.
+Somatic MC Whos talking about good men ?
@Soulfree2008 The transparent comment was unnecessary, as white does not equal transparent. But in regards to your "war on the poor," yes, classism is obviously in affect. However, when you look at the disproportionate amount of blacks who are poor compared to whites, as well as the same disproportionate amount of blacks in jail compared to whites, saying that race isn't an issue would be an ignorant statement to make.
Thus says YAH of hosts:The children of Yisreal were oppressed,along with the children of Judah,all who TOOK them CAPTIVE have HELD them fast;they have REFUSED to let them go...Jeremiah 50:33
" the key for black men is to learn the penal code." I know you made this comment a year ago, Z, but the comment is fascinating. What does that mean? Would having a card with bullet points help men defend against wrongful arrest or are you looking at an in-depth study?
Former Black Panther Party member Ericka Huggins (erickahuggins(dot)com) is doing amazing work in prisons and in schools... but maybe the boys need to hear this from men. BEAT the game: Learn the Penal Code.
Here in LA they can smoke it if they have a weed card
Why would you say that? I'm conservative.
Yes so true the effect of racism is much more isidious, defacto finds diffrent more effective ways to flourish .
'The stereotype of a Drug Dealer in the United States of America is of an African American kid standing on the street corner with his pant's hanging down' Michelle
Another stereotype is perceiving Black women as not having sense
Well, that would make your standards much lower than a third graders.
You might not smoke, but that's not the point. The point is the punishment is to severe for such a minor infraction. I don't drink to me that's killing yourself it damages your body.
This women got some since
Lol judging by your comments you DEFINITELY need to read the book,even if you're suspicious of the author.Your way of thinking is ironically one more aspect of why the problem of racism is so persistent in the U.S
When the system is fair. The political ramifications is far less troublesome when the police and SWAT teams are in the ghetto as opposed to college dorm rooms or (white) affluent, gated communities. Your comment is ignorant and condescending. This war on drugs not only affects black people, it affects everyone. America has 5% of the world population, but 25% of the world's incarcerated population. The War on Drugs is not the answer. Prohibition wasn't the answer either as it led to more crime.
When are blacks going to take responsiblity and stop blaming others?
See my reply below.
I'm sure that'll go well. There was a lot of equality there... I hope you're joking.
Go ahead black lady
Mohammed Yousif
What do you mean by that?
Americans....not “African” Americans.
There's so much falls about this
Don't know why TH-cam recommended this pile of crap just today, but F O. The most criminal get jailed, and they are the most criminal by a long shot...
I guess I like Jim Crow now....
im all for exposing the bad guys who use their power positions to hurt the innocent. But im also all for self responsibility too. if u want to loose weight, u have to take action urself, not blame mcdonalds, burger king, etc.. same strokes different folks. :) in other words, who forces one to dibble in drugs? the dealers or ones self?? u must be a weed smoker.
Rules and regulations are in place for a reason. Do the crime, you do the time. I have no sentiment about the incarceration of anyone regardless of race, ethnicity, or etc.
That is because you are ignorant to the realities of systemic racism in America, let me guess, you are not Black, right?
Please if you're going to have an intelligent debate refrain from the childish "your ignorance is saddening". The who concept of Jim Crow was separate but equal. At least the colored had a fountain to drink water from.
Wrong. That's a 3rd grade answer.
Yada, yada, yada...see the statistics.
just legalize weed already.
Um...yeah. You can't spell to save you life and he's second class.
No fool. You are doing worse. Your stats show it.
@Kyle Blakeman From the fbi table database