Walk in Walk in the kindergarten New pants and buff Hottest combo since Andrés and Guffi Castle king three years in a row Climb upp to yo mama, im youre worst nightmare Buff and new pants, hah, thats pretty cool Youre still just 15 kilos, come and weigh salt (vega, vega) Woke up this morning, had gotten pubes 100.000 views of me quicking noobs Eat sand, sniff glue Im a crazy motherfucker Wake up in the morning I take fish oil motherfucker Touch the swing and i will paralyze you Push me bitch, i dare you (Bruh) Boost in the morning Youre parrot in a blender (Tóti) I fear nothing I dare to play Slender These lines are weak Let us take over Cause everyone knows that we are cooler than you Bish You think that you are cooler than us? No Can not be, we are cooler than you Times two Times three Times four Times five Times... (uhhh... What comes after five?) Dimmalimm You think that you are cooler than us? No Can not be, we are cooler than you Times two Times three Times four Times five (Bruh) (Oof, i dont remember this man) Dimmalimm Talk to yo mama DING DONG Penis like a KING KONG Go between yo mom and sister PING PONG Take youre sister on tuesdays (SKRR SKRR SKRR) Gonna get cream cheese and jalapenos You are what you eat So call me youre mom More people live in her than in motherfucking China (Many) You wanna play that game? We can play that game You wanna take it there? We can take it there Sourmilk in the noon And youre mom in the evening You dont wanna know What happens behind the curtains I teach her how to kiss She watches me pee This is not a pipe This's a Cannon I will kill you tonight I know where you sleep I have a knife I know where you sleep Dude Dude This is alright, look i respect you Shut the fuck up or i will kill you You think that you are cooler than us? No Can not be, we are cooler than you Times two Times three Times four Times five Dimmalimm You think that you are cooler than us? No Can not be, we are cooler than you Times two Times three Times four Times five (dimm, dimm, dimm) Dimmalimmthe kindergarten New pants and buff Hottest combo since Andrés and Guffi Castle king three years in a row Climb upp to yo mama, im youre worst nightmare Buff and new pants, hah, thats pretty cool Youre still just 15 kilos, come and weigh salt (vega, vega) Woke up this morning, had gotten pubes 100.000 views of me quicking noobs Eat sand, sniff glue Im a crazy motherfucker Wake up in the morning I take fish oil motherfucker Touch the swing and i will paralyze you Push me bitch, i dare you (Bruh) Boost in the morning Youre parrot in a blender (Tóti) I fear nothing I dare to play Slender These lines are weak Let us take over Cause everyone knows that we are cooler than you Bish You think that you are cooler than us? No Can not be, we are cooler than you Times two Times three Times four Times five Times... (uhhh... What comes after five?) Dimmalimm You think that you are cooler than us? No Can not be, we are cooler than you Times two Times three Times four Times five (Bruh) (Oof, i dont remember this man) Dimmalimm Talk to yo mama DING DONG Penis like a KING KONG Go between yo mom and sister PING PONG Take youre sister on tuesdays (SKRR SKRR SKRR) Gonna get cream cheese and jalapenos You are what you eat So call me youre mom More people live in her than in motherfucking China (Many) You wanna play that game? We can play that game You wanna take it there? We can take it there Sourmilk in the noon And youre mom in the evening You dont wanna know What happens behind the curtains I teach her how to kiss She watches me pee This is not a pipe This's a Cannon I will kill you tonight I know where you sleep I have a knife I know where you sleep Dude Dude This is alright, look i respect you Shut the fuck up or i will kill you You think that you are cooler than us? No Can not be, we are cooler than you Times two Times three Times four Times five Dimmalimm You think that you are cooler than us? No Can not be, we are cooler than you Times two Times three Times four Times five (dimm, dimm, dimm) Dimmalimm
cool hjá ykkur.og mjög vel æft hjá ykkur.Rjminn þið eruð nettari en hinir og mikið meira cool en hinir og þið eruð besta liðið DIMM DIMM DIMM DIMALIM...Svo þið eruð nettari liðið.cool cool.
geggjað lag-
Love this song so much! one of my favorites
vó, þetta kom mér á óvart! 9/10
Èg elska þetta lag svo mikið!!!!!
Amazing! Pure quality
Besta la for EVER 🎶😍👍🏻🏆🍭🥇🇮🇸
Fyndnari texti hjá rjómanum en sprite zero með rostin en fallbyssan fkn gó
blai oh bleiki/rauði erru nettari ég held að þessi rauðhærði og bleiki/rauði þekkja systur mína birnu :3
I don't know what they're saying but it sounds amazing
They are pretty much all time saying .do you thing you´re cooler than us no it cant be were coller than u were5 times coller than u
Fkn lit bruv 🔥🔥🔥
Crispy Kleina hæ skinki
omg þetta lætur mig fá það!!!!!
Lovee this song
“Fleiri búa í henni enn mf Kína”
*_bendir á Ástralíu_*
@Aron Logi ja
Ég elska þetta lag og þetta er rosalega flott lag 🤗
Hver kom aftur til þess að hlusta á þetta masterpiece?
Það gerði ég
I strongly disagree also (Ég!!!!!!) ps: this is my second comment everrrrr!!!!! 😯😯😲😳so excited!!! ❤❤❤
Rjóminn rústaði of mikið
Icelande is a great land and whit great songs so lets like that song everyone ...
I remember this 😍
Þetta er lit
gulir eru netari
Pall Sn nei sprite rústaði
ég segi að rjóminn er nettari með fötin en sprite zero klan betri texti
Gulir sökka og Sprite Zero Klan bestir haha!!! (Like ef þú ert sammála) subscribeið okkur í leiðinni))
Sprite Zero Klan fíla ykkur en verð að segja begga tók ykkur soldið hart
Eyðið þessum admin
Rjòmin van
sprite er nettari!!!!!!
Eintómir meistarar
Þetta er fkn klikkað lag💘
gulur eru betri
Setja þetta lag á spotify!!!!
Elska þetta lag!!
Ég held að sprite vann
Rjómin vann
lol hann sagði kína en benti á ástralíu
ney kína
ÍSAK NELSONSONN hann benti á ástralíu
ÍSAK NELSONSONN hann benti á Ástralíu
já eiinmitt
ÍSAK NELSONSONN það er rétt hjá þeim
rain drops
2019 og ennþá besta fokking lagið.
@@rachel498 2021
besta lag 2016 ever, fokking hellað lag🔥🔥Berglind er best🔥🔥🔥
Leve song $)
kolbein eg er Freyja sisti thin
love you kolbein
O shit
veit ekki afhverju en en ég elska þetta
Gulir sökka
Elska lagið ykkar búin að horfa á það svona syrka 1000 sinnum
Hvað varð um paunkið...
Who won?
Who's next?
You decide!
Agust Wigum eg myndi segja jafntefli en þu?
emocancergoth69 Ég myndi segja að Klanið hafi rétt svo unnið! En hver veit, kannski kemur Rjóminn með eitthvað hellað comeback!
Agust Wigum rjóminn
Agust Wigum Sprite Zero klan
Af hverju er þetta lag ekki komið á Spotify ?!!!
Love the smal laugh in the end btw
😂😂😂 made me laugh so hard
Hefði oft að seigja heittasta combo síðan kleópatra fædist
team yellow!!!
Anna Kamilla Hlynsdottir já
Hnendiði þessu á spotify
Þetta er smà skritin
Julia Steinunn hva ertu í 3.bekk eða yngri????kannt þú ekki að skrifa!?
Julia Steinunn omg
Oliver Darri lop
sitijið þetta lag inn á spotify
Já hendiði þessu á spotify
There’s not even this many people in Iceland than the views on this video
hendiði þessu á spotify
þú benti á Ástralíu ekki Kína
Hvenær fer þetta á spotify?
"Súrmjólk í hádeginu og mamma þín á kvöldin" 😂
This tune is great! Anyone can translate the text? My icelandic is still too basic to understand all that ahah
Walk in Walk in the kindergarten
New pants and buff
Hottest combo since Andrés and Guffi
Castle king three years in a row
Climb upp to yo mama, im youre worst nightmare
Buff and new pants, hah, thats pretty cool
Youre still just 15 kilos, come and weigh salt
(vega, vega)
Woke up this morning, had gotten pubes
100.000 views of me quicking noobs
Eat sand, sniff glue
Im a crazy motherfucker
Wake up in the morning
I take fish oil motherfucker
Touch the swing and i will paralyze you
Push me bitch, i dare you
Boost in the morning
Youre parrot in a blender (Tóti)
I fear nothing
I dare to play Slender
These lines are weak
Let us take over
Cause everyone knows that we are cooler than you
You think that you are cooler than us?
Can not be, we are cooler than you
Times two
Times three
Times four
Times five
(uhhh... What comes after five?)
You think that you are cooler than us?
Can not be, we are cooler than you
Times two
Times three
Times four
Times five
(Oof, i dont remember this man)
Talk to yo mama
Penis like a
Go between yo mom and sister
Take youre sister on tuesdays
Gonna get cream cheese and jalapenos
You are what you eat
So call me youre mom
More people live in her than in motherfucking China
You wanna play that game?
We can play that game
You wanna take it there?
We can take it there
Sourmilk in the noon
And youre mom in the evening
You dont wanna know
What happens behind the curtains
I teach her how to kiss
She watches me pee
This is not a pipe
This's a
I will kill you tonight
I know where you sleep
I have a knife
I know where you sleep
This is alright, look i respect you
Shut the fuck up or i will kill you
You think that you are cooler than us?
Can not be, we are cooler than you
Times two
Times three
Times four
Times five
You think that you are cooler than us?
Can not be, we are cooler than you
Times two
Times three
Times four
Times five
(dimm, dimm, dimm)
Dimmalimmthe kindergarten
New pants and buff
Hottest combo since Andrés and Guffi
Castle king three years in a row
Climb upp to yo mama, im youre worst nightmare
Buff and new pants, hah, thats pretty cool
Youre still just 15 kilos, come and weigh salt
(vega, vega)
Woke up this morning, had gotten pubes
100.000 views of me quicking noobs
Eat sand, sniff glue
Im a crazy motherfucker
Wake up in the morning
I take fish oil motherfucker
Touch the swing and i will paralyze you
Push me bitch, i dare you
Boost in the morning
Youre parrot in a blender (Tóti)
I fear nothing
I dare to play Slender
These lines are weak
Let us take over
Cause everyone knows that we are cooler than you
You think that you are cooler than us?
Can not be, we are cooler than you
Times two
Times three
Times four
Times five
(uhhh... What comes after five?)
You think that you are cooler than us?
Can not be, we are cooler than you
Times two
Times three
Times four
Times five
(Oof, i dont remember this man)
Talk to yo mama
Penis like a
Go between yo mom and sister
Take youre sister on tuesdays
Gonna get cream cheese and jalapenos
You are what you eat
So call me youre mom
More people live in her than in motherfucking China
You wanna play that game?
We can play that game
You wanna take it there?
We can take it there
Sourmilk in the noon
And youre mom in the evening
You dont wanna know
What happens behind the curtains
I teach her how to kiss
She watches me pee
This is not a pipe
This's a
I will kill you tonight
I know where you sleep
I have a knife
I know where you sleep
This is alright, look i respect you
Shut the fuck up or i will kill you
You think that you are cooler than us?
Can not be, we are cooler than you
Times two
Times three
Times four
Times five
You think that you are cooler than us?
Can not be, we are cooler than you
Times two
Times three
Times four
Times five
(dimm, dimm, dimm)
Who is the girl rapper shes dope
Á spotify með þetta lag
jà á spotiffy med tetta
Þetta er besta lag sem ég hef hef heirt 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻😍😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😃☺️
allir að horfa á dimmalimm jr
uph lag :) oli g er samt alveg sætastur þarna
er ofrjo
gegað lag gaur
ýttu mér tík ég mana þig XD SAVAGE LEVEL 1000%
ætla fá mér rjómaost og halappenos? (°-°)
Ó kei kvar à jeg heima 🏠
Hver kom aftur 2023? ❤️
Þetta lag rokkar
Á Spotify með þetta
1:31 1:36 gangst
is this one of them high school music videos that seniors do?
Þetta er GG lag
cool hjá ykkur.og mjög vel æft hjá ykkur.Rjminn þið eruð nettari en hinir og mikið meira cool en hinir og þið eruð besta liðið DIMM DIMM DIMM DIMALIM...Svo þið eruð nettari liðið.cool cool.
fok að þetta lag er gott
1:08 var að fara að verða hrikalegt en var eyðilagt af rjómaost og jalapeños
Hann benti á Ástralíu en ekki Kína?