I really hope you have a toilet/shower on-board. There are way too many campervanners who haven't a toilet/ shower. And I don't understand why. More so for I recently returned from walking the Camino France. Toilets aren't readily available along the 578'ish miles route I walked. So I brought/ carried a pop-up toilet/ shower tent. To take a shower in the middle of nowhere where there is no water.....it's what life is all about.
模様替え・・なかなかいいですね。 更に車中泊が楽しくなりますね。いろいろ工夫したり考えたりするのも楽しいですよね。
I really hope you have a toilet/shower on-board. There are way too many campervanners who haven't a toilet/ shower. And I don't understand why. More so for I recently returned from walking the Camino France. Toilets aren't readily available along the 578'ish miles route I walked. So I brought/ carried a pop-up toilet/ shower tent. To take a shower in the middle of nowhere where there is no water.....it's what life is all about.