Since gboard was updated to version 9.6, using android tools for write accessibility has many problems. Function keys such as notes, text editing, translation, voice input, symbol keyboard and enter key, can no longer be activated by releasing your finger after positioning yourself on the desired function, but after setting the focus, you must double-tap anywhere on the screen. Long press for symbols to access special characters such as accented letters works with abnormal latency despite the interval being set to 500ms. Currently the latest version 9.1 of Talkback works abnormally with the latest Gboard release, the latest version of the Google keyboard that works correctly is 9.5.11. to properly use the Google keyboard with Talkback 9.1 it is necessary to downgrade Android tools for accessibility to version 8.1.
Ciao, sono un ragazzo nonvedente. Uso uno xiaomi redmi note 13 con talkback. Noto che la tastiera gboard durante la scrittura è molto lenta, come posso ovviare? grazie.
Ciao, perdona il ritardo nella risposta. Purtroppo per il tuo problema non c'è soluzione almeno fino a quando non riceverai l'aggiornamento ad Android 14. Il problema è stato risolto dopo l'aggiornamento
Since gboard was updated to version 9.6, using android tools for write accessibility has many problems. Function keys such as notes, text editing, translation, voice input, symbol keyboard and enter key, can no longer be activated by releasing your finger after positioning yourself on the desired function, but after setting the focus, you must double-tap anywhere on the screen. Long press for symbols to access special characters such as accented letters works with abnormal latency despite the interval being set to 500ms. Currently the latest version 9.1 of Talkback works abnormally with the latest Gboard release, the latest version of the Google keyboard that works correctly is 9.5.11. to properly use the Google keyboard with Talkback 9.1 it is necessary to downgrade Android tools for accessibility to version 8.1.
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Ciao, sono un ragazzo nonvedente. Uso uno xiaomi redmi note 13 con talkback. Noto che la tastiera gboard durante la scrittura è molto lenta, come posso ovviare? grazie.
Ciao, perdona il ritardo nella risposta. Purtroppo per il tuo problema non c'è soluzione almeno fino a quando non riceverai l'aggiornamento ad Android 14. Il problema è stato risolto dopo l'aggiornamento