Thank you! Conservatives aren't the problem: MAGA is the opposite of sensible conservatism, but too stupid and stubborn too understand that. Or anything else. 😂
@@NotRose-hf7kr America spoke 312 to 228, it was a landslide!!! The Amish came out to support Trump, Dems go after their farming practices they've been using for hundreds of years! The left is so pathetic.
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
@@CNPlove Yeah Landslide victory 312 to 228 America spoke!!! Thank God most people have the ability to critically think. MSNBC doesn't have journalists, they have spokesmen for the Globalist Elites who want total control.
@@CNPlove Orange guy didn't get pardoned -- he's standing on business -- because we all know they were political show trials. Yes, we can agree, Merrick Garland, Fani Willis, Big Tish James and Alvin Bragg are embarassing.
How about Biden do you want to know about all the laws he broke How about Kamal and Obama. Did you feel like that when they broke the laws ? The answers are no. You have TDS and your hate shows through your comments
If he broke the law...the DOJ would have charged him. You know w b o did. Break the law? The DOJ when they tried to extort him and his father to get money for a hostage.
Everyone is pointing the finger at "the other guy" depending on which way you voted. We need to point the fingers and release all the info on ALL the pervs. In any industry. You take advantage of a child, you lose any rights as far as Im concerned.
Time to stop the pick and choose of who is transparent and who is not. All public servants should be transparent to the public they serve. WE the people DO NOT SERVE THEM. THEY WORK FOR US. Now, about all these cabinet picks, let's see their vetting process
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
If he was so confident he would be going back to reclaim his seat in congress. If he was so innocent why did he get angry with McCarthy for not squashing the report when he McCarthy was house speaker?
He tried to be slick and resign from Congress thinking he had a chance to AG...I want to know the complete report. Thank goodness he is just about gone...
Exactly. We pay for that committee and nothing in there should be secret unless it's classified material. Then that info shouldn't be in there, it would be in the Intelligence Committee.
@@ThatOpalGuy The Report is from the Ethics committee. If he committed a Federal Crime it could (should) be referred to the Justice Dept. If the crime is a Crime of State Jurisdiction, the report can be passed to Prosecutors of the local jurisdiction (county, city, municipality) where the crime took place, which is more than likely why the report is being released.
EVERY politician should have their information made public, these are literally public servants and transparency should be 100%. Any reports should be readily available to the public. ALL Parties
Agreed, it’ll be nice to see the truth. One way or another. Just like we are seeing with so so so many other things people said were or weren’t… no one is above the law, but ACTUALLY now.
And that is why we are where we are! There should be 100% transparency. We pay their salaries and vote them in and have every right to know what the findings are when found! Period!
Why is there a question? If I work at a bank and robbed that bank while I’m on the clock, the crime doesn’t disappear if I quit. Congressional reform now.
He’s the only candidate that isn’t Pro Zionism…. Trump already filled his cabinet with Zionist shills yet Matt was the only one who’s not in favor of Zionism.
@@averagejoe112yeah but they'd rather here from a one sided partisan report... they don't wanna talk about how the DOJ found nothing on him. Liberalism is a cancer
I guess if your a Democrat its OK to sexually harass women. ___Al Franken, John Conyers, Bob Filner, Raul Bocanegra, Dan Schoen, Tony Mendoza, Ira Silverstein, Steve Lebsock, Anthony D. Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, David Wu, Kwame Kilpatrick, John Edwards, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, Antonio Villaraigosa, Marc Dann, Paul J. Morrison, Paul J. Morrison, Tim Mahoney, Roosevelt Dobbins, Neil Goldschmidt, Jim McGreevey, Bob Wise, Paul E. Patton, Mel Reynolds, Brock Adams, Chuck Robb, Barney Frank, Gary Hart, Gerry Studds, Fred Richmond, John Andrew Young, Allan Howe, Wayne Hays, Gavin Newsom, Sam Adams
Having a "code of silence" in an ethics committee is so bizarre. Seems to entirely conflict with the old saying that being a good person means doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
@ I don’t think he had a plan.. he’s no longer a politician which would’ve shielded him from some of this.. as a regular citizen he’s open to all sorts of legal issues.. but the committees he was on and his colleagues are so happy he’s gone.. on top of all that, he was one of the most ineffective politicians on the hill. How did Florida elect this man to anything??
@@mollkatlessthey didn't lose they just watched anti christ false christians and violent or non violent misogynists vote for a predator and theif . Love a true Christian who sees a lot of false christian maga online.
He has no criminal exposure. Garland won't charge him no matter how much evidence there is, and Trump's AG certainly won't. Florida won't charge him because he's protected by Desantis.
There’s nothing to be charged with. Your own weaponized DOJ investigated him and couldn’t find anything to charge him with. Stop being such a brainwashed fool.
These ethics reports should be for each and every member of congress, judges and presidential nominees, should be out in the open before they even step foot in a position.
The "swamp" of tRump's family relations is being drained into his administration. Including jared's college roomate and Tiffany's crooked father-in-law.
At least 34 MAGA politicians are highly questionable, which included Gaetz. All of Trump's cabinet picks are questionable. Everything Trump does is highly questionable.
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
We have a right to know if anything was found when he was investigated by law enforcement. There is no need to spread flame claims that were found to have no basis other than Just to try to destroy him. Even the msnbc reporter said it. They don't like him.
So glad that they are releasing the report. Just as anyone that is investigated for any crime, it should be a public record. The people paid for the investigation, we should know what it says.
They waited till he got a job and contract signed at OAN and Trump saying "there is no place in the admin for him". Now that there is no risk of tainting Trump admin with him, they are fine with releasing.
He's meat. After what he had done with Kevin McCarthy, he is looked at as being blatantly manipulative, out for himself. No one in his party likes him. So they found the opportunity to oust him, and are not encouraging him to return.
He’s no longer part of congress and no longer considered for AG. He’s of no more use now to anyone. If they try and scrutinize Trump for his pick all he has to say was that he was just a recommendation.
As a conservative, let it come out. Nobody in either party should be exempt from ethics reviews.
Thank you!
Conservatives aren't the problem: MAGA is the opposite of sensible conservatism, but too stupid and stubborn too understand that. Or anything else. 😂
@@kevinangus4848shows how bad the left is that we still pick MAGA over them.
Yes yes!
@@kevinangus4848why not release the Weinstein list?
This wouldn’t be an issue if President Trump didn’t nominate Gaetz. This is warfare by the democrats
I cant believe it was ever a question to release a report paid for with tax dollars.
@@yourbigheadcousin5434 Go read the first report the corrupt DOJ tried to push through. They couldn't manufacture enough evidence.
Make Accountability Great Again
Agreed. BTW, I love your profile photo!😂😂💙
Republicans are not together . Stop fighting .
@@NotRose-hf7kr America spoke 312 to 228, it was a landslide!!! The Amish came out to support Trump, Dems go after their farming practices they've been using for hundreds of years! The left is so pathetic.
We paid for the report. Release it so everyone has the same findings. Folks in Florida should know who they are voting for.
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
Considering they found him innocent of all wrongdoing it's likely there's nothing new in it
Floridian here, they don’t care!
Right! People in Florida people in California and all points in between are gonna realize what and who they voted for when guacamole cost $18 a bowl
Didn't the vote in Trump knowing he is a thug-life toddler?
Open the Gaetz!
Clever comment award
Bravo sir 🎉
well done
Does that include Dems?
@@maddogmaz1576it should begin with the orange guy but we see how that’s worked out. Embarrassing
@@CNPlove Yeah Landslide victory 312 to 228 America spoke!!! Thank God most people have the ability to critically think. MSNBC doesn't have journalists, they have spokesmen for the Globalist Elites who want total control.
@@CNPlove Orange guy didn't get pardoned -- he's standing on business -- because we all know they were political show trials. Yes, we can agree, Merrick Garland, Fani Willis, Big Tish James and Alvin Bragg are embarassing.
@@maddogmaz1576It never does
That man is a representative of our government. If he broke the law, i want to know about it!
Not a representative any longer. He quit! All this was worth it to get him out of the house!
@@micheleconner5083HE has to be OUT OF POLITICS FOREVER!!! AS DOES TRUMP & ALL CONVICTS!!!
Pardon Gaetz like Hunter.
How about Biden do you want to know about all the laws he broke How about Kamal and Obama. Did you feel like that when they broke the laws ? The answers are no. You have TDS and your hate shows through your comments
If he broke the law...the DOJ would have charged him. You know w b o did. Break the law? The DOJ when they tried to extort him and his father to get money for a hostage.
An innocent man doesn't quit a perk-filled job.
He has a better gig lined up and something bigger and better for 2026
An innocent man doesn't need to pardon his family going back 10 years.
Oh really? Let's polythene country for all the men who daily quit their jobs.
@@rosebud3726please do tell? Or is this just another lie?
@@johnward43he did that because his son would suffer worse just because his last names Biden
Everyone is pointing the finger at "the other guy" depending on which way you voted. We need to point the fingers and release all the info on ALL the pervs. In any industry. You take advantage of a child, you lose any rights as far as Im concerned.
You do know that “info” is not a conviction. People lie, especially if they have something to gain from it.
I have a pic of Trump holding a 12 yo while standing next to epstein.
That’s like 85% of all the politicians.
Just like the Epstein list. What's everybody so nervous about ?
At least three are trying to enter the White House😡. There may be more of them.
Does that mean Majorie Taylor Greene is going spill the tea on everything else still?
If she is truly American, she'd better!!
Let’s hope!!!
Would be hilarious, but let's be real, it's Marge Traitor Green, she won't do it. She just throws tantrums until she gets her way, and she did.
She never actually does anything helpful just squawks and squawks and Republicans think that's great leadership
Transparency for ALL members of Congress. No one is exempt. Matt is no exception 🤷🏻♀️
Time to stop the pick and choose of who is transparent and who is not. All public servants should be transparent to the public they serve. WE the people DO NOT SERVE THEM. THEY WORK FOR US. Now, about all these cabinet picks, let's see their vetting process
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
exactly, thomaslawson!
Cry harder.
Agree. And I'd love to see the vetting process for Sam Brinton...was he always stealing suitcases at airports, or did anybody bother to check?
If you did nothing wrong there should be no need to be concerned, right?
Does that also apply to preemptive pardons from Biden?
We are on one topic, stay there, @@swimminginthoughts
So why do you want so many Pardons
@@swimminginthoughts no since those ate needed to stop the weaponization of the government against innocent people
oh look another bot
Best news all day! Cannot wait to read it.
Haven't got your monthly Hustler?
@@johnward43 I am sure they are equivalent
If he was so confident he would be going back to reclaim his seat in congress. If he was so innocent why did he get angry with McCarthy for not squashing the report when he McCarthy was house speaker?
Quashing. Not "squashing".
McCarthy is rumored to be in the middle of a wild party, celebrating Gaetz demise!😅
@@MrShobarmeh, either work.
He tried to be slick and resign from Congress thinking he had a chance to AG...I want to know the complete report.
Thank goodness he is just about gone...
Mmmm...makes you wonder why Trump held him in such high esteem, doesn't it? Birds of a feather flock together.
@johnbuie966 So very true...
@@johnbuie966his supporters think this is just fine. Very fine people they clearly are.
Ethics must be transparent and open to the public
Yea so much for democrat transparency
Exactly. We pay for that committee and nothing in there should be secret unless it's classified material. Then that info shouldn't be in there, it would be in the Intelligence Committee.
Good let's finally take a hard look at Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.
Imagine if all Americans could simply quit their jobs in order to stop a criminal probe. Release the report pronto.
The majority of us aren't committing federal crimes?
A bunch of Democrats have already quit for the same reason
Or imagine pardoning your son going back 10 years to cover up 10% bribes to the "Big Guy".
@@andrewtruffin4781 you choose to deflect because your whole identity is your political affiliation.
@@ThatOpalGuy The Report is from the Ethics committee. If he committed a Federal Crime it could (should) be referred to the Justice Dept. If the crime is a Crime of State Jurisdiction, the report can be passed to Prosecutors of the local jurisdiction (county, city, municipality) where the crime took place, which is more than likely why the report is being released.
EVERY politician should have their information made public, these are literally public servants and transparency should be 100%. Any reports should be readily available to the public. ALL Parties
We pay them after all
Make the FBI background check public for congress and president.
We all know about trumps crimes and how our Constitution forbids him to run for office but nobody gives a hoot.
Tax returns, too?
Matt can NOT choose to go back and serve in Congress!!
No one is above the law!
Except all the billionaires, apparently
Agreed, it’ll be nice to see the truth. One way or another.
Just like we are seeing with so so so many other things people said were or weren’t… no one is above the law, but ACTUALLY now.
Awesome, all the money taxpayers pay them, and they WORK FOR US WE CERTAINLY DESERVE TO HAVE THE FINAL REPORT !!
But do you even work?
Good. This dude should be in jail.
A very, very long time ago, he should’ve been in prison. This should’ve been over and done with years ago.
another bot
@@jacquecastle3233yes, just ask the russian agent "source" that Comer said it was a sure thing.
now do biden
And that is why we are where we are! There should be 100% transparency. We pay their salaries and vote them in and have every right to know what the findings are when found! Period!
Ya'll voted for Trump. Doesn't get any more despicable than that. What are you worried about with this guy that Trump didn't do?
As The Gargoyle screams '' THE BEST IS YET TO COMMMMMMMMMMMMMME! ".......
Finally a move for freedom of information
If you want social media to be uncensored and transparent then the same thing should apply to government ethics reports, hypocrites
Should’ve already been done.
I agree
Justice prevails.
If justice prevailed he'd be in jail already
And rump still nominated him knowing all of this. Go figure.
About time the creep got called out🎉
We have Biden on CSPAN sniffing young girls.
@@johnward43Biden drooling on a Russian wouldn't excuse Matt Gaetz's behavior. Get out.
@@freedomishavingachoice3020you get out. Weirdo!
Good about time!
McCarthy finally got the last word ...
@@sjotony , yes!!! I love it when they crap all over each other!
Kevin's probably rolling on the floor in laughter ! 😂
Now only if he had gotten rid of three toe major taylor😡.
Why is there a question? If I work at a bank and robbed that bank while I’m on the clock, the crime doesn’t disappear if I quit.
Congressional reform now.
Merry Christmas, Matt!!!!
FINALLY!! Can't wait to read it! Transparency is a must!
Does Matt Gaetz look like the ‘child catcher’ from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?
It's going to be stupid. The report has nothing in it. If it did it would have gotten in the hands of the police or something. Who cares?
Didn’t make any difference selecting a president….meant to take our attention away from the horrible choices for the incoming cabinet.
@@egarza9241 YES!
YES! All Americans have a right to know this.Information.
Release the Epstein files.
It should be released. He shouldn't get away with the behavior he has enjoyed for years.
So should Donald Trump!
He’s the only candidate that isn’t Pro Zionism…. Trump already filled his cabinet with Zionist shills yet Matt was the only one who’s not in favor of Zionism.
Wasn't he investigated by the FBI for years?
@@averagejoe112yeah but they'd rather here from a one sided partisan report... they don't wanna talk about how the DOJ found nothing on him. Liberalism is a cancer
Lol the probe ended YEARS ago and there was no crime to charge... an under age girl lied about her age to get with an older man... very common tale.
I'm a conservative but I don't want any creeps of any party being in congress
Nice to see most Americans united on this.
The slimier the snake, the more appealing to the Republican party..
So true!!!! 👍
Biden and Harris were the slimiest slipperiest snakes I've ever seen in political history
I guess if your a Democrat its OK to sexually harass women. ___Al Franken, John Conyers, Bob Filner, Raul Bocanegra, Dan Schoen, Tony Mendoza, Ira Silverstein, Steve Lebsock, Anthony D. Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, David Wu, Kwame Kilpatrick, John Edwards, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, Antonio Villaraigosa, Marc Dann, Paul J. Morrison, Paul J. Morrison, Tim Mahoney, Roosevelt Dobbins, Neil Goldschmidt, Jim McGreevey, Bob Wise, Paul E. Patton, Mel Reynolds, Brock Adams, Chuck Robb, Barney Frank, Gary Hart, Gerry Studds, Fred Richmond, John Andrew Young, Allan Howe, Wayne Hays, Gavin Newsom, Sam Adams
Or the worm in RFK's brain.
Democrat party. There I fixed it for you bozo
1st 🎉 and we want to see the FULL report!! We as Americans have a right
You certainly had the right to lose the election.
@@MarshalRaelynnwe are all in the same tariffs and p3do cabinet boat.
bot faaaaaarm
@@MarshalRaelynnPoor Sybil has no other life than trolling comments with her thousands of handles
No one is above the law, unless you are related to Joe Biden?
The only ethical thing for the committee to do was to release the report to the public. Finally, they decided to actually do something ethical.
Would it have even mattered when he was still in office or a cabinet pick? Consequences aren't a thing anymore apparently
Having a "code of silence" in an ethics committee is so bizarre. Seems to entirely conflict with the old saying that being a good person means doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
All of those women got paid, that’s why he never went to court. That’s how the rich do it.
As a woman, I'd have told him to shove the money where the sun won't shine and have him jailed!!!
@@missycitty9478 no you wouldn’t of
Pardon Gaetz like Hunter.
Grandmaster - *no you wouldn't have*❤🎉
Attorney General. Mind-bending.
tRump really knows how to pick them.
There IS precedent for releasing the report. Period.
This man is creepy af I think everyone can agree regardless of your party
Public Servant. Deserves scrutiny. Release it.
Reporter says "There is SOME precedent..."
There IS precedent for releasing the report. Period.
I agree. Since he was found innocent of all wrongdoing releasing it should shut up the haters
@@FirstaccountGotcensored He was never "found innocent" of anything, period.
@j.b.delaney3444 you're right. They found there was no crime to even find him innocent of.
@@FirstaccountGotcensored You're dreaming.
Pardon Gaetz like Hunter.
Corruption Runs Deep in Politics.
Maga = Total Corruption - From the Mafia Boss Drumpf and all those around him !!!!!!
Like Joe and Hunter Biden?
You spelled Republicans wrong. You're welcome!
@@SeatsTakenProductions like rump & his cabinet picks!
@@shirleyz7400, his junk drawer picks. 😉
This is beautiful.
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
Florida residents/voters deserve to know what Gaetz report contains and should be made public in case he runs for public office again.
ANY AND EVERY ethics report should be released for public review. it should be against the law to hide them.
I'll believe it when I can read it.
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
Every person in Congress should have an ethics committee look into them as soon as possible, Democrat, Republican alike
Are you kidding? That's well over 500 people. They would get nothing else done!
Erm.. Nevermind. 😸
There's no reason to do that. You just need to lick your wounds over Gaetz and get over it.
Let’s start from Trump and his phone conversations with Epstein.
Federal and state law enforcement need to see that repot.
Now let's do that with Gabby and Max Hexseth.
Donald Trump always selects the best people. I'm sure Gaetz has a stellar record and embodies the same moral virtues as Trump himself.
Awesome!!! It should be released!!!
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
It’s either gonna be heavily redacted or edited to make him look innocent…
But they must’ve really hated gaetz to release any report at all..
Same thoughts, I wonder what he was planning after he dropped out of the running for AG.
@ I don’t think he had a plan..
he’s no longer a politician which would’ve shielded him from some of this.. as a regular citizen he’s open to all sorts of legal issues..
but the committees he was on and his colleagues are so happy he’s gone..
on top of all that, he was one of the most ineffective politicians on the hill. How did Florida elect this man to anything??
@@daviddawes293Matty has a VERY Rich and Connected daddy.
Or the redacted version making him look OK, allows him to return to his seat because the GOP is short on numbers in the house.
They release a redacted version to make him OK and since the GOP is short numbers maybe it allows him to return.
Yes!!! Finally the truth
The taxpayers paid GOOD MONEY to see this report!!! 😎
About to have his true character revealed‼️
The crazy thing is that we already know a lot of it and he was going to be confirmed anyway🥴
bot farm
@@veganpottertheveganWE don't KNOW he would have been confirmed! He wasn't very popular among his own party members!
What goes around, comes around!!!
🎻 just go away Matt 😃 byeeeeeee
Nah, he'll find a place in the new administration, then the administration after that. That's what happens when your sides loses so badly 😆🤣😆🤣
@mollkatless I think he already took a job at OAN or something 🤔
@@mollkatlessthey didn't lose they just watched anti christ false christians and violent or non violent misogynists vote for a predator and theif . Love a true Christian who sees a lot of false christian maga online.
Just enough time for Gaetz attorneys to begin their delay game. If Committee is sincere, they would just release it without an announcement.
He has no criminal exposure.
Garland won't charge him no matter how much evidence there is, and Trump's AG certainly won't. Florida won't charge him because he's protected by Desantis.
good lawyers would be prepared regardless.
They're only releasing it to distract us. Probably from what trumps saying about not being able or willing to make good on his campaign promises.
The gaslighting never ends here. 😂😂
FINALLY!! Now, let's all hope that it's not heavily redacted.
I live in Florida and I want to know
I just wanna know... NOW can he be criminally charged?!!
Charged for what?
There’s nothing to be charged with. Your own weaponized DOJ investigated him and couldn’t find anything to charge him with. Stop being such a brainwashed fool.
@@rosebud3726Where have you been? Are you Sleeping Beauty?
Trump will just pardon him trump does the same stuff gatez does
@@CanadaProud313 Do you have access to the report?
Integrity and accountability.
These ethics reports should be for each and every member of congress, judges and presidential nominees, should be out in the open before they even step foot in a position.
They're throwing us a bone, they must be scared.
Keep em there it's where they belong
lol scared? Like all the weak woke liberals are always crying they are scared poor victims.
Scared because there is something in the report that will be so dirty that no one wants to be seen as defending him ( Gaetz )
They are scared of Trump because they voted in secret.
Distraction for something worse
Release all reports on everyone so that we call see everything. That’s how you be transparent and drain the swamp.
No one is above the law, except people related to Joe Biden, apparently.
The "swamp" of tRump's family relations is being drained into his administration. Including jared's college roomate and Tiffany's crooked father-in-law.
Man, Trump really does pick only the best people. 😂
Birds of a feather
The Orange Creature picks nothing but the best. Because he's an unstable genius & no one knows more about criminals than him ! 😂
for a kakistocracy yes
its the only kind of gouvernement he can hope to control .
At least 34 MAGA politicians are highly questionable, which included Gaetz. All of Trump's cabinet picks are questionable. Everything Trump does is highly questionable.
Everyone in Government needs to be brought out in the open on who else has a shady background!!!!
They should release all information like this to the public because the public has a right to know. ALL OR ANYONE IS NOT ABOVE THE
The repot is likely stupid and you know you're not going to read the whole thing so who cares? Gaetz resigned which should nullify the release of the report, true or not. Turn. Down. For. What.
Inexperienced? You mean uncorrupted. People voted for trump BECAUSE he was picking people outside of career politicians.
Biden blocked reports of him sexually assaulting women.
Where's Hunter?
We have a right to know if anything was found when he was investigated by law enforcement. There is no need to spread flame claims that were found to have no basis other than Just to try to destroy him. Even the msnbc reporter said it. They don't like him.
So glad that they are releasing the report. Just as anyone that is investigated for any crime, it should be a public record. The people paid for the investigation, we should know what it says.
Unless its a (D) right? 🤦♂️
Why did he pursue any women that close to seventeen in the first place and think that it would not be controversial???
It would only be appropriate if he were no more than 2 years older than they are.
Little head does thinking. 😂
Because he’s a narcissist and thought he could get away with it.
Any older and they wouldn't fall for his bs.
Eddie Munster is going to fry.
Boom 💥
À Christmas 🎄 miracle!!! 😂
Good news
It's about time....
You wanted him as your AG....
They waited till he got a job and contract signed at OAN and Trump saying "there is no place in the admin for him". Now that there is no risk of tainting Trump admin with him, they are fine with releasing.
They're throwing their boy to the wolves...WHY??
Distraction for something worse
He's meat. After what he had done with Kevin McCarthy, he is looked at as being blatantly manipulative, out for himself. No one in his party likes him. So they found the opportunity to oust him, and are not encouraging him to return.
Hey, you got your homophones right! I'm guessing you're not American.
He is not their guy anymore. That may be why.
He’s no longer part of congress and no longer considered for AG. He’s of no more use now to anyone. If they try and scrutinize Trump for his pick all he has to say was that he was just a recommendation.
Release the report! Peasants want to know how the big game of rich is going.
He was at an elected job. There shouldn't be secrets from us voters about people we elect
How badly are they going to redact it?
so many google bots arrived
It won't be covered on FOX or will change.
One of the absolute scariest and creepiest looking people I've ever seen
The entire MAGA crowd is simply dysfunctional and crass.
what an easy job it must be to be on a federal ethics committee
The haters are all just jealous of Gaetz because he dated the prom queen. Sure, he was 40 at the time, but still...
Then flicked a few hundred dollar bills on her while she was asleep.