i never been to aden or yemen,my father who was a businessman used to go there and bring gifts for us i used to be happy when he was going to yemen i knew i will get toys that time i was in somalia mogadishu, pray to allah yemen may yemen be great again amiin yaa allah i love yemen to me it is my second home in my heart
Aden could thrive if it just had some stability. It has oil, a strategically important position, a natural harbour on one of the world's busiest shipping routes & sunshine all year round! It could easily be as wealthy as Dubai I swear.
@@abdirahimmussa2708 am an Arabian and I really think Soctora shouldn't be a Yemeni island, cause it's geographically and naturally closer to Somal. Love from Jordan
@@tippimaravala he said: God bless Aden, I miss you so much my love (Aden). the last part is a part of a song or something which does not make sense if translated but I will try: Aden is a must even if it's been so long
باقولك بصراحة بعد ما راح الاستعمار كانت شمال اليمن يعيشون بأمن وسلام فعرض على أهل الجنوب الوحدة فوافقوا بسبب العيشة الكريمة لو عدن وغيرها من محافظات الجنوب لا تتبع الوحدة لكانت النساء عاريات مايهمني جمال عدن وبنيانها أيام زمان نعم نعرف الآن عدن وغيرها من محافظات اليمن يعيشون وضع كأبة وانهيار مسؤولين البلد جعلوا اليمن هكذا وأيضا تدخل بعض الدول مثل الإمارات وغيرها ليس من أجل إصلاح اليمن لتخريبها وسرق أموالها ونفطها وغيرها
I spent seven years in Aden and left in 1965 when the fighting started to get hot. I’ve many happy memories growing up in Aden and I despair what has happened there over the years
Aden was called Half London. Think when you see the most beauty place changed to current level today... All we pray for Aden and all Yemen to be safe and better
It's because of those Marxist apes from the triangle that Aden never really progressed. Then came the apes from the extreme north of Yemen (the Zaydis), who built Aden and gave confidence to people to invest in Aden, but then also destroyed it in 1994, and 2015. That was it. As long as there are people who chew Qat, Aden and the rest of Yemen will never progress. Look at the so-called Southern Transitional Council: kidnappings, murders, lack of services, secret prisons, ruined infrastructures, etc, etc. What did it really do for Aden ? Nothing ! And guess what ? The head of the STC is an ape too. He is from Al-Dhale'. You know that. So, my friend, history is still repeating itself. At last, please don't count on Yemen and Yemenis anymore, and try to be realistic. Salam.
I am Jewish I was born in thiese beautful city. Its really the garden of Eden. it said in the Hebrew bible that god will come from Yemen. Habakkuk chapter 3 god cometh from teman and the holy one from mount of Paran. and in Zechariah cahpter 9 it said in Hebrew בסערות תימן. Bless god almighty. I a waiting to see him. It was in the bible .
How someone to forget ever the very first memories of his life in this world even if these were first happened in People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, Aden from December 1988 to March 1989.
What years did you live in aden? My grandfather was prime minister hussian bayoomi,www.britishpathe.com/video/VLVA8IXDKHMOIKSYEIHJZCUJSIH1P-ADEN-PRIME-MINISTER-DESIGNATE-BAYOOMI-CONTINUES-ATTEMPT-TO-FORM/query/ADENS
I lived during the period of 88-89 and it was very nice. I remember the night club Nashwan (if I spelled it correctly) and in general life was free and easygoing, much better compared to the following unification of 1990 that ultimately destroyed every nice aspect and potential that this place had to offer...
George Voudouris I blame nobody but Saudi Arabia for destroying Aden and maybe UAE and the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh but Saudi Arabia never wanted us to thrive because they know they stole our lands and we’ll have to reclaim it
@@bassam_salim You are stupid.If you only lived there then you will know what it was like.USSR ruled earth and was the best at that time just like the americans and they contributed alot to the world so cut the Bullshit.You stay in the North and keep your mouth shut
It’s actually safer now. But, it’s a shadow of its former self. It was even better under communism then now. The grass and streets are now just dirt and sand. There is a lot of refugees from Africa trying to get to Saudi Arabia. It’s sad. It still has some old British buildings but they’re old and sad. Although, the people have grown strong and wary. They miss being under British rule and are now aware of their error. Aden will one day be better but it’ll take time.
@@fakyu9346 no he wasn't mayor his brother hassan was head of aviation, search this British pathe and type in bayoomi you will see videos of Hussain during his time as prime minister.
الانجليز لهم ايجابيات وسلبيات في إحتلال مدينة عدن ولكن سلبياتها أكثر من الإيجابية الإيجابية: هي تطوير مدينة عدن وكانت حينها مدينة عدن متطورة ورائعة وكان الميناء في ذلك الوقت ثاني ميناء في العالم الآن الصين تعتبر ثاني ميناء في العالم السلبيات : ١-إحتلال مدينة عدن بالقوة لو كان في إتفاق مضمون بين الحكومة اليمنية وبريطانية وهو بناء مدينة عدن اليمنية والله العظيم كانت ستصبح عدن راااااااااائعة وسيصبح اليمن غني وتكون عدن افضل من دبي بكثييير ٢- قتل اهلها وتعذيبهم
@@covid6232 No, you are wrong. Aden is in South Yemen. Speak to your grand parents they will tell you before 22nd May 1990 and in the 1980s and in the 1970s that Aden was the capital city of PDRY. Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen. AND, Might I add to this. From 30th Nov 1967 till 1970 it was Called Republic of South Yemen, before changing to PDRY. I know people like you have been disheartened by failure of unification and the war in 1994, but, that is no reason to make a fabrication of the truth.
I am an Aden born guy who had been educated in Convent school in Tawahi and later in Crater at St. Joseph High school. It was a good place till infighting took place and it lost its charm.
Yes, too many in fighting after 1967 in Aden. Then a small civil war in 1978 and a big civil war in 1986 that almost destroyed Aden completely. Then, in 1990, unification kicked in between the North and South Yemen and it failed miserably ever since.
I also studied at Staint Anthony School in Tawahi from 1948 till 1950, than at Aden Commercial in Crater from 1950 till 1958, than got first job in National & Grindlays Bank, I left Aden in 1972, my immediate families are still in Aden.
للاسف اغلب الوطن العربي مثل: اليمن ،العراق ، سوريا ، مصر فلسطين ،لبنان، السودان. الخ ماضيهم اجمل من حاضرهم بكثييييييير كانو متقدمين ومتحضرين والان اصبحو فاشلين متخلفين على النقيض من الغرب. اكتبو في اليوتيوب القاهرة مصر عام 1942 م بغداد العراق عام 1950 م عدن اليمن 1960 وجميع عواصم الوطن العربي لماذا كل هذا يحصل بنا كمسلمين وكعرب باختصار نعلم بأن الغرب يريدون اذلالنا ومع ذلك نصدقهم ونأخذ منهم كل ماهو فاسد ومفسد للدين والاخلاق وهذا ماحصل في وطننا العربي منذ اكثر من 60 و 70 عام اصبح المواطن العربي يكره اخوه المواطن العربي القومية العربية واحزاب البعث ومن اصبحو اذناب للشيوعية والمجوس الفُرس ومن كانو خلفها هم سبب دمار الوطن العربي
انت هكذا تجهل في التاريخ هذه المدينه في ذاك الزمن الجميل كانت عاصمه للجنوب العربي وليس اليمن اما اليمن كان في الشمال وعاصمته صنعاء التي يوجد بها الهمج والبلاطجه اليمن حقك توحد مع الجنوب العربي في 1990 ودمر عدن وسرق عدن ومصانعها وثرواتها وقصفها بالدبابات وايضا اول رئيس اليمن قال سأرجع عدن قرية
It seems that it have the same level with other city in developed countries during the same old period, what happened then after 1950s... why now it looks like one of the worst city in the world? Can someone enlighten me?
Who said it looks like the worst city in the world. It is still beautiful, but the situation is unstable. And we have some problems coz of war in the northern side
South Arabia, with its capital Aden, united with Yemen. They destroyed Aden, stole it, and bombed its buildings and hospitals with tanks, but now we, the people of the south, are trying to restore our state. We also have a military presence in Aden, and the south carries the flag of the south, but the world does not accept to recognize us, and we will not go anywhere. We will remain on earth until the world recognizes us against its will, and if no one recognizes us, we will remain as we are. We would rather die than unite with savages
لعنة الله على الحزب الشيوعي والشيوعيين هم اللي دمروا عدن وشردوا اهلها وحولوها الى قرية بائسة يهرب منها اهلها باي طريقة ليعيشوا بكرامتهم في الشمال والسعودية والخليج
خرجتوا بريطانيا. الي كانت مصلحه كل شي و كانوا بيعملون لنا كيان سياسي فيدرالي مثل ماليزيا او الامارات. لكنكم هبل. جوكم الشماليين و احتلوكم بعد ما سلمتوهم القوات و البلاد كلها على طبق من ذهب.
Was over there in 96 too many guns and garbage everywhere back in the 50's was still under british protection looks lovely. Now just a disaster in the making
عدن هي جنة الارض ، التي سكنها ابو البشر آدم ، اي بداية الحياة ومنها ستكون نهاية الحياة ، اذ تخرج نار من قعر عدن وهي احدى علامات الساعة . اي ان عدن هي بداية البشرية ونهايتها
اول شيء عدن عاصمة الجنوب العربي ما سمعنا باسم اليمن الا عام ١٩٦٧م...هذا الاسم جبها المختلفين الهمج والمتسولين المدعو عبدالفتاح اسماعيل ...هذا درس لابناء الجنوب العربي كيف كانت عدن أيام بريطانيا و كيف أصبحت الان...هذا نهاية الوحدة مع هؤلاء المتخلفين..عاش قائدنا عيدروس الزبيدي...
i never been to aden or yemen,my father who was a businessman used to go there and bring gifts for us i used to be happy when he was going to yemen i knew i will get toys that time i was in somalia mogadishu, pray to allah yemen may yemen be great again amiin yaa allah i love yemen to me it is my second home in my heart
If you were in Somalia why do you name yourself Bill Carson
@@covid6232 probably might have moved when young,but btw,don’t let names judge a persons nationality :)
He can name himself anything he likes
You are always welcome in Felix Arabia, Teman, Yemen
Dubai during this time was a desert now it’s the opposite praying for my Yemeni brothers from Iraq one day we will regain our powers inshallah
So sad
I understand but why brought the dubai?my prayer to both
I'm from Malaysia but I'ma cry for seeing this beautiful city destroyed. Pray for Yemen so Yemen be peace. 🇲🇾♥️🤲
Thanks bro for pray
@@Ao-mw9zt No problem. Prayers for Yemen. ❤️❤️🤲
Thanks.you are good
This is not yemen , this is southern arabia , and will come back soon insha'allah
Aden could thrive if it just had some stability. It has oil, a strategically important position, a natural harbour on one of the world's busiest shipping routes & sunshine all year round! It could easily be as wealthy as Dubai I swear.
Facts and don’t forget socotra island as well
Which is why they don't want it to thrive and you know who don't want it to thrive.
@@tareksaleh7016 it use to be somaliland, but who cares. Let my Yemani brothers enjoy it at the end of the day we are one
@@abdirahimmussa2708 am an Arabian and I really think Soctora shouldn't be a Yemeni island, cause it's geographically and naturally closer to Somal.
Love from Jordan
Aden my spiritual home… Love the background music… Thanks for sharing this video
الله يحفظ عدن الحبيب كم انا مشتاق لك يا حبيبة قلبي لابد من عدن ولو طال الزمن
@@tippimaravala he said: God bless Aden, I miss you so much my love (Aden).
the last part is a part of a song or something which does not make sense if translated but I will try: Aden is a must even if it's been so long
He sang the song and then left Aden to live a nice life in Saudi LOL
باقولك بصراحة بعد ما راح الاستعمار كانت شمال اليمن يعيشون بأمن وسلام فعرض على أهل الجنوب الوحدة فوافقوا بسبب العيشة الكريمة لو عدن وغيرها من محافظات الجنوب لا تتبع الوحدة لكانت النساء عاريات مايهمني جمال عدن وبنيانها أيام زمان نعم نعرف الآن عدن وغيرها من محافظات اليمن يعيشون وضع كأبة وانهيار مسؤولين البلد جعلوا اليمن هكذا وأيضا تدخل بعض الدول مثل الإمارات وغيرها ليس من أجل إصلاح اليمن لتخريبها وسرق أموالها ونفطها وغيرها
@عمادحديجان هذي الوساخه برااسك عشان كذاا ربي بلاكم بالحوثي
I spent seven years in Aden and left in 1965 when the fighting started to get hot. I’ve many happy memories growing up in Aden and I despair what has happened there over the years
How old are you now if u don't mind
Maybe he was a child then
اتمنى ان تعوده اليها مره آخر:(
Aden was called Half London. Think when you see the most beauty place changed to current level today... All we pray for Aden and all Yemen to be safe and better
It's because of those Marxist apes from the triangle that Aden never really progressed. Then came the apes from the extreme north of Yemen (the Zaydis), who built Aden and gave confidence to people to invest in Aden, but then also destroyed it in 1994, and 2015. That was it. As long as there are people who chew Qat, Aden and the rest of Yemen will never progress. Look at the so-called Southern Transitional Council: kidnappings, murders, lack of services, secret prisons, ruined infrastructures, etc, etc. What did it really do for Aden ? Nothing ! And guess what ? The head of the STC is an ape too. He is from Al-Dhale'. You know that. So, my friend, history is still repeating itself. At last, please don't count on Yemen and Yemenis anymore, and try to be realistic. Salam.
@@reportofficer2524how about we talk about Sanaa?
godbless all the people in Yemen....praying have peace n stop fighting
فديت ترابك ياعدن وكل شيء معقول إلا فراقك ياعدن الحبيبة
Miss my childhood In this city, 12 years ago I left it.
Where u now ?
I miss my child hood and miss my street
Me too
Ah ya Aden, I was there in from 1950’s till 1972, remember all those places, miss u Aden 😢😢😢
i missed you Aden 💔😩 .
I am Jewish I was born in thiese beautful city. Its really the garden of Eden. it said in the Hebrew bible that god will come from Yemen. Habakkuk chapter 3 god cometh from teman and the holy one from mount of Paran. and in Zechariah cahpter 9 it said in Hebrew בסערות תימן. Bless god almighty. I a waiting to see him. It was in the bible .
you're Yemeni?
@@palestinabaddie yes i born in Aden. In the garden of Eden. Yemen in Hebrew is teman.
Where are you now if you don't mind me asking
My mother was born in Aden!! Much love to you. Thank you for telling the name of Yemen in Hebrew/Ivrit - I had no idea it was Teman 🥰
@@al3moudi_mx155 If, I’ve to guess , most likely he is in occupied territory.
How someone to forget ever the very first memories of his life in this world even if these were first happened in People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, Aden from December 1988 to March 1989.
I missed you Aden.
Abeer zain.아 비어 슈아 이비 omg hi army
me too
What years did you live in aden? My grandfather was prime minister hussian bayoomi,www.britishpathe.com/video/VLVA8IXDKHMOIKSYEIHJZCUJSIH1P-ADEN-PRIME-MINISTER-DESIGNATE-BAYOOMI-CONTINUES-ATTEMPT-TO-FORM/query/ADENS
@@abj8236 انت من وين
ربي يحفظ عدن واهل عدن والجنوب عامه
gosh looking at the pics brought back loads of memories
I wish that Britain comes to take Aden as a city of it.
It was heaven on Earth when the Brits were there in 1963 - 1964 - It is now Hell on Earth!
It's best time was between 67-69 when the best of it's sons ruled it, after that it was ruled by USSR and it was very good comoared to now
I lived during the period of 88-89 and it was very nice. I remember the night club Nashwan (if I spelled it correctly) and in general life was free and easygoing, much better compared to the following unification of 1990 that ultimately destroyed every nice aspect and potential that this place had to offer...
George Voudouris I blame nobody but Saudi Arabia for destroying Aden and maybe UAE and the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh but Saudi Arabia never wanted us to thrive because they know they stole our lands and we’ll have to reclaim it
@@bassam_salim You are stupid.If you only lived there then you will know what it was like.USSR ruled earth and was the best at that time just like the americans and they contributed alot to the world so cut the Bullshit.You stay in the North and keep your mouth shut
@@tareksaleh7016 what's the difference between you and Saudi Arabia if you're all from the same ethnic group?
مسؤلين شمال اليمن هم من خربوا عدن الحبيبه. فهم لصوص اليمن أما المواطن الشمالية فلا حول له ولاقوه. حبيبتي اليمن. مواطن من شمال اليمن
عدن أيام دولة الجنوب
الزمن الجميل💔
الله يحفظها ويحفظ اهلها
الله يحفظ عدن ومن فيها سكن عدن المحبه والسلام
اللهم احفظ عاصمة الجنوب العربي
كانت نظيفه و رائعه و جميله. الان ما تشوف الا البلاء
Stationed there in the last year before we pulled out. 66/67. One of the last to leave. Would love to go back but it isn’t safe to do so sadly.
I live in aden and i wish i was living at it in the 60s
It’s actually safer now. But, it’s a shadow of its former self. It was even better under communism then now. The grass and streets are now just dirt and sand. There is a lot of refugees from Africa trying to get to Saudi Arabia. It’s sad. It still has some old British buildings but they’re old and sad. Although, the people have grown strong and wary. They miss being under British rule and are now aware of their error. Aden will one day be better but it’ll take time.
No, now it’s save you can come in any time you want but you will not gonna see it like before 💔💔
I am from Aden,,, Although I have obtained American citizenship, I still love Aden and visit it every two years.
My grandad father was Hussain Bayoomi so was Hassan Bayoomi the prime minister of Aden. For Those who know
U mean mayor?
Are you still living in Aden?
@@fakyu9346 no he wasn't mayor his brother hassan was head of aviation, search this British pathe and type in bayoomi you will see videos of Hussain during his time as prime minister.
@@mahmoodomer9137 no my family are, but I'm not
@@Bruce-1-1ليتك تشوفها الان عدن خرابه
need more aden classics on here please
I saw Canberra on its maiden voyage that was 1961 but this is a lovely video of a wonderful period
أفتقدك عدن، مسقط رأسي، حيث ولد ونشأ والدي.
الله على اليمن واهلها
الانجليز لهم ايجابيات وسلبيات في إحتلال مدينة عدن ولكن سلبياتها أكثر من الإيجابية
الإيجابية: هي تطوير مدينة عدن وكانت حينها مدينة عدن متطورة ورائعة وكان الميناء في ذلك الوقت ثاني ميناء في العالم
الآن الصين تعتبر ثاني ميناء في العالم
السلبيات : ١-إحتلال مدينة عدن بالقوة لو كان في إتفاق مضمون بين الحكومة اليمنية وبريطانية وهو بناء مدينة عدن اليمنية والله العظيم كانت ستصبح عدن راااااااااائعة وسيصبح اليمن غني وتكون عدن افضل من دبي بكثييير
٢- قتل اهلها وتعذيبهم
Aden has become a city of destruction and killing after Britain left it. I am a young man from Aden
هل يعقل انة قبل ٧٢ عاماً كانت دولة الجنوب متطورةوكيف اصبحناء في القرن ٢١ بوجود الوحدة اللعينة وحدة الهمج واللصوص لكن هذا درس لن ينساة شعب الجنوب ابداً
كمان ياصاحبي لاتنسى الرفاق الاشتراكيين بعد الاستقلال هم من بدء تدمير المدينة خصوصا الجبهة القومية اللعينة التي مسكت زمام السلطة
@@aden1967نعم ايضا كلامك صحيح أنا جدي كان مع جبهة التحرير ضد الجبهه القوميه
لو كان في خير في الجنوب بعد الاستقلال وقبل الوحده مافارقها الاسطوره ابوبكر
احلا مكان في عيني😍
The ship and Maalla photos are from the 60s. It became Yemen in 1967
كيف كانت ووكيف رجعت
This music is amazing. Who is this? Especially the last minute. It's so mystical and magical.
Abu Baker Salem - everything possible except leaving Aden
If you couldn't find it you can search for it in Arabic "ابوبكر سالم - كل شي الا فراقك يا عدن"
Artist of the Arabs in general and South Arabia in particular, Abu Bakr Salem, nicknamed Golden Throat
I miss you yemen
Go to your yemen,this is Aden
@@covid6232 Are u stupid I wrote this comment 1 year ago 🤦♂️.... and yeah I know it's Aden 😑 and Aden is in Yemen you "Stupid Dumb"
South Yemen *^
@@tiger222_yt8 no Aden is in the south and north is in the north.
We are not one yemen you ignorant Dumb
No, you are wrong. Aden is in South Yemen.
Speak to your grand parents they will tell you before 22nd May 1990 and in the 1980s and in the 1970s that Aden was the capital city of PDRY.
Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen. AND, Might I add to this. From 30th Nov 1967 till 1970 it was Called Republic of South Yemen, before changing to PDRY.
I know people like you have been disheartened by failure of unification and the war in 1994, but, that is no reason to make a fabrication of the truth.
Some of those scenes are from the 1960s.
ايش قلكم عقلكم واتوحدتو ..معانا..والله انكم مدبرين..وادبرتونا معاكم
الوحدة فرضت بالغصب
@@user-tj4lo5xo2p العن شي الوحده مع زيود
الله لا رحم علي علي صالح الي وحدنا مع شويه روفل. كانو عايشين في. مجاعه وبعد الوحده بطرو علي النعمه والان شوف النتيجه
دولة جنوب العربي متى ترجع من احتلل دحباشيه
I am an Aden born guy who had been educated in Convent school in Tawahi and later in Crater at St. Joseph High school. It was a good place till infighting took place and it lost its charm.
Yes, too many in fighting after 1967 in Aden. Then a small civil war in 1978 and a big civil war in 1986 that almost destroyed Aden completely.
Then, in 1990, unification kicked in between the North and South Yemen and it failed miserably ever since.
@@spidyman8853 and don't forget the 2016 Civil war
My dad went to St Joseph’s as well, he misses the place!
@@spidyman8853 nice information
I also studied at Staint Anthony School in Tawahi from 1948 till 1950, than at Aden Commercial in Crater from 1950 till 1958, than got first job in National & Grindlays Bank, I left Aden in 1972, my immediate families are still in Aden.
Aden is the capital of South Arabia forever ❤❤
Aden 💔
I cry 😭💔😭😭😭😭
للاسف اغلب الوطن العربي مثل:
اليمن ،العراق ، سوريا ، مصر فلسطين ،لبنان، السودان. الخ
ماضيهم اجمل من حاضرهم بكثييييييير
كانو متقدمين ومتحضرين
والان اصبحو فاشلين متخلفين
على النقيض من الغرب.
اكتبو في اليوتيوب
القاهرة مصر عام 1942 م
بغداد العراق عام 1950 م
عدن اليمن 1960
وجميع عواصم الوطن العربي
لماذا كل هذا يحصل بنا كمسلمين وكعرب
باختصار نعلم بأن الغرب يريدون اذلالنا ومع ذلك نصدقهم ونأخذ منهم كل ماهو فاسد ومفسد للدين والاخلاق
وهذا ماحصل في وطننا العربي
منذ اكثر من 60 و 70 عام
اصبح المواطن العربي يكره اخوه المواطن العربي
القومية العربية واحزاب البعث ومن اصبحو اذناب للشيوعية والمجوس الفُرس ومن كانو خلفها هم سبب دمار الوطن العربي
انت هكذا تجهل في التاريخ
هذه المدينه في ذاك الزمن الجميل كانت عاصمه للجنوب العربي وليس اليمن اما اليمن كان في الشمال وعاصمته صنعاء التي يوجد بها الهمج والبلاطجه
اليمن حقك توحد مع الجنوب العربي في 1990 ودمر عدن وسرق عدن ومصانعها وثرواتها وقصفها بالدبابات
وايضا اول رئيس اليمن قال سأرجع عدن قرية
قلبي عليك يا عدن الحب والعشق والروح
Aden not a part of Yemen . Aden is the capital of Arabians South
وتلك الايام نداولها بين الناس
نسئل الله ان ينصر الاسلام والمسلمين
Aden south Arabia
No, you mean South Yemen ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
South Arabia not south yemen
ياخي احبك عاش الجنوب العربي ابن ابين الصمود مر من هنا
@@spidyman8853 south arabia
@ألجنوبي ألجنوبي South what
My home is not far from there
Está ruta secuestraron un chileno que se llama eddy opolo Lopez Lopez hacen 13 años o décimo tercer año en el golfo de aden
Yaa الله
Mukesh Ambani born in Aden Yemen.
It seems that it have the same level with other city in developed countries during the same old period, what happened then after 1950s... why now it looks like one of the worst city in the world? Can someone enlighten me?
Who said it looks like the worst city in the world.
It is still beautiful, but the situation is unstable. And we have some problems coz of war in the northern side
South Arabia, with its capital Aden, united with Yemen. They destroyed Aden, stole it, and bombed its buildings and hospitals with tanks, but now we, the people of the south, are trying to restore our state. We also have a military presence in Aden, and the south carries the flag of the south, but the world does not accept to recognize us, and we will not go anywhere. We will remain on earth until the world recognizes us against its will, and if no one recognizes us, we will remain as we are. We would rather die than unite with savages
لعنه الله على الوحده المشؤمه
عايش عناد Gg اميين
لعنة الله على الحزب الشيوعي والشيوعيين هم اللي دمروا عدن وشردوا اهلها وحولوها الى قرية بائسة يهرب منها اهلها باي طريقة ليعيشوا بكرامتهم في الشمال والسعودية والخليج
You from
Yemen ?
Olcayto olcay FACEBOOK اكيد
واو انا محمد
خرجتوا بريطانيا. الي كانت مصلحه كل شي و كانوا بيعملون لنا كيان سياسي فيدرالي مثل ماليزيا او الامارات. لكنكم هبل. جوكم الشماليين و احتلوكم بعد ما سلمتوهم القوات و البلاد كلها على طبق من ذهب.
بعض الصور احسها رسم وليس التقاط بالكاميرا
لا حقيقة مش رسمه ، انا من ابناء المعلا عدن
حد يفهمنا لجانب اي يقولو
يقولو نحن مشتاقين لي عدن ويقولو انها جنه اليمن
@@محمد110-ل8ن كانت زمان لان أصبحت مجرد تراب
@@محمد110-ل8ن من وين انت
يافعي من بيت العسائي 🇸🇦
@@محمد110-ل8ن الله يا حيك
Aden - south Arabia not Yemen
بني دحبش لن تطمسوا تاريخ عدن والجنوب إلى حين ان تولد أمهاتكم رجال
Was over there in 96 too many guns and garbage everywhere back in the 50's was still under british protection looks lovely. Now just a disaster in the making
Aden is in South Arabia...not Yemen
South arabia is yemen idiot arabs called south arabia as a yemen
عدن هي جنة الارض ، التي سكنها ابو البشر آدم ، اي بداية الحياة ومنها ستكون نهاية الحياة ، اذ تخرج نار من قعر عدن وهي احدى علامات الساعة . اي ان عدن هي بداية البشرية ونهايتها
Yea when the brits controlled Aden.
اول شيء عدن عاصمة الجنوب العربي ما سمعنا باسم اليمن الا عام ١٩٦٧م...هذا الاسم جبها المختلفين الهمج والمتسولين المدعو عبدالفتاح اسماعيل ...هذا درس لابناء الجنوب العربي كيف كانت عدن أيام بريطانيا و كيف أصبحت الان...هذا نهاية الوحدة مع هؤلاء المتخلفين..عاش قائدنا عيدروس الزبيدي...
انا من ابناء المعلا، ايش عمل الزبيدي؟
@@aden1967الزبيدي جالس يحمي ثقبتك من الحوثي مالكم كلمه يا اصحاب عدن ما معاكم الا ترضون ب الواقع او روح صنعاء
Unfortunately Aden and South Arabia were destroyed because of the backward North Yemen
Inshallah we will get it back
هذه الصور للكامب حق الإنجليز ....وين صور عدن ودك تخدعنا يا ولد
شكلك شارب شي
هذه عدن قال كامب حق الانجليز
ياحبوب هذه عدن مش كامب حق الانجليز
This world is nothing
نگو داشتم داشتم بگو دارم دارم