The Division | Classified AlphaBridge PvP/PvE Build | Patch 1.8
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- AlphaBridge isn't a very strong gearset and in my opinion you are always better off running with another gearset. That doesn't mean that the set can't be fun to play with though because it is also the most unique and fresh gearset in the game at the moment so I made a build for it.
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Marco, you're my favorite division youtuber. And I always respect the facts you state about everything involving this game. You've helped me a lot. And after just yesterday completing my 6 piece alphabridge, I have been loving it. Yeah, it's not as good as striker or nomad. But the thing that I love the most about alphabridge is how much fun it is to use.
Alpha should have went back to having 6 talents with the 6 piece
It took me 8 min. to realize you were saying “concealed pulse” rather than “consumables” lol
Christian Viernes same
It’s awesome in Pve you couldn’t be more wrong! A 10 seconds signature every kill! Super useful
joel choquet striker determined commanding. Youre welcome.
Pickle Rick I have all the classified builds striker is really great but that doesn’t make alpha bridge bad I really enjoy it and find it fun and useful! Also just in case anyone wonders I have over 1000 hours into the game so I’m not a new player
joel choquet i hear what youre saying, but what does alpha offer that striker doesnt? If youre talking about ults id say using the talents i specified is a superior option. But i digress, this is all based on opinion and at the end of the day i could see it having a place in the fun category. I just dont beleive it is as funcional as other sets in any situation.
Pickle Rick it offers fun and allows me to solo missions due to popping a mini ult with every kill! I got myself to resistance round 15 with this build and I’m a mediocre player so yes it is useful but if it’s not nomad or pred or striker no one wants it! That’s fine when those sets all get nerfed due to being the new meta we will start seeing “alpha is awesome” videos mark my words
Ok, I'm half asleep here; but what's the benefit of determined and commanding with striker?
First 10 seconds saying his explanation, gets a thumbs up
Would be pretty awesome if they made the 6 piece like how it was during 1.5 with 6 talents all together. Would be a pretty beast set.
THECONCEALEDGAM3R that's exactly how it should be, but they over nerf everything 6 talents wasn't broken it was just the famas which was broken, they fixed being able to use exotic talents with regular guns so why on earth they had to destroy the set and not bring it back ile never understand, then they bring out this new 6 peice for alphabridge which is a joke compared to what it used to be, and the 6 peice sentry talent hasn't even been added to pvp smh.
think it would still be not strong enough compared to the 6 piece striker
THECONCEALEDGAM3R yessss please I like that but I would prefer that and something else like idk the 6 talents would be good but if that’s all it would have I don’t think it could compete with pred nomad or striker it would need something else maybe not the alts like it is rn but something else I can’t think of rn
褚昊軒 it would have a chance though as it would be able to get more burst dmg before striker got its stacks up, at 100 stacks their is no beating that.
I would propose for a six piece, that its possible to use exotic talents to transfer and use different weapon types. That would open a lot choises for making builds with ab.
I just find it amusing how people are quick to critique and show how their version of the build is better. Yet, they miss the point of the video completely. Sure you can build alpha with high firearms or electronics or however you want and it may work great. However, he is not showcasing the definitive way to build it. He representing an Alpha Bridge build that fully utilizes the 6pc bonus for the sake of showing the 6pc bonus. Come on people!!
I’m just sad I did not want ch this video earlier
Best explained there is not! Well analysed ,well explained. Best there is out there !!!
Man!! R.I.P AlphaBridge, we had a good run concurring the DZ. now it can barely kill an player.
i couldnt agree more on the point you made...this set pretty much only works if u are playing against someone with lesser skill then you (farmers, noobs, etc) but the moment you run into a group that knows what they are doing and there is a bunch off Pred, Nomads, and shotgun strikers running around; its a gg cause u WILL lose....quick and hard
Thanks Marco for the video I appreciate all the these build vids you do your a credit to this community.
Man... was I waiting for this video.
Most hilarious thing about alpha bridge is that you have to balance your stats, so your 4piece bonus of talents having no requirements is wasted. Almost like they didn't think about it for 5 minutes when creating it, like the tactician, 60 WOW bonus, but you don't use your skills to get 60 stacks.
Michal Kolarovič just use 4 pieces with barret and another classified
AB is a mega head scratcher. Your right on the money about the four and six piece contradicting themselves. How could the Dev's miss that? Bummer for the old burner set
I've been running AB 6 pc since day 2 and I never noticed that the shared talent is in blue. I've been running MDR and Bullfrog thinking it was working. Oh boy glad I watched this haha
Good vid..... people run electronic on other builds cuz of competent, fierce and adept and they are good talents for sure. Another reason on console it's hard to destroy a health box while shooting and ads cuz of the button layout. I run one piece electronics on most of my builds and do just fine. Those talents I just mentioned can change a fight. Competent, adept and fierce makes up for that missing piece in firearms while making your skills a lil bit stronger
That build screenshot though. "AlphaMeme Build". haha.
The lunchbox slap disrespect was too good
Marco, great vid as usual. I agree that Alpha just isn't as strong as other choices, however I believe Alpha is a very good PvE gearset. IMO your PVP focus limits the depth of this build. I think eventually if the game introduces more gear sets, it will make sense that some gearsets are better for PvE, some better for PVP only.
To other players, I'd say for alphabridge don't run so much electronics, skill haste/determined combo is damn strong.
lantigre if you lower the electronics your supers last 2sec, good luck making use out of that.
lantigre for lexington and low difficulty sure, good luck running alpha in harder content
if they wanted to make it interesting. it should be that those sig's are activated always and they are always in rotation. no kills needed. BUT their duration changes depends on the stats. so if for example you stack stamina. you get a longer survivor
stack firearms? you get a longer offensive tactical link.
so depending on how you are building with stats also effects your play style. so you can also tank with with it or do damage. or even make it so recovery heals the team but for less. so you can become a passive healer.
would be a far better set and also fit with teams like this. also make it very versatile.
but the way it is now the condition for activating the 6p. is too much for what you need to sacrifice to make it work.
for example predators you lose firearms to gain stamina for the 6p. and the 6p gives you damage. so you don't really lose damage.
this just makes it look like they don't know what to do with alpha bridge.
If they bring back the six talents for it it could compeat with striker and nomad for sure
trust me i tried it for myself invested on firearms glad i didn't watch this video before and not tried it out cause i love it, it's a very powerful gear go to set.
Tommy Vargas How long do the ults last?
like 10 seconds it also depends on where you invest like firearms stamina or electronics, it's good and strong with 6 piece but for me honestly i like it better with 5 piece and barrett chest piece.
Best opening statement ever.
Love in the build at the end you titled it differently (and appropriately!)
This title should be, Why I don’t like Alpha Bridge instead of a build video. 😏🤔
i would argue that this new alphabridge isnt bad and infact is one of the better designed/balanced gearsets. calling it bad or pretty useless because it cant compete with strikers, pred or nomad is the wrong way to look at it when instead people should say those gearsets are poorly designed and should be reworked/rebalanced to the level of alpha because alpha is good.
read the fucking description
jack thomas Agreed bro
jack thomas alpha bridge is made for solo players, lol at marco
Amarylis Rios naw striker and nomad to. But alpha is good cause the alts random alts though
Ghost_ 21_life alpha is a good build for solo hardcore players, im currently building mine.
Here we go nerf predators, striker, nomad, for the sake of tacticians and alpha bridge. That is the answer to everything nerf everything that works but let’s not fix what is broken. Like the stupid lag and frame rate drop or delta error.
They need to remove the stupid cap for tactician set of 450k skill power
Only just got Alpha Bridge and had a little play in the Hospital to test, this is not the dz tank of old but a pve tank of new take everything that made it a great pvp build and re design it for pve! l popped two recovery links and a tactical plus survivor in the time it takes to blink three times, looks great for us pve agents but pvp popping in the wrong order might see you dead on the floor, another great video Marco Thanks!
Alpha bridge is amazing for solo pve content! Much more fun to use than striker or nomad
Somewhat usless for pvp or group content
Yeah. Lvoa-c with brutal, deadly, destructive, and some other damage talent. It wrecks in PVE
I love alpha for solo pve
it's really good for solo runs, all the signature skills in one place, simply rushing through the enemies constantly healing yourself and dealing tons of damage/ Striker might be better but I don't have it
FerrisMacWheel I agree with you, I use it as its the only decent build I got, but I can solo everything id want to do solo. Obviously not hardcore gamers like us 😂
I have a lot of fun in pvp with alpha brige the first fast kill is important
Perk 6 encourages balanced stats, but Perk 4 encourages skewed stats because all weapon perks will be active no matter what. They're inherently conflicting.
if you just run 5 piece you get full squad signature skills, use a high end or exotic for the 6th piece. i use tenacious mask or vigorous
I feel a mini rework, i feel its DA WEY! xD how about making each mini signature activate on itself like if you take certain damage pop blue, do damage to pop yellow, reach certain hp to pop green. that would be so awesome
Radelos Breaker a little to op my guy that is not de way my brudda.. not to mention that this game is full of cry babies screaming nerf and buff( remember the reign of seeker and fire turrent, then all of the sudden people got smart enough to run emp ) not to mention everyone is running the same fucking thing ( the house ) and not switching up and willing to be different
alpha in skirmish is a beast if you get one kill because after that its just a steam roll especially if you have the house. so idk what hes talking about. play what you want
alpha is popping Marco bugging he dropped the ball on this one i would agree it couldn't better thought out but run into one in pvp and high dps and think it's a walk in the park, alphabridge is very much viable!!
Oh hai doggy!
Because 95% of the time, people that play skrims are bad, and facetank people with 100 striker stacks
Ofc alpha works against bad players
Like lmao
Meme comment no4
Two things Marco: this set is just fine for PVE. If you’re planning on doing high-end PVE activities, you’ll be in a group anyway, won’t you. And this set is purely made for solo PVE activities isn’t it. So if you were to roll exclusively PVE rolls on gear (health on kill, elite, armor damage) and appropriate talents on weapons (like ferocious, destructive, brutal etc) you’d be doing great damage even with even stats all the meanwhile having full-duration mini-ults with okay skill power to use your skills.
Now if you wanted to do PVP with this set, Surely you’d either run a hybrid with 4 piece and 2 final measure or whatever else you’d find preferable or simply use the 5 piece with the high end mask that grants health regen in the last health segment (it does get boosted up to 125%). That way you can have all your firearms, a decent amount of stamina (so the mask and set bonuses regen more hp/sec, thus also allowing you to get max value from Unforgiving) and you get to keep your regular ult. Of course this does assume you roll PvP weapon talents and all the regular PvP stats like health, edr, crits etc. Is it good for PvP? No. But I don’t think this set is intended for PvP like the Sentry for instance. Can it be used? Sure. But it’s not the best tool for the job.
What are your thoughts?
Alternatively max EDR, and use the high end mask that grants 4% (4.5% with 5 piece) health regen during status effects rendering predators way less relevant
Alpha is a great Skirmish build, that's it.
Build starts at 8:43
So late
They need to make it so that, depending on which main stat you spec into the most, you get the signature that corrisponds to that main stat. EX: FA=Tac Link, ST=Blue Link, EL=Green Link.
I've been able to do solo PVE content at record speeds with six piece Alphabridge, just my two cents. I completely agree in a group setting and in PVP though. Not being able to use your main ult or be affected by a teammates ult is horrible.
Devon McManus I
I actually have a new way to run this for skirmish, and it's kinda fun. Ninja bag 3 pieces of alpha with 2 pieces of tactician. Make it skillpower heavy. About 8k with the rest of the points into stamina. Do a pulse build with CHC mods, and throw on a house. You get a backup healer/pulse that has all house talents unlocked and bridged. Kinda fun.
Hey Marco, a question regarding Firecrest. Does EAD and DTE increase the damage of your flame turret to NPCs?
Hey Marco, when you were going over the 4 piece you forgot to mention that it ignores the requirements on all weapon talents too. Everyone always forgets that bit xD
doesn't really matter since the 6 piece wants you to balance out your main stats anyway. so its pretty much useless. GG massive! :)
Pro tip you can activate abilities with your turrets and you can res yourself with it
cornell scarlet turret kill procs your signature skills?
6 piece ab is bull how about they change it to the old ab 6 weapon talents unlocked
israel games That would make the set even more lackluster. They have to add more to do that to even compete with Pred or Nomad let alone Striker.
IMO in every GE you should have a chance to get the other classifieds, maybe with like 0.50 or 1% lower chance than the classified set of that GE. Its just dumb playing pvp as a player who missed the Striker GE.
Can't you still get the old sets?
Kinda agree. I got nomad and pred from GE #3 but Striker beats both of them, hands down, and Ive missed the event where it was introduced. Been running countless rounds of Resistance farming them storage caches, still at 3/6 pieces. while in LS every 3rd player I face seems to run it. People running Striker 24/7 say you can counter Striker but truth is Striker beats Nomad by outdamaging and Pred by having built in survivability...
Yeah, and the chance to ACTUALLY get 6 pieces (5-4 for me) without the event is too low.
Massive should change the 6 piece so that you can gain another bonus talent at 6k firearms and another at 9k and they should also buff some of the other exotic weapons that are weak in pvp like the caduceus and the medved. In my opinion, this would make it a top tier gear set that can compete with other good classified builds like striker, nomad, and predators mark.
Loving the name you gave to the build though 'AlphaMeme Build' 😂😂😂
Sounds like Massive has some buffing to do on these last 4 gear sets.
Brandon May not true alpha shreds striker subscribe and I will show you
I love my secret AlphaBridge-Set.
It's great for solo PVE (Lexington, ...) and solo DZ!😀👍
Great fun to use it🤗
the thing about main stat distribution is wrong, for example a 7k6 4k 4k distribution wont be giving less rotation or duration than 6k4 5k2 4k2
Here what the developers should have done in my opinion. Give the player back its main signature skill and allowed the player to get a mini signature skill from the other two links for every player or NPC they kill. For example if recovery link is my main signature skill, then the survivor and tac link would be switching every six seconds and I would be getting a mini signature skill from one of those two for every player or NPC I kill. Also for every time the player gets a kill from one of the mini skills that is currently active, then it will increase your main signature resource gain by 5% if you don't have your main signature skill up. And also let allied links apply to alpha bridge player too because like Marco said your not really helping the team at in groups. Don't make alphabridge into this weak gearset that's only good in certain pve aspects.
Alpha needs a buff, i think it should go back to the 3 perks, and the health regen should be replaced with reload speed or stability
Health Regen should have been 55% Ammo Capacity to offset having to use 2 of the same weapon type.
are you gonna make a fire crest build if not what do you advise doing gowning full electronics?
They should make the 6 piece like how it was before where you get the 9 perks
They could let classefied AB share exotic talents and use it on different weapontypes, that would break open a lot of different builds options.
Alphabridge classy is my fave build in the game it shreds. The secret to alphabridge is triifer control and not worrying about balance
Thanks for the build m8 at least I can stay a live now .had trouble with this one ☝️ but thanks to you it’s not too bad 😜😜😜
I was so hyped to play this GE to farm for Hunters Faith for ages, i haven't even played The Division in like 3 weeks :(
BUFF!! every word that was stated in this video is true in reference to these 1.8 builds. I'm not too excited about any of these gear sets. Fortunately, the RNG gods have been rather good to me in some areas. It's making the grind more manageable. I do want to try a DPS firecrest build though. I'm a mask away.
Just make the ult proc every 40 bullets hit on an enemy.
I've been using this set to solo farm Powerhouse and it's pretty fun.
Using a LWM4 with Destructive and Determined, and that talent that extends your skill's duration every time you get a kill, ensures I never run out of ammo.
Depending on which boss spawns, I can sometimes open the crate 3 times by wave 8, and complete a run in 10 minutes or so.
Imo best build is the one you have the most fun with. I love 6 piece AlphaBridge
Thanks for the review. I was just about to spend all my div tech into optimizing my gearset. That would have been one hell of a waste
EF3CD it's a great build man
Don't be another guy who ONLY follows the meta. You're severely limiting the layers of enjoyment you could have with this game when you do that. This build is NOT that popular but I like to solo and I've melted a lot of manhunters just fine because I'm comfortable with it and I'm not afraid to die. Your natural skillls and talents will carry you through like usual if you're spec'd right. But if you spend too much time worrying about the numbers, you'll never really explore the potential of it all.
lordbiffington well, missing out the ability to get revived by team mates and other stuff such as a constant fast amount of healing and HoK like nomad offers for instance, is a major disadvantage u put yourself into in terms of survivability. therefore i´ll just stick with nomad which basically allows me to be almost invincible if im not playing completely stupid :P but yeah i do get your point. things are getting boring when u never try out other stuff
AB is really geared towards solo playing. With that knowledge, you'll see AB in a different view.
The developers already said since all the classified gear sets are in the wild now, they will be balancing overpowered and underpowered gear. Who knows, in a month or 2, Alpha, Tac, Firecrest, and Hunters faith, will be actually top tier builds so i don't think this GE is worthless like many people claim it is. If you're like me and have played since Day 1, you know their is about to be a huge power shift in gear soon.
Yeah I'm hearing how bad Alpha or FC or Tac 6pc are, but I'm still gonna get them for whenever Massive makes changes to the sets.
They should change the 6 piece to either 6 talents or letting you alpha bridge with exotics and the Health regeneration should be changed to like skill haste or something actually useful
The best thing they could have done for Alpha, would have been to make the 6 piece give you the best talents from the HE gear. So, if you have the sixth piece, you get Savage, Vigorous, Specialized, and Refreshed. That.... would have been perfect.
5 piece is way better imo.
I still run a bit of electronics with 40% skill haste for the cooldowns on my skills. Seems beneficial in that reguard at least.
Hey bro is electronics still 30 per point?
Brandon Owen As far as I know.
Marco, Marco. You are ignoring what made hybrid builds strong, Skill Haste. Now, because Adept no longer stacks, will Hybrid build ever make comeback in PVP? Who knows, but you have ignored SH on your chest, Holster, Gloves, and mods and instead you have a crap 10% edr on chest which isn't going to do anything, and some more chc. Meh, Meh I says. Use the Skill Haste, what made the hybrid powerful before and on AR roll Adept/Fierce, Responsive, Unforgiving, Deadly/Competent, OR roll with SMG/House. That will make the build better, but is it enough to make it god tier? Probably not, a lot of these sets needs buffs to compete with the power and usefulness of Striker, Nomad, Pred, Reclaimer, FM. Cya later, or as they say in Canada, cya later, guy.
TLInferno or like they say in canada, au revoir
imo 6pc should have been like the old 4 pc Alpha with exotic talents also enabled
I basically use 5 piece classified Alphabridge with a Barrets. That's 27.5 dmg boost up. Counting the booster shot.
Firearms Backpack (crit dmg 9% and ammo capacity). 2 stamina pieces [mask(crit chance, burn resistance)][glove(AR+, crit dmg and crit chance). Firearms kneepad(crit dmg 9%)[burn,shock,disrupt resistance] and the chest piece[Firearms](health and exotic dmg resilience).
*Gun: LWM4~(crit dmg, responsive, unforgiving).
*Secondary~(predatory, determined, brutal.)
And for the mods I'll be using: [5(267-crit chance mods 1%).
Immune station and concealed pulse.
Good or no?
Antonio Fuentes seems good i dont really use 6pc alpha but i have it lol
bobo får I really wish they brought back old alpha then I would of used all 6 piece
bobo får 6 talents yes but with exotic talent no.The reason it got nerf is because of the exotic talent on the bullfrog.
MARCO! Would you have a look at the Hunter's Faith in PvP and PvE? I've been running it but I feel I am blind firing with a bolt action without your advice.
get a brain
What about running 5p alpha with a vigorous or savage gloves or specialized backpack?
5pc Reckless 10k Glass Cannon for me
I see the start of the video:
Me: I knew it
They need to buff tactician and alphabridge, don't think anything really needs a nerf at the moment. Striker has no damage buffs outside of the stack, pred has no survivability and easy counter of edr,banshee is decent and only shreds when ur hitting bounty which most likely means there group playing to have achieved that bounty... idk think only alpha and tact needs a reworking along with deadeye ( being that they buffed stam so not usually a 2 shot outside of skirmish and last stand)
Richard Reyes Agreed
What they should do with Alpha Bridge is set it up like how it was, where all weapon talents would be applied to both weapons of the same class, however with classified make it so there are NO stat requirements so the user can have ALL weapon talents unlocked no matter what they spec into.
Heres a tip. The 6 piece is a disadvantage. Use 5 and a exotic or high end and make sure you crit chance is always gunna be max when u r fighting and then learn what a build that is skillful to play is.
Just get rid of the 100 percent health regeneration and replace it with 1000 in each stat. Would make the build so much better
My main problem with Alpha is : What's the point of getting all talents for free if you have to balance main stats anyway ?
The 6 piece just erase the well remade 4 piece.
agree. I feel like they wanted to shit the new AB out of the meta with this stat-balance idea, but that completely killed the whole set. Ima still grind it out becuae it looks super fun, but I hope theyll make changes to it, as well as to predator, tactician and firecrest. those are the most unbalanced sets atm, in both directions... at least imo
What I'll love with it in the same idea is : Passive mini signature skills that last x amount of time. Only in combat of course. And the more points you put into a main stat the longer the skill related to it last. Like : 8k/5k/3k Mini tac link is 15 seconds, survivor link 7 and recovery 4. This way you get a rotation of damage, resilience and healing and you can choose the one you prefer to be your "main one"
PLASMA09 Dude, I had exactly the same idea an hour ago, when I thought about how Massive could chabge the set.
This would also give you more build dicersity, a damage dealer, a tank, a healer..
or as a solo set with more or less balanced stats.
We gotta make that idea known
Your channel probably have more viewers than there are active players!
Man, people really wanted this set to be good, they are taking this waaayyy too personally.
Hey Marco, I was wondering if the Commanding Weapon Talent (extends Signature Skill Time) works with the AlphaBridge 6 piece.
Would it be viable to run Alpha bridge with Hungry Hog and LMG's in general to make it more of a tanky crit heal (With the right talents on weapons) kinda build? PVE in mind
AcidUsagi yea man, i have been running hungry hog on my alpha 100% worth it. I have predatory swift and meticulous so I'm always putting out dmg
Liam Jones thanks for the feedback. I was thinking about said build and it sounded so funny. "Get Sum" :D
It's all good :D best thing is to have a reclaimer with you so you can dps and facetank almost anything if they heal you enough i ran dubble hungry hog in resistance 😅 that shit was crazy
personally i find going 7/6/3 to best way to build imo. bonus is only a sec or two shorter and those extra 2 seconds arent worth the 5/5/5
thats cool, i dont think there is a wrong way to build it. just saying trying to be even on stats dont seem worth it to me.
I don't think this is directly addressed in the video so I'm asking here -- when you trigger a pseudo-ult by killing a NPC, does that trigger the damage bonus from competent? Or does that damage bonus only trigger when you actively use a skill?
Edit: Did some testing and no, triggering a pseudo-ult with Alpha Bridge 6 piece does NOT trigger the damage bonus from competent. Neither on the weapon with competent itself nor the weapon that unlocks the 4th, free talent.
Thanks for the reply! I didn't see your reply before I did my edit.
So help me out here, I gotta do all that shooting to activate talents none stop. To survive . Did I miss the ammo management part?
I love your first minute!😂
I tried the new 6pc Alpha, it was soon stripped and sent to a mule character for storage (keeping it just in case they do re-work it later on) Right now, Alpha isn't even mid tier
I have a 5K all around build on Alphabridge snd I like it but its best used for challenging missions. But it is fun as hell to run around at a faster speed with survivor link.
Actually my friend and I are trying this new build out and it's not that bad.
About the only bad part is relying on getting the kill to proc your ability.
So I keep the stats more firearms and stamina.
Also be sure to put one of the signature skill related skills on your secondary rifle in its free slot...IE dominant etc.
Also you posted a pic a while back showing suggested builds and the one for Alpha was wrong.
More balanced seems to work best IMHO.
So out of the 4 trash classifieds in this ge which one is the best?
Alpha to me i didn’t balance my stats and i still love the set i was dropping everyone earlier 😂
My Alpha Bridge proposal.
Set Bonus (2): +50% Health Regen from all healing objects
Set Bonus (3): +5.0% Weapon Damage
Set Bonus (4): Talent: AlphaBridge
If your Primary and Secondary Weapon are of the same category, you will gain the last two talents of the second weapon. The stat requirements for each talent are ignored.
NOTE: You cannot carry over the exclusive talent from an Exotic weapon to your other weapon. An infamous example of this was the Bullfrog: before it was re-classified as an Exotic in Update 1.6, it was a High-End weapon (formerly known as the FAMAS), meaning its exclusive "Uncomplicated" talent - damage is increased by 15%, accuracy and stability mods reduce this bonus - could be shared via the AlphaBridge set. Now that the Bullfrog is an Exotic, a player can no longer share Uncomplicated between their weapons.
Set Bonus (5): 50% Health Regen from all healing objects & 10.0% Weapon Damage
Set Bonus (6):Talent: Improved AlphaBridge
Inactivate personal versions of Tactical Link and Survivor Link Signature Skills are rotating every 6 seconds and can be activated by killing enemy players or Veteran/Elite NPCs. The Signature Skills that is up on rotation when a enemy is killed is activated for 10 seconds when either two Primary Stats are balanced between each other. These times are shortened depending on the difference in the ranges of your Primary Attributes. You can no longer activate Signature Skills or be affected by Ally Signature Skills but recovery link can be activated upon a fatal blow.
They sure burnt a bridge with this one.
Six piece tax is dooky too. I run it with barrets and inventive.
Perhaps a better design would've been to use your stat distribution as a way to weight your links' respective effectiveness.
Anyway... Marco, would you say that a 5+1 build with savage or relentless, et cetera, might be better?
that sarcasm in the beggining
Still waiting for hunters faith man .... good work man
I like using 5 piece with refreshed mask personally
I think if the drop the stats effect on the sig time. An just set it to a flat 5-7 secs it might even it out with the other sets. that way you could build into firearms more.
Thanks for sharing. I got 5 times the gloves, no an another piece lol
I disagree on the PVE aspect. I am running a big Alejandro and the fourth Talent is predatory. I am bringing down npc faster than Striker shotgunners and nomads. I was trying to see how I can do this in PvP but I just can't see it there. Unless you drop one of the pieces and make it a 5 piece and add something of your choice.
Would love to see the set not require 1st and 2nd weapon to be of same weapon category, the hp regenerate removed and change weapon damage to 10/15, 4pc allow you to receive free talent from sidearm as well and for 6pc each green buff would give you the secondary buff, so recovery gives you a small hot, survival gives you bonus MS, tactical gives reload speed. When u kill on the specific buff it gives you the main effect being burst heal, damage reduction, and dmg+rpm buff. The buffs would last longer per amount of points in the category for 3,6,9k lasting up to 9s total and can be stronger for each mark you hit. Saddly they won't do anything with the set because game is on autopilot till Y3 or Dv2 comes out.
Always good. Thanks for the vid.
Marco, what if for PvP, you run 5 piece with something like Barret’s Chest or a HE (idk) and drop the electronics? How well do you think it can perform?
Its Sarctyc 5 pce AB with (barrets,vigorous or tenacious) 8k-9k firearms and 4k-5k stamina is the best way to enjoy AB. I honestly am disappointed with this bullshit lmaoo if the supers alternated and buffed you while fighting instead of having to kill it would have been good. And it wouldn’t be OP because the recovery only heals 1 segment of health where as nomad gives you 3 sooooo myeaaah
They should change the health Regen to something like 15%/20% increased health received for the 2 and 5 piece, would make it a lot better in solo play