I made a kind of follow up Video for everyone whos interested in a deeper look ;) If you wanna see how i put a vintage SBT-11a Tube into a BR-6, take a look here! :D th-cam.com/video/X6RCCVnnNjU/w-d-xo.html
Just use 18650 with LTO chemistry. They last very long and work in low temperature too. You want to show a list at the end of the video with the results.
What an informative video. I loved the old fashioned score sheets and the depth that you tested them. Too many reviews out there with people just reading the marketing blurb. This was excellent, well done.
20 Minutes the white one which does not react to your souce is a Fake Geiger counter. Even the tube ist a Fake. Remove the tube and connect a cable between the 2 tube Ports and the counter Starts showing Fake results. I Just have one Here. The Volltage on the tube ist 3.7Volts and the tube ist only a Glass with a wire inside. Complete fake.
Fantasitc video! I bought an HFS-P3 last night along with the GC-01 GM's. Good to see I didn't waste my money on the HFS-P3. I got them from AliExpress :D
I'm a geiger counter collector and i can attest that the HFS-P3 is not that bad. Of course is not perfect, the sensitivity is pretty low (can detect background but is not so accurate) but is tiny, cheap, it have the dosimeter function and also it have both the dose and rate alarm (with adjustable thresholds!).... and BTW it goes up to 5 R/h (which is A LOT, no other cheap chinese counter can goes that high!)
Thanks for sharing this great review, there has been a radioactive incident recently here in São Paulo involving Germanium, I actually always wanted an excuse to buy a geiger counter, so I found a local online store selling the BR-6 and just ordered one
I bought BR-6 without reading reviews and I'm quite content with it. I liked how it doesn't have any gimmick. Just a board with the tube, a buzzer that can be turned off, a display and a box. Nice spacing between the grates and the tube, nothing wobbles, nothing is too covered. It also works on two AA batteries, which is nice as I greatly dislike built-in lithium cells. I'm gonna use it to hunt uranium glass in thrift shops and possibly some minerals from waste piles. I think it will do well for that purpose as it's quite fast reading and sensitive. Thanks for confirming my intuition for the product.
I would want to open up the HFS 20 case and see if it does become better. I really think the tube is already very small, so less sensitive. By covering it, they might have destructed the design of the circuit, which likely works perfectly fine without the plastic cover. It doesn't even seem to have any hokes through which particles can move unimpeded.
Thanks was looking for this video last year, and when searching for it again your video came up. Thanks, alot for the in depth tests I was already looking at the BR-6 and finally decided to buy one.
A geiger counter in an aluminum casing is absolutely crazy if you ask me. How will you get a decent reading? It will only read gamma rays not beta rays or alpha rays.
Which means that the measures can be more accurate..... The problem is always the same, if you want an accurate instrument you can only measure gamma.... .... if you want a super sensitive device, also able to detect alpha you end up with an instrument that tell you that there is something radioactive without telling the amount.
I agree. Maybe drill some small holes in the aluminium housing and close them up with thin kapton tape to avoid contamination can increase the sensitivity.
You seem to have a lot of hands-on experience with various tubes and I'd like to ask you about the SBT-11 series. I have 3 tubes. One works well though I've noticed its background is lower than most, at around 0.7 uSv/h (around 15-16 CPM). Then I have an SBT-11A which is what my device initially came with. It has times when it reads the background at around 0.3-0.5 uSv/h and I think it's movement-caused but I failed to figure out what caused this. It's difficult to get it to read normally but sometimes background returns to normal. And I have a third SBT-11 which all around works well and seems to have even better sensitivity to the one I'm currently using. Unfortunately it sometimes, even without movement, starts to produce a lot of sparks on its own in one particular corner and climbs up to multiple uSv/h. If I shake it strongly this stops and it's back to normal but eventually it will do this again. What can you tell me about these tubes and your experience because I don't know why I ended up with 2 defective tubes, was I just really unlucky or are they more finicky than most? There's also the case of the 3rd tube, it's not an 11A but it is more sensitive than my 11A to alpha and low-level beta so I'm thinking there's the mica window thickness but also the sensitivity of the inside of the tube itself can vary. I'd appreciate your insight.
probably want to compare the radiacode directly to the GMC series since those are the most popular brands that people would buy. Ive never heard of this chinese stuff.
NR 750 is not too bad even if there is nothing special if compared to other cheap chinese devices. Keep in mind that all the test that Survival Lilly do are not accurate because she failed to address the effect of the energy of the rays and she tested the geigers too close to a very small source. Also the test in this video aren't accurate but still a little bit better than Lilly. The NR 750 does the job fairly good at low and medium ranges but is not able to detect high and extreme amount of radiations (this is a very common thing for portable geiger counters, they failed when you needed most!!!)
Is it worth it to modify the GQ gmc 320 with an soviet SBM 20 and how much more sensitive would it be? Or other tubes or should you just get an radiacode or an other new geigercounter and which geiger counters could you recommend?
I really want to like the sharpie marker sized one, it's too bad it doesn't perform. Would it be possible to modify it with a Russian tube (are the voltages appropriate out of the box?) Also, is there any mod that can make them click, like a simple speaker soldered on the right place?
yeah it would be really cool to modify the HFS-P3 :) I only have one soviet tube that would fit, i did a quick test but it kinda performs similar.. im not aware of any good tubes in this size unfortunately (but im shure theres one out there!;) the voltage should be okay for most standardish 400v tubes i would guess, even if its abit on the lower side (i made a voltage sheet somewhere in my other video;) for youre click idea.. i had an idea for that but never tryed if it works ;) if youre good at soldering, maybe try to connect the positive of the LED (it flashes for every click) with the inbuilt speaker ;) cooould work! or use the LED positive to drive a tiny extra piezo or something.. i think LED positive is youre best chance for the click ;)
Is possible but not recommended. The very good thing about this counter is the size.... if you try to modify it you can simple ruin it. If you want someting you can hack, why not choosing a geiger that can be modified with RADPRO firmware? In this way you can also adjust the response to match the property of the new tube (and you can also have some extra features too) The compatible devices are FS2011, Bosean FS-600, FS-1000, FS-5000, FNIRSI GC-01 Otherwise, you can make your personal geiger using an Arduino based platform and choose the tube you want (preferably more than one tube, of course selectable, to have a wider range.
I'm new to the whole thing, but I heard that radiocode 102 doesn't pick up the alpha and most of the beta radiations (like the 101 before it) Is that true? 🤔
..im pretty shure none of the radiacodes pick up any alpha, maybe they do get some hard beta. but in general i would say dont worry too much about alphas and betas if youre a "beginner". Gamma is the bigger topic anyway ;) There is the Measall KC 761 if you want a full spectrum device, but im pretty shure is not very "beginner" friendly ;) PS: Check out the Channel "Studio 326", he has great videos on all that stuff! :D
Geiger counters that pick up alpha radiations exist but are more expensive and pretty rare. Keep in mind that a geiger that picks up alpha-beta-gamma and X (eventually thermal neutrons too!) are very good for finding contamination but not to make a proper measurement. If you want a broad range of detection AND accuracy you need multiple scintillation detectors (which is not something you can find in the average pocket sized device).
Nun, da hätte man sich noch ein paar mehr Testkriterien einfallen lassen können, z.B. wie lange hält das Gerät mit einer Akkuladung oder einem Batteriesatz durch? Wie ist die Ablesbarkeit der Displays im Dunklen oder im hellen Licht? Ticker haben die Chinadinger ja sowieso seltenst. Zu Deiner Frage am Ende habe ich eine Antwort: In dem Test fehlte leider der seeehr weitverbreitete und ebenfalls billige FS2011, den ich bisher immer komplett verachtet habe. Aber: Für diesen gibt es eine alternative Firmware namens "RadPro" die ein wirklich benutzbares Gerät aus dem Billigding macht! Und obwohl das Gerät selbst keine Schnittstelle zum Auslesen hat, beherrscht das dann Datalogging. Man kann die Schnittstelle zum Auslesen der Daten aber nachrüsten, der Prozessor hat UART-Ein- und Ausgang, über den das läuft. Selbige Firmware gibt es für den BOSEAN FS-600 (hier im Beta-Stadium) dieser HAT sogar schon die USB-C-Schnittstelle, man braucht nichts umbauen. Der FS-600 hat btw einen schönen Formfaktor, der ist schön klein. Auch den in den Originalfirmwaren nicht eingebauten, aber wichtigen Ticker rüstet die Firmware nach. Sogar mit der Option, die Displayhintergrundbeleuchtung als optischen Ticker zu verwenden - sehr clever! Für Leute wie Dich, die andere Zählrohre adaptieren, ist dann auch der Kalibrierfaktor veränderbar, so dass die Dosisleistungsangabe wieder stimmt. :D
Danke sehr für die tipps! Und auch für die Kritik :) ..ich hab mir dass mit der Batterielaufzeit noch überlegt, hab mich aber der Videolänge wegen dagegen entschieden, wollte es irgendwie möglichst unter ner Stunde halten ;) Muss mir die 2 Geräte die du vorgeschlagen hast umbedingt mal näher anschauen, würde gerne mal probieren ob ichs hinkriege mit der alternativen Firmware. Mein GMC-320 ist glücklicherweise wieder zum leben erwacht, daher hab ich aktuell wieder nen logging fähigen Counter.. hab noch ein Wetterballon Projekt am start irgendwann evtl diesen Sommer, da würd ich gerne nen günstigen mitschicken und nicht meinen geliebten GMC-320 riskieren ;)
@@BremsstrahlungChannelAhaaa, sehr interessant! Mit Ballons kenn ich mich auch ein wenig aus - als Radiosondenjäger und vor Jahren auch einige Schüler-Ballonmissionen begleitet. Noch ohne GSM-Tracker und Internet, alles nur Amateurfunk und offline-Karten. Es gibt ja sogar Vaisala-Wettersonden mit Zählrohren - die sind aber selten, ich hab leider keine. Und wenn ich eine hätte, würde ich die auch nicht wieder auf die Reise schicken. Aber warum willst Du loggen? Das erfordert ja immer das wiederfinden der Nutzlast - das ist nicht immer gegeben. In Jena hat einer (DO1VHT) eine Geigerzähler-Nutzlast für Wettersonden konstruiert und lässt die über die Jahre immer wieder in das Regener-Pfotzer-Maximum steigen. Hab selbst mal eine seiner Nutzlasten geborgen und zurückgebracht. Man sieht wohl, dass sich dessen Höhe langsam ändert. Aber natürlich kann man auch mal 35 EUR für einen FS2011 ausgeben und den einfach mit ranbinden, wenn der Ballon groß genug ist. Das Umflashen ist wirklich gar kein Problem, auf GITHUB ist das alles erklärt. Und der materielle Verlust ist verschmerzbar, wenn die Nutzlast verloren geht - schade ist es dann nur um die Daten. Auf meiner Kanalseite findest Du auch einen Link, wo man Strahlungsmesstechnik näher diskutieren kann, falls Du da nicht schon angemeldet bist.
Wow sehr spannend! Das war sicher ein abenteuer ohne gps und smartphone karten :) Für mich ist der Ballon einfach ein Projekt dass ich einmal im Leben mal gemacht haben will ;) Konnte vor paar jahren 2 US Army Ballons kaufen auf ebay, hab eigentlich alles beisammen von der Sonde mit Arduino und ein paar sensoren bis zum Fallschirm, hatte einfach noch keine Zeit das durchzuziehen. Natürlich geht es mir auch um die schönen Bilder bzw Videos, denke über den schweizer Alpen gibt das sicher wunderschöne aufnahmen :) Auch ist die Gesetzeslage in der Schweiz sehr "entspannt", braucht nicht mal ne bewilligung dafür hier ;) Naja und ein Geigerzähler gehört für mich da einfach dazu :) Schlicht um die Höhenstrahlung zu zeigen. Mal schauen ob ich das ding dann auch wieder finde, wird sicher ein schönes abenteuer :) PS: Meinst du mit dem Link das Geigerzählerforum? Natürlich kenne ich eure seite, habe da schon viel gelernt und schätze das forum sehr! Ich bin selbst einfach nicht so der forums schreiber, aber ich muss mir umbedingt mal einen account machen ;) @@dg0mg
@@BremsstrahlungChannel Okay, dann wünsche ich Dir schonmal viel Erfolg! Ich weiß nicht, wie das Grundkonzept Deiner Nutzlast mit Arduino aussehen soll: Live-Aussendung der Position (z.B. auf 433 MHz) oder nur mitfliegende Tracker die nach der Landung per SMS o.ä. die Position melden? Bei beiden Varianten gibts Probleme, in die man unerwartet laufen kann: Bei Live-Aussendung ist zu beachten, dass die billigen Maker-GPS-Module über 10.000 Meter Höhe ihren Dienst versagen - die liefern dann einfach keine Daten mehr. Das ist unbefriedigend, wenn man mitten in der Flugphase plötzlich keine Position mehr hat - muss man also vorher austesten. Die GSM-Tracker haben ab gewisser Höhe keinen Handyempfang mehr - wenn sie in einer bergigen Gegend (soll CH ja sein :) ) in Tallage landen, haben sie womöglich auch kein Netz. Das hiesse, die Nutzlast ist u.U. verloren. Manche machen zwei Tracker mit SIM-Karten unterschiedlicher Netze rein, aber das artet imho alles aus. Andere Variante ist ein Peilsender, der einige Tage sendet. Wenn das Landegebiet ungefähr bekannt ist, kann man rumfahren und nach dem Signal lauschen. Empfehlung: Fange langsam an, nicht gleich mit Kamera und großem Ballon. Zur Not auch erstmal mit Kinderballontraube. 10 Ballons mit 30cm Durchmesser heben auch schon eine kleine Nutzlast. Suche Kontakt zu einem Wettersondenjäger. Der hat VAISALA-Wettersonden übrig, die man umflashen kann. Dann senden die auf 433 MHz im ISM-Bereich. Modulation z.B. Funkfernschreiben (RTTY). Zum Dekodieren reicht ein Funkscanner und ein PC mit Soundkarte. Die Software FLDIGI hat die Funktion, die empfangenen Daten auf die Webseite HABHUB einzuspeisen, dann sieht man die Position auch in der Karte. -- Ja, das meinte ich. Wenn ich den Namen ausschreibe, verschwindet der Kommentar.
good question! and after some further tests, i guess my answer is "maybe a little" ;) i dont have a "clean" beta source, but i did some further tests with the small J613 Tube thats in that detector, and as with most small tubes, the count rate is just very low. What i am pretty confident about however is that the BR-6 can detect Beta. BR-6 has the J305 Tube, wich seems to be the best of the 3 Chinese Tubes. I will post a new Video soon where i go into these details abit, and modify some Counters ;)
@@BremsstrahlungChannel Oh thank you for the answer, I've got at home few rad.a. things and I want to buy a dosimeter that is not so expensive but I want it to measure not just Gama waves. Actually I want to measure how much is my tritium chain harmfull because tritium is the most pure beta emitter
oh cool were talking Tritium! :D ive got some experience.. i have a small tritium keychain as a test source as well ;) and its my most difficult test source, even the plant ash is way more radioactive ;) i tested BR-6 with sbt-11a on the tritium and it can just barely pick it up. the only detector i have that can clearly detect the tritium is my Radiacode 102, but also with that, the count rate doesnt even really go up, but you can see the bremsstrahlung xrays on the spectrometer at about 5 kev. the thing with tritium vials is that they also emit a very small amount of x rays (because of bremsstrahlung interactions of the beta particles and the plastic/glass shield), so its also not really a "clean" beta source in practice. if you want my opinion, i would not wear it as jewelery on youre body, because it will give you a small dose of radiation over time (the x rays are not great over time eighter;). but if you have it as a decoration item somewhere in youre place, with a small distance to you, id say that should be harmless. ill do some of these tests in the upcoming video for shure ;) @@wufan.cz.
@@BremsstrahlungChannelIs the radiacode better than all the others in this video? I'm looking for one to detect radiation from nuclear fallouts/events as well as from reactor meltdowns. Need something applicable for that
@@ryaniam22 all of the handheld detectors fail to perform at very high or extreme radiation levels. The HFS-P3 have the highest range of all, which still may not enough if you are too close to the reactor. I think that you should buy a military surplus device instead that is rated for both low, medium and high range, is calibrated for fission byproducts and is rated endure an EMP (for example an SV-500... but make sure that you have the full kit with both the internal probe and the external one)
I got an SBT-11a to install in my GMC-300+ but im not sure i have it working correctly. The background cpm went from ~20 with the M4011 to around 200-500 with the SBT11a but checking against some spicy pottery doesn't seem to change much. ETA: just tested it again, background was 160-200 cpm on the SBT-11a modified GMC-300 and around 16k cpm combined alpha/beta/gamma on a fiesta plate. The only other unit i have to compare with is a CDV-718 and it is reporting ~3mR/h combined beta and gamma for the same plate. I need a proper procedure for calibrating this franken-detector.
..if i remember correctly, theres a thing with Resistors on certain Tubes ;) I think i had a 1 mega ohm resistor between the + terminal on my 320 and the + connection of the sbt-11a in serial. Its really been a while and i forgot alot of details about my modification project, but back then i found alot of good forums (in english and german) that explained the stuff really well, its just a bit of googling i guess ;) PS: the 200cpm background is for shure too much, this should settle down to around 30-40cpm with the resistor installed (both tubes have relatively similar cpm values). i think they tend to freak out on the lower end of the cpm spectrum if the resistor is not there. good luck mate! btw if i find the relevant article, ill post it here ;)
..just did a quick google search ;) so its 10 mega ohm, not one. this here seem very decent, he talks about bypassing the 3Mohm on the board and connecting the 10 Mohm resistor there, but in my amateurish knowledge i would say cleanest solution is to just add a 7 Mohm directly at the clip.. it also could be that i used a 5Mohm (plus the 3Mohm internal is 8, wich is close enough to 10 i guess :) www.reddit.com/r/Radioactive_Rocks/comments/15ivhv4/finished_gmc320_sbt11a_probe_modification/
Great video, I just got the HPF-P3 in the mail and didn't knew it didn't have the audio.. ordered a BR-6. What are you looking to add to yours? I haven't understood. Thanks for the great video
good choices! i really like both these detectors :) the HPF-P3 just to have in my backpack at all times, and the BR-6 for actual sensitive identification of low level sources like the Potassium in the Plant Ashes. What i already did is order 2 more BR-6es ;) One as is, one as experiment platform, and the last one i swapped the GM tube for a soviet SBT-11a (alpha beta gamma) Mica Window Tube. It works really great with the SBT-11a, its extremely sensitive with this tube! great for low level sources ;) I will post a video soon talking about the modifications ;)
Yeah the market got quite abit more difficult in recent years.. i always went to sovtube.com a few years ago, but theyre almost sold out as it seems. there are some offers for soviet tubes on ebay, mostly from ukraine. prices went up a bit but you still should get sbm-20 for 30 bucks or sbt-11a for like 50 bucks max i think.. i dont really have experience with american tubes, but i think you can buy pancake style tubes online as well, may cost abit more ;) or the chinese tubes from aliexpress or similar sites! m4011 is a geat beta gama xray tube, and the j305 seems to be a good copy of that tube.. but so far i didnt see any chinese alpha capable tubes..@@DiaLFonZo
Well in general, i would say no :) Radiacode (and Scintillators in general) beats any kind of classical Geiger Mueller Counter in the same price range. The only things Radiacode can not do is measuring Alpha Particles, and with the Betas its a bit sketchy ;) If youre looking for a full spectrum device, maybe this here could be interesting for you: th-cam.com/video/jcWtnV2ACmQ/w-d-xo.htmlsi=B4NB7-Ivn5lHk2q3
@@BremsstrahlungChannel Well tbh I was just looking for something to detect radiation contamination in food and whatever other areas that might be useful if the world ends up in a nuclear war. Not sure if alpha particles are commonly part of nuclear war or nuclear reactor fallout.
@@ryaniam22okay cool :) dont worry too much about alphas, most alpha emitters also emmit gamma, so you should be able to detect most radioisotopes with a standard geiger counter. if you just want to get into the "hobby", i would suggest to buy a cheap BR-6 as first Counter. Theres alot of other stuff besides the "nuclear war" scenario that makes sence to own a Geiger Counter, for example you could go find old Uranium Glass or Radium painter clocks in Thriftshops, Flea Markets etc, or check Fertilizer for Potassium, go looking for natural Uranium or Thorium (depends on youre local geology) etc. If you like the Topic, you still can go for a Radiacode later :) I would not suggest a complete beginner to go for a Radiacode, because besides being very user friendly, it does also have its complexity. But Radiacode is amazing to learn more if you already have a basic understanding on how Radioactivity works ;)
On the market are also available atomfast or atomswift devices, which can operate around 1-2month without a charge, good to put in a backpack and forget about it. Only disadvantage it has no display, and only can warn you by predefined limits. All major settings and values are visible from a connected phone.
the smallest one (HFS-P3) have the highest range of all (most likely the highest range of all portable chinese geiger counters available on the market). It can measure up to 5 R/h (i.e. lethal dose in about 4 days of exposure)..... which may be enough or may be not enough depending on how far away you are and weather in your area (fallout can be carried by wind and rain). .... this is maybe enough to search the least radioactive spot in your basement BTW.
..i love my blackberry Key2 (and Keyone;) Sadly the company ceised to exist, so the Key2 will be the last of its kind ;) btw it still works like a charm! Just the Android Version cant be updated anymore wich is getting a bit annoying
"... and I needed some birthday presents anyways so, voila" good video, but I really liked this part, haha I think @studio326- might be @project-326 now
Hi Manutek, I'm interested on measuring cars that might have been subject to radiation from the Fukushima nuclear accident. Would this devise be suitable at detecting if the object was subject to such exposure and might be unhealthily contaminated? Thanks. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_effects_from_the_Fukushima_Daiichi_nuclear_disaster#:~:text=On%2024%20May%202012%2C%20more,and%20caesium%2D137%20was%20released.
Hello, and thanks for youre comment! Wow this is a serious topic, im happy if i can help out, but beware i am no expert ;) Well, i would say, if you are on a budget, buy the BR-6, or better 2 BR-6es. If you go for this option, make shure the device works properly, build quality is not always guaranteed with these cheap devices. maybe take it to a known hotspot and check if it really detects anything. If you can afford it, buy something from a known Brand, i would suggest GQ Company, i have the GMC-320 for many years already and its a really good device. Or also check out the Radiacode series, they have more options like a spectrometer, if you want to get more into this topic, radiacode is a great way to learn as well :)
The latest aluminium models are now able to measure β rays, as we have opened a window at the location of the Geiger tube so that β rays can easily penetrate into the Geiger tube. Woo woo we're late.🥲
Are you the Manufacturer? thats really cool! Thanks for reaching out ;) In general i like youre Product, the Design is Great! but i think there are some points you could improve ;) The Slits/Window is a great first step! The other main issue i see with this Geiger Counter is the Response Time of the Software. It is pretty slow compared to other Geiger Counters. For example the BR-6 is really fast, you see change in mSv/h immediately. On youre Device, it takes a few Seconds. If this could be faster, that would be great. The other thing is the J613 Tube. its pretty good for a small Tube, but all small Tubes are very limited in Count Rate. If you want to design a future Model, try to design it around the M4011 Tube (best chinese GM Tube on the Market, Beta Gamma Xray capable) or the J305 Tube (good copy of M4011). Just avoid the J321 Tube, this one is really bad.
Hello and thanks for your reply. Because the beta rays cannot penetrate the thick aluminum alloy shell, we have opened the window corresponding to the location of the Geiger tube, so the beta rays can easily penetrate into the Geiger tube, and this problem has been solved. But I want to explain to you another problem, that is, J613 has a significantly lower sampling rate than J321 and 4011 because of the limitation of its volume, and if the algorithm is the same as J321, it cannot achieve the measurement accuracy of J321. So we came up with the idea of another way, which is to find the actual amount of radiation of the measured object by measuring the average of the past minute. Doing so will cause our styles to appear to react significantly slower to rise and fall than other styles. (But this design can bring me a very big benefit, that is, our detector can pass the metrology certification of the Metrology Institute, and we test it in China's official Metrology Institute (Shenzhen Metrology Institute), and the result is: the deviation of the full scale is only about 5%~6%, which is why our products will be closer to your other model in terms of measurement data.) Sometimes that's the case, and if you want to be small and measure accurately, you have to sacrifice reaction speed, which is unavoidable.@@BremsstrahlungChannel
I made a kind of follow up Video for everyone whos interested in a deeper look ;) If you wanna see how i put a vintage SBT-11a Tube into a BR-6, take a look here! :D th-cam.com/video/X6RCCVnnNjU/w-d-xo.html
Have you seen the new Gmc 800 ?
You think thats a devent counter?
Can you review br9b geiger counter ?
It seen it relly cheap
Just use 18650 with LTO chemistry. They last very long and work in low temperature too.
You want to show a list at the end of the video with the results.
This was great, thank you! "Does it click?" is totally important! If I have a Geiger counter, I want the drama of knowing how scary something is!
What an informative video. I loved the old fashioned score sheets and the depth that you tested them.
Too many reviews out there with people just reading the marketing blurb.
This was excellent, well done.
Great extensive test thanks, I've just purchased the br-6 before I watched your video so I'm glad it won the test 😂
I love my Radiacode 101. I just pre-ordered the Radiocode 103G, it should arrive soon.
20 Minutes the white one which does not react to your souce is a Fake Geiger counter. Even the tube ist a Fake. Remove the tube and connect a cable between the 2 tube Ports and the counter Starts showing Fake results. I Just have one Here. The Volltage on the tube ist 3.7Volts and the tube ist only a Glass with a wire inside. Complete fake.
Fantasitc video! I bought an HFS-P3 last night along with the GC-01 GM's. Good to see I didn't waste my money on the HFS-P3. I got them from AliExpress :D
I'm a geiger counter collector and i can attest that the HFS-P3 is not that bad.
Of course is not perfect, the sensitivity is pretty low (can detect background but is not so accurate) but is tiny, cheap, it have the dosimeter function and also it have both the dose and rate alarm (with adjustable thresholds!).... and BTW it goes up to 5 R/h (which is A LOT, no other cheap chinese counter can goes that high!)
This video is very exciting; I hope to see more radiation measurement instruments.
Solid reviews! Ordered the BR-6. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing this great review, there has been a radioactive incident recently here in São Paulo involving Germanium, I actually always wanted an excuse to buy a geiger counter, so I found a local online store selling the BR-6 and just ordered one
I bought BR-6 without reading reviews and I'm quite content with it. I liked how it doesn't have any gimmick. Just a board with the tube, a buzzer that can be turned off, a display and a box. Nice spacing between the grates and the tube, nothing wobbles, nothing is too covered. It also works on two AA batteries, which is nice as I greatly dislike built-in lithium cells.
I'm gonna use it to hunt uranium glass in thrift shops and possibly some minerals from waste piles. I think it will do well for that purpose as it's quite fast reading and sensitive. Thanks for confirming my intuition for the product.
I would want to open up the HFS 20 case and see if it does become better. I really think the tube is already very small, so less sensitive. By covering it, they might have destructed the design of the circuit, which likely works perfectly fine without the plastic cover. It doesn't even seem to have any hokes through which particles can move unimpeded.
Thanks was looking for this video last year, and when searching for it again your video came up. Thanks, alot for the in depth tests I was already looking at the BR-6 and finally decided to buy one.
I think most of them can do datalogging with serial or speaker output to e.g. an esp32
@23:40 I have this piece of garbage, too - how did you open it? I'd like to drill some holes in it.
@16mins (HFS-20). Have just got one and the meter is set up for H*(10) according to manual so reading will be lower than a 'normal' GM counter
A geiger counter in an aluminum casing is absolutely crazy if you ask me. How will you get a decent reading?
It will only read gamma rays not beta rays or alpha rays.
Which means that the measures can be more accurate.....
The problem is always the same, if you want an accurate instrument you can only measure gamma....
.... if you want a super sensitive device, also able to detect alpha you end up with an instrument that tell you that there is something radioactive without telling the amount.
The BR-6 probably picked up more Beta than the others because of the open grill on the back. Beta is easily blocked even by a thin sheet of plastic.
I think the aluminium case messes with the sensitivity of the no name counter.
I agree. Maybe drill some small holes in the aluminium housing and close them up with thin kapton tape to avoid contamination can increase the sensitivity.
You seem to have a lot of hands-on experience with various tubes and I'd like to ask you about the SBT-11 series. I have 3 tubes. One works well though I've noticed its background is lower than most, at around 0.7 uSv/h (around 15-16 CPM).
Then I have an SBT-11A which is what my device initially came with. It has times when it reads the background at around 0.3-0.5 uSv/h and I think it's movement-caused but I failed to figure out what caused this. It's difficult to get it to read normally but sometimes background returns to normal.
And I have a third SBT-11 which all around works well and seems to have even better sensitivity to the one I'm currently using. Unfortunately it sometimes, even without movement, starts to produce a lot of sparks on its own in one particular corner and climbs up to multiple uSv/h. If I shake it strongly this stops and it's back to normal but eventually it will do this again.
What can you tell me about these tubes and your experience because I don't know why I ended up with 2 defective tubes, was I just really unlucky or are they more finicky than most? There's also the case of the 3rd tube, it's not an 11A but it is more sensitive than my 11A to alpha and low-level beta so I'm thinking there's the mica window thickness but also the sensitivity of the inside of the tube itself can vary. I'd appreciate your insight.
You look exactly like I imagined someone who keeps radioactive material on his desk
probably want to compare the radiacode directly to the GMC series since those are the most popular brands that people would buy. Ive never heard of this chinese stuff.
I'm suspect of the right-to-left checkmark technique. I've never seen this before.
Hello. What about the Pudibei NR 750 that Lily told. Is it better than BR-6?
i dont now the nr750, also i didnt see lils video on it ;) but looking it up on google it looks pretty similar :)
NR 750 is not too bad even if there is nothing special if compared to other cheap chinese devices.
Keep in mind that all the test that Survival Lilly do are not accurate because she failed to address the effect of the energy of the rays and she tested the geigers too close to a very small source.
Also the test in this video aren't accurate but still a little bit better than Lilly.
The NR 750 does the job fairly good at low and medium ranges but is not able to detect high and extreme amount of radiations (this is a very common thing for portable geiger counters, they failed when you needed most!!!)
i have that pen dosimeter, its served me well to be honest.
Hi, how can i know if it mesures high or/and low range? which caracteristic would be on the specifications?
Is it worth it to modify the GQ gmc 320 with an soviet SBM 20 and how much more sensitive would it be? Or other tubes or should you just get an radiacode or an other new geigercounter and which geiger counters could you recommend?
This video is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing it
What do u use these? Have u ever found any hot objects/rocks from outside anywhere?
Thank you very much! This is extremely helpful video!
I really want to like the sharpie marker sized one, it's too bad it doesn't perform. Would it be possible to modify it with a Russian tube (are the voltages appropriate out of the box?) Also, is there any mod that can make them click, like a simple speaker soldered on the right place?
yeah it would be really cool to modify the HFS-P3 :) I only have one soviet tube that would fit, i did a quick test but it kinda performs similar.. im not aware of any good tubes in this size unfortunately (but im shure theres one out there!;) the voltage should be okay for most standardish 400v tubes i would guess, even if its abit on the lower side (i made a voltage sheet somewhere in my other video;) for youre click idea.. i had an idea for that but never tryed if it works ;) if youre good at soldering, maybe try to connect the positive of the LED (it flashes for every click) with the inbuilt speaker ;) cooould work! or use the LED positive to drive a tiny extra piezo or something.. i think LED positive is youre best chance for the click ;)
Is possible but not recommended.
The very good thing about this counter is the size.... if you try to modify it you can simple ruin it.
If you want someting you can hack, why not choosing a geiger that can be modified with RADPRO firmware?
In this way you can also adjust the response to match the property of the new tube (and you can also have some extra features too)
The compatible devices are FS2011, Bosean FS-600, FS-1000, FS-5000, FNIRSI GC-01
Otherwise, you can make your personal geiger using an Arduino based platform and choose the tube you want (preferably more than one tube, of course selectable, to have a wider range.
I'm new to the whole thing, but I heard that radiocode 102 doesn't pick up the alpha and most of the beta radiations (like the 101 before it)
Is that true? 🤔
..im pretty shure none of the radiacodes pick up any alpha, maybe they do get some hard beta. but in general i would say dont worry too much about alphas and betas if youre a "beginner". Gamma is the bigger topic anyway ;) There is the Measall KC 761 if you want a full spectrum device, but im pretty shure is not very "beginner" friendly ;) PS: Check out the Channel "Studio 326", he has great videos on all that stuff! :D
Geiger counters that pick up alpha radiations exist but are more expensive and pretty rare.
Keep in mind that a geiger that picks up alpha-beta-gamma and X (eventually thermal neutrons too!) are very good for finding contamination but not to make a proper measurement.
If you want a broad range of detection AND accuracy you need multiple scintillation detectors (which is not something you can find in the average pocket sized device).
Nun, da hätte man sich noch ein paar mehr Testkriterien einfallen lassen können, z.B. wie lange hält das Gerät mit einer Akkuladung oder einem Batteriesatz durch? Wie ist die Ablesbarkeit der Displays im Dunklen oder im hellen Licht? Ticker haben die Chinadinger ja sowieso seltenst.
Zu Deiner Frage am Ende habe ich eine Antwort: In dem Test fehlte leider der seeehr weitverbreitete und ebenfalls billige FS2011, den ich bisher immer komplett verachtet habe. Aber: Für diesen gibt es eine alternative Firmware namens "RadPro" die ein wirklich benutzbares Gerät aus dem Billigding macht! Und obwohl das Gerät selbst keine Schnittstelle zum Auslesen hat, beherrscht das dann Datalogging. Man kann die Schnittstelle zum Auslesen der Daten aber nachrüsten, der Prozessor hat UART-Ein- und Ausgang, über den das läuft. Selbige Firmware gibt es für den BOSEAN FS-600 (hier im Beta-Stadium) dieser HAT sogar schon die USB-C-Schnittstelle, man braucht nichts umbauen. Der FS-600 hat btw einen schönen Formfaktor, der ist schön klein. Auch den in den Originalfirmwaren nicht eingebauten, aber wichtigen Ticker rüstet die Firmware nach. Sogar mit der Option, die Displayhintergrundbeleuchtung als optischen Ticker zu verwenden - sehr clever! Für Leute wie Dich, die andere Zählrohre adaptieren, ist dann auch der Kalibrierfaktor veränderbar, so dass die Dosisleistungsangabe wieder stimmt. :D
Danke sehr für die tipps! Und auch für die Kritik :) ..ich hab mir dass mit der Batterielaufzeit noch überlegt, hab mich aber der Videolänge wegen dagegen entschieden, wollte es irgendwie möglichst unter ner Stunde halten ;) Muss mir die 2 Geräte die du vorgeschlagen hast umbedingt mal näher anschauen, würde gerne mal probieren ob ichs hinkriege mit der alternativen Firmware. Mein GMC-320 ist glücklicherweise wieder zum leben erwacht, daher hab ich aktuell wieder nen logging fähigen Counter.. hab noch ein Wetterballon Projekt am start irgendwann evtl diesen Sommer, da würd ich gerne nen günstigen mitschicken und nicht meinen geliebten GMC-320 riskieren ;)
@@BremsstrahlungChannelAhaaa, sehr interessant! Mit Ballons kenn ich mich auch ein wenig aus - als Radiosondenjäger und vor Jahren auch einige Schüler-Ballonmissionen begleitet. Noch ohne GSM-Tracker und Internet, alles nur Amateurfunk und offline-Karten. Es gibt ja sogar Vaisala-Wettersonden mit Zählrohren - die sind aber selten, ich hab leider keine. Und wenn ich eine hätte, würde ich die auch nicht wieder auf die Reise schicken.
Aber warum willst Du loggen? Das erfordert ja immer das wiederfinden der Nutzlast - das ist nicht immer gegeben. In Jena hat einer (DO1VHT) eine Geigerzähler-Nutzlast für Wettersonden konstruiert und lässt die über die Jahre immer wieder in das Regener-Pfotzer-Maximum steigen. Hab selbst mal eine seiner Nutzlasten geborgen und zurückgebracht. Man sieht wohl, dass sich dessen Höhe langsam ändert.
Aber natürlich kann man auch mal 35 EUR für einen FS2011 ausgeben und den einfach mit ranbinden, wenn der Ballon groß genug ist. Das Umflashen ist wirklich gar kein Problem, auf GITHUB ist das alles erklärt. Und der materielle Verlust ist verschmerzbar, wenn die Nutzlast verloren geht - schade ist es dann nur um die Daten.
Auf meiner Kanalseite findest Du auch einen Link, wo man Strahlungsmesstechnik näher diskutieren kann, falls Du da nicht schon angemeldet bist.
Wow sehr spannend! Das war sicher ein abenteuer ohne gps und smartphone karten :) Für mich ist der Ballon einfach ein Projekt dass ich einmal im Leben mal gemacht haben will ;) Konnte vor paar jahren 2 US Army Ballons kaufen auf ebay, hab eigentlich alles beisammen von der Sonde mit Arduino und ein paar sensoren bis zum Fallschirm, hatte einfach noch keine Zeit das durchzuziehen. Natürlich geht es mir auch um die schönen Bilder bzw Videos, denke über den schweizer Alpen gibt das sicher wunderschöne aufnahmen :) Auch ist die Gesetzeslage in der Schweiz sehr "entspannt", braucht nicht mal ne bewilligung dafür hier ;) Naja und ein Geigerzähler gehört für mich da einfach dazu :) Schlicht um die Höhenstrahlung zu zeigen. Mal schauen ob ich das ding dann auch wieder finde, wird sicher ein schönes abenteuer :) PS: Meinst du mit dem Link das Geigerzählerforum? Natürlich kenne ich eure seite, habe da schon viel gelernt und schätze das forum sehr! Ich bin selbst einfach nicht so der forums schreiber, aber ich muss mir umbedingt mal einen account machen ;) @@dg0mg
@@BremsstrahlungChannel Okay, dann wünsche ich Dir schonmal viel Erfolg! Ich weiß nicht, wie das Grundkonzept Deiner Nutzlast mit Arduino aussehen soll: Live-Aussendung der Position (z.B. auf 433 MHz) oder nur mitfliegende Tracker die nach der Landung per SMS o.ä. die Position melden?
Bei beiden Varianten gibts Probleme, in die man unerwartet laufen kann: Bei Live-Aussendung ist zu beachten, dass die billigen Maker-GPS-Module über 10.000 Meter Höhe ihren Dienst versagen - die liefern dann einfach keine Daten mehr. Das ist unbefriedigend, wenn man mitten in der Flugphase plötzlich keine Position mehr hat - muss man also vorher austesten. Die GSM-Tracker haben ab gewisser Höhe keinen Handyempfang mehr - wenn sie in einer bergigen Gegend (soll CH ja sein :) ) in Tallage landen, haben sie womöglich auch kein Netz. Das hiesse, die Nutzlast ist u.U. verloren. Manche machen zwei Tracker mit SIM-Karten unterschiedlicher Netze rein, aber das artet imho alles aus. Andere Variante ist ein Peilsender, der einige Tage sendet. Wenn das Landegebiet ungefähr bekannt ist, kann man rumfahren und nach dem Signal lauschen.
Empfehlung: Fange langsam an, nicht gleich mit Kamera und großem Ballon. Zur Not auch erstmal mit Kinderballontraube. 10 Ballons mit 30cm Durchmesser heben auch schon eine kleine Nutzlast. Suche Kontakt zu einem Wettersondenjäger. Der hat VAISALA-Wettersonden übrig, die man umflashen kann. Dann senden die auf 433 MHz im ISM-Bereich. Modulation z.B. Funkfernschreiben (RTTY). Zum Dekodieren reicht ein Funkscanner und ein PC mit Soundkarte. Die Software FLDIGI hat die Funktion, die empfangenen Daten auf die Webseite HABHUB einzuspeisen, dann sieht man die Position auch in der Karte.
Ja, das meinte ich. Wenn ich den Namen ausschreibe, verschwindet der Kommentar.
Love ur enthusiasm.
I’m pretty upset that I got the white plastic one, I didn’t know it was a fake not real Geiger counter! Wish we could still return it :(
I have a question. Does the second cheapest one measure a beta type radiaton ?
good question! and after some further tests, i guess my answer is "maybe a little" ;) i dont have a "clean" beta source, but i did some further tests with the small J613 Tube thats in that detector, and as with most small tubes, the count rate is just very low. What i am pretty confident about however is that the BR-6 can detect Beta. BR-6 has the J305 Tube, wich seems to be the best of the 3 Chinese Tubes. I will post a new Video soon where i go into these details abit, and modify some Counters ;)
@@BremsstrahlungChannel Oh thank you for the answer, I've got at home few rad.a. things and I want to buy a dosimeter that is not so expensive but I want it to measure not just Gama waves. Actually I want to measure how much is my tritium chain harmfull because tritium is the most pure beta emitter
oh cool were talking Tritium! :D ive got some experience.. i have a small tritium keychain as a test source as well ;) and its my most difficult test source, even the plant ash is way more radioactive ;) i tested BR-6 with sbt-11a on the tritium and it can just barely pick it up. the only detector i have that can clearly detect the tritium is my Radiacode 102, but also with that, the count rate doesnt even really go up, but you can see the bremsstrahlung xrays on the spectrometer at about 5 kev. the thing with tritium vials is that they also emit a very small amount of x rays (because of bremsstrahlung interactions of the beta particles and the plastic/glass shield), so its also not really a "clean" beta source in practice. if you want my opinion, i would not wear it as jewelery on youre body, because it will give you a small dose of radiation over time (the x rays are not great over time eighter;). but if you have it as a decoration item somewhere in youre place, with a small distance to you, id say that should be harmless. ill do some of these tests in the upcoming video for shure ;) @@wufan.cz.
@@BremsstrahlungChannelIs the radiacode better than all the others in this video? I'm looking for one to detect radiation from nuclear fallouts/events as well as from reactor meltdowns. Need something applicable for that
@@ryaniam22 all of the handheld detectors fail to perform at very high or extreme radiation levels.
The HFS-P3 have the highest range of all, which still may not enough if you are too close to the reactor.
I think that you should buy a military surplus device instead that is rated for both low, medium and high range, is calibrated for fission byproducts and is rated endure an EMP (for example an SV-500... but make sure that you have the full kit with both the internal probe and the external one)
I got an SBT-11a to install in my GMC-300+ but im not sure i have it working correctly. The background cpm went from ~20 with the M4011 to around 200-500 with the SBT11a but checking against some spicy pottery doesn't seem to change much.
ETA: just tested it again, background was 160-200 cpm on the SBT-11a modified GMC-300 and around 16k cpm combined alpha/beta/gamma on a fiesta plate. The only other unit i have to compare with is a CDV-718 and it is reporting ~3mR/h combined beta and gamma for the same plate.
I need a proper procedure for calibrating this franken-detector.
..if i remember correctly, theres a thing with Resistors on certain Tubes ;) I think i had a 1 mega ohm resistor between the + terminal on my 320 and the + connection of the sbt-11a in serial. Its really been a while and i forgot alot of details about my modification project, but back then i found alot of good forums (in english and german) that explained the stuff really well, its just a bit of googling i guess ;) PS: the 200cpm background is for shure too much, this should settle down to around 30-40cpm with the resistor installed (both tubes have relatively similar cpm values). i think they tend to freak out on the lower end of the cpm spectrum if the resistor is not there. good luck mate! btw if i find the relevant article, ill post it here ;)
..just did a quick google search ;) so its 10 mega ohm, not one. this here seem very decent, he talks about bypassing the 3Mohm on the board and connecting the 10 Mohm resistor there, but in my amateurish knowledge i would say cleanest solution is to just add a 7 Mohm directly at the clip.. it also could be that i used a 5Mohm (plus the 3Mohm internal is 8, wich is close enough to 10 i guess :) www.reddit.com/r/Radioactive_Rocks/comments/15ivhv4/finished_gmc320_sbt11a_probe_modification/
@@BremsstrahlungChannel Okay, that's what I'm missing. Thank you so much!
I'm using a 2M resistor@@Yaivenov
Cool video, i have the last one at home :D
Dude.......... BR-6 is now 60 or 70 bucks on Amazon NL. Wtf? Maybe I should buy via ali for once....
Great video, I just got the HPF-P3 in the mail and didn't knew it didn't have the audio.. ordered a BR-6.
What are you looking to add to yours? I haven't understood.
Thanks for the great video
good choices! i really like both these detectors :) the HPF-P3 just to have in my backpack at all times, and the BR-6 for actual sensitive identification of low level sources like the Potassium in the Plant Ashes. What i already did is order 2 more BR-6es ;) One as is, one as experiment platform, and the last one i swapped the GM tube for a soviet SBT-11a (alpha beta gamma) Mica Window Tube. It works really great with the SBT-11a, its extremely sensitive with this tube! great for low level sources ;) I will post a video soon talking about the modifications ;)
@@BremsstrahlungChannel really looking forward for this video. Is it as simple as swapping it or support component on the PCB are required as well?
Its pretty simple, you dont have to tamper with the PCB. You only have to add a Resistor to certain GM tubes for them to work properly ;) @@DiaLFonZo
@@BremsstrahlungChannel I'm already looking around for a tube but can't find anything 😔
Yeah the market got quite abit more difficult in recent years.. i always went to sovtube.com a few years ago, but theyre almost sold out as it seems. there are some offers for soviet tubes on ebay, mostly from ukraine. prices went up a bit but you still should get sbm-20 for 30 bucks or sbt-11a for like 50 bucks max i think.. i dont really have experience with american tubes, but i think you can buy pancake style tubes online as well, may cost abit more ;) or the chinese tubes from aliexpress or similar sites! m4011 is a geat beta gama xray tube, and the j305 seems to be a good copy of that tube.. but so far i didnt see any chinese alpha capable tubes..@@DiaLFonZo
Is FSG-001 reliable?
i dont own one of those, maybe try to find some forums on that model, im shure there are some people who have experience with it ;)
@@BremsstrahlungChannel Neither SGP-001?
@@RynaxAlien nope, i guess you have to test them yourself ;)
Yow :) klinkt ook wel Nederlands, geheheeh.. kep er ook 1 bij alie gekocht dan de kr-1 22 euri
im going on br6
This is great.
Is there any disadvantages to a scintillator like the Radiacode? Thanks very much
Well in general, i would say no :) Radiacode (and Scintillators in general) beats any kind of classical Geiger Mueller Counter in the same price range. The only things Radiacode can not do is measuring Alpha Particles, and with the Betas its a bit sketchy ;) If youre looking for a full spectrum device, maybe this here could be interesting for you: th-cam.com/video/jcWtnV2ACmQ/w-d-xo.htmlsi=B4NB7-Ivn5lHk2q3
@@BremsstrahlungChannel Well tbh I was just looking for something to detect radiation contamination in food and whatever other areas that might be useful if the world ends up in a nuclear war. Not sure if alpha particles are commonly part of nuclear war or nuclear reactor fallout.
@@ryaniam22okay cool :) dont worry too much about alphas, most alpha emitters also emmit gamma, so you should be able to detect most radioisotopes with a standard geiger counter. if you just want to get into the "hobby", i would suggest to buy a cheap BR-6 as first Counter. Theres alot of other stuff besides the "nuclear war" scenario that makes sence to own a Geiger Counter, for example you could go find old Uranium Glass or Radium painter clocks in Thriftshops, Flea Markets etc, or check Fertilizer for Potassium, go looking for natural Uranium or Thorium (depends on youre local geology) etc. If you like the Topic, you still can go for a Radiacode later :) I would not suggest a complete beginner to go for a Radiacode, because besides being very user friendly, it does also have its complexity. But Radiacode is amazing to learn more if you already have a basic understanding on how Radioactivity works ;)
On the market are also available atomfast or atomswift devices, which can operate around 1-2month without a charge, good to put in a backpack and forget about it. Only disadvantage it has no display, and only can warn you by predefined limits. All major settings and values are visible from a connected phone.
yeass thnxx!
As someone prepping for nuclear war, it would be helpful if you tested for accuracy at levels of radiation you should stay away from
the smallest one (HFS-P3) have the highest range of all (most likely the highest range of all portable chinese geiger counters available on the market).
It can measure up to 5 R/h (i.e. lethal dose in about 4 days of exposure)..... which may be enough or may be not enough depending on how far away you are and weather in your area (fallout can be carried by wind and rain).
.... this is maybe enough to search the least radioactive spot in your basement BTW.
Is no one going to comment about that smart phone with a qwerty keyboard in 2024?
..i love my blackberry Key2 (and Keyone;) Sadly the company ceised to exist, so the Key2 will be the last of its kind ;) btw it still works like a charm! Just the Android Version cant be updated anymore wich is getting a bit annoying
$295 is not cheap.
"... and I needed some birthday presents anyways so, voila" good video, but I really liked this part, haha
I think @studio326- might be @project-326 now
Hi Manutek,
I'm interested on measuring cars that might have been subject to radiation from the Fukushima nuclear accident. Would this devise be suitable at detecting if the object was subject to such exposure and might be unhealthily contaminated?
Hello, and thanks for youre comment! Wow this is a serious topic, im happy if i can help out, but beware i am no expert ;) Well, i would say, if you are on a budget, buy the BR-6, or better 2 BR-6es. If you go for this option, make shure the device works properly, build quality is not always guaranteed with these cheap devices. maybe take it to a known hotspot and check if it really detects anything. If you can afford it, buy something from a known Brand, i would suggest GQ Company, i have the GMC-320 for many years already and its a really good device. Or also check out the Radiacode series, they have more options like a spectrometer, if you want to get more into this topic, radiacode is a great way to learn as well :)
The latest aluminium models are now able to measure β rays, as we have opened a window at the location of the Geiger tube so that β rays can easily penetrate into the Geiger tube. Woo woo we're late.🥲
Are you the Manufacturer? thats really cool! Thanks for reaching out ;) In general i like youre Product, the Design is Great! but i think there are some points you could improve ;) The Slits/Window is a great first step! The other main issue i see with this Geiger Counter is the Response Time of the Software. It is pretty slow compared to other Geiger Counters. For example the BR-6 is really fast, you see change in mSv/h immediately. On youre Device, it takes a few Seconds. If this could be faster, that would be great. The other thing is the J613 Tube. its pretty good for a small Tube, but all small Tubes are very limited in Count Rate. If you want to design a future Model, try to design it around the M4011 Tube (best chinese GM Tube on the Market, Beta Gamma Xray capable) or the J305 Tube (good copy of M4011). Just avoid the J321 Tube, this one is really bad.
Hello and thanks for your reply. Because the beta rays cannot penetrate the thick aluminum alloy shell, we have opened the window corresponding to the location of the Geiger tube, so the beta rays can easily penetrate into the Geiger tube, and this problem has been solved. But I want to explain to you another problem, that is, J613 has a significantly lower sampling rate than J321 and 4011 because of the limitation of its volume, and if the algorithm is the same as J321, it cannot achieve the measurement accuracy of J321. So we came up with the idea of another way, which is to find the actual amount of radiation of the measured object by measuring the average of the past minute. Doing so will cause our styles to appear to react significantly slower to rise and fall than other styles. (But this design can bring me a very big benefit, that is, our detector can pass the metrology certification of the Metrology Institute, and we test it in China's official Metrology Institute (Shenzhen Metrology Institute), and the result is: the deviation of the full scale is only about 5%~6%, which is why our products will be closer to your other model in terms of measurement data.) Sometimes that's the case, and if you want to be small and measure accurately, you have to sacrifice reaction speed, which is unavoidable.@@BremsstrahlungChannel
What is the name from your Shop?
What is your Aliex or Insta name, i want to order a updated geiger counter. Which model should i order?