I am transfer the realtime data from PC to Arduino serially and transmit same data over thing speak cloud using the ESP8266. But I am getting sometimes NaN in Thing speak..what will be the issue...please tell
Right, his title says it, in the beginning of the video he says he will show how to use it, then you watch the entire damn think and in the last minute or so he says if you want to know how to do that, he will make another video. Come on dude, change your title at least.
Why did you write MQTT on the title if you didn't even talk about it in the video???
Disliked & reported as misleading
95% humidity, this man is recording the video in a sauna
Awesome video! but, help am getting a "expected primary-expression before '.' token" error and i cannot comiile/upload the sketch. Thanks.
GitHub repository is not avaliable can you help me with the code
I am transfer the realtime data from PC to Arduino serially and transmit same data over thing speak cloud using the ESP8266.
But I am getting sometimes NaN in Thing speak..what will be the issue...please tell
dht no file in directory plz help me
Hello bro i upload code to esp8266 but ide says dht.h in directory plz help i want to complete it thanks love you video . ❤
Hi thanks for the awesome tutorial. Can you please make a video for The Things Stack v3 and Thingspeak integration?
I used same code but got error
error: esptool.FatalError: Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header
please give me solution
I got the same problem then I bought a new Nodemcu now its working fine
and the MQTT use?
Right, his title says it, in the beginning of the video he says he will show how to use it, then you watch the entire damn think and in the last minute or so he says if you want to know how to do that, he will make another video. Come on dude, change your title at least.
@@MendingThings prank, anjay
@@MendingThings Right. At the beginning of the video he explains MQTT protocol but the demonstration was HTTP protocol lol
disliked & reported as misleading
Best video, i was looking for set up this comunication with esp8266 to thingspeak and you did the best explanation ! Thanks
Thank you brother!
Bro what would be said and password
Good work.
i need mqtt video please
Added to the list :)
Why did you have to delete your entire Github account ? Do everyone a favour and take down the video as well.