missing LOOP exploration | 迷失路徑 | uncle slow ride
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2024
- Saw a trail on map but see nothing when reached here...
在地圖上 感覺因該有條山路 但不知是否能騎車...
Today found the little entrance, with enough water, decided to take a look in there...
今天一早看見了 疑似路徑的入口, 加上時間還早,水瓶還有水, 就進去看看...
ELSE U-turn lor if don't feel RIGHT :-)
如有何不對勁 就U轉回來吧 哈
Puchong Permai area, just few KMs found at the moment, might wanna check out if possible extension with gang next time.
I was there last Sunday morning :)