2:32: As an example, one can read it like this: *Reads* 2:48: Or this: *reads* 2:57: Or this: *reads* 3:04: Or this: *reads* 3:13: Completely up to your preference. I repeat these examples *reads* 3:35: Second harakah *reads* 4:00: This is to show a technique to play around with the sound. Focus. *Demonstrating* 5:28: Now recites only “Walathina tadd’ouna” and says this is 1st qitaa'h [of the maqam].
illah mashaAllah!!! I don't know if you can understand English, but subhanaAllah, I LOVE THIS VIDEO!!! Please make some recording of you reciting more from the Book of Allah and please upload it! In Nahawand! Jazakallahu khairun katheerah!!
Note: When he continues “…min dounihi laa” I am not sure if this is a new qitaa’h. 6:38: This part, one needs to practice the technique to raise the note higher *reads* 7:55: Lets finish up *reads* 8:38: The reading I have shown you is just one style of reading it. One can chose to adopt the "Kurdi" style of reading. Like this: *reads* 9:22: Again *demonstrating "Kurdi" style Note: Maqam Kurd is a maqam, mixing it into nahawand is what is recited 8:38 onwards.
1:56: Take "al-kitaab". Mahattah for the first harakah of tarannum nahawand Reads* Note 1: al-Kitaab is referring to the word in the ayah.
2:20: For mahattah, readings can vary in style, and they don’t necessarily need to follow a certain way. Note: I am not sure what he means by mahattah, literal meaning in arabic to english is: station, stopping place, terminal. My guess is that he means the way you end the maqam can vary, and this is what he goes to demonstrate from 2:32 to 3:35.
assalamualaikum..sy sgt tertarik dgn tarannum yg ust bawakan..cukup cantik..semoga ia brterusan memberi manfaaat kpd smua penggemar tarannum disamping mncari redha Allah s.w.t...cuma sedikit shj kekeliruan iaitu pd hukum qalqalah kubra pd kalimah al kitab yg dibaca melebihi kadarnya seolah olah ada tasydid pd huruf ba..sy rs lbh cantik dikurangkan sedikit detakan pd huruf ba tersebut..
Asallamu allaykum, Below is a translation of the videos into english. Kidnly point out if you notice a better explanation for something or a mistake, barkallahu fikoum. Please make duaa for the sister who translated the video.
Assalam ustad saya dah tngk semua video tarannum ustad tetapi satu ayat sahaja takde dlm bacaan antara dekat2 nahawand dan rast iaitu ayat 198 boleh ustad perbaikinya terima kasih....... 😊😊
alunan lagu ini membuat sya berminat untuk bertaranum dlm pembacaan alquran ,teruja dengan kelembutan suara ustaz ,apa petuanya dan pantang larangnya untuk mendapatkan suara sedemikian.,
----Recitation of Al-A'raaf 196-197 in maqam Nahawand---- 0:15 : First harakah Tarannum nahawand *Reads* Note: harakah in arabic is a noun. It’s literal meaning is movement, move, motion. I think it’s applied meaning is the key of the maqam, example: the first key of maqam nahawand. 0:35: Again 1:00: I am demonstrating only an example, but when you do actually read it, read it in more 'upbeat' tone, so that the recitation doesn’t sound slow and draggy *Reads*
alhamdulilah t/kasih ustaz mempersembahkan bacaan ini kerana bacaan ustaz inilah yang saya berlatih tilawah al quran
ALHAMDULILLAH... terima kasih upload semua video tarannum ini..jadi panduan utk merperbaiki bacaan..
He's Malaysian.. Best Qari I ever heard.. Proud to be Muslim..
Saya dari Indonesia sangat suka dengan video ini Subhanallaaah
I listen to this 10 times a day....
rindu belajar kelas tarannum bsama arwah ust yusof. Allahmargfirghlahu warhamhu.
สุดยอดมากครับ เป็นการสอนที่ผมชอบมาก.... จะพยายามฝึกให้ได้เลย
Masha allah, subhanallah....
From Thailand.
Nampak senang je ustaz ni baca taranum 😭
masya allaha izin ustadz ana ahmad dari negri pontianak
semoge kite semue akan mempelajari bersungguh-sungguh ape2 ilmu yg mmbawe kebaikan dan mendapat keberkatan drpd ALLAH SWT..amin
best qari in the world... go ustaz rahi... :)
Masha Allah.
8.02 panjang nafas Ustaz ni..😍👍
8:02 ma sha Allah
saya suka membaja al-quran
Surah al-A'raf ayat 196 hingga 199
Love from Pakistan
Ustaz Radhi ada mengajar di Ipoh..di masjid..dia ada ajar semua mengenai seni suara dan cara mendapatkan suara yang lunak.. :)
panjangkan umur nya ya Allah
allahh...kelebihan yg allah beri...
2:32: As an example, one can read it like this:
2:48: Or this:
2:57: Or this:
3:04: Or this:
3:13: Completely up to your preference.
I repeat these examples
3:35: Second harakah
4:00: This is to show a technique to play around with the sound. Focus.
5:28: Now recites only “Walathina tadd’ouna” and says this is 1st qitaa'h [of the maqam].
Jelas perbezaan tarannum dan lagu. X bosan nahawand mcm ni.
@robmuld i think he is a great teacher of AlQuran recitation. Masya Allah
Jazakallah hu khair for the upload :D
saya sangat suka
بارك الله فيك
akum,smoga semua yang terlibat mendapat rahmat dan berkat
Terimakasih Ustaz, izin belajar..
Cantumkan suratnya Agar kami bisa belajar sambil lihat Alquran
@khadijabarhoumi Allah Ta'aala give you jazaa, sister, for all the work you've don translating on different maqam reading videos.
Fuhh irama kurdi susah nyerr😥😥😥
mashaallah, this qari is excellent. Unfortunately no english subtitles.
illah mashaAllah!!!
I don't know if you can understand English, but subhanaAllah, I LOVE THIS VIDEO!!! Please make some recording of you reciting more from the Book of Allah and please upload it! In Nahawand! Jazakallahu khairun katheerah!!
Ustaz Radhi Kamarul Hailan from Malaysia. CD of his recitation are available.
sgt mrdu didengar
Note: When he continues “…min dounihi laa” I am not sure if this is a new qitaa’h.
6:38: This part, one needs to practice the technique to raise the note higher
7:55: Lets finish up
8:38: The reading I have shown you is just one style of reading it. One can chose to adopt the "Kurdi" style of reading. Like this:
9:22: Again *demonstrating "Kurdi" style
Note: Maqam Kurd is a maqam, mixing it into nahawand is what is recited 8:38 onwards.
saya peminat taranum alquran saya harap kpd. ustz2 dpt membrikan pnduan surah apa n ayat brpa yg dajarkan. t kasih
Allahu Akbar
mantop suaranye
@robmuld he is from Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. his name is Radzi Kamarul Hailan
Tepat,cocok dgn Suarez ana
1:56: Take "al-kitaab". Mahattah for the first harakah of tarannum nahawand
Note 1: al-Kitaab is referring to the word in the ayah.
2:20: For mahattah, readings can vary in style, and they don’t necessarily need to follow a certain way.
Note: I am not sure what he means by mahattah, literal meaning in arabic to english is: station, stopping place, terminal. My guess is that he means the way you end the maqam can vary, and this is what he goes to demonstrate from 2:32 to 3:35.
assalamualaikum..sy sgt tertarik dgn tarannum yg ust bawakan..cukup cantik..semoga ia brterusan memberi manfaaat kpd smua penggemar tarannum disamping mncari redha Allah s.w.t...cuma sedikit shj kekeliruan iaitu pd hukum qalqalah kubra pd kalimah al kitab yg dibaca melebihi kadarnya seolah olah ada tasydid pd huruf ba..sy rs lbh cantik dikurangkan sedikit detakan pd huruf ba tersebut..
Where is this sheikh now a days
He is Malaysian. He is still teaching and head of Imam at Masjid in state of Perak, Malaysia
Whatsapp no ?
Asallamu allaykum, Below is a translation of the videos into english. Kidnly point out if you notice a better explanation for something or a mistake, barkallahu fikoum.
Please make duaa for the sister who translated the video.
Thanks for the translation, may Allah bless you.
Assalam ustad saya dah tngk semua video tarannum ustad tetapi satu ayat sahaja takde dlm bacaan antara dekat2 nahawand dan rast iaitu ayat 198 boleh ustad perbaikinya terima kasih....... 😊😊
Naik lagi tingkatan 4rukun tajwid..
i very much love to meet you
surah al-A'raaf ayat 196 - 197
@knightofthenewdawn Waiyakum khairul jaza'
Nahawand harakat 2 4:09
alunan lagu ini membuat sya berminat untuk bertaranum dlm pembacaan alquran ,teruja dengan kelembutan suara ustaz ,apa petuanya dan pantang larangnya untuk mendapatkan suara sedemikian.,
zulaikha ismail :pantang larangnyaa:jgn minum air ais,makanan yg pedas²,air gas,makanan yg byk minyak...berlatih bunga apa² lgu pun slalu...in sya allahh bolehh....
----Recitation of Al-A'raaf 196-197 in maqam Nahawand----
0:15 : First harakah Tarannum nahawand
Note: harakah in arabic is a noun. It’s literal meaning is movement, move, motion. I think it’s applied meaning is the key of the maqam, example: the first key of maqam nahawand.
0:35: Again
1:00: I am demonstrating only an example, but when you do actually read it, read it in more 'upbeat' tone, so that the recitation doesn’t sound slow and draggy
Terima kasih Irwan Popeye.
Yeke ipoh,di masjid mana dia ajr eh?
ade sesiape tau bacaan ini dalam surah ape dan ayat berape.terimakasih
can any one translate it
surah ape ye ni?
surah al a' raf
Heaven Talks
surah ape yg dye bace nih??
@robmuld Ustdz Radzi Kamarol Hailan
surah apa ini ya akhi?
nak ikut juga baca ayat...
@Isti382 juga..insyAllah 8:196
Bahasa mudahnya.. tingkatan suara..*Al-Waliyi* penolong..
tarannum nahawand tu ayat/ surah apa?
+Sharina MJ al a'raf 189-205
Ohh itu nama lagu bacaan al quran
thanks so much ... beautiful
bukan 7:196 ke?